Soul Evolution System

Chapter 142 Preparations for the departure of HOTD (Part 1)


I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!


Now it was 5 months since I came into this world and now the leaders of all the camps that we had met in MLDW, there were things that I had to discuss with them. Mainly it was to make the preparations for my departure from here that it got closer and closer with each passing day.

Everyone gathered in this room which we had constantly used in this castle, had their eyes on me since I had said that I had to report some important things... seeing so many people here, without a doubt this group grew quite a lot compared to the beginning of the apocalypse.

The advantage was that even though there were a lot of people in high positions, almost 100 percent of them had loyalty to me over 100 or very close to this number, so I didn't have to worry too much about the same thing that happened in Kinato and so different factions will be created here. Although it was inevitable that we had to be careful especially with some people... 

At this table along with me were also sitting Yuriko-san, Soichiro and Yamada who were the leaders of MLDW. There were also Shiro who was the type of glasses that was in charge of the coastal camp and also the Miyamoto couple and the type that was the secretary of the bald man representing those in charge of leading Kinato.

Finally, the various captains of the soldiers, those in charge of the science and biology departments, Haruna who was the director of the school, and also all the people in my group were present here.

"… Well, what did you want to talk about Alexander? Since we are all here, then I think it is time for you to tell us what this meeting is for"

"You are right, Soichiro. But everyone doesn't need to put on such a serious face, the reason I wanted to bring you all together is not because of some problem or bad news.

It is a more personal matter... many already know it and for those who do not, then now you will.

I'm not a person from this world and I came here for personal reasons, but- "


"... You're not a person from this world? What do you mean by that?"

"... now that you say it, I think Shisuka said something like that to me, but I thought that you were just playing a joke on her and she believed it... no, rather, this can only be a joke, right?

After Soichiro starts the conversation from this meeting, then I proceed to explain what I wanted to say to all here, but inevitably after saying that some people interrupt me before I can finish.

Those who already knew this topic, only look at me with serious faces or think about it as if they had forgotten about it and now that I mention it again they try to re-analyze it.

But the vast majority of people here, the predominant expression they show is doubt and bewilderment at my words. Like Rei's parents and the secretary of the bald man, who look at me confused or as if they didn't understand what I was saying.

Those who can accept or want to better understand the meaning of my words like Shiro and Gloterus, try to get more information from this. Also, those who had heard this from other people like Rika, instead of asking me, do that with their acquaintances who are sitting next to them.

"This doesn't have a deep meaning or anything like that, those words are totally literal. I came to this world to do some things from another world... ah, it's true. Before anyone asks it or has that misconception, I am oblivious to what happened in this world.

Those things became like this, it can only be said that it was because of destiny, God or whatever you want to call it. I have nothing to do with the virus...

If you want proof of this, you just have to think about the things that I have done… the antidotes that I possess, my ability to store things, or the objects that I have used on occasions like magic scrolls or pills that made some people stronger "


"For those who think that I have come with malicious or harmful intentions for the people here, I can only tell you that that does not make much sense. Everyone should know what the world has become now, so you could say that it would cost me even more work to make this worse than it now is.

Also, if I wanted to do that, then what I've done so far would contradict that goal.

I don't want to appear pushy or claim everything we've accomplished so far, but if I didn't step in and do nothing, that would make things even worse for all of you. You wouldn't have the shields that now protect the camps, the antidotes that are now mass-produced, or some weapons. "

Perhaps it is impossible to stop them doubts about me, but even so, I had to try.

The people gathered remain silent again and now try to process everything I tell them,  but seeing that some begin to look at me with suspicion, I speak again to try to discard those negative thoughts.

Unfortunately, despite what I say and explain, achieving that was difficult. I can even see that in some people the loyalty indicators drop a little and look at me with some fear. Well ... I already expected this to happen, so I'm not that surprised.

"What Alexander-kun says is true, if it wasn't for him, then surely our situation would be much worse"

"Yuriko is right, how many of you would not have died from the virus without the antidote?"

"Also, thanks to him we have a safe place for people to continue living in peace in this apocalyptic world"

Seeing the reaction of everyone here, those who already knew about this issue before and also being the people with whom I have lived the longest, the other three leaders of MLDW try to support me and lessen their mistrust.

