Soul Evolution System

Chapter 147 Saya’s Problems


I just wanted to say that I also really like Yuriko!! But I did not want her to enter into a relationship with the MC having a husband, if that happened, then I think I would not like her as much.

Killing Soichiro so that Alex could get Yuriko seemed very simple to me, and he is still Saya's father after all.

So the relationship between the two of them will not end in this arc, I can only say that you wait for the development of things later.

This chapter and the one that follows are rather to give a time between ecchi scenes and then raise the level a little in the following ones, so wait for them !!


(POV Saya - After Alexander asks everyone to accompany him to Gaia )

I leave the room where some girls of us slept with Alexander-san. Apparently, he wanted to show us something as a surprise... but seeing his face, this would be probably something similar to what happened when he devised the pool party before.

Honestly, I don't mind that part of him or have a lot of trouble with him being like that. All the boys want and get excited about things like that, in fact, the one who doesn't try to hide that aspect of him I think makes him honest compared to some people who have worse thoughts and try to make others think of them like gentlemen.

If I had a problem with things like that, it's that these are so embarrassing to do them... well, I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that and the other girls should also feel similar things, although in the end, it seems that most try to overcome those emotions.

In my case what motivates me is to try not to fall behind the rest of the girls... although maybe I have to try harder as my mom says since lately, I think I am the only one who has not been able to take a step forward compared to the others...

So, I had thought about talking to my mother first because the things that Alexander-san told us, many doubts arose in my head cause this... but perhaps should postpone it for later and first I should go to see the "surprise" that he has to give us.

…No, how I am feeling now, if I go there it won't change much the things between the two of us so I should talk to my mother first. Also, we may not last too long chatting and then I can go where the others are while having a clear head.

With that thought in mind, I walk to the place my mom uses as an office. Then a few minutes later, I step into the place after knocking on the door.

Upon entering I can see my mother sitting behind a desk, plus some other women who were under her orders and accompanied her here.

About the fact that her subordinates are mostly women, it was because from before the apocalypse she had become accustomed to doing it that way.

From what she told me, she had grown tired of when she chose some men to help her with the work, those always ended up trying to get close to her. Well, although she is my mother I also think she is quite a beautiful woman so it's not that I don't understand that she causes that attraction to men.

"Saya? What happens? You have a pretty worried face. "

Immediately when my mother notices me, she stops talking to one of her subordinates and then she asks me that after seeing me and leaving on the desk some papers she was holding.

"... no, it's only because of some things that Alexander-san said"

"I see... well, he certainly surprised everyone when he told us he was leaving in a month"

When my mother's subordinates see that we start chatting with each other, they back off a bit. I apologize to them for interrupting them, but they only smile at me in response... well, as the daughter of one of the leaders of this camp and also since I'm in Alexander-san's group, I don't think they complain or pout for something like this.

Also... I must say that Alexander-san is quite popular with almost all the women in the camp and this is demonstrated by the fact that normally all the other girls who are here would go out and so that both of us spoke better, but noticing that the topic was about him, they just walk away a bit and then pay attention to what we say...

"Yes, but I with the other girls just talked to him a few moments ago and he told us other things..."

"…what things?"

“He told us that he could take people from this world to his world… Besides, he told us a little about what this was like and the things that were there. He told us… ”

Ignoring the other girls who were here, I start to tell her the same things that Alexander-san told us. I didn't have to worry about them hearing these things as they were also present when he spoke to all the high ranking people of the camp.

So while I'm talking about those things, everyone in the room listens with great interest without saying a word.

“…That without a doubt seems like another world. So… if you have come here, I must think that it is to tell me that you want to accompany Alexander-kun to Gaia? ”

“N-no, it's not that… well, I don't know. If I go there, maybe I will only become a nuisance… besides, I won't be able to see you mom, or my dad… ”

I wanted to ask my mother for advice, but... unexpectedly when she hears me speak, instead of words of comfort, what I get is a strong look from her... I thought she was back to normal and was no longer angry, but... it seems I was wrong.

"Honestly, if I had heard you say you were leaving with him, I would have been sad that the two of us had to separate, but seeing you act like that..."


