Soul Evolution System

Chapter 152 Visiting Old Acquaintances (Part 1)

[The grimoire has detected several individuals aside from than the user... the grimoire only offers security for the user, for the rest persons apart of the user, the user must take charge of them]


[Detecting interdimensional travel... objective: Gaia... Traveling individuals: 9... all the individuals have some relationship with the host, therefore 9,000 crystals will be consumed to stabilize the portal]


Aurora had already mentioned it to me, so the notifications from the grimoire and the system when I enter the portal do not surprise me too much. Apparently to transport a person to another world than wasn't me, it is necessary to pay a certain amount of crystals to be able to do it... or perhaps it was more some type of insurance so that avoid a problem may occur during the trip.

A person whom the system has recognized as an individual with a close relationship with me, the cost of transporting it is 1, 000 crystals since this one to some extent is responsible for the safety of these people, but to do so it is still necessary that some energy is used and this one is obtained by the crystals.

It seems that as higher the level of the world is, more interference may have on the creation of a portal and so needs more energy to do so, which means that to go to worlds of levels higher is need to spend more crystals for that ...

Besides, if the person does not meet such a requirement to be close to me, then the number of crystals multiplies several times... any other person that I bring of HOTD apart from the girls would cost me 10,000 crystals... although there are also objects for can avoid this expense, like the exit passes I got from missions in that world.

[World exit pass]

With this, the number of people indicated in the exit pass can travel between worlds safely. With this exit pass, a number of 100 individuals can travel between 2 worlds ensuring that they arrive without any problem at their destination.

At first when I saw them, I thought it was too little to be the last reward in the missions, but in a second thought, I can not say that they are simple since with them I can save an amount of 1 million crystals... but for now I do not need to bring as many people from some world, so I can only keep them in my storage for when they are needed.

"Th-this is quite strange ..."

"Yes… will we be alright?"

"Don't worry ... the last time when I came into this world with Alex, there were no complications, only..."

While I was in my thoughts, Rika and Saya look at the portal that would take us to Gaia and say the things about that most of the doubts have all the girls right now. Then Kurisu who had already experienced this, speaks to try to reassure them. But before she can finish what she says, our journey ends and the sensation of stepping on solid ground is transmitted to my feet.

" may feel a little dizzy from the interdimensional trip, but you don't have to worry much about it. In a couple of minutes, that effect will disappear and you will feel normal"

"T-thanks Alexander-san"

"I feel dizzy Alex-kun~"

Since Kurisu was unable to continue her words, I took the things where she leaves them and informed the others of what she probably wanted to tell to the girls. 

Also as Saya and Shisuka were next to me and it seemed as if they were going to fall for what they feel, I hold them to avoid that.

Some are better than others, such as Rika, Leona, Scythe, and Saeko that only last a few seconds to restore their balance. Besides, Kurisu perhaps due to the little experience gained previously, also does that quickly. Others have it a little worse and fall on their butts like Rei and Vrana-chan.

…Unfortunately I only have two hands and I can't help all of them, so please Rei, don't look at me like that.

After receiving a reproachful look, I smile bitterly to Rei and doing note that I had the hands full, I look around. Apparently, the place we arrived at is still the same alley that Kurisu and I used to go to HOTD.


[Interdimensional journey successfully completed]

[Traveler's Grimoire rank up Parchment> Skin]

[Congratulations user, you've managed to increase the rank of the grimoire... now the time to travel between worlds is half the time you have stayed in one world.

Grimoire Function Unlocked: Energy Shield (Protective Shield with 5-Limit Strength greater than user for 10 seconds)]

Waiting for everyone to recover, I suddenly hear some notifications and a text appears on the pages of my grimoire informing me of that. Evidently, my grimoire has been strengthened a bit... if I remember correctly, before traveling from one world to another I had to wait for the same time that I stay in the world I visit to can use the function again.

For example, if I stayed for 6 months on HOTD, then I would have to wait 6 months to use my grimoire again. Since in itself an inter-dimensional trip seemed somewhat unusual to me, I did not find any problems with that small demerit... but it seems that now this has improved and instead of 6 months I only have to wait 3 months.

Although this is good, I am more interested in the new function of the grimoire... although it will have to be at another time to try it, now we should get out of this alley.

I put my grimoire away and then we continue to get out of here... but before that, Kurisu reminds me while pointing to one of the rings on her hand that an accessory is necessary to be able to talk to the people of this world. So I stop to buy them in the system and give one ring similar to hers to each of the girls.

They were not too cheap as they entered a bit like magic objects, but surely being common and simple they were expensive either... in fact, the other ring in Kurisu's hand was much rarer. Although it was good that I did not have to pay for it... but let's talk about that later, now there are more important things to do. 

For now perhaps the best thing to do is to find a place to stay first. With that idea in mind, I start directing the girls to the inn where Kurisu and I previously visited, it was called sweet dreams?