"... maybe what you three say is true, but there is also the possibility that he would have done all this to take control of this world from the beginning"


"Alex doesn't want to do that!"

"... It is correct, I trusted Alex-kun. Furthermore, I believe that with his actions he has shown that he does not want to harm the people of this world"

"Yes ~! Alex-kun is a good boy! ~"

"... I think many have seen him and surely know that he is one of the leaders who  shows up the least motivation to take charge of the things in the camp... in fact, if we let him be surrounded by girls, he probably wouldn't mind the other things"

"It's true ... that damn guy will probably be happy to spend all his time with the girls next to him"

"...but I think any man would prefer that..."

"Hahaha, but you two probably don't have that luxury, losers!

From what I heard, now even Hirano got a girl. Since you two don't have that possibility, perhaps the best thing would be for you to try to find a better position... who knows? That way you can make some girl accept to you, hehehe "

"Fuck you, Yuki!"

"Takashi, you shouldn't speak badly of other people!... Besides, you should be more gentlemanly with the girls or otherwise, you will you never would have the attention of one"


After someone says that I want to take control of this world, the 3 leaders who defended me have no way to deny it and so they can only remain silent.

But then, Kurisu, Saeko, and Shisuka intervene wanting to deny those words. But since the three of them are girls very close to me, their denials do not change things much because the others considered the opinions of these three girls were leaning in my favor for personal reasons. After all, it was general knowledge of everyone here that these girls had a romantic relationship with me.

Well ... maybe I can't blame everyone here for thinking that, even I think the opinion of this last girl has always been too leaning on my side no matter what I do.

Curiously, although the next to speak should also fall into that category. Contrary to this, Rei's words seem to have greater acceptance than that of the previous girls...

... I don't know if she is trying to help me or criticizing me... a-also, the impression that others have about me is a bit harsh.

[But can you deny that, Alexander? ]

… You are right, Aurora… I cannot deny what I am or how I am. Furthermore, that is still much better than having the reputation of Komuro and Yamada who continued to give their opinion after Rei.

Just by seeing how unfortunate those guys are because of Yuki's words, I can say that my reputation is something very positive and I prefer that this be so, that instead it be like theirs.

Although I thank the three leaders and the girls for trying to help me, it is time to step in for myself. The truth is that to a certain extent the mistrust that these men have is very justifiable and they were right in some things.

As they say, I cannot deny that the best thing for me would be to keep control of this whole group. This was not entirely necessary, but it was very beneficial for me to keep it this way.

So I have to intervene to prevent the loyalty of these people from falling and losing their trust and cracks appearing in this group.

"The doubts of all you are reasonable, but I have to tell you a couple of things. After this, all of you can think what you want..."

"…what things?"

"Certainly for a normal person, it would be very attractive to have control of this world... but that is not my case. This world for me I can only see it as a way station...

The reason I brought you together here is to inform everyone that in approximately a month I will be leaving this world. 

I certainly have the chance to return, but seeing that you all don't seem to be calm about my presence, then perhaps that is not a good option.

...Honestly, that makes things easier for me. I can travel between different worlds and I had thought about helping this side by bringing resources from there, but if you don't want me here or it is uncomfortable for you, then I don't have to do this.

Leaving this world I no longer have to think about things here and so this takes a lot of weight off my shoulders, thanks. Don't worry, in a month I will leave this world and since I will no longer see you, I can only wish you all that you can survive by yourself here, after all... this world is not a paradise and you will surely have several problems "

"W-what ??!"

" w-will you be leaving in a month, Alexander-kun? "

"P-please wait Alexander-san! ... The other camps may have some doubts about your presence here, but in MLDW everyone there doesn't care where you come from"

When I mention that I am leaving this world, everyone acts even more surprised than the fact that I am from another world and so the first to recover and speak are the leaders of MLDW.

Of course, I do not plan to do something like not come back here just for the fact that they do not look at me favorably, I said that rather because this was the best choice I thought I'd make everyone accept my leadership.

Surely if I impose myself on them I will only get disagreement or rejection on their part. But I had an advantage was that everyone here understood very well, it is what my presence meant and the several benefits that this brought for everyone... it was more than demonstrated by the technology and other things that I have given them and nobody could deny that even if they had any mistrust of me.

