Soul Evolution System

Chapter 155 Again in the World Guild (Part 1)

"Well… it seems like in the end we couldn't solve the problem of where to stay tonight. Milene, is it okay with you that we stay for a day in your store?"

"Hmn? Okay… as payment, I can receive what you saved on the purchase of that vehicle. After all, that was a discount and sure this not will be something that a person as rich like you care about. Is okay?"


We left the store, but since the vehicle I bought would be delivered to me tomorrow due to modifications then I still had a problem with where to stay for tonight. So with no other choice, I turn to Milene who was close to me.

We hadn't known each other for a long time, but since I saved her life before I should be able to count on her to help me with this problem, but... from the answer I get after asking her, I think I had overestimated that.

"Okay girls, let's go. We have to find a place to sleep and we also have to do some other things"

" W-Wait, why are you leaving ! ? Where are my two million of G!? "

"Curse! Since when is my money yours !? Also, do you still have the nerve to ask for that amount for one night only!? Even if you told me that if I pay you that then you would attend me personally at night, it would still follow being enormously expensive! With that amount, you could surely book a full Brothel for a month!! "


"Why it has to be a brothel and it can't be an inn the one you book~?

"You pervert brat... you really have the guts to say that in front of all of us, don't you? "

"I-I'm sorry... the truth is that I have a problem that I couldn't tell any of you... I have dyslexia. Previously I wanted to say inn as Shisuka mentioned"

"I don't think an inn asks that much for booking it for a month..."

Milene's words make me exalt a little... because of that, Kurisu and Rei yell at me somewhat angrily at what I say to Milene and so I quickly respond to them trying to solve things by leaning on Shisuka's comment... unfortunately, it does not seem that they believe me since they possibly have conclusions very similar to those that Rika spoke last.

"Well ... half of what you saved is enough and maybe I will think what you said about attending to you at night..."

"Fuck you! I'd rather sleep on the street, not that I was so desperate to waste a million like that!"


"I-I was just kidding... I'll just take the million of G ... plus, why are you so mad, Kurisu? With so many girls around him, one more shouldn't affect things much..."

Kurisu calms down after Milene comments on the first and the second seems to not reach her ears... but Kurisu, you shouldn't calm down just because of that, this damn still dares to ask for a million, you know ?!

"Ok, ok, I was just kidding… you can stay at the store. Tch, you're a stingy"

When I start to walk away from Milene, she speaks again to tell me that.

No, I can assure you that those eyes were not kidding... also the aura around her at that moment was completely light green that indicated greed.

Damn! Also, it clear that the problem is not that I am stingy but is that it was just completely absurd... hmp, now I will not pay her anything for staying tonight in her store.

"Well... I will accept your offer"

"So... we go back to the store?"

"No, I really have other things to do. I need to go to the world guild for several things, for example, I have to accept the mission to protect your town.

It is better that you go ahead, I will not take more of your time so that you can continue making more of your precious money. We will return when those matters are over. "

We said goodbye to Milene for the moment and then I started walking along with the girls towards the guild that was not far from here.

Aside from what I said to her, I also had to get the other girls to sign up for this one. Then, a couple of minutes more later all of us entered the guild.

Like the last time I was here, there were a good number of people lined up in several lines to do various things, so without wasting time we formed ourselves into the one that said "New members".

Haaa, it seems that wherever our group goes it will attract everyone's eyes... it is good that perhaps by some rule in the guild, no one comes to us to cause any problem and that is why we can calmly wait our turn.

Maybe the best thing was not to make this city our residence... it is probably better not to live in a too crowded place and looking for a somewhat isolated area is the most ideal... as long as I have the girls by my side I would not mind living like a hermit.

Several minutes after waiting, the girls repeat the process that I and Kurisu had already done before with both of us helping them fill out the forms. Then sometime later, the receptionist that received us was processing the data for the creation of credentials while the girls watch curiously.

Honestly, although as a man the idea of ​​going on an adventure and exploring new things was certainly exciting… becoming an adventurer did not arouse much interest in me. It probably has to do with the fact that most of the people here seemed to have a hard life to survive day by day with the income from this work...

It wasn't as if they looked poor ... but either it didn't seem like they were going to get rich from this job anytime soon or in the near future...

