Soul Evolution System

Chapter 154 Shopping

" Welcome! How can we help you? "

After walking for several minutes with Milene, we arrived at a large building not far from where the adventurer's guild was and then upon entering it, a beautiful woman greets us with a smile on her face.

"Relen ... I brought you a client, so you should be grateful for this."

"Oh! Milene ... with so many young and beautiful girls I had not noticed you. It must be because you have friends with such a good appearance that you are still alone... after all, with them by your side even if a man manages to notice you it would be impossible that he put you as the first option to talk.

Well... maybe I'm wrong and even walking the streets alone, you would also end up chasing away any man in some way... maybe that is your only gift "

"Fuck you Relen! Also for what I know, it's not like if you have a man by your side either"

"Well, in my case it's because I haven't met the right man. 

Unlike you, I'm the one who has to reject them… hohoho, so naturally it's because the man I choose must have the qualities of being handsome and classy"

"Hmp ~! Nonsense! You probably wouldn't mind if he was a fat old man as long as he had a fat wallet. Well, I didn't come to fight you... in fact if I didn't have some business here, this would be the last place I would come to"

"You are so cruel, Milene ... I thought we were friends"

Suddenly, the girls and I were caught watching the argument between the two of them without being able to do anything… they say that a woman's worst enemy is another woman, both really do not seem to get along at all ...

Also, I thought I was the only one bothering Milene with the problem of her being single but seeing previously Celi and now this woman called Relen, maybe she is famous in this city for that reason ...

"Let's not waste time, he wants to buy one of the vehicles you sell here"

"Hmn? This..."

"... Alexander"

" I see, so Alexander-san. What kind of vehicle would you like? We have a wide variety of them..."

For a moment I thought that she would doubt Milene's words, after all, the vehicles they had on display looked quite luxurious compared to other transports that were out on the streets.

Although I don't like to think about it too much, this would be as if a child goes to a Ferrari dealership in my world and tells a seller that he wants to buy a car... also to make this worse, it is not as if I was using something that made me look like someone rich.

So I'm honestly a little surprised that this woman didn't laugh, or worse, kicked me out of here.

Well, it may be that even though she and Milene don't get along, she knows Milene wouldn't bring a person to do business without first asking if he can afford things... after all, if she did it would only give her another reason to make fun of her.

So after pausing for me to say my name, she starts explaining and recommending some of the vehicle models they had here.

"It is amazing how there can be such a great disparity in things in this world... outside I saw animals pulling wagons and now there are vehicles here that are even more advanced than the place where we come"

" I was also very surprised the first time I came here with Alex about this, but this is probably not the most surprising thing, Saya"

"Rika~ This vehicle is very nice do not you think?~"

"Don't touch it! We don't know how much that costs... it would be bad if you scratch or damage it somehow Shisuka"

" What are these things, Master? Are they like the metal boxes that move where we were before? Roock ~"

"Little bird, stay still and don't make a fuss here!"

While Relen tells me some things about the vehicles, out of curiosity the other girls begin to see these and leaving only Leona, Scythe and Saeko next to me... I really hope that Rika and Rei who are trying to control Shisuka and Vrana-chan can make the two of them not cause an accident... I don't want to have to pay for something I don't need.

Besides, the pair of girls with more technological knowledge, Kurisu and Saya, seem more interested in how vehicles work than in their appearance.

"Relen- san, I need a vehicle that can have the function of a house… I don't know if you have something like that here?"

"Of course! We have several models that fit that description perfectly. Why don't we see them, they're around here."

Since the more time we spent here is more the possibility that an accident would happen with the two girls I mentioned before, especially with the little harpy. I interrupt Relen to tell her what I wanted and she quickly guides us to another area of

this building.

We arrived in a part that had fewer vehicles on display than the previous place, but instead, each of those who were here was pretty big... I wonder if these things can walk the streets? No, since most of the city streets are quite wide so there shouldn't be a problem.

"This model is the MH-100 is well suited to travel and move in safe areas if people want to go on a day of field or something like that. In practically have everything itis that needed to play the role of a home. Its price is 2,600,000 G.

This one here is the MH-200, it is very similar to the previous, only that it is more spacious with an extra floor. Also, it offers a little more security by possessing a small energy shield that is effective in stopping small monsters. Its price is 4,200,000G "

"That over ther-"

"Oh! You have a good eye, Alexander-san. That is the MF-300... fufufu, although this vehicle would not fit your description of before. This instead of a house, it is more a mobile fortress.