As she speaks, she gets up from the chair and approaches me... unfortunately the environment around her was not that of a mother worried about her daughter. 

So seeing her like this and remembering similar moments, it just makes me nervous and a little scared.

“Saya, you should know that I and your dad will be fine here in this world. If what you say is true, then I should be the one who cares if you went there.

As for what you think that Alexander-kun will think of you as a nuisance... it may be true that he usually puts aside people who are not useful to him but you should know that this only applies to people who don't care to him... or maybe to just the men.

To all the girls next to him, from what I've seen, he almost treats them as his treasures and so I don't think he thinks of any of them as a hindrance. Also, you just have to work to help him and that will make it even more impossible for him to think that ”

"Th-that's ..."

“Saya, you have been very lucky and I think you know that too… of the survivors who we find and bring the groups of soldiers from their explorations every day, there is not a single day that I do not see a woman who had to be treated as a toy by some men, or who had to sell their bodies for a piece of bread.

I also have to see women who mourn the loss of their lovers or beg us to look for them... Saya, they are still happening out there as we speak.

So it really bothers me that you act so indecisively to get the things you want that are at your fingertips. If you told me that you don't want to be with Alexander-kun or that you don't like him, then I wouldn't say anything to you... but it's not that and it's only cowardice of yours.

You girls, don't let Saya get out of here… I have to go and talk to someone, I'll be right back ”



Without answering my doubts, my mom leaves this office and one of the girls blocks the door... because of the face of her that I saw when she left, I suddenly have the urge to escape from here.

What prevents me to do this is that I start to think about her previous words and although I wanted to deny these, unfortunately, I cannot do it. Well... also thinking about what she can do to me if I escape makes my feet stop.

After several minutes she returns smiling happily…  that smile only gives me a bad feeling and makes me shiver.


"Kira-chan... I need you to get those things"


When she enters, she watches me for a few seconds and causes me to swallow the saliva that accumulated in my mouth... then without paying more attention to me, she walks to the desk and begins to write something on a sheet and hands it to the girl who calls.


“Saya… Mom is in trouble and she needs your help. Would you help your mother with this? ”


After I repeatedly try to speak with my mother and so she can explain what she is doing. Finally she turns to me, looks at me while she thinks for a few seconds, and then tells me that.

She is my mother and I would certainly like to help her if she has any problem, but… she is one of the leaders of this camp! So I know that it is very unlikely that someone could cause her a problem, there are no people who would dare to do it!

I am not stupid and it is clear that our camp is the strongest and so, those who act as leaders in other camps would not have the courage to do so. So that only leaves the other MLDW leaders, but I think that's even more impossible!

One of them is my dad and although it seems like they have had some discussions between them recently, I very much doubt that either of them tries to cause problems for the other. The other is Yoshioka-san... he has always been very close to our family, in fact, I think my dad sees him as his brother and from what I see he feels the same, so I don't think he would have done anything wrong against the other leaders.

The last one is the most influential here and perhaps that's why it is the only one that could put my mother in an uncomfortable situation, but... although I do not want to admit it and this bothers me, if my Mom wanted she could very probably put him on her side without much effort to he does what she wants.

Alexander-san surely would not hesitate to comply with some whim of my mother in order to gain some advantage over her! I am not knucklehead and I can clearly see the desire in his eyes when he looks at her, most likely he will not try to move things forward with her because she has not allowed it... I hope my dad does not neglect my mother or otherwise I don't want to think about how things could turn out between me, my mom and Alexander-san.

No, I don't want to think about it!... well, the fact is that due to all this I could only think of my mom's words as a lie and that's why I stay stunned without saying anything.

"... It hurts a little that you do not say something like" Of course mom, I will help you "or" Don't worry mom, I will make pay to the person who is causing you problems " and instead just keep quiet as if not you will care, Saya. You are a very cruel daughter~ ”

"N-no ... it's just that I don't see how someone can cause you problems, mom"

"Fufufu, I am happy that you think so highly of me, Saya... but mom also has her own complications, you know? She is still a very helpless and fragile woman… ”


If she had told me this more than 5 months ago, I would not doubt her words and would agree with her, but... I don't know if the new environment of this world changed her or if this simply caused her true personality to emerge, but not I could see my mother who is looking at me with those eyes that made me tremble like someone helpless or fragile as she says.

