Soul Evolution System

Chapter 143 Preparations for the departure of HOTD(Part 2)

"Alex-kun ~! Why are you leaving ~? Can I no longer see you ~? Will you leave me! ~?"

The moment we entered the room, Shisuka pounced on me and plunge my face to her chest while holding me… well, seeing that for a long time she had wet eyes and was about to cry, this time I didn't dodge or do something to avoid it... yes, this was my punishment for making her sad so I must suffer a little.

"Shisuka... if you don't let go of the boy, then we won't be able to talk"

"B-but he is leaving, Rika! "

"... but not now, so you better let him go so he can explain himself"

Perhaps having gotten a little used to Shisuka's actions, the other girls only observe what happens without saying much, although it may also be that at this time most have other more important concerns than complaining to her.

But a short time later, when I begin to notice the absence of oxygen in my lungs, Rika goes to her friend to ask her to stop. Probably being the girl with whom I have most recently established a relationship, the doubts about what I said before are greater for her than for the others.

So with impatience gaining on her, she steps in to continue our discussion or for her can to ask her questions.

"Now, boy… can you explain in more detail that about you being from another world?"

"... there is not much to explain, Rika. Things are just like that, I am from another world ... or more precisely, I and Kurisu are from another world"

"... Kurisu-san too?"

As I had expected, the most confused on that subject was Rika. The other girls already knew about this and most likely their current state of mind is due to the fact that I will leave this world.

"S-so ... what did you come to this world for? Or what are you two? Alien or something? How did you come here?"

"... we are human and how we have come here is difficult to explain in words..."

"So what did you come for?"

"The answer to that is very simple, to make me stronger. As you have realized, killing some beings can strengthen you and so-"

"That doesn't matter now! What do you mean about you are leaving here in a month !? Is that true !?"

I try to answer all the questions that Rika had and that way she can calm down, but then another of the girls with a more impatient character asks the matter that the other girls had in their heads and for now they were waiting for I to answer the questions of Rika's first.

Rei, obviously a little upset, raises her voice making the attention of almost everyone else focus on me to hear my answer. So Rika seeing that she had unconsciously made the others wait, takes a step back so I can respond to this. Furthermore, she must also be interested in that matter.

"It's true, I'll be leaving in less than a month, but-"

"W-why are you saying it until now?!" Didn't you think that was an important thing to say to other people !?"

"Yes, Alex-kun! ~ Rei-chan is right ... you-you're so cruel ... waah ~"

"You two calm down a bit ... Alexander said that he can come back, so it's not like he's leaving forever"

Rei who gets even more upset when I answer her intervenes again without letting me explain things to her and Shisuka joins her and also complains to me while without being able to resist it anymore, she starts crying.

Damn! I think I should have talked to them first and it certainly would have saved me a lot of trouble… leaving it for later was a big mistake of mine.

After them, Haruna who was probably one of the calmest people here, says that. So as if the girls hadn't heard me mention that or just forgot about it, with those words their moods improve a lot.

"When are you going back, Alex-kun ~? Will you stay in that other world for a long time ~?"

"Haaa, that's one of the things I wanted to tell you... but you didn't give me a chance to do it. I don't know how long exactly I will last in the other world... that sounds very bad, it seems as if I'm going to die...

The world I came from before I got here is called Gaia, I don't know how long I will be there but it will most likely be less than a year ... I can promise I will come before a year "

""One year?""

"Yes, most likely I can do it before that time, but there is another thing that I want to discuss with all those who are here. I did not tell you about I will leave this world before because I had thought to ask you which of you wanted to come with me to Gaia ... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad "

""Go there?""

Seeing them a little calmer, I decide to broach the main topic that I wanted to talk to them and also apologize for what I made them feel, but it seems that this question makes them confused again.

"Yes, it's not like I can't bring people to Gaia. In fact, Kurisu is from a different world than that... but let's not talk about it since it seems that it will only confuse you all more.

Anyone who wants to come with me, I can take her to Gaia. Although I have to warn you, that world can be more dangerous than here... so don't expect it to be a quiet place. "

"I-I will come with you, Alex-kun! ~"

"Oii Shisuka, stop just there! Didn't you just hear that this world could be more dangerous than here ?!"