The MF model is the preferred one for adventurers since apart from offering all the comforts of a house that a tent cannot have, it also has an energy shield that could even withstand multiple hits from a Demon Ape "

The vehicles Relen was showing me looked pretty good and certainly served the purpose I was looking to using it as a place to live for now. But honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to what she was saying because something else had caught my attention.

Unlike the vehicles that she mentioned to me, which could be said to have the appearance of something nice to be able to have a picnic in a quiet place, the one that had captured my attention certainly had a better appearance.

It was all a matte black color and in size it seemed to be the largest of all the ones here, plus, it also looked quite robust. That in itself already made it stand out but what captured my attention the most is that unlike the other vehicles that had wheels to move, this one was levitating in the air.

Woh! This was a flying car! One of my childhood dreams... a flying DeLorean! No, this was definitely better than this… well, maybe not since this can't travel through time.

Unfortunately I will not be able to see the dinosaurs, another dream of my childhood... although I do not know if in this world these creatures existed in ancient times.

[You probably don't need to go back in time to see something like a dinosaur in this world, Alexander. Surely there must be monsters with a similar appearance, although it would be a problem if you meet a much stronger one than you.

Reptile-like monsters are usually strong... and even more so if they had a bit of a dragon lineage. Well, probably in the level 1 worlds that possibility is very low]

... I don't want to run into something like a dragon, or at least not for now. On the other hand, Relen mentioned another monster and from what she says it is probably very different from the goblin I found earlier.

"Demon ape?"

"In the area of Inimp, is the monster stronger that people have seen on more occasions...  although a group of adventurers experienced and strong meet with it, the result more probable to happen if this happens is that it finished killing everyone. Normally when one of these appears it is necessary for the strongest people in this area to intervene or have to ask for help from people residing in a level 2 area "

Only the name sounded somewhat dangerous and listening to Milene, it seems that it really was... if sometimes help was even needed from people from a higher area, it is almost certain that this monster is in a 9th limit.

Going back to the previous topic, if this vehicle can resist some blows from that monster, then it is certainly something quite good for the safety of the girls and mine... although seeing the prices of the previous ones, I am a little worried about this one.

"What is the price of this?"

"Well ... it is certainly expensive. But I can say that totally worth it! It has saved many adventurers from trouble as it is practically a fortress where they can escape if things go wrong.

This is thanks to the fact that apart from having a fairly strong shield, as you can see, this vehicle can levitate up to a maximum of 15m and so it can move very freely through open terrain.

Of course, not only did they focus on making it resistant, but the interior is also quite comfortable and beautiful... without a doubt that's why it is also one of the vehicles preferred by the nobles to transport themselves "

Like a whole experienced salesperson, she ignores my question and instead starts giving me more details about the MF-300 to try and convince me to buy it no matter what the price it has. Unfortunately for her, one of the things that she says discourages me a little. It seems that this was not totally a flying car... well, even so, it was still a pretty good vehicle and probably the best one here.

She immediately passes us inside this one and as she had said, it was quite pleasant for the sight… it did not lose anything with my old room in the castle. It was also quite spacious and certainly, there would not be much trouble accommodating all the girls inside without them feeling tight.

"If you decide to buy this vehicle we can modify it to a certain extent in some things according to your criteria, such as the number of rooms that-"

"A large room with a huge bed is enough!"

"Eh? W-Well ... if you wish, something like this can be done in one day if you decide to buy it"

It was not necessary to have several rooms to sleep, only space would be wasted... it was more practical just one!

"It seems that now you will sleep with all of us Rika ~"

"Well ... I don't have a problem with that and actually ... I felt a little left out while we were in our-"

"In the other place!"

The girls aren't too surprised by my abrupt interruption to Relen. Well, this should not seem strange to them since almost all of them slept with me in HOTD and as Shisuka says, the only exception was Rika.

It's not that I wanted to exclude her as she whispers, it was rather that the space in my bed in HOTD was already quite busy and I couldn't find a bigger mattress that was comfortable, besides... when I tried to change it, some girls complained that these were not as good as the one we already had.

...Although I think they mainly did it to prevent the number of people sleeping there from increasing even more since the main antagonists to the idea were Kurisu and Rei. They probably didn't have a problem with Rika sleeping with us, but they probably interpreted it as more free space meant more space for more girls… I can't blame them for that since in fact, I was very in agreement with that logic.

