Soul Evolution System

Chapter 148 Saya’s Problems 2

(Continuous POV Saya)

The minutes passed and I was in the dark inside this box without knowing what would happen to me... from what my mother said, it seems that the person to will come is Alexander-san.

But there was a great fear in me that perhaps because of the environment I was in now, this seemed to grow every second and I could only imagine bad things that would happen to me very soon. Because of this, even the fact that Alexander-san would be the one to come was lost at some point in my head and I could only think that someone I didn't know would come here and will take advantage of me.

The anger and feeling of betrayal towards my mother likewise at some point disappeared and I could only tremble inside this box.

"Hello ... I have come as I have promised"

Without knowing how long I had been here, suddenly I hear a voice that makes my body spasm in surprise... as I listen to someone move around the place, then I cringe as much as I can as if wanted to hide me and so no one will find me.

"Hello! Is anyone here?!"

The second time I hear the voice then I recognize it, it was Alexander-san. So thinking that he would get me out of here, I calm down a bit and try to move or make noise so he knows where I am...

[Trun ~]

But then, having calmed down and therefore having a little more clarity in my mind, I remember that he was supposed to be the one who would come here according to my mother's plans... perhaps the fate that awaits me has not changed much after all.

Well... with him, more than fear for doing those kinds of things that my mother wants me to do, it was more that I didn't feel ready to do that... w-we haven't even held hands or anything like that... w- we should first do other things before we can do that and so maybe I can prepare myself mentally for that.

Then, as if he doesn't care about my thoughts, I hear Alexander-san approach where I was and along with this, my heart starts to race for various reasons.

The next moment, I notice him start opening the box and seconds later the darkness around me finally disappears and a face I was familiar with shows up.

I couldn't deny that I was also upset with him because I thought he would be part of my mother's plans... but seeing the surprise on his face when he saw me here, I understood that perhaps he was only involved in her plans.

He stands for several seconds as if he doesn't know what to do or as if his mind has been blank for a few seconds. Well… I think most people would act similarly to him if they suddenly found themselves in this situation.


"Mmmpp ~ !!"

Wanting him to come back to himself, I try to talk to him, but because I'm gagged can only issue a whimper... the good thing is that it seems that even so I can get his attention and he focuses back his look in me.

"Mmmpp ~ !!"

Unfortunately, perhaps out of curiosity or because he was trying to understand what's going on, instead of helping me, he begins to examine all this carefully... of course, that including me too. So just at that moment, I remember how I am at this moment.

I was completely naked! All parts of my body were perfectly visible to him... 

Certainly, I had been naked in front of him before, but... on that occasion, I did not think much about it and did not see him as different from a child, after all we did not have much time to have known us... but now things are very different from then!

As my mind is flooded with such thoughts, Alexander-san's expression changes on several occasions... I could see the doubt on his face, also in a second he seemed angry, then determined, and finally I could see the desire and exaltation in his eyes...

S-So in the end things will not be different from my imagination and they will end in the same way that I thought... I know that Alexander-san is not a saint and in fact, that he was a determined person was one of the things that I liked about him.

Previously I had suffered because the person I liked was not someone decisive... Komuro did not resolve to step forward with Rei and so I thought that perhaps I would have a chance with him.

In the end I thought that if it had been me instead of Rei who would have had his attention, then things would not have changed much if he didn't have the courage to take the first step… after all, both of us couldn't do it either.

So seeing a guy who was completely proactive when he wanted something and was also quite interesting both in character and physically, before I knew it I had an attraction to him making me forget the rest.

Well, what my mother says is true... the fact that things have not progressed between us is mainly because I am the one who keeps a distance.

Although it seems that things will now have to change... or they will be forced to change.

…N-No! I do not want this! I don't want my first time to be this way... this is not my choice! This is because other people wanted it that way...

I-I don't need my first time to be romantic or something like that, I just want to be the one to give my body to the other person and that nothing else had to do with that choice.

"Mmmpp ~ !!"

Thinking about it, another whimper comes out of my mouth, only that this time it wasn't to find help. Now I was trying to free myself from my restraints on my own as anxiety and fear return to me again.

I'm sure I like Alexander-san, but I don't want things between us to be this way... or not for now. At this moment more than wanting to be close to him, I want to get away from him as much as I can ...

"Calm down Saya ... I won't do anything wrong to you ..."

