Soul Evolution System

Chapter 157 Again in the World Guild ( Part 3 )

"So you want me to register you as a group?"

"Well, since right now I can't form a ha-… an organization, so I think we will go with that although I don't know if there is any advantage in this"

"The advantage is that when you complete missions or hunt monsters this will be registered as if it were done by everyone in the group. To raise the rank level in the guild it is necessary to cover some requirements such as a number of missions completed or eliminated monsters, but to hunt some monsters or completing some missions is necessary or is easier to do as a group.

So it could be said that it is only to facilitate the increase of the rank in the guild to the members until a certain point, or also to accept some missions it is mandatory that it be a group who doing it since the client could asks that several people carry it out"

Shit! I almost talking things that should be treated carefully without thinking... I have to be careful. Although the girls have probably already agreed to be with me, it would surely be somewhat awkward for them to hear something like the formation of a Harem...

So trying to make that my tongue slip not be more noticeable, after correcting myself, then I seriously listen to what the receptionist has to say to me so that this way the girls do the same and pay no attention to the first thing I said… but maybe I stopped too late as some look at me while frowning.

Seeing that forming a group only provided advantages, then I decided to create one. I give all the things that the receptionist asks me like the name of the group and the members so that she can register it.

Without much delay, a few minutes later we were an official group of the guild... honestly, since for now my goal was to form an "organization", I do not give much importance to this and so I simply use a simple name like "Alexander Group" to this one, also as no girl has a problem with that, everything was completed very quickly.

"Well, then everything is done"

"Then now I would like to accept Rek's mission of protection by the raid of the monsters "

"I understand, to accept a mission you only need to take your guild card, slide a finger on it and then go to the missions part of the menu"


For a moment I thought she would ask me for my card to register the mission, but her words make my hands stop when I tried to give her the card... then after following her instructions something very similar to the holographic function of my system is displayed, with the only difference being that it seemed that this was visible to everyone.

"" Th-that's incredible... ""

"It's surprising ~"

"Yes... when Alexander-san told me that in this place were goblins and that kind of thing here, I thought that here would only be things similar to what there was in the medieval era as you normally see in this type of development... but it seems that I was wrong, we saw earlier a car that levitated and now this. "

Seeing the hologram, all the girls are surprised and some even take their card to do the same as me. I can't blame Saya for thinking that way since previously even I believed the same.

The problem is that now surely we all look like villagers in a remote village... no, probably even for them this is not very rare and so maybe we are more like children who see something for the first time in the world.

"You can search for a specific mission just by saying its name, then the system will search for words related to your words to find missions in the place near where you are. You just have to say "Search mission" and then the rest"

Following her instructions again, I handle the hologram similarly to my system and finding the part where missions were read then I put my finger on those letters.

In doing so I can't help but frown. The problem is that a large number of missions appear and searching specifically among them was very complicated.

Maybe seeing me frown and releazing it why I did it , the receptionist speaks again to advise me and so again I follow her instructions.

"Search mission, protection of the Rek town"

[ Mission : Protection of the Village of Rek J-H

Due to the invasion of the monsters the lord of Barl has requested the protection of all the villages and towns under her regime.

Place: Rek Village, Delna Kingdom, Nureld Continent 

Area: Inimp (Level 1)

Requirements: Protection of Rek's people for the duration of the monster invasion

Failure: Absent from mission or flee

Reward: 25,000x G

Additional Reward: 25,000x G

Accept: Individual 

Accept: Group 


Doing what the receptionist tells me the hologram displays the mission and then I proceed to accept it, as a result of this in the next second the girls' guild cards also seem to react.

That must have been because I accepted it as a group, so it was most likely some kind of notification to tell them that our group had accepted a mission.


[ Mission / Optional : Protection of Rek-H….]

When I accept the mission, at that moment I also hear the notification from my system informing me of a mission that I accept... remembering a little, I had unlocked the function for optional missions a while ago.

Apparently when I accepted a world guild quest my system does it automatically too. Optional quests appear when I get involved with this one, or I can directly activate them this way.

Practically this mission was the same as the card that I was holding in my hand, it only had a few differences. For example, in the reward part these were:

1x Rank Weapon Coupon [H]

50,000x Gold

5,000x Crystals

It seems that my system paid better than the lord of this region… well, he had to hire several individuals for the job. So, it was justifiable for this to happen.