I honestly didn't remember the way because after all, I was only here for one day and 6 months had passed since then. It was a relief that I registered the place on the map that the system showed me and so after verifying the location of this inn, we all walked in that direction.

"A-Alex-kun ~! T-That person... he h-has horns..."

"Th-that over there... her skin color is red. Is she alright?"

"It seems that this world is also quite hard... there are even little children wearing armor"

Leaving the alley we reached a main street where there was already some activity in it. Then Shisuka, Rei, and Rika comment on the things that most caught their attention on this one.

Well... I should say that I was also more used to being in an environment where there are only humans, so, seeing different races was something innovative even for me. Therefore it should n't be surprising that they acted that way, not to mention that for them this was the first time they saw other races.

"In this world, there are many different races... but it is probably still rude to look at people intently, so try to avoid it. Also, Rika-san... although I'm not sure if the people you are seeing are, there are also races with the appearance of children despite being adults... many of them are very cute.

Well, very likely there are also adventurous children... after all, Alex entered the guild whit 12 years old, so I think you are correct in thinking that this world also has its difficulties ... "

Before I can say anything to the girls, Kurisu begins to explain what she knew. They all look at her attentively and when she finishes speaking, they calm down a bit and nod in affirmation at her words.

I certainly think it is rude to watch other people carefully, but... it seems that our group may perhaps draw more attention than a rare race, after all, it was made up mostly of pretty beautiful women...

Although I feel safer to face problems that arise in this world, it is better to accelerate the steps and get to the inn to avoid them if possible.

On the other hand... there is more influx of people than I remember there was the last time we walked on the streets. Even quite early, the streets are practically crowded.

"We have arrived"

"I want to see the little hobits of the last time! I wonder if they remember me? "

"" Hobits? ""

While I open the doors to enter, Kurisu cheers up and the other girls ask with doubts about her words. Inside the place, there were also many people, mainly in the place that is used as a restaurant or bar... it seems that this family's business has gone well.


"...Hi there"

"So it's the twins… they are so cute ~"

As Kurisu says while runs to hug the girls who receive us, the girls I try to say hello were the twin daughters of the owner here. It seems that she is not the only one affected by the tenderness spell of these two, Shisuka and even Rika also approach them 2 quickly following the one that had gone ahead.

"Mama! New Clients~!!"

Another girl who was running with jugs with a drink to take them to one of the bar tables yells at the other girl who was at the reception desk and who does not match and a person would not associate her with that word...

This girl had already noticed us, but she only smiles at us even though some girls seemed to be abusing a partner of hers...

"See you again, Alexander-kun, hehehe"

"Yes... cute hobit"

"Mou ~ You are so cruel ~! You have forgotten my name, right? "

"...I-I'm sorry"

"Well, okay, after all we only saw us very little. I'll introduce myself to you again and for the first time for the other girls that I haven't seen before.

I am the owner of this inn and mother of those girls that your friend is hugging and also other little ones that are somewhere.

My name is Vila and I am a 37-year-old, a hobit woman"

"We are Delu and Dela ~! We are 15 years old ~"

"Th-those two are younger than me for just a year?"

"I-impossible ... how can you be older than me?"

"This girl who tries to act like if she's older is also very cute ~"

As we walk closer to the counter, Vila who tells me her name again greets us all and then, following her hobby habits also says her age. Slipping away from Kurisu's arms a bit so they can at least speak, the twins also introduce themselves in the same way.

As a result of this, the rest of the girls in my group, apart from Kurisu, are surprised to hear them... well, although surely they all have their doubts in accepting this, one of them does not seem to believe it at all...

Shisuka who had probably wanted to be able to hug the twins too and since she couldn't, when she discovers Vila she quickly takes her as her target to be able to hug her...

"Shisuka, let her go! S-She's older than you"

"Heee ~ Don't lie Rika, you just want me to release her so you can hug her ~… find another little girl to hug for you~"

"I-I'm sorry ... she doesn't mean it"

"Puah!... D-don't worry, Alexander-kun... this usually happens very often, although perhaps very rarely I meet girls who can asphyxiate me... these two are certainly quite big"

"Hehehe, you tickle me, little ones"

Vila-san doesn't seem to care much that Shisuka treats her like a girl and she even starts to play with Shisuka's breasts… well, now I can't say who is playing with whom.

"Vila-san... I would like to take a room in your inn again"

"Hmn? Oh, right. For the greetings I forgot about my business, but... I'm very sorry, Alexander-san. Although I wish that could offer you a room here, at this moment the inn is full and it is impossible for my to do it.

