Soul Evolution System

Chapter 139 Camp Defense 2

We maintain the initial plan for a few hours and with this, we can stop the advance of the zombies towards the camp during a well time. Sure, it was impossible for the 2,000 fighting soldiers to bear the stress of battle for so long, so the easiest solution was to trade them for another 2,000 who were waiting for their turn to come.

The exchange of these 4 groups was carried out with the help of two others thems, but unlike the previous ones their weapons were assault rifles and pistols. So after a well time of fighting, they entered when the order that was given to go back for those who had been fighting could rest.

These groups armed with firearms also helped to regain lost ground since with the enormous number of enemies it was obvious that in order not to be surrounded by zombies, those who fought with spears or swords had to slowly retreat while killing their opponents.

"Ha ... Ha ... Ha ... damn, this seems like a fight that has no end"

After making a 180-degree vertical cut and killing all the zombies in front of me while panting a little due to exhaustion and also complaining about the number of enemies, I see the other people fighting for a few seconds.

I was standing in an area a little different from the other people in my group, unlike them, the branches and mouths of the Venus had moved away from me and left me to fight completely alone...

This was not because my plant had decided to abandon or betray me, nor because I asked it to withdraw to test me or something like that... in fact, being the only one fighting in this way made me feel a little excluded.

Well, I can't blame the Venus for stepping away from me since the cause of this could be said to be my fault, or more correctly, the new sword that I had killed the previous zombies with.

This was totally different from [Black Moon] that was now on my waist while I was brandishing this sword. In size and shape they were completely different, this was more like a bastard sword that was practically 's bigger than me.

Due to this, the only ways to transport this sword were either by placing it in my storage or by putting it diagonally behind my back, although I preferred the first way of doing it since the other was a bit awkward.

As far as the shape of this sword was somewhat unique, it seemed to split into two parts in half. The part of the tip was similar to an arrow end, while the part of the handle was thicker and widening in the direction of the tip towards the handle

Besides, in that part of the sword had two holes that could serve to hold it and have a better grip on it. I must say that in appearance this was quite attractive, but that was not the important thing, the reason I chose it was because of its strength ... well, was Aurora the one influenced that decision more.

Honestly, when she recommended that sword to me at first I thought I could have done something to annoy her and she wanted to blow off steam by making me use that sword… I had that thought when I read the description of the weapon using my evaluation skill.

[Curse Flame-G]

Sword forged with the blood of a fire-lizard which had gone mad and seemed to wish to burn the world with its flames. Due to this, the sword gained a strong fire attribute, but unfortunately, the lizard's desire also was embedded in it and making it have benefits and demerits because of this.

This sword has a power superior to its rank, but regrettably it does not take into account the user, so this one could incinerate him during its attacks and for this reason the weapon is classified as a cursed sword.

The sword has the ability to absorb energy by itself to activate and make the consumption of energy much less compared to a weapon of the same or even one of higher rank. Although due to its peculiar shape it is impossible to have a sheath and this also means that it can ignite and injure the user while wearing it normally.

[Hardness-G] [Edge-G] [Fire Control- F] [Energy Absorption-F]

... when I read that previously, it gave me a good scare. But then remembering my fire immunity ability, I quickly understood Aurora's thought. 

This meant that I could buy a [F] rank weapon in power for the price of a [G] rank one, certainly a great deal… or at least that's what I want to believe since otherwise, it means that Aurora really is angry at me for something.

[… It hurts me a little that you still doubt me, Alexander. Hmp ~ If you keep thinking that really will bother me]

I-I'm sorry Aurora. It's just that no matter how you look at it, recommending someone to use a cursed sword is not something you can hear it as something good ...

[Well, you don't have to worry, Alexander. While indeed it is a cursed sword, this is not one that could control you or anything like that. 

You can see it more as if this sword is just some temperamental. But as you had thought due to your abilities, this does not affect you too much and it was better than buying another weapon rank [G]]

Yes ... it is certainly a pretty strong weapon. Everything around me has been charred... and this is why Venus backed away as otherwise it would also have been involved in my attacks.