Although if I leave it is not as if these things are going to disappear, it does mean that they will not get more things like that. So it was logical that the weight of losing this was equal to or even greater than the possibility that I would conquer them and taking away their freedom or something like that. 

Also since I have not given them reasons to think that I would do the latter, they should know that it was highly unlikely that this would happen.

"A-Alexander-san… we were just a little surprised, doesn't mean we reject you"

"I-it's true, as some people already said, many of us are alive because of you"

"Boy, if you leave then things would probably be more troublesome, but... I have a different problem with that... will my grandchildren be born well? Won't they look strange since you're not from this world?"


"D-darling, I think you are overtaking things a lot…"

"What do you mean by getting overtaking, honey? This is a very important matter!"

The next to react after the MLDW leaders are Shiro and the secretary of the bald man ... what was that guy's name? Well, it doesn't matter.

Although they ran part of the other camps and were also somewhat ambitious... noticing that I still had the support of my camp, then they quickly spoke up expressing their support for me.

Well, even though the loyalty of these guys is not that high, they knew that if they lost the support of MLDW then they would not last long as our camp continued to maintain full military strength.

As for what the Miyamoto family things are discussing between them, I think I will put that aside for now... Aurora has told me that for now, I am human, so there shouldn't be a problem with my descent issues ... although I have a feeling this may change in the future, I just hope something similar to what Kiriko-san says doesn't happen.

"Yes! What does it matter if Alexander-san is from another world or another universe or something like that? He is our leader!"


"That's true!"

Subsequently, the captains and others like Alice's pope begin to speak showing their support for keeping me as their leader without importing them the fact that I am not of this world. In many of them, I can see that that was a sincere feeling since their loyalty was quite high and they were surely grateful for the things that I have done.

It was a good thing that the vast majority of people here, their fidelity to me was high and although this fell a little to reveal my origin due to the doubts in them. When their mind stabilizes, the number showing their loyalty recovers and even increases more than it was before.

So, those who had their plans or some disagreement with me could only remain silent. I didn't have to worry much about them since the most influential positions were almost all in the possession of people I trusted.

Well, as in everything, there were always some exceptions. I had to place people who did not have high loyalty to me in somewhat important positions, like Shiro and the bald secretary. But that was because even though they had that demeanor, in Shiro's case his abilities were very good to ignore. 

Also, his loyalty was not that low with an [70] on his gauge. This had risen from 60 when I gave the position in charge of the camp on the coast, so in his case was probably more convenient not to block his path to reach a position higher or oppressing him only will make this number go down.

As long as I don't treat it badly, this number should grow and then won't have to worry much about it. As for the other guy, his case of putting him in high office was because that was necessary... unfortunately being someone who grew up in a political environment, he should be used to taking advantage of all things.

This is a bit more troublesome and simple case at the same time. It's troublesome since I honestly don't think I can ever trust him even if his loyalty is very high, and it's easy because... when I put my eyes on him, he gets nervous and trembles a bit.

Knowing what happened to his previous boss, he should understand what would happen to him if he becomes a hindrance to me. So probably just by constantly reminding him about this and whatever ideas he has of opposing me, the courage to put them into practice will disappear.

"Well ... seeing that most would miss me very much if I don't come back, then I will have to come back to see you all again. Unfortunately, that doesn't change the fact that in a month I will leave this world, but don't worry, I will come back and bring you some presents"

"" H-hahaha... ""

"It is a good thing that Alexander-san returns! We will continue to follow you and you will be our leader whether you are here or not!"


"Well, that was all I wanted to tell you... when I have a few days to left, then I let you know. If there is nothing else you want to talk about, then I will retire since I have other things to do"

Ending all that I had to say, I ask if anyone had anything to report. Then since nobody says anything, I decide to proceed to the next pending thing that I had to do… well, this may be more a consequence of this meeting instead of a pending thing.

Most of the girls in my group, for some time they had somewhat a nervous expression and with doubts by the discussion that we had here... it's time to talk with them. I get up from my chair and leave this meeting room to go to my room and then the girls quickly follow me.

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