Seeing that the guild card was not as simple as I had thought it would be, I pay more attention to this and when doing so I realize that the amount of Gold I have that this indicated was the same as the one that my system marked me.

[That's because your system has invaded the world guild system when you got your card to make things more comfortable for you]

… If I tell the truth, when I discovered that this guild card offered some similar things that my system I felt a little strange. It was as if I was no longer as unique as I had thought, this is probably what a collector who has a unique piece and finds out that another one is on the market would feel...

But listening to Aurora's words a smile re-forms on my face since it could be said that my system was more powerful than this of the guild, although perhaps I should not have doubted it in the first place since it continues to offer me better things than a "Simple card".

"Is something wrong?"

Probably seeing me react in various ways while looking at the guild card, the receptionist asks me.

"No, I just thought this card is very practical"

"Of course, the guild has been around for a long time and has always implemented what it thinks is best for its members."

"I see... Search Mission, Dragon Elimination"

[ Mission / Urgent: Elimination of the Dragon of Eruns.

A dragon is attacking the Kingdom of Eruns,so its King requests immediate reinforcements against the catastrophe that threaten all its towns and cities.

Location: Eruns Kingdom, Kren Island     

Area : Rozumbren (Level 4)

Requirements: Participate in the hunt for the dragon

Failure: Loss of more than 20% of towns and cities in the Kingdom

Insufficient level to accept mission]

Shit! Just out of curiosity to see if there were dragons in this world I ask that, but... someone is having a hard time because of a dragon. Being it a level 4 Area, I really don't want to meet that huge lizard for now.

"Hehehe, I think that this is still too soon for you Alexander-san"

"I was just a little curious... I'm not a suicide"

"It is good to hear that"

" But I have another question. If you can accept missions with just the guild card, then why are there so many people here? You don't need to come to accept missions after all"

"Well, most of them probably come to deliver objects or things that are required for the fulfillment of the mission they had chosen or they may also be people who want to use the dimensional doors"

"Dimensional doors?"

Before I could ask that same question, Kurisu intervenes first. The receptionist just smiles and points to a place inside this room. 

There were several rows of people there, but instead of a desk at the end of it, there was a guild person next to what looked like an arch of some metal-like material with runes on it and inside of this that it looked like a door, the same effect was produced as my grimoire do when I wanted to go to another world...

"... So they come to teleport to other places"

"Correct and in case you're wondering, doing so has a price. So, the greater the distance, the greater the cost"

"Can I go to other Areas of Gaia using these?"

"At these gates it is not possible to go to other Areas, these only transport you to places in this Area. To do that, you only have to take a door to the largest branches of the guild that are in the capitals of the Kingdoms of any continent or some of the cities most big and from these you can do that "

It seems that special doors are needed to change areas, but that is certainly very practical and saves much time on people's travel… 

Well, since I've done everything I wanted to accomplish here, then it's time to go.

"Well, thanks for signing up them and answering our questions."

"No problem, I hope you have great adventures"

We said goodbye to the receptionist, who despite being sometimes a little dark, the truth is that she solved many of our doubts, she was a good girl... probably. We turn around and immediately head to the exit.

" Now what shall we do, Alex? "

"… Maybe we should take a walk around town before heading back to Milene's store"

"That sounds good ~"

"Master, it's a shame you couldn't have created your harem!"

When I wanted to take the first step after answering Kurisu's question and Shisuka comment happily for what I say, Leona's sudden interruption almost caused everyone to stumble over her remark...

I think most of the girls noticed my excitement when the receptionist brought up that topic… but probably none of them wanted to talk about it because this was kind of awkward and so in the end they just let it go and didn't say anything about.

... I had thought to wait for the right moment to raise this issue or maybe just create my own " Organization " when I could, it's not like I had to put the word Harem on it so that it was... I would probably get some complaints or small complaints about it, but surely the issue would not escalate to be a problem or something like that. Since my relationship with the girls end up being a harem and surely they also so knew, this only would be more like simply formalize it.

So Leona's words ruined all my plans… I really wanted to go to a guild wall and bang my head a little against it.

Because of these words the girls begin to look at each other and also at me... nobody says anything for a long time, but their faces start to blush and they also get a little restless.