Although it is also the advantage of this sword since unlike Saeko's, it can activate by itself. In fact, it is most likely that the amount of energy needed to do it is greater than what a level one soul has and for therefore I am not able to activate it by myself...

I can assure this since although Saeko has also entered the fifth limit and she creates an energy nucleus, she cannot activate her sword. Also, when I borrowed it from her considering I have a greater amount of energy in my body and tried to see if I could do it, I ended fail in the same way.

[Well, that's because at this stage, people are barely is accumulating energy in their energy cores. To make attacks like your sword and fight freely doing that, at least a person must accumulate the energy of an individual at level 150, or a soul level 2 in the 5th limit if you are more easily understood it in that way.

Furthermore, for can do that you must also exercise control of this energy… so you still need to do several things to think about using something like magic by yourself. Usually level 2 souls only use the energy from their energy core to strengthen their physique, using something like magic at that level would drain their core in just a couple of strong attacks.

Although as you already know, people have always looked for ways to be superior or kill their enemies more easily. So in those worlds level 2, the use of objects as support that are equal to your sword or similar, are more frequent.

On the other hand, although your sword can carry out fire attacks, being in a level 1 world its power is very limited. So you will only see its true ability when you go to higher-level worlds, but for that you first have to get a little stronger ]

... haaa, the sword already had considerable power so seeing it in all its glory can be dangerous. Also, this discards the option of using it on my back, although it does not hurt me it could do it with someone around me.

After blazing another group of zombies, I look up and examine the surroundings. Saeko, Leona, Scythe, and Soichiro had a large number of enemies dismembered around where they were fighting and every second the ground was filled with more parts of bodies.

As for Vrana-chan, she flew from side to side and crushing the skulls of zombies with the claws of her paws or also cutting them off with her wings. Haruna and Alice's dog did not stay far behind and buried their teeth and claws in their enemies... although it seemed that these two had had enough of eating so many zombie heads and now they only killed them ignoring their crystals.

The number of zombies on the ground without moving was not only great here in my group, in fact, due to the Venus that was constantly swallowing them these were not so many here. But on the side of the other soldiers, they had to lose ground since it was difficult to move with so many accumulated zombie bodies there.

Although not only our soldiers were affected, this also slowed the advance of the zombies on that side as they constantly tripped over the bodies of their companions.

(Tshhh ... Alexander-san, a large group of evolved zombies is rapidly advancing towards you... Tshhh ... There are about 5 thousand, it is better that you all retreat to execute the plan against them)

"…All right"

Suddenly the radio that I had begins to transmit the message of Yoshioka that was flying over in a helicopter to watch over the zombie horde. It seems that the intelligent zombie... or general zombie as the system designated it, it decided to make a different move than just send normal zombies and one than other evolved.

It was obvious that this great zombie horde had been led by a smart zombie, what worried me a bit is that now these zombies seem to have gained the ability to control not only the evolved but the normal ones as well making these even more a troublesome.

Also, because of the name the system gave to these, it caused me even more concern than the previous one. If this is a general, then it means that there is someone above him... most likely, in that city where they came from a zombie King has arisen.

Well, for now let's focus on solving first this horde that has come to attack us, then we will think about what to do with the zombies in that city.

" We have to withdraw, give the notice to the soldiers to back off because a large number of evolved zombies are heading here!! ”


After giving the instructions, I grab my poke-ball and store my venus as everyone begins to backtrack quickly until we come to a large group of parked military vehicles that we put on hold as the second line of defense against this zombie horde.

"Ha ... Ha ... Ha ... although it is fun to cut all those enemies, I must admit that doing so much becomes repetitive and boring "

“… As long as you think about this as it is following the master's orders, you can get the motivation to keep doing it, Saeko-san”

"...whatever motivation you have, anyone will be exhausted sooner or later facing so many enemies"

"Rika-san is right, the soldiers were already at their limits even with the rest times we gave them by separating them into groups"

When we got behind the cars, Saeko who was panting a little is the one who starts the conversation while watching the zombies who followed in our footsteps and walked towards where we were. Then Leona advises Saeko, that although she did not look as exhausted as others, her breathing was somewhat agitated showing that this had also been somewhat strenuous for her.

