Soul Evolution System

Chapter 156 Again in the World Guild ( Part 2 )

"... what kind of crime are those who are punished with that? Who imposes that punishment?"

The receptionist seems to understand perfectly the reason for my question, so while she puts her eyes on me, she answers me with a smile on her face but in which you could see seriousness behind this.

"Looks like you're smart, little one... who defines a person becomes a criminal slave are the authorities of each region in this world and to because of that the reason why the social status of a person descends to this may vary from this.

But normally the crime punished for a person to become a slave is serious acts like murder, belonging to a gang of thieves and things like that. But... Unfortunately, there are occasions like belonging to a nation or an organization can become a crime to become a slave "

"Eh? Why~?"

"...By war or some conflict"

"That young lady is right~ During conflicts between groups or nations if the victorious person has enough power to turn the defeated into slaves, then it is not uncommon for that to happen.

So it could be said that criminal slaves can be in that state for a just cause or unfair reasons. Furthermore, it is also not uncommon for someone with sufficient influence to convert a person to a criminal slave on a whim. "

After Shisuka asks, Rika answers and the receptionist affirms her words. Haaa... I had a feeling it would be something like that.

But this only reminds me that I have to become strong so that a person has to think very carefully if he wants to take the risk to become a slave to me or the girls.

"So what is the last type of slaves?"

"The last type of slaves are illegal slaves. Although these may not differ much from the previous ones since others usually try to sell them like these. 

They are people who unfortunately are captured and sold as slaves even though they have practically no reason to be slaves, but still they end up as one. 

Usually, the most affected by this are young women, rare races, children... to summarize, practically anyone who is striking for certain types of people.

If they are lucky and someone can verify that these people should not be slaves, then they should be released. Unfortunately, these types of slaves are sold in remote regions where they are captured so it is difficult for this to happen...

By the way, the guild also accepts missions to capture people~ "

" E-eh !? "

Saya asks about the last type of slaves and the receptionist's answer was somewhat somber and, according to this, her face also looked sad as she spoke. 

But... the last words that she says ruined everything. I couldn't blame Saya and the other girls for being shocked, this was just a big dramatic turnaround that we were n't expecting.

Damn! That is simply not having a heart! Why tell a story as if you were sorry for the atrocities of the world and then in the next second say that you also participated in that while smiling? it was too cruel!

"Well, as I said before, all things can be done for a price. 

But don't worry, even though those types of missions are not few since there are always people looking for those types of slaves. It is not as if all People will dedicate themselves to that, also there are groups, other guilds, sects, schools and others that are affiliated with us and oppose that and request the heads of those types of people.

You could say it's a way of balancing the world~ "

"B-but aren't you afraid that this could happen to you?"

"Hmn? Well... as a not very strong person, of course I would be worried. That's why I joined the world guild, so that takes a lot of weight off my shoulders... hehehe, there aren't many people who dare to put a hand on a staff member "

Kurisu asks this perhaps trying to appeal to her feeling of empathy for the things that the guild does, but unfortunately for her, it does not seem to get the effect she wanted.

The response of the receptionist was somewhat understandable... being such a huge organization, surely someone should be crazy to go again them. 

Although this receptionist may not be very important to the guild itself, attacking someone from the guild of the world could certainly be classified as an offense to the entire organization and so what awaits the person who did this, it must not be a good thing.

So I understand that even though she may not be someone important to the guild, just by having its emblem on her clothing she must feel safe to walk the streets without worry.

"That is why people come together in groups and form Guilds, Sects, Families, Clans, and other organizations... this form people have more opportunity to protect themselves.

By the way, I have two questions to ask you. Since the majority of us are new members of our guild, I want to ask you if want to form a group… it seems that you don't have the right number yet to do something else "

"What do you mean?"

"To form a team it is necessary to have more than 3 people and less than 10, the other organizations I mentioned before need to have at least 10 members. So they are groups with many individuals with the only difference between them being the concept of why these are formed "

"The concept ~?"

"Yes~ For example, forming another guild is usually done with many people who share the same objective even if they do not have many ties to each other, this way they can support them all among themselves.

Families are a group of individuals that are formed by romantic ties normally... usually, they are formed by a person of one gender and the rest of the members are of the opposite sex. That is why many also call them Harems"

Damn! Who said the guild was bad? As the receptionist-san said, just because its rules aren't partial to anyone doesn't mean they aren't good… in fact, I think that the guild is very fair!