"That doesn't matter to me, Rika ~ !. I just want to be close to Alex-kun... you don't want that too~?"

"Th-that's ..."

"Fufufu, I had promised to follow you everywhere, Alex-san, so obviously I will go"



As I thought, Shisuka is the first to decide to accompany me to Gaia, and Rika who cares about her friend seems to be somewhat undecided about that. Saeko, who was one of the girls who already knew all this since I had previously told her, only confirms her decision.

Other girls like Saya and Rei it seems that they have their problems to make a decision... after all, they have their family here and so I think the best thing is to give them time to think things over.

Decide what they decide, it is not a bad thing since I intend to return to this world. Although sadly, I will not see them for a while, it is not as if I will not see them again as Haruna says.

Another of the girls... or the woman who was in the same situation as the two of them, was Haruna. Well, with her things are a little different... in her case, I think that the best option is for her to stay on HOTD, so I speak to her to telling her what I think.

"Haruna, I think you better stay here..."


"Don't get me wrong, I would very much like you to join me. But if you do, then logically I wouldn't ask you to separate from Iruka-chan... so she would have to come.

Unfortunately, for now I cannot assure you that nothing bad could happen to her there... although here it is not safe either, I think that the risk is less than there is in that world.

Just give me a little time... I will create a safer place there and I will also be stronger so the risk of being there will be less than here "

"I-I understand ... it will be sad not to see you for a while, but I can bear it if it's not forever"

"I promise, you won't have to wait long"


"... Aunt Haruna, Alexander... I think you two forgot to include Takashi in that..."


"… Well, I think he is old enough to take care of himself"

After asking Haruna to stay here, she looks at me a little surprised by my words and so I approach her, and then while holding her hands I continue with my words. Then she seems to calm down and agrees to stay in this world, being a more mature woman her emotions and thoughts are sensible.

Right away Rei with narrowed eyes while reminds us of that guy... well, it's not that I forgot him, in fact, I think he should thank me for leaving his mother a little more time with him... it could also be that I unconsciously do it because I feel that I've screwed up him too much.

No, my conscience must be calm since I was not the one who went after Rei and her mother is a single and beautiful woman, so any man would be attracted to her... yes, fate is the cruel and not me... perhaps I should be a little kinder to him... should I ask a soldier to take him to the pink zone and keep it a secret from his mother?

"If Shisuka goes, then I'll go too!... I-I'll be worried if something happens to her"

"Will you come too, Rika ~!?"

"I have no problem with that, but I would like you to do something before we left, Rika"

"...What is it?"

"I need you to train Hirano to be a military leader ... being a lieutenant colonel in the special forces so that shouldn't be much work for you do that"

"Train to Hirano? The guy with the glasses? ... well, from how he is about, I don't think it's difficult since he has a good head and the spirit of a soldier ... but why do you want that?"

"... Since I plan to leave, it would be best to leave people who I trusted in charge of important roles. I want him to take command either of the soldiers in Kinato or here in this camp"

"Okay, I will ... but I don't know how much I can do in a month"

"That 's fine with me. Shisuka, you also looking for someone to take over your biology department, Kurisu... well, I think Alice's dad is fine to take over that department... just ask him if he wants someone to help him with that "


" Fine"

Rika who finally makes a decision, speaks. The truth is that I am a little happy about this, and it is not only because of another beauty will go with me, but because of all the girls here, she is one that has most experienced in the world and is one of the most sensible.

Although Shisuka must be close to her age, she is... if for some reason we have to separate, I simply cannot leave her in charge to lead the others, even if she was the oldest girl there...

Shisuka is more like someone who needs other people take care of her... just watching her hum some song cheerfully and carelessly after I told her I'd take her with me reaffirms my thoughts

Well, at least I think she can find someone trustworthy to take her place in the lab. Also, since Kurisu's and Alice's father were in charge of the department of technology, that the latter stays in charge of it is enough, I have enough confidence in him.

Seeing that Rika had decided to accompany me, Rei and Saya sink deeper into their thoughts. I don't want them to decide what they will regret in the future because they are under pressure, so that's why I'm talking to them.

