Soul Evolution System

Chapter 151 Returning to Gaia

Hello, new month, I hope this is better than the last one for everyone!!

I am sorry for the delay but I have been very busy with work and I also want to put another month of advanced chapters on Patreon this week, so it will be a pretty busy week.

Don't forget to visit my Patreon and support the novel, there you can read advanced chapters and I thus feel that my effort is appreciated!!

In the later chapters, Alexander is already in a new anime world!!



[Mission / Main "Survival" - H] [Mission: Completed Rating: S]

Survive in the world plagued by zombies and new dangers in the world, you must use any means to carry out the objective. People in desperate times deal with desperate measures.

Goal: Survive 6 months

Reward: With the power of the world you will be granted the innate ability [Survivor]

5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

Additional Reward : 1x Interdimensional Radio Equipment

5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

The 6 months finally ended… suddenly while I was eating together with the others in my group, the system announces the end of the mission that I had to complete and that I had been waiting for to be completed in order to leave this world.

" What's wrong, Alexander-san? Is something wrong?"

"Hmn? No, just the opposite Saeko-chan... it's just that the time to leave this world has come. Tomorrow we will leave this world first thing in the morning, so everyone should prepare"

Saeko who was next to me seeing that I had suddenly sunk into my thoughts, asks me. So, taking this opportunity I decide to inform everyone of our departure for tomorrow ...

""Ha? Tomorrow in the morning?""

Most of the girls just nod to my words, after all I had already informed them that we would be leaving in a few days.  Also I did it with the high-ranking people in the camps so it wasn't that surprising either.

Only for Saya and Rei who had families here, this had an even greater weight on them since this meant the moment when they would be separated from their families for a while and that is why they speak with a tone of surprise, but this only persists a few seconds and as I assent them in affirmation they almost completely restore themselves to their previous state of mind... they only had a little sadness on their faces that was somewhat understandable.

"Kurisu, I need you to check something"

"Hmn? What is it?"

"I think it is better that you do it in your laboratory. Saya, tell your parents that we should have a meeting as soon as possible, I will inform them that we are leaving tomorrow"

"It's okay..."

With everything clarified about our departure, I move on to the next topic. This was about the new thing I just got for completing the 6-month survival in this world mission, the Interdimensional Radio.

Since instead of blueprints it seemed like this time I got the machine fully armed and functional, I don't think Kurisu will take long to see how to make it work and therefore I don't think I should change my plans.

With this in mind, I get up from the chair where I was eating and start walking towards the Kurisu's laboratory. In doing so, then the other people also do the same and go to different places, surely they all have things to prepare for our departure.

Minutes later, both of us left the castle and once outside I stop for a few seconds to observe the surroundings... tomorrow I will have to leave this place, without a doubt that is a bit sad since I have had good times here.

"Alex... you shouldn't be obsessed with the hot springs... I-I understand that like any boy you are very interested in spending time with the girls... but it's not good that you think about it all the time!"

... well, in fact my eyes were on the mountain where the hot springs are and probably my reluctance to leave here is mainly due to that place... thanks to this place I was able to bathe several times with the girls after it was opened to the other population from MLDW.

Kurisu also seems to have softened a bit about that and now when I mentioned going there, these times she only pouted but always ended up accompanying us.

Nodding at her words to reassure her, we both follow our target. So we walked the streets of this camp… perhaps now is the time to call it a small town instead.

While we were walking around here, it´s can see to a large number of people were engaged in their daily tasks... it even seemed that this world was not an apocalyptic one, the whole place was surrounded by a good atmosphere and the people were motivated.

Our walk lasted a bit longer than it should have been since when people recognized me, they would stop to pay me a little bow or even come up to thank me for their life here and so I have to act accordingly as well. So it was only after a few minutes that we were able to get to the tech lab.

"Alexander-san, it's weird to see you here… do you need anything?"

Inside, Alice-chan's father when he notices me, leaves what he is doing and approaches me while he asks me. So while I answer him, I decide to take out the inter-dimensional radio.

"I just need you two to review this and make it work... do not open or take it apart, this is the only one I have and it would be unfortunate if it were to be damaged"

" What is this, Alex? "

"It is supposed to be a machine with which people can communicate even when they are in different worlds"

"Wooh! I-I see why you say it's unique..."

"...if this is true, then, surely Saya-chan and Rei will be glad to hear this"

"I also think the same, but first we have to see that it works. If we tell them before we can do that and we can't get it to activate, then instead it could only cause disappointment."

Explaining to them what the machine I had taken out was for, the two of them immediately begin to examine it with curiosity, then when they when listen out what this one is for, Alice-chan's father stops touching it as if he was afraid of damaging it and Kurisu thinks about what it is meant for some people in our group.