" W-who said that I was the lover of this pervert brat who wants to create a harem?! "

Then the first one who is overcome by the environment that formed, Rei, showing her side Tsundere speaks while pointing her finger at me...

"Well... I had decided to follow Alex-san as his woman and probably most of those who are here think the same. So in the future creating an organization, harem or whatever you want to call it, I think it is the best we can do. "

"More than for the future, I think the boy has already formed a harem... that he could not register it in the guild simply is because of a technicality by which he could not include Scythe and Vrana-chan"

"I-I love Alex! So I'll stay by his side no matter what... even if that means I have to share him with other girls"

"Yes ~ Surely we can create a great family all of us together with Alex-kun~ ...Rei-chan can be with us too ~"

Contrary to Rei, Saeko doesn't seem to have a problem with the harem issue and instead reaffirms her relationship with me. Then continuing after her, Rika even goes beyond Saeko and speaks as if to say that it was too late to deny this now...

Although some girls probably complain if I say so, I agreed with the latter's logic and perspective.

On the other hand, Kurisu seems to have had some doubts to express it, but in the end after clenching her teeth, she speaks as if she wanted to let the others know that she would not be left behind.

Finally, cheerfully as if to conclude this conversation, Shisuka claps her hands together and say that. But then after this, she realizes that Rei since each of the girls started talking, the discomfort on her face was increasing by each intervention of them and so she decides to try to reassure her.

"Well, unlike us, Rei doesn't seem to like Alexander-san… so talking about this is probably uncomfortable for her since it will seem like we excluded her.

But don't worry Rei, we will all support each other in this new world and even though "You don't like Alexander-san", we won't exclude you "

"Y-you ... w-when?"

"Do you want to know when I told my feelings to Alexander-san? Well... it was after he asked us to accompany him to this world"

"... I-I didn't say that I didn't like him Saya... I-It's just that my relationship with him isn't like that... y-yet..."

"… Sorry, I didn't hear the latest. What did you say?"


… Saya's words, more than to comfort Rei, these seemed to be attacking her directly. I had forgotten that ,apparently, Saya had some resentment with her... also it seems that although she does not show it very often, she also has something of her mother's character in her.

Also, it seems that when Rei asks her about when she told me her feelings, Saya remembers some things since her face blushes somewhat intensely… in truth I also remember frequently that moment with great emotion. But it seems that to bear her shame, she decides to focus on persisting with focus into Rei's problems.

Also although most girls probably hear this for the first time as well, none of them are much surprised.

"Master! Master! Are you going to reproduce with them? Are there going to be little masters? Roock ~"

Then, as if what Leona caused wasn't enough, my little harpy drops another big bomb in this place causing everyone to freeze.

Did I get up on the wrong foot this day? No... I knew it!  I shouldn't have gotten that close to Komuro before when we returned to Gaia… surely this is his fault! That happens to me for wanting to be a good guy...

" A-A-A-A B-B-BE-BE-BEBY?! "

"W-well, even I think that  is too soon for something like a b-baby... f-first we should get used well to this world and then... w-with Alex-san..."

"Saeko-san is right~ It is irresponsible to bring a child into this world without careful thought~ What that lady said earlier is correct, we should first find a place to live~ After that ... hehehe, a little Alex-kun~ "

"It's not like the boy is someone older, Shisuka"

The one who reacts first after Vrana-chan's words is Kurisu... or rather, it seems that her brain had a short circuit and she speak involuntarily... 

Even Saeko who is one of the girls who acts more calmly. When she comes out of surprise at Kurisu's words, it also seems like this subject surpasses her and causes her to shuddering a bit.

The one that surprises me a little is Shisuka, who unexpectedly says something sensible... well, in the end it seems that she returns to being herself and gets lost in her fantasies and even Rika's words don't reach her.

The other girls seem to need more time to come back to themselves...

Well, I also think that for something like a baby it is still too soon... damn! I am still 12 years old... if we use the standards of this world which considers that a person of that age is an adult because can join to the world guild, then... when my son is that age I will probably be 25 years old, the difference in age it is very little!

That's kind of scary...

"Well, for now let's walk around the city and look for something to eat... also I think we are attracting a lot of attention from others, so we should get out of here "

I speak wanting to change the subject, so unanimously everyone nods as if they also want to forget this matter. Then our group begins to walk through the streets of the city of Barl observing the food stalls, shops selling various items, or anything that catches our attention.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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