Relen said that the vehicle I bought was specially designed for adventurers, but... I ask me how many goblins will you have to kill to buy one? It probably takes a lifetime to dedicate yourself to that... or maybe even one isn't enough.

[Well, this is still a small town and the adventurers here are not very strong. So, logically they won't be able to get much out of the monsters they hunt or the quests that they can accept]

What you say Aurora makes sense... if I analyze the people who are here their average level is approximately 30. The strongest is level 47, so if we leave out the battle experience then even the weakest girl in our party could take care of him... probably.

Well, I think it was a good decision to leave this world right away since it would have been somewhat problematic to have to face a group of people of this level at that time.

"Well, since there are several cards, it will take a while to them get ready so I will explain the basic rules of the guild in the meantime"


While observing the people around this great room, the receptionist who had attended us speaks again. Then finding my reaction strange, she directs her eyes towards me and asks me.

"What happens?"

"Sorry, I just don't remember when I got my credential before that someone explained something to me"

"Well… that must have been because that time we had to leave immediately when you got the credential, Alex. The receptionist who attended us that time mistook you for a woman and in the end it was created a commotion because of that…"

...What Kurisu says is true, I had forgotten that dark part of my past. Well, I think I'm much better at dealing with those kinds of issues now. These 6 months have not been in vain ... in addition, it is very possible that my appearance at that time has become more manly! There are not so many people who make that mistake anymore like before.

"Eh? Are you a man? "


"P-Please, just focus on telling us the rules of the guild!"


"Don't worry Alex-san, we all know that you are a man... you don't need to be muscular and rude to we realize that..."

"Master, you just have to show them what you have between your legs and nobody will think that you are a woman!"

"L-Leona, I know you want to help the boy but you don't need to scream that ..."

…It seems like there is still time to lose this appearance that I have and my masculine features begin to stand out.

Also I'm a little curious about what Saeko thought when she said that they all understood very well that I was a man since she made a pause and her face flushed.

On the other hand, if I follow Leona's advice it is true that I could be identified as a man immediately, but... in exchange for that, I would be marked with a completely new label over me that is not pleasant either. That would make me some kind of exhibitionist pervert!

Also, it seems that Rika is still having some trouble teaching a bit of common sense in girls who lack this from what I see...

Why I chose her for this was simply due to discarding all the others while thinking about who to choose. At first I thought in Shisuka, but in the next moment I discarded her since I don't even know very well still if she entered in the group of those who had common sense or not...

The following were Kurisu and Saya, since they have a good head it didn't seem like a bad idea ... the problem was that they two couldn't control the girls they needed to teach. It seems that it was not easy for them to control Vrana-chan when she was bored, and with Leona the problem was that it was difficult for them to talk to her because of her character.

Although the latter arguably is the one with the most common sense, sometimes like a moment ago, she seemed to completely ignore it.

Rei was also quickly discarded since she was the one who got along the worst with Vrana-chan... yes, that discarded her so quickly has nothing to do with that I was worried that she would fill the heads of those girls with too high morality or taught them unnecessary things... it was simply because she was not compatible with Vrana-chan.

Finally there were two people who seemed ideal for that job, Saeko and Rika. 

In the end as I said before, I chose the latter. Not that Saeko was bad at it, just that Rika had more experience in instructing things since she was a soldier and earlier had demonstrated this with Hirano.

"Well then, I'll explain the Guild rules.

First of all, I must tell you that the guild is not responsible for anyone and each member is responsible for himself. The only exception to this is when they are inside a facility like this, so if you have a problem with a person then go outside and do what you have to do.

Whether the other part kill you or you kill it, the guild will not intervene "

"S-So what's the point of joining this one?"

I agree with Saya's claim, I don't see any use in belonging to this guild if they don't offer any protection.

"The guild is only an intermediary to receive and carry out missions, therefore, it only provides support with this. Outside of that, the members are on their own.

If you are concerned about your safety, then do not hesitate to ask a mission for protection and then the guild will inform people to find one or a few that want to take the mission and that you find adequate for that.

This is also so as not to favor someone in special. Since there are too many groups, kingdoms and other things like that, then it would be a problem when missions arise that affect some and benefit others... if so, people think that the guild is trying to go against someone in specific.

