Soul Evolution System

Chapter 158 One more day in Komuro’s life ~ (Part 1)

We walked around the city for a long time and perhaps one of the things that caught the girls' attention the most was the food stalls. Having eaten the skewers that I had brought into their world from here, it probably would not be strange if this was one of the greatest expectations of some to come to this world.

In fact, since during the time I was at HOTD these were finished almost at the end of my stay there, I did not find it strange that the girls asked me to go to the place where I previously got them. Well, I missed them a little too.

The taste of the food at HOTD had improved a lot too, so it's not like my time there I suffered from that. Maybe it was just that as the creatures had recently leveled up because the world was only just beginning to evolve, the taste or the energy of the world hadn't been so perfectly embedded in the meat… I don't know well, it just seemed like something was missing compared to the meat of Gaia's animals.

As for the owner of the small stall on the street who sold me those skewers, for a moment I thought that perhaps I must have the bad luck that he did not sell his products today since I did not see him when we went to the place of before... At that moment I was praying that it was what happened and not that something bad had happened to the old man... it would be a shame not to be able to taste his food again.

So when we were walking down the street and into a more formal food establishment like a small restaurant, I was surprised to see the old man there. Apparently like with Milene, my influence had made his businesses better and he ended up taking this place for making his business.

That made me a little happy, I could eat those skewers again and this made me believe that my presence gave good luck to the rest of the people.

[…You probably shouldn't say that last thing in front of Komuro-kun, Alexander. If he hears you, then he may end up going crazy ... or attack you]

...I don't know what you're talking about, Aurora. Before coming to Gaia I fix some things, so I think he must surely be happy now… he certainly must be thanking me right now. Well... at least he won't complain so much the next time I see him.


"What's going on, Alex?"

"No... I was just thinking that Komuro and Yamada are probably giving thanks for being born right now."

"…What do you mean?"

"Hmn? Oh! ... i-it's nothing. Let's keep eating, I really missed these skewers"

Shit! Being lost in my thoughts I almost said that things to Kurisu… 

Well, maybe since I wasn't the one to do that, then she probably wouldn't get mad with me. It is a good thing that she doesn't stick with this and after she just concentrates on eating happily... Well, unfortunately that didn't apply to everyone.

"Speaking of the two of them... I wasn't spying on you or something, but I saw what you did when you spoke to Omura ..."

My words seem to have caught Rika's attention and so she intervenes in the conversation. Her words manage to make me a little nervous... but seeing her face, it seems that instead of a scolding or complaint, she wanted to talk about something else.

"W-Well ... I just thought they had been through a bad time and I wanted to help them"

"That doesn't matter much to me. They are free to do whatever they want anyway, I was just a little curious since you chose Omura for that…"

As I had thought, Rika doesn't seem to care much about what I asked Omura to do and instead, it seems like she's more interested in why I asked that to Omura.

This is easy to answer, it is simply because he seemed to be a handsome guy who had good compatibility with various women, but also, curiously I had not heard that he had a formal relationship with any specific girl.

So because of that, I thought that he would be the ideal person for what I wanted. Surely he does not have a girl because he prefers his freedom and thus be able to be with any girl he wants.

"I thought that he could help them since he seemed to be a guy with experience in those issues... so that's why I asked him since maybe he could help those two"

Yes, since Omura did not have a formal partner, surely he would constantly visit the brothels in the pink zone and therefore surely he could instruct those two. It is correct, as you must be imagining, my parting gift for Komuro and Yamada was to have him take them to a brothel...

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(POV Komuro)

The last to go through the portal is Alexander and then with him, all that group disappears completely... 

Then seconds after he passes through the portal, it closes. It seems that until a while later we can see them again...

About this, I have mixed feelings... I can not say that I hate him to wish him death... but either I can say that he is my best friend.

I can understand and I have accepted that Rei is now at his side, also it is not that I can say that he had taken my girl from me since our relationship never progressed more than be friends. But neither will I lie and say that I didn't feel anything when I saw them together... or that I just wish they were both happy.

I certainly don't wish both of them anything bad, much less Rei who was still someone important to me, but at first it was really kind of hard to see that happen.

Because of this, I was also able to see my mistakes and probably what prevented the two of us from advancing our relationship... although not for that reason it is as if I was going to thank Alexander.

I could realize my mistakes since not because Rei liked Alexander now, her personality changed. She was still the same and acting similarly as always.