When Rika was speaking, then Saya interrupts her to prevent her from finishing what she says. I don't think she needs to worry too much about Rika saying something like another world here, but maybe that be better. I should ask the girls to refer to HOTD as an Area rather than a world, that can avoid some troubles.

"Then what is it price?"

"...It depends on the level of shield that you want to be integrated as it requires the use of a suitable crystal in accordance with your request for this"

"...then if I say that I will take care of the cristal on my own?"

"Well ... since we won't have to put the cristal to the shield, then this reduces the price quite a bit. Since you're Milene's friend and she's also my friend, how about 9,500,000G ... normally it sells for 10 million Gold, you know?! "

"Damn liar... I don't think you value our friendship at 500 thousand G... surely you wouldn't give a single G for this one"

Shit! It was really expensive... this would certainly be a severe blow to my wallet. Also, I agree with Milene... I can't believe she dropped 500,000 just for that.

"It is too expensive... without the cristal that makes it safer, I don't see it very different from the others that you had previously shown me, but even so, it is worth more than double"

"No, its technology is superior to those... but it's fine, 9 million and it will be yours... they will surely scold me for selling it at that price, but as I said, since it is for a friend then I wouldn't mind going through a hard time for this "

"Well ... since you expect to be scolded for this, then it better be for something worthwhile, I'll give you 7 million for it"

"E-eh? N-no ... if I do that they will not scold me and surely they will not even settle for firing me... if I do not end up in a brothel to pay for the loss, then they will probably skin me alive! 

8.5 million is the lowest I can leave it to you "

"...probably in this city, there are not many people who can buy one of these... instead of letting it accumulate dust and become more obsolete, I will do you the favor of taking it for 8 million, what do you think of Relen- san?"


"Well, if you don't accept my offer then I'll look for another vehicle in somewhere else..."

"Wait... okay, 8 million!"

I did not plan to haggle since I believed that in this type of store the price would be fixed and you could only take it or leave it. But since Relen had discounted 500 thousand herself, therefore I did not lose anything for trying ...

When I give my last offer, Relen remains silent without saying anything to me, so I turn to get out of here. I do not know if there are more places that sell the same things, but if there are not, I just have to go back and say that in the end I decided to buy it here.

Then with only some steps I give ahead, Relen's voice is heard from my back and because of that a smile form on my face. How could I not be happy? Damn! I saved 2 million!

It's not that I can't afford it, I can probably buy two of these vehicles now without a problem. The problem was that actually hurt me paying out that amount! After all, you could say that that was almost half of my effort in 6 months.

"Then we have a deal."

"Haaa ... seriously, I can't believe what a person does for a friend"

"Stop saying that like it's true... it's starting to give me chills."

After the negotiation, we do the following procedure and I give the 8 million... I take a crystal with a value of 800 thousand and I give it to her. This one was not very distinct from the others and the only difference was that instead of the transparent and shiny color, its color had changed and now it had an orange glow.

It seems that the more energy one crystal stores,  these change it the color...... in weight and the rest should not make a difference but when I handed it to Relen, I felt that I released something quite heavy. Damn! It was 8 million of Gold...

As for why I pay it in crystals, it was simply that I did not have enough Gold to pay it and I did not want to complicate things too much in mixing the form of payment... I would also run out of Gold and it is good to have some cash for other things.

"She seemed quite happy despite having made a 2 Million discount~, right? "

"Of course it is because it should still have been in the range that she could lower the price... the commission on her sale may have gone down a bit but she certainly should have earned more than if she sold a simpler vehicle...

On the other hand, what have you been doing to get that kind of money, boy?... I thought that I had done well lately and that having spent like 500 thousand G in remodeling my store was a great achievement... it is a hard blow to know that four times the amount I got for my hard effort was something that someone uses as a discount for a sale, you know?... "

"D-don't be discouraged Milene-san... if the amount spent is a lot, logically the margin for things like discounts and profits will also be bigger"

"Well, let's say that during these 6 months I have done several things and I was able to get a good income"

Leaving the car shop, Shisuka comments that and Milene responds to her somewhat dejectedly and so Saya tries to comfort her. Her family was rich, so she was probably more used to that sort of thing.

As for the question that Milene asks me, I give her a simple answer since I could not tell her that during the period that we did not see each other, I became the leader of some 70,000 men and we killed a huge number of zombies...



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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