That is why we accept any type of mission as long as there is a payment corresponding to it. For example, if you want someone to be killed, as long as there is a person who accepts the offer that is made then it is possible to do it... it does not matter that this person is a commoner, a nobleman, or a King ... of course, the price will vary because the type of person is "

"Th-this doesn't look like a guild... it's more of a group of assassins."

"That was just an example, the opposite of this is what I had previously mentioned about seeking protection, but likewise, depending on the ability that persons whoever hires then the price will be in accordance with that.

Don't worry, there aren't many cases where people are hired to kill someone in the world guild. Since the missions are public, it is not difficult to find out that someone ordered to kill a person and then obtain the same treatment as revenge. "

"Shouldn't that information be kept secret?"

Hearing the receptionist speak and reply to Rika's comment, for all the first one says I can't help but get into the conversation as well. The most logical thing is that if others ordered someone to be killed, then this information should be kept secret. So I was a little intrigued by that.

"Of course, also the information of the client that gives the mission can remain secret if he so wishes, although that carries a fee. So if someone offers an amount greater than that fee, the client will be reimbursed twice as much as it is agreed... but logically we could do what we want with that information.

Although also there are people who ask missions to investigate the death of someone since in this way it may be more economical than pay the guild for requesting the information directly "

"N-no matter how you look at it, that's like saying that everything has a value"

"Exactly, that's the motto of the world guild ~"

I agree with Kurisu's words… my image of this guild changed a lot to what I had thought it was before.

"... I thought this guild was mainly in charge of creating missions to kill monsters"

"That is also correct, but that does not affect our motto ~"

Well... in such a rough world and with so many groups of people and ideologies, perhaps that was the only way for this one to expand so much.

"Are there more rules?"

"The other rules are for the request of missions and fulfillment of these. In the first it is only necessary to pay the fee for the publication of this, of course, the amount of the agreed reward is necessary to pay it in advance since it would be unfortunate that one of our members fulfilled the mission and did not have their payment.

If a member accepts a mission then the only way not to carry it out is either because the member who performed it died, if that is the case it will be published again at no cost to the client.

The other is to pay the cancellation fee, if the member does not have the resources to do so then a month will be provided to cover the amount, if still he does not do so, at that time he will have to become a commercial slave.

If the mission has an expiration time to complete and the member does not complete it during this, then he will have to pay the fee stipulated by the mission's failure. If he does not have the resources to cover this, the procedure will be the same as in the previous case.

Finally, although this instead of a rule, is rather so you are aware of this. The guild takes 5% of the rewards of the missions carried out, although this percentage is already discounted from the amount indicated in these "

Damn! This more than a guild is rather a total profit organization... well, I don't know if the guilds are that in the first place.

But what I do know is that the founders of this must be swimming in money... if they are still alive. They get money from customers and their members... the person who created this guild must have been someone similar to Milene.

"I have a question…"

"What is it?"

"To work here is it necessary to pay the guild?"

"E-eh? No... the guild pays me for my work"

Well... since the one who created this guild seemed to want to earn money with everything, for a moment I thought that even would charge their workers for doing their job... it seems that the guy or guys did not go too far either.

"I ~! I ~! I also have a question! Roock ~"


"What is a commercial slave? Roock ~"

"Well... there are three types of slaves. Commercial slaves, as I have already said or you can imagine, are the ones who because of debt have to sell themselves to pay it. Among the slaves, it could be said that to a certain extent they are the more fortunate since they are the ones who are protected by the agreement they signed to become such.

So they can escape of unjustified mistreatment, or sexual acts if they want. Of course, the more lax the contract, the less time they have to spend as one "

"I don't think that a person becomes a slave can be said that is someone lucky..."

I agree with Rei's words, the person who becomes one no matter how you look at it, it can only be said that he was unlucky.

"Of course, but if you compare it to the other two then you will understand.

The next slaves are Criminal Slaves. As their name indicates, these are those who committed a crime and as punishment, they are converted into slaves and the only way to get out of that state is dead or that someone to pay the pardon for them.

These do not have any rights, so as you can imagine they do not have a good life "

"Well, if they are criminals I cannot say that I feel sorry for them"

"...what kind of crime is punishable by this?"

"It looks like you're smart, little one…"

Although in part I agree with what Saeko says, if you think about it, this could be a big problem and so that's why I intervene.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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