So thanks to this I could understand that Rei most likely had feelings for me before and that perhaps it was just that she could not express them... it was a pity that I realized it too late... and of course, Alexander did not make the same mistake as me.

Unlike me who kept doubting for many years... or who didn't have the courage to just be honest about what I felt and confess it to her. From what Mizusu and Niki told me, he was totally decisive and direct with her forcing her to make a choice to either accept or reject him.

Haaa… my romantic feelings were probably somewhat childish, or maybe I was hoping she was the one to show her affection to me first. But unfortunately, with Rei's personality that was almost impossible to happen.

Well, my issue with Rei is a thing of the past and I have to move on… now even Hirano has gotten a girlfriend and so I can't stay further behind than him any longer!

" Mom, are you okay ~? "

"... yes, Iruka. I was just thinking a few things... I hope Alexander is well and we can see him soon"


"Alex-onichan will be fine, Aunt Haruna~! He is very strong after all! I've seen him kill the fearsome big monsters as if they were nothing, so he can surely do the same with any other enemy~!"

"Hehehe, it's true little Alice"

Suddenly the words of my mother, Iruka, and Alice-chan bring me out of my thoughts. My mother seemed somewhat discouraged and because of that the two little girls surely try to cheer her up and apparently they both manage to do it a bit.

Although it seems that behind that smile that she shows them both still hides some sadness... the reason why this, was obvious and surely most of the people here also understand it. Even if I wanted to not know that, unfortunately, I was no exception either... and thinking about what causes my mother's attitude, only manages to make me clench the teeth.

I can let Rei's issue pass, but this... Damn!! Why did the damned Alexander have to go after my mother? Wasn't Rei enough?!! I can't forgive this for as much as I try not to think about it or put myself in his place.

I have really tried, and I have tried to reason things from his point of view... if we think about it, if you get to know a beautiful mature woman who has no husband, even if she were the mother of an acquaintance of yours it would surely be impossible for her not to attract your attention.

Now suppose that for some reason you come to attract the attention of this woman... would you reject her and stop trying to make more progress with her? Or would you go on and try to deepen things further?

...probably if you are the person who is making these questions, it is almost certainly that will choose the last option ...being honest I think even I would do that and it is not difficult to imagine anyone ends up deciding to continue

But if instead of being the one asking that questions you are the son of that woman... then you can only curse your partner for doing it!!

And unfortunately I am the one who was in this place!! Why couldn't I be the one asking the questions?!!

"K-Komuro ... are you okay? It seems like you want to kill someone..."

"Sorry Yamada... I was just thinking a few things. Haaa ... it's good that at least I will have a quiet time from now on"

"...Okay. So what do we do now? Hirano, will we have some excursion outside the camp today?"

"No... Alexander-san told me before he left that we will take this day as rest... t-told me, some things would happen it"

"It is strange to see you nervous, or at less in the last days. I thought you had passed that stage Hirano"

"N-no ... it's nothing"

Since I did not want to say that Alexander's absence would bring me peace of mind because my mother was here, I answered Yamada that way and he immediately addressed the conversation to Hirano who was close to us.

The latter has changed a bit lately... you could say he had a more serious attitude now, maybe it's because he spent more time with Alexander. Furthermore, he had Rika-san and several of the men who had the same rank as her training him until very recently.

Even probably because of that, now he is a little thinner… I want to believe that it is because of the training they put him through and not because of the alternative.

Perhaps is that he just matured a bit. Well, the fact that he now has a girlfriend could have helped him in that and perhaps also in the previous topic... I don't want to think about that much, but people say that when a person has a lot of sex, they tend to get fat or lose weight.

"Well, losers. Now that Alexander-san is not here, I don't see much sense in staying with you all… haaa, it's a shame I couldn't make him take me with the other girls. 

Tch, those girls are very cold with me… I'll have to find another target to have a good life in this apocalyptic world.

Well, I will go to Kinato's camp since perhaps there I can fulfill my objective. Goodbye, losers and Hirano-kun "


"Damn Yuki ..."

" Goodbye Yuki-san"

When some people start to leave here, Yuki talks to us. I really wanted to answer her and make fun of her a little because Alexander left her behind since no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get his attention... well, maybe as her complains say. It was more because the other girls did not allow her to get too close to him.

Unfortunately, two things prevented me from doing it. The first is that if I did it, she would surely take care of spreading more rumors about Yamada and me... I think she was responsible for these from the beginning.