I am not suspicious that the system would give me a defective object or something like that. Instead, I am a little more concerned about what is needed to activate the machine... following the pattern of until now, then surely it was crystals and so we have to see how many of these are need… I just hope they are not too many.

"Do you think that the two of you can understand this machine today?"

"... I don't think it's much of a problem ... since it's just checking its functions and not how it works, therefore we shouldn't take too long"

"I think the same as Kurisu-san"

"Well, then please do it... I will go to do other things"

Obtaining their answer, I leave the laboratory... having a new toy, it seems that Kurisu had totally forgotten my presence... she doesn't even answer me after I say goodbye to her.

Well, since she is so focused on the machine, they can probably give me a report on this one at night or even earlier.

So the next thing that needs to be done is to inform the rest of the senior officials of this camp that we are leaving tomorrow. So after turning my back on the lab, I head back to the castle.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

The meeting doesn't last as long since the things we talked about were about most of the points that needed to be done for my departure that had already been raised previously. In addition, the replacements for the high ranking MLDW people that accompanying me had already been chosen and had begun to play that role.

Although due to this reason, some MLDW changes had to be made. Such as Soichiro and Yoshioka would leave this camp and go to Kinato. Things in this camp were fairly stable and so with just Yuriko-san to take over here it would be more than enough.

Apart from that, another of the big changes was that Hirano would take the position as supervisor of the MLDW soldiers. This surprised him quite a bit, but thanks to Rika's training… and also probably because of what happened in Kinato, his mentality had matured a bit and he no longer looked so insecure. So when I inform him this, he accepted showing me a straight face with a military salute.

On the other hand, in other areas there were no major changes. Haruna will still remain as the principal of the school, the female scientist who we saved in laboratories, now take the place of Shisuka. Apparently, she was the one who mainly took command of the department of biology and Shisuka was more dedicated to the investigation. As for the Technology department, as planned, it was Alice-chan's father who took over the position.

The coast camp will continue to be under Shiro's charge, his loyalty has been increased a bit by putting more men in his charge, so I don't think I have a problem with him.

As for Kinato's affairs, this was the place that worried me the most… and that was why the previous two MLDW leaders I mentioned would go there. I didn't want the bald guy's secretary to get too much power there and that's why it wasn't good to leave the management of all the people of that place to him.

So Soichiro would go to take command of the soldiers who are there and Yoshioka would also take charge of administering the residents there along with the secretary of the bald man.

I honestly thought about sending Hirano instead of Soichiro since he or Yuriko-san would probably complain if I sent them to separate places.

Unexpectedly, Soichiro was the one who offered to go to Kinato when I told them that I would send Hirano there. Well, his point of view was similar to mine, surely would be better than sending a person who has little experience in the world to a more unstable place... I just hope Yuriko-san does not reproach me for that... no, that was not my choice so I shouldn't worry, besides ... tomorrow I'll be leaving here, so there is no much time for she does that.

With everything prepared, finally, at the end of that day we enjoy a farewell dinner. There Kurisu told me that there shouldn't be much problem with being able to activate the interdimensional radio, so upon learning that, the expression of Saya, Rei, and their parents improves a lot. The last ones had come after Rei had Vrana-chan deliver a letter to her parents, and then they came transported by helicopter hours later.

With the good news, the atmosphere during the diner and the discussion between everyone was very pleasant, but a couple of hours later everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

The next morning a large group of people gathered on the roof of the castle where the entrances to the towers with the rooms of the highest-ranking people were.

The reason for this was obviously that in a few minutes I would leave this world together with the girls who had decided to accompany me, and that is why several others came to see us off.

"Everyone be careful... I hope to see you all soon. Alexander... I don't know what that world is like, but you must be careful... please"

"Don't worry Haruna, I won't let anyone kill me so easily... I still have many things that I want to do"

Haruna, being the only girl with whom I had confirmed a relationship and who would not accompany us, was obviously here with a somewhat worried and a little discouraged face... seriously I would like to tell her to come with us, but I did not want to put the little girl at risk who was next to her...

Of course I also care about the other girls to will go to Gaia, but unlike Iruka-chan, I think they are old enough to make their own decisions and be responsible for themselves... I am not so naive to think that just by striving to protect them at the cost of my life and wishing they were well, then nothing will happen to them.

It is selfish, but at least that way the weight of my shoulders decreases a little if something were to happen in Gaia...

Although staying here also has its risks, and this does not exclude the couple of Mother and daughter so that something bad could happen... my only consolation is that seeing Haruna's status, this makes me calm a little.