Then Alexander-san speaks again and instinctively I look up to see him, but I can only see a figure blurred by the tears in my eyes that had started to come out before I knew it.

When the image clears up a bit, I could see that his gaze seemed to have returned to normal and apparently the previous thoughts he should have had, they had disappeared sometime...

That calmed me down a bit, but... I was very clear that he was somewhat a perverted boy and perhaps this could change again at any moment, so I could not let my guard down.

"I'm going to free you, so I need to do a few things and get closer to you… I will do nothing but take you out of the box and remove the ropes, I promise."

I see his hands approaching me with some suspicion, but he keeps his word and only takes care of freeing me from the ropes that restricted my movement. So gaining the freedom of my body again, I quickly move away from him and take the sheets on the bed to cover my body ... I didn't want to awaken those previous desires in him again and also in this way I felt safer.

Things keep quiet for a short time giving me a chance to calm down and think things over... plus underneath the blanket that covered me, I watch and steal some glances from Alexander-san to see what he was doing, but apparently he too starts thinking about some things.

I was glad that he had not followed the plan that my mother had made, so I wanted to thank him for releasing me and not take advantage of the situation since if it had been someone else, things might not have ended like this.

The problem was that I didn't want to get his attention now either and also I didn't have the courage to speak to him right now...

"Well ... I think the best thing is for me to go out so you can calm down"

"W-wait Alexander-san!"

Suddenly Alexander-san gets out of bed. So when I heard his words, before I knew it, I had approached him and taken his hand to prevent him from leaving here...

This seems to surprise him, but in fact, I was more surprised than him. Strangely, although I didn't want to be around him now, also a part of me felt safe with his presence… it was a contradictory feeling and something that I couldn't explain myself if someone asked me about this.

Well... there was also another reason and this one I could explain it, it was simply that in all this time that we know each other I had never had the opportunity to be alone with Alexander-san... so even though it was not the way I wanted that this happened, in the end, at this moment we were both alone.

Although I really dislike that this was thanks to the person I least wanted to think about at this moment, my mother. I was actually enormously angry at her right now... although I have to admit that if it wasn't for her, maybe I wouldn't have had the courage to ask Alexander-san to speak alone together.

Also… the words she said to me before made her subordinates put me in that box were still echoing in my head. What she said was true and perhaps I should be grateful for not having to go through the bad things that other girls or women in this world did.

In fact, I'm still terrified of the fact that if he wasn't the one to show up here and things turned out in a bad way in the end... I don't know if I could go on living with it. So it was not a lie that it was best if I was a little stronger and more determined… I also don't want to be the same as the person who made me stress so much before for not can making a choice.

"... what's up, Saya? Do you need anything?"

"N-no… I just wanted to thank you, I was really scared and didn't know what could happen to me while I was in that situation… if it was someone else who came, then maybe things wouldn't have ended this way"


Thinking about all those things, I hear Alexander-san's voice asking me why I had stopped him. I didn't want him to think I was a strange person for suddenly acting this way, so I try to explain how I felt and also thank him for getting me out of that situation.

"Do not worry"

In the next instant he starts stroking my head... it was a little embarrassing that he treated me like a little girl since I was older than him, but ... this felt quite nice and made me feel a little more reassured.

So I just try to enjoy the feeling and then I lower my gaze to allow him to caress my head in a better way, after all, I was a bit taller than him.

But then in doing that, I discovered one thing that perhaps would have been better not to have seen since this was causing my nervousness to start growing once again...

The area of ​​his pants in the crotch was quite bulky! It almost even seemed like these would tear at any moment!

"Hmn? Oh! ... This is... well... Saya, you are a pretty beautiful girl after all and so I think it is impossible that I did not show any reaction when I saw you earlier... sorry"

"N-no, it-it's alright..."

Because he probably felt my body tense again when I discovered that, he tries to find out the reason for this and so he also looks down to also realize the same as me and after he tries to explain himself...

...although this made me nervous, at least I discard something that was going around in my head and also made me a little restless. It scared me that the fact that Alexander-san hadn't done anything previously it was simply because I wasn't someone that attracted him enough.

So in a way, this also made me a little happy, besides... the fact that he didn't seem to be controlled by his desires again, made things easier for me.

So I try not to pay too much attention to that part of him and could to answer him.