Immediately giving her point of view, Rika intervenes. In addition Soichiro supports her by highlighting the current state of the soldiers who had fought all this time.

I must say that I agree more with the words of these last two since the soldiers were about to reach their limit and it wasn't just them, in my group were not in a much better state. Even my plant had decreased the number of zombies that it swallowed at the beginning since although it can quickly absorb the nutrients of this, this ability also had a limit and after having eaten so many it had to slow down.

Even being so gluttonous, it had filled up... well, surely during all this time it ate or crushed with its carnivorous flowers about 50-70 thousand zombies, and also these had their crystals with them, so this was probably 70 times higher than what it normally gobble down in a day.

The good news is that the effort of the soldiers and us was not in vain, we could probably reduce the number of this horde by about 150 thousand... although this is only a third of all this.

Well, now it is the turn of the weapons that are specially made to contain the advance of a large number of enemies, so it is certain that we will reduce their numbers even more.

"Get ready!! When they enter the range of the weapons then rain bullets on them !! ”

Watching the zombies approach the place where the vehicles were parked, I shouted so that the men who were positioned behind their weapons such as heavy machine guns and grenade launchers began to target the enemies.


Not long after my first indication, I order them to start firing and then a deafening sound from the percussions of many weapons in unison is heard. 

As with the soldiers, we separated all these vehicles in two turns although the reason for this was different, it was to avoid as much as possible the overheating of the weapons, causing each group to fire in a separate period of time.

Even though we didn't use all weapons in unison, the amount of damage to the zombie horde by a single group of these firing was staggering. Parts of zombies began to fly along with their blood everywhere and they stopping their advance, they ever stopped a few seconds so that in that way a number of zombies to gather again for the attack to be more effective.

" Woooh !!"

"That's!! Tear those damn zombies to pieces !! ”

Seeing all of this, the soldiers trying to catch their breath regain, some cheer and start screaming cheerfully at the number of enemies that fell every second. Unfortunately, this stopped shortly after as they noticed the group of evolved zombies making their way from the line in front of them and started charging towards us.

With so many of these present, it was normal for anyone to shiver when saw them... among this group, there were L1-L4 zombies advancing together and also these of latter were not few and there should be a couple of dozen of them...

"" Fuuu ... ""

Doubtless, many men had bad memories of being attacked by a group of evolved zombies, but all of them quickly calm down observing the final result of those enemies and then let out a sigh.

Certainly these zombies were stronger, but as we had previously verified, these weapons were very effective against them and the only thing they achieve is to advance a little more than the normal ones.

His more developed body couldn't stop large-caliber bullets from going through them, so even though there were no members of them flying everywhere like before, one after another fell with a large number of new holes in them.

Most troublesome was the force-type L4s that almost reached our place, this was thanks to the sacrifice of most of their bone armor that was now shattered, but still in the end they were stopped without allowing them to get any closer.

This was thanks to the nearly thirty snipers caliber 50 rifles and the tanks parked here with us. With the first weapons they had their heads busted and with the second... it was not only that.

If the cannon hit them, they practically exploded. Those who were luckier and the shot only hit a place near them, then they were sent to fly several meters through the air... although they did not die, with their destroyed feet they could only crawl for what they were no longer a threat.

(Tshhh …. Alexander-san, we have a problem, tshhh …)

Haaa ... why things can never be easy? If we continued in this way, the safest thing is that the zombies could not even reach the camp... but it is a pity that the zombies want us to try harder.

"What happens? What is the problem?"

(Tshhh … the problem is that…. )


Hello everyone!!

Thank you all for reading SES and all your comments, this is a moral motivation that drives me to keep writing! Another motivation, although somewhat materialistic, but necessary, is the support of all of you in my p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you like the novel and want to read advanced chapters,  hope you can and  I invite you to visit it!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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