Also... in my inn there are no rooms where so many people can stay at the same time. I am proud to say that my inn is one of the best in this city, but even so, it is difficult to accommodate a womanizer with so many girls... sorry, I meant that it is difficult for me to host such a popular person with such a large group of girls right now"

E-Even though you correct yourself and try to smooth things over by showing me a sweet smile, it's hard to ignore that you just called me a womanizer, do you know Vila-san? Well, I can't deny that either so let's ignore it...

"I see... then I will have to find another place"

"Yes, that will be for the best, but that also will be difficult and you probably will not find a place due to the season we are in... all the inns will probably be at their maximum capacity for a while"

"... Now that you mention it, the city seemed more crowded than the last time I was here. What happens? There 's some kind of festival or something like that "

"I thought you were an adventurer and you knew it... no, this may be more common knowledge and everyone knows it?... did you forget? You can't be so clueless if you want to be an adventurer, Alexander-kun... much less with something so since that could cost you the life and that of the people around you.

Approximately in a week, the great raid of the monsters is expected to occur, so at this moment all the areas where they live is very dangerous "


As Shisuka continued to carry Vila in her arms, she begins to lecture in the same way as she would with a child raising her index finger when saying that... it is difficult to take her seriously even when she puts on that serious face since you can only see her as a girl trying to act like an adult as Shisuka had commented previously… this only manages to make her look cute instead of putting pressure on the other person.

F-Focus yourself Alexander! You are not a lolicon!

What she mentions seems to be some kind of world event… I would like to get more information but just like on the streets before, the girls have started to attract the attention of the men in the bar. Besides, I don't want to seem strange asking questions that in this world are common sense... also if what Vila-san says is true, I must hurry to find a place so that we can stay.

"Thanks for your time Vila-san, you must be busy and we have to make an effort to find a place, so we will leave"

" It's okay, I think it will be difficult but maybe get lucky and somewhere perhaps some adventurer could have died leaving unoccupied rooms. Unfortunately, here all who are staying have had no accidents ..."

"V-Vila-san ... we can hear you, you know?"

"Hehehe, you guys will surely be fine… probably"


… I hadn't interacted much with her last time, but Vila-san has a rather dark personality… I can see some men who seem adventurous starting to sweat because of the words she says in response to some of their complaints… although this can also be the job stress for so much work and so she behaves like this, yes, let's think about it that way.

Also, it is not that I care much what happens to some guys who have been eating the girls with their eyes from the moment I enter this inn... if they die, then I can only see it as divine retribution or something like that.

"Then we leave, see you later Vila-san ... Shisuka, go down to Vila-san"

"Heee ~ Are we leaving ~?"

"Alex, let's stay a little longer..."

"Sorry, but we can't. As you have heard, we have to find a place to stay ... well, maybe you two didn't"

We said goodbye to Vila and her daughters and even with the reluctance of some girls, we left the inn and immediately began to look for a place in the surroundings. Unfortunately, as we had been told, all the places we go had no free rooms.

"Alex... I don't think it will help us much to find a place that uses your weapon against the other clients of the inns... much less with the owners"

"Saeko-senpai, it's also not good that you try to cut people off so easily ..."

"Well, I think it was their fault and they only got what they wanted Saya-chan"

"I agree with Saeko-san's point of view Kurisu-san, such people need to be dealt with harshly or else they might have strange ideas… I say that from my own experience."

Well maybe we didn't even have the opportunity to ask in all the places we went because some problems arose... on one occasion when we entered an inn, someone tried to approach the girls inappropriately and this one ended with a sword in the neck... another fared even worse and ended up with a big hole in one leg when he got shot by Rika.

Elsewhere, the innkeeper told us that he only had one spare room and while it was not large, at least we got a place... or so I thought at first. 

Although we would sleep tight, it was better than having to sleep outside. But the problem was that this innkeeper had forgotten to tell us that this was his room and also will stay here... then things got worse when he tried to prevent us from leaving.

It was a shame for him that he did not recognize a firearm when it was aimed at his head, if only he had done it, things had probably been better for him. 

Unfortunately, that was not the case and he ended up being beaten repeatedly... not that I was soft on him, I just did not want to kill someone now and complicate things and so I had to settle for just knocking him unconscious after breaking several bones from him.

"We will have to resort to one of my last means..."

"Which one?"

"Go with another old acquaintance..."

Answering Rei's question, while the other girls have their eyes on me, I start walking through the streets of the city and they immediately do the same. Not long after, we were in a store... it seems that business has been going well for her since the place looked to have been remodeled and expanded.

" Old spinster, are you there ?! "

"O-Old spinster?"

Finishing observing the place for a moment, then I move forward while calling the owner of this place... it's a shame that I had also forgotten her name, so I had to address her for the characteristic that I remember most about her.

But it seems that my words touch a sensitive fiber on Rika since she is the one who has a stronger reaction to my words. She shouldn't worry about that... I don't think she was that old, plus,  now she shouldn't be included as a single person.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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