"Rei, Saya, you do not need to give me an answer now, there are still about a month for you to think things through calmly. You two do not have to rush since it is not as if by not answering me now, then I will not take you with me to Gaia. "

""…It's okay""

For now, it is certain that those who will come with me are Kurisu, Saeko, Shisuka, Rika, Leona, Scythe, and Vrana-chan. I don't know what Rei and Saya decide, but... I must say that compared to when I came into this world, the girls next to me have increased quite a bit ...

Well, for now, it is better that everyone relax since some of them got a little anxious about the fact that I was going to leave this world. So I think it's time to release the new facility that was built here in MLDW…

"To change the mood of all, I will show you the new facilities that were recently completed here in the camp..."

"" Hmn? New facilities?""

"Yes! Surely you can relax there!"

"...why are you so motivated, Alex?"

"Well... we have worked a lot in the last few months so I am also a bit tired and I think it will be good to be able to relax"

As I had finished giving them the information and asking them if they wanted to accompany me to Gaia, since there were no more things to do, they would all surely leave to do their respective tasks.

But since they were all together, then it was my chance to take advantage of this... I think I will finally be able to achieve one of the goals that they had been denied me for a long time! No, I have to make this happen no matter what!

Kurisu, as always, she has good senses and perhaps giving herself an idea of ​​what I want to do, tells me that last thing while she looks at me with her eyes narrowed... I try to ignore her gaze and I answer her calmly and then continue to avoid she questioning me efurther.

"I'll see you on the mountain behind the camp!"

"Well, if you say it is to relax then I think it would be good to do it"

"It is true"

"Yes ~"

"...  I need to go to where my mother is... I want to talk about some things with her, so I will go later"

The other girls do not seem to be against the idea of ​​having a good time, after all, it is true that we have been busy these months and also especially in this last one.

The only exception is Saya who seems to want to discuss the issues I mention here with her mother, probably now she is the girl who has more doubts about what to do in the future. 

Knowing that she needed time to think things over, I nod at her words.

So with everything done, all of us here agreed to meet at the place I said before in half an hour, apparently some girls had to take care of some things before they could go there. Seconds later, each one of them begins to leave my room and without more things to do here, I also leave.

I decide to wait a while in the castle dining room until the right time comes. In truth when you want something the most, the time seems becomes longer for you to get it... these minutes almost seemed like hours to me.

" So this is where you were Alexander-kun"

"Hmn? Yuriko-san?"

Almost as I was preparing to leave, I hear someone say my name so I instinctively roll my eyes in that direction and see Yuriko-san walking towards me. I was a little surprised to see her since I thought she would be with Say...

"What you said at the meeting a while back was a little surprised... plus the things Saya just mentioned to me, were also somewhat unexpected.

So several girls will accompany you back to your world?... fufufu, well, I am happy for them since any girl wishes could be with the person they love and appreciate. Although this may create some problems as they leave, after all, some have a high position in this organization "

"... I will try to make this affect the camp as little as possible"

"Fufufu, don't worry about it. I think those of us who stay can take care of it... more importantly, think I too will be sad if I can't see you Alexander-kun for a while"

Her discussion with her daughter shouldn't have been so long... I'm a little worried about Saya since sometimes Yuriko-san can be a bit... what's the right word to describe her? Impulsive? Strict? Well, I just hope she is okay.

The good thing about this is that I can see that her playful attitude had returned a bit, so after listening to what she says, I answer her while smiling.

"It's not like I won't be back, we can see each other in a short time, Yuriko-san"

"Fufufu, I think it will not be so short... according to what Saya told me it is close to a year, right? Well, it is a good thing that you return and although it will be a little sad not to be able to see all those who are going for a time, as you say, will only be temporary and so it is not so bad.

Let's leave the matter of your departure aside for now, after all, it's still a month to this. I also wanted to talk to you about other things...

You must remember that you owe me a favor for what I did with Hirano-kun, right? Of course, I also remember that I have a debt with you... so I think it is time that we both pay off these debts. It's okay?"

It seems like today really is my lucky day!… I will finally get my reward for rescuing Soichiro earlier, this excites me a bit! Unfortunately, it seems that it is also the time to pay my debt… I don't know if this will be a good or bad thing.

" Well... since my debt was before Yuriko-san's, why don't you tell me what you want?"



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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