[Alexander… in this world you don't need the approval of someone to create a Harem, you know? You can do it if you just want it like that]

Oh! That is true... well, then I think this guild would not hurt to change some rules... otherwise, it would become something a little gloomy.

"E-emmm… yes?"


"...You are raising your hand as if you wanted to ask something... b-besides, for a moment I thought I saw that your eyes were burning intensely"

Oh damn!... it seems my body reacts first when I find out that in this place I could formally create a harem...

"I-I'm sorry… I forgot what I wanted to ask, please continue"

Since the gaze of the receptionist and even all the girls were on me, I speak to get out of this somewhat uncomfortable situation. Then she nods and continues her explanation.

"Well... the following would be the clans, it could be said that these are extensions of several generations of the previous group, the families. Or it can also be seen as a large group in which its members share the same blood bond between them.

The sects are similar to the guilds but more than sharing the same objective, they share the same ideology that is in general to lean between the members to strengthen physically. It can be said that these focus a lot on the development of its members ...

Well, in order not to make this too long, just think that there are different groups of people who come together for protection, reach goals, strengthen themselves, learn things, share ideologies, etc. "

But if you already have your own organization, what's the point of joining the guild?"

After the receptionist finishes explaining to us about those things, Rei asks a fairly reasonable question. I understand her questioning, if you had a fairly large organization then I don't see the need to have to share 5% of the rewards, it would be better to just accept the missions directly.

"The advantages of joining to the guild are many, for example, since the world Guild is in all of Gaia, so the number of clients that these groups can reach is greater.

Our name also has a lot of prestige, so I am sure that most of the people would come to us to be able to ask a mission than to a specific organization, or perhaps for clients it is more difficult to find the right people for their missions and simply it 's easy to them come to the guild.

Besides, for these organizations, one or several representatives of our guild will be sent to practically be a branch of this. So, many of these organizations instead of having to create a mission system similar to ours for their members, since it is much easier, they choose to simply implement ours.

Without a doubt, the expense, time, personnel and other things that they need to do that is much greater than having to pay 5% of the missions. "

Geh! The person who created the guild more than an adventurer probably had the mindset of an entrepreneur... the advantages the receptionist says are true. Also being a completely neutral organization, then you don't have to worry too much about letting them into what would be your home.

After all, having them outside than inside, is still equally disadvantageous... no, it's probably better to let them into your organization since at least that way you'll know faster if a quest harmful for your group is created... although probably for that will have to spend a large amount of money and that the person who is against you is not richer than you.

…Surely leaving this world immediately while I was still too weak was the right decision or else I might get in trouble before I knew it.

Everything has its pros and cons. Although I previously did not pass level 20, I probably wouldn't draw much attention with just with Kurisu. Instead now... a large group of beautiful women is surely like a spotlight in the dark.

My consolation is that surely my level in this Level 1 Area should not be so low now, although it will probably be best for me to become stronger as soon as possible.

"What does it take to form an organization and join the guild?"

"As I said earlier, that the number of individuals is greater than 10. In addition, it is also necessary to have a physical location as a base of operations.

The rest are just administrative requirements such as a name, flag or insignia that represents you"

"So we barely covered the number-"

"That's the other thing I wanted to talk about... two of you couldn't obtain the guild IDs. It's because they're monsters..."

I forgot about that... I had gotten so used to Scythe and Vrana-chan that I overlooked that little detail. Although this is a little strange...

"I didn't think the guild cared about the fact that someone was a monster or human in order to do business."

"Well, that doesn't have much to do with the guild not wanting to accept monsters as members and rather it is simply because of the fact that a monster with a level 1 soul is almost impossible to lose its instinct to want to kill humans and have sanity.

If I'm not mistaken, one or more of you all must be a tamer and those monsters are under your control, right? Since otherwise they would be attacking everyone here or escaping.

So the fact of not accepting monsters as members in the level 1 areas is simply that it is impossible to do business with someone who is not rational"

Th-That explains a lot of things... sometimes I feel Scythe's desire to take a bite or eat me... I had thought that she was just waking up her sexual desires or was a way of expressing her affection towards me.

From Vrana-chan, I sometimes felt a possessive desire in her to take me and fly away… I thought it was just something like a little sister who wanted to have more attention for her.

Also, since they were just emotions that popped up for a second and went away the next through my bond with them, I didn't pay too much attention to it.


"What's up master? Roock~…"

Well... Scythe is still quite beautiful and Vrana-chan cute. Also since none have attacked me, then I don't think there is any problem. So even though they have that instinct, it seems like they can keep it under control long enough not to be overpowered by it, or it may also be my ability of tame that does it.