The second was because of the person next to me who remains silent when she speaks, Yamada. Haaa… it seems that we both have no luck in love.

"I really don't know why you insist on that, Yamada"

"…Maybe I don't even know it myself, Komuro"

"Why don't you try to tell your feelings her? Even if she rejects you, at least that way you can try to get over it."


I try to give him some advice but after he answers my question, he just watches Yuki leave while he doesn't say a word anymore.

"Hello guys"

"Hmn? Omura-san? ...What's wrong?"

Suddenly, the one who was a former lieutenant colonel, Omura-san, approaches and speaks to us. This was a bit strange since even though we know each other and see each other often, we had rarely spoken.

Well, maybe that was because we didn't have much time to get to know each other and also a little because of our age difference. But he was quite a good-looking person and also sociable, he could easily talk to anyone... he also seemed to be quite a popular person since he was regularly surrounded by girls and talking happily with them.

"It's nothing, I just thought we didn't know each other well and that's why I thought it would be nice if we went out to have a little fun. 

Also from what I heard, there won't be any activities for the soldiers today, it's not true, Hirano-kun? So, I thought that this would be good. "

"I-It is true, O-Omura-san. 

...I-I have something to do, so I will retire first"

"Hahaha, Hirano-kun is now such a busy man. So what do you two say?"


"... maybe if I do something fun can forget some sad things"

Before we could even say our answer, he puts his arms around our necks and starts walking towards the exit of the castle. Well, I don't think meeting new people is a bad thing, and besides, I also had to support Yamada now that he's a bit depressed.

So after yelling at my mom that I'm going out for a moment and that she responds to me with the phrase she normally uses to tell me to be careful, the three of us walk towards the exit.

It is a pity that Hirano seems to have things to do. Although at first I was somewhat envious of the position Alexander gave him since with this one he had caught the attention of many girls, apparently not everything is good and he also has work to do even though there should be no activities for the soldiers.

"So where will we go? The cafeteria that we always go to? No ... probably if the owner sees me right now she can put something on my food... or even kill me"

The food in that cafeteria was quite good and had a pleasant atmosphere with beautiful waitresses who serve us... it was the place we normally used for all our group to hang out, but probably if I go there without Alexander now, then maybe the things will be bad.

The reason for this is simple, but I don't want to remember that much either... it's strange that I have so many things that don't want to think about and also that most of them relate to someone who is supposed to be my friend... well, maybe just be an acquaintance.

This happened a few days after Alexander announced the opening of the hot spring for the camp ...

Alexander, Hirano, Yamada and I had all gone to eat there. The reason for this was because Yamada had insisted the first one give him advice to can getting closer to the girls and so after convincing him, then the 4 of us went there.

...I cannot deny that I was interested in seeing what he was saying, but the very damned seemed to want to keep the secrets that he used to conquer the girls for himself since he just continued insisting that he really did not know much about how to make that a boy attracted a girl, that he had only acted naturally.

His words were just like a slap since he seemed to tell us that he was just born with a talent for having girls and we were useless… well, Yamada and me.

In the end, Hirano, seeing that Yamada was getting discouraged and I was growing angry. He intervened and told Alexander to only tell how he met the girls and how their relationship progressed step by step.

So following Hirano's advice... hell started. Damn! He didn't have to have described the intimate actions he had with them in such detail!

It is as if a person who has been walking through the desert without food or water for days, suddenly sees a person sitting in a chair, with air conditioning, with a bottle of cold water in his hand and that he was bathing his head with this one...

…Surely the person walking in the desert that was dying would simply want to kill that guy!

So, I couldn't resist it anymore and a groan saying "You have so many girls and you're still a virgin" came out of my mouth before noticing. Now, how I regret having said that... if I hadn't, then my mental damage would have been much less ...

After those words, it seemed that the place where we were was separated from the world and a deadly stillness ensued and then putting my eyes on Alexander a shiver ran through my body.

It's not like he would have gotten mad about this. In fact, if it had been like that, I think things would have been so much better… I would rather have him lash out at me, curse me, or even say things like "At least I have girls by my side "or" says someone who can't even get a girl. "

Unfortunately, it was not like that and instead of all that... there was Alexander, sitting with a big smile on his face while looking at me... and then seconds later, which seemed like hours to me, he finally spoke...

To be continue…



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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