"" ... ""

After that, a somewhat awkward silence is created in this room… now that we were alone, anything didn't come into my head so that the two of us could talk… no, I know precisely what I want to say, but I can't make those words come out from my mouth…

"A-Alexander-san! E-Emmm... you-you liked me ?! "

"Hmn? Of course, as I said earlier, you're a pretty beautiful girl."

I wanted to confess what I felt, but in the end, being a bit of a coward, I first decided to ask Alexander-san what he thought of me. His answer was something simple, but this was more than enough to make my heart quicken even more and a smile as the one he had on his face appear in the mine for the happiness I was feeling... then getting the courage listening to his words, I can express my feelings to him.

"I-I-I also like you! I-I wanted to tell you this-hmmm ~"

Unable to finish what he wanted to say, he makes our lips come together and in this way, I experience my first kiss. Some tears begin to overflow from my eyes, but now these were for totally different emotions than before...

"Hmmm ~"

As he kisses me more intensely, he leans his body against mine and then makes me lie on the bed while he stayed on me... my hands that held the sheet with which I covered my body, before knowing it, they had released to embrace his body that was pressed against mine.

Because of this, my nudity becomes visible again… well, with his body on top of mine it was still covered. Also, right now he seemed more interested in sucking my lips and stroking my tongue with his than worry to focus on my body...

Whenever I had seen him do this with the other girls, I was very curious how that felt, it seemed that the other girls enjoyed it quite a lot and even gave me the feeling that they forgot everything else and don't worry about something else.

I thought maybe it was because they were a little more open mentally... but now experiencing it, now I understood a little how did they feel. 

The feeling was quite addictive and it made you want to get more… so I also start to imitate their actions that they had shown me to try to fulfill that desire.

But as much as I sought his lips, let his tongue play with mine, or swallow each other's saliva... it was as if this desire had an insatiable appetite that was not enough no matter how much it got, it kept asking me to get even more and more.

So we continued to do that until I lost track of how long we'd been kissing and the only time we stopped was when we took a breath to recuperate us a little, but this was only for a second and soon one of us was looking for the lips of the other...

"Ha ... Ha ... Ha ..."

"Ha ... Ha ... W-wait Alexander-san"

Suddenly, unlike other times when he had stopped to take a deep breath and then go back to looking for my lips, this time he sits up a little while he remains on my waist and begins to take off his shirt.

Then I understood that he, unlike other times I have seen him do this with other girls, this time he did not intend to leave it in just kisses... now that I think about it more carefully, i-it's just the two of us! Previously he should have been holding back himself as there were other girls present, but right now he didn't have to worry about it!

"A-Alexander -san ... I-I'm not ready for that. P-Please, let's wait a bit for that... o-okay? "

Though my mind was still clear and I felt in that way… Perhaps my body felt differently from me since I felt that it had gotten quite wet in a quite sensitive place, but… this was too fast!

We may have known each other for a few months, but probably not an hour has passed since I told him how I felt about him…

Also, there was something else that scared me even more than having sex with him. If the other girls find out that we both did that, this can be a pretty bad thing ... I don't want to win the animosity of all the others.

Although I can deepen my relationship with him and get ahead of other girls if I do it, it would be quite uncomfortable if the others look at me strangely or angrily for this...

"Ha ... Ha ... sorry, I let myself go"

"N-no, it's okay... I think also it's my fault. But...  that is not painful?"

With my words, Alexander-san stops taking off his shirt while he seems to fight with himself… in the end after he seems to think about it a bit and calm down, he answers me while stopping his hands.

Seeing this, I can breathe a sigh of relief ... if he persisted with this, then maybe I couldn't stop myself either... I might be scared to continue but I couldn't deny what my body was feeling either.

…It also seemed to be the same to him. For a while when we were kissing, there was a pretty hard part that was pressing against my belly all this time...

Thinking that the tingling that was constantly running through my body, while it was pleasant, also seemed to demand that continue with what I was doing... then not doing so, it seemed that it caused me some discomfort as if complaining about it... so seeing the state in which was that part of Alexander-san, I believed that perhaps for him this feeling was even worse.

"Well ... although it doesn't hurt, this can make me quite uncomfortable if I don't try to fix it... it may also make me a little irritable"

Although I don't know if he was answering my question or was talking to himself, apparently this really caused him some problems...

"I-I don't feel ready to continue and go to the last part of we were doing Alexander-san... b-but it's also my fault that you're like this... so-so maybe I can help you with that"




I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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