...but I couldn't answer that either ... no, rather I don't dare to do it. So, I think that the best thing was to just keep quiet and I do just that.

"Then you will not help mom, Saya?"

" W-what can I do to help you, Mom?" ”

Unfortunately it seemed that she was not going to let this happen and she insists on the subject. So with no other option and defeated, I ask her...

"Yuriko-san, I have brought the things you have asked!"

As my mother's smile grows as she looks at me, the door opens again and the girl that had left earlier comes in... only that this time she was carrying a big box and some ropes with her... the bad feeling about this that I had is getting bigger.

"Don't worry, Saya. As you help Mama… you can also get closer to the person you like… so I think you should be happy about that ”

"W-what do you mean?"

"Fufufufu ... you will find out soon... all of you, hold Saya and undress her "



"You did not hear wrong ... I said to hold Saya and undress her"

Damn! I knew things would take a strange turn if I stayed or accepted my mother's request! Coming out of the surprise that her words caused me, I just turn around and try to get out of here, I wasn't going to stay and see what she wants!

Sadly, the girls who were here had been trained well and also recover quickly and immediately they captured me...

Lately my body has become stronger and according to Alexander-kun, when we kill zombies some kind of energy is absorbed into our body and causes this. 

So if it had only been one or two girls holding me, maybe I could have gotten out of here. But being several of them, my attempts to escape are in vain... then following my mother's orders they begin to remove my clothes.

"Mother!! What does this mean? What do you want? !! ”

"Didn't I say? You will help me out of a problem and you can also get closer to Alexander-kun ”

" Damn ! Are you selling your own daughter? !! ”

"... Of course not... I could n't do that. I only help you to do what you do not have the courage to carry out... on the way, with this I can pay off a debt that I have. ”

As I fight to free myself from the other girls, I question my mother about what she intended to do with me. So, the answer I got was something similar to what I was already imagining...

"M-Mom... I'm not ready. Don't do this, please... ”

“Saya… now you know that Alexander-kun will be leaving in less than a month. If you keep acting cowardly, then perhaps by the time you decide it will be too late.

You guys immobilize Saya, put her in the box and then take her to this room ”


"I hate you Mom!!"

When I beg her not to do this, for a moment I saw the hope for her to stop seeing the doubt in her eyes, but unfortunately, in the next second that disappears and only tells me that... then seeing her who was trying to leave here, As the only recourse I have to vent this, I yell at her as she walks out the door.

"Y-you girls, stop this!!"

"I-I'm sorry Miss Saya,but... these are your mother's orders"

"I'm from Alexander-san's group... I-If you do something to me I'll tell him about this!!"

I couldn't get rid of them and I couldn't depend on my parents' names to help me, so being my last resort to make these girls stop I mention to Alexander-san. So when they hear me say this, they stop their hands... seeing this I breathe a sigh of relief thinking that I had avoided this tribulation.


Sadly, when I thought it was all over, the door to this office reopens and my mother ... no, she was not my mother! A demon that wanted to carry out her desires to cause evil, comes and shown to whisper to the girls in their ear words that convince them to continue with this.

"Fufufu ... this could be said to be a gift for Alexander-kun... so unless you want to interfere with this, I advise you to do so"



So, after this I was stripped of all my clothes, they tied my feet and my hands, they gagged me, and finally they put me in the box... then I could feel how they transported me between several of the girls to the room that my mom had told them.

While they were doing it, since they had to walk through the castle, I could hear that other people stopped them to ask what they were carrying in the box and where they were taking it. 

Every time this happened, part of me wanted to make noise to be released and another part didn't want to be seen in this way for someone.

I couldn't make a decision and before I knew it I felt like they were leaving me in a place, and then all the movement I felt when I being transported stopped… well, my mother is right about that and it seems that I'm excessively indecisive.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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