Name: Haruna

Race: Human

Age: 38

Level: 49

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Force: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Tame-C] [Instruct-C]


[Shoot - H] [Cook- B]



[Sniper- H] [Housewife -C] [Academic-H]

Affection: 154

Well… probably of the girls she is the one with the least skills, but what calms me down are the two tamed beasts at her side.

Although it is somewhat annoying, that dog of hers is still one of the strongest creatures I have ever seen in this world. Despite having differences between us, the only thing we have in common is that we both care about Haruna's safety and so this dog must protect her in my absence.

Besides, one of the pills limit-break for beasts I gave it, make it this dog still was had made more strongly and so reach the level 66 now.

As for the other beast... I set my eyes on this one that was now behind Haruna.

It was a big lion that certainly looked a little out of place in this place. This was her new pet that appeared as a result of the summoning of the base level 50 monster scroll that I recently obtained and give her.

Yes, this is why she now has a huge dog and a big cat as tamed monsters. I thought that due to their races the two of them would not get along well with each other, but even though they are not friends or something like that, at least there were no problems between them and they just ignore each other.

By the way, Haruna was quite happy when the lion appeared... I even worried a little since when she saw it, before even seeing if it was loyal to her, Haruna had already launched towards this to caress it.

Seeing that gave me a great scare, but later... that led me to think that in her case when she previously went to the zoo before the apocalypse,  cages for her must have been more an obstacle to being able to pet the animals than a measure of security...

It was good that the lion was quite docile and did not react negatively to Haruna's actions, in fact, it seemed quite happy about that.

"Saya, be careful and always stay together with the others and make sure you support each other together"

"Your mom is right Saya, everyone should be careful there... Alexander, make sure everyone is fine"

"...You too, mom, dad"

"Rei... be careful"


"Both of you, don't worry... a city full of zombies didn't stop me from can meeting you two again, so I'll be fine and we'll see each other in a few months"

The two families somewhat emotionally say goodbye to their daughters… so when they turn their faces towards me to entrust their care to me, I can only nod at their strong gaze.

Although I will naturally help and try to protect the girls who accompany me, Rei is right and most of them are not that they are simple vases that I have to protect… they have also grown strong in these 6 months and I can see it clearly.


Name: Rei Miyamoto

Race: Human

17 years old

Level: 51

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (10)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Survivor-A] [Spearwoman- I]


[Shoot- H] [Drill- I] [Cut- I] [Guts-H] [Fight Bare Hands-I]



[Gunslinger - H] [Sniper-H] [Student-I][Self Defense-I]

Affection: 110


Name: Saya Takagi

Race: Human

Age: 16 years

Level: 48

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (50)

Force: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: H

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Alchemist (Offensive)] (Sealed) [Prodigy-S] [Leader-E]


[Shoot- C] [Analysis-E]



[Academic-E] [Sniper-I] [Student-G] [Gunslinger-I]

Affection: 189

I think at least they will be able to defend themselves against a group of goblins without much problem, also they are not alone ... apart from me, girls who have more fighting-focused skills will also be with them.

"Well, it's time to go ... you all have to be careful too, this world also has many risks so don't be careless.

Takashi... take care of my woman and Iruka-chan while I'm gone "

"Damn! You couldn't just say" Take care of your mother and sister "! 

Haaa ... well, don't worry, that's something I would do even if you didn't ask me to"


"Alexander-onisan and all of you take care of yourselves... I-I hope to see you soon"

"Yes ~! Be careful Alex-onichan~!"

Ultimately I turned to Komuro who was next to the two ladies I mentioned... Haruna is embarrassed by my words and hides her face with one hand, although I can still make out a small smile on her face.

Well, not only did I want to annoy Komuro, I needed to distract to Haruna a little to say the following thing to him. When I reach out to pat Iruka-chan and Alice-chan's head in farewell, I also move closer to Komuro's ear... or the more closely that I can get to him.

"… Don't be mad Komuro… before I left here I fix some things that you might like… you can think of it as a gift from a friend or a father worried about his son… don't ruin it"

"W-what did you do? Heey, tell me !"

Without saying anything else to Komuro, I turn around and take out the grimoire that I haven't seen in awhile ignoring his words that demanded I explain more about that to him ... I think I'm a good guy.

Without waiting any longer, I quickly summon the ability of my grimoire and then surprising most of those present, a dimensional crack appears.

"I will try to see each other soon ... we will also be in constant contact soon"

"" Don't forget about that ... everyone take care! ""

After a few short words between us, the girls begin to enter the portal and disappearing before the eyes of all of us and then when the last girl enters, I also do the same ... back to Gaia and let's continue to become strong



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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