On the other hand, from what the receptionist says, the more their soul evolves, the more control they have over their instincts. So, looking at their levels now, they are getting closer and closer to that and so there should n't be much of a problem with the two of them.


Name: Scythe Grim

Race: Ghoul

Age: 6 Months (Body of a 24 year old girl)

Level: 53> 65

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100                   Energy: 20)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Berseker - G] [Body domain - S] [Scythe handling - C] [Life Absorption - S] (Sealed)


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Pain bloock- C] [Sharp Claws - C] [Reap- E]



[Acrobat- C] [Loyalty - C] [Guardian - J]

Loyalty: 569 Affection: 65


Name: Vrana Yatagarasu

Race: Harpy-Raven

Age: 3 years (Body of a 14 year old girl)

Level: 72> 82

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100                   Energy: (40)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic:[Affinity: Wind] (Sealed)

[Affinity: Sound] (Sealed)

[Affinity: Fire] (Sealed)



[Hawk Vision-S] [Feather Hardening-S] [Sharp Feathers – H] [Ki Control-H] [Fire Immunity-C] [Absorption Solar Energy-SS] [Leadership-J]


[Agile (Air) Movement- G] [Sharp Claws - H] [Winged Cut- H]



[Fly-H] [Loyalty-C]

Loyalty: 251 Affection: 85

Their abilities practically remained the same, but this was understandable since in a similar way to Haruna's dog and big cat what made them increase a limit completely to both of them was also the same pill that I gave them.

On the other hand, Leona did not fall into the monster category. According to Aurora the difference between a monster and a human creature was how they stored energy in their bodies.

This meant that if a being had a crystal then this being would be classified as a monster. On the contrary, if they had an energy nucleus then they are human or an intelligent race.

"From what you say, it seems that in Areas with a stronger soul level it is possible to have monsters as guild members"

"It is correct, although the quantity is still less compared to the other races.

Mainly it is that not all monsters evolve their souls enough to have ample reason to control themselves and if they do so, the most regular is that they continue to avoid the places where the intelligent races crowd.

But what is important now, is that you need to register the monsters in the guild as "Tamed Monsters". Well, more than a problem of the guild, this is a requirement of all cities since in case it causes an inconvenience, then the tamer has to take responsibility for it.

The system did not detect these two monsters, so that means that they were not registered… I recommend that their owner register them since otherwise it would cause you more problems than not doing so.

Apart from avoiding more severe punishments if the monster gets out of control in the city and it is discovered that it was with you, it also helps to claim the belonging over it and avoid robberies "

"… Well, then please register them as my monsters"

"I need your guild card ~"

I do as the receptionist asks and hand over my guild card after pulling it out of my storage pretending to take it under my jacket. Right away Scythe and Vrana-chan go through a process almost the same as the one before but unlike receiving a card, instead, on mine they appear as my tamed monsters.

I wasn't too concerned that they were going to spin out of control and I was more concerned that someone was falsely accusing me of stealing them or something like that. After all…

"You really are lucky, Alexander-san. It is very rare to see a breed like a goul and a harpy in Level 1 Areas, normally these are creatures that are usually found in Level 2 Areas..."

I knew my two monster girls would not be normal. 

Since we entered the guild, of our group, Vrana-chan was one of the girls who attracted the most attention... by the way, another one who also did it was Shisuka, but... this was probably inevitable from her to do by what I had seen in her status previously.

"Excuse me, the previous receptionist who attended us said that our personal information would not be disclosed, but... from what you say, it would seem that the guild would not hesitate to sell that information... did she lie to us?"

What Kurisu says brings me out of my thoughts and catches my attention. She has a good memory, I hardly remember that I got the guild card...

"No, selling the information of our members would be a greater loss than the profit that could be made for this. Nobody would want to be part of an organization that sells the information of its members, right?

The guild's transactions are only with the missions, so you don't have to worry about that since the guild is fully responsible for the information of its members "

"... so that does not include clients who ask for missions"

"That's right, clients have to take responsibility for the consequences of the missions they request for themselves ..."

Well that makes sense. It could be said that the only ones who have to worry about the guild selling their information when requesting a mission are the ones who make somewhat obscure requests, the others are probably not too concerned about this.

Also, hearing that calms me down... I don't have to worry about people from farther afar suddenly coming to try and take some of my girls because they saw her image in the guild information.

…I just have to worry about the people who have seen them personally and also probably influences or organizations that they work for, haaa....



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

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