Soul Evolution System

Chapter 159 One more day in Komuro’s life ~ ( Part 2 )

(Continues POV Komuro)

After expressing my complaint against Alexander and the silence surrounding us, he looks at me for a few seconds and then at the other two who were also sitting here. In the next moment, the smile on his face grows even more while a chill runs down my spine and finally he breaks the silence.

"Well, Komuro. I won't deny that and in fact, you can say that I am a person who has preserved his virginity for 12 long years... although perhaps I cannot consider this something to be proud of, after all, there are some with 16, 17, 18 or more years than me with this merit…”

"Fuck y-"


It's also not entirely correct what you say..."

"...W-what do you mean?"

It was obvious that the damn Alexander wanted to emphasize that we too were virgins and also for a time more prolonged than him. This was true, but still, I couldn't help but try to raise my voice to curse him... though he doesn't let me finish and he continues with his words.

Quickly the anger in me disappears and what replaces it, is the intrigue for what he says... also it was not just me, the attention of the other two is also totally focused on Alexander while waiting for him to continue after the pause he made.

Invaded by intrigue to find out what he meant, I can't help but ask him… then he smiles even more and continues.

"Well, I don't know if everyone can consider it the same way than me, but for me at least it is like that... what I mean is that it could be said that now I'm only half virgin"

"" H-Half virgin? ""

With his announcement, the three of us asked back almost in unison... this was because his words made us even more confused instead of solving the doubts we had.

" W-Well ... I don't think that kisses and caresses count for losing the virginity... but perhaps for a child like you those things mean a great achievement "

After thinking about it for a while, I came to the conclusion that he was referring to the interaction he had with the girls close to him and of which he had told us some things. So I answer him that way...

…Honestly, those words were probably just the expression of the great envy that I felt speaking for itself through my lips. Surely if I could do only one thing that he exposed, I would be gloating and maybe even look a little over my shoulder at Yamada and Hirano… well, since the latter got a girlfriend maybe I couldn't do it with him, so it would be just Yamada.

So, I don't disagree so much with the words of him about that it would mean to be half virgin... now at least without a doubt, he would be steps ahead of us to do that.

Unfortunately my assumptions were somewhat conservative and what he was referring to went further than I had thought...

"Well, what you said I think is something great and although probably for some guys that in itself means touching the sky, I didn't mean that... intercourse, fornicating, fuking, or whatever you want to call it, it is certainly the most common form of sex and the one a person normally refers to when talking about that, but… this is not the only one, you know? ”

"" Glup ""

Alexander speaks to deny that he was referring to what I had said after he lowers the tone of his voice and gestures for us to close the distance between us as if he wanted to tell us a secret... well, these topics are not ones you can yelling them like a normal conversation, so the three of us very interested approached to can hear him better.

Then after listening to his words, we hear the echo of the saliva that Yamada, Hirano and I swallowed... Curse! This damn brat's way of thinking is even more developed than ours! Here we were thinking that being able to hold a girl's hand or kiss her is already a great achievement, but then... he has taken things to another level!

"What you mean i-is..."

Yamada who is next to me as if he wanted one confirmation of what we are all surely thinking, speaks. Then Alexander, with a big smile on his face passes his gaze on the three of us who were practically being eaten away by anxiety waiting for him to put our thoughts into words.

The seconds pass and he doesn't say anything... 

Then when we couldn't take it anymore and surely one of us soon would speak to demand that he say it, he brings his right hand to his mouth and bulging his cheek a little with his tongue making a sign that we all recognize and that leaves us paralyzed for a good time...

Shit! Shit! Shit!

... Why is the world so unfair ?!

One part of me wanted to shout at him that he was lying and that he was only bragging, but... although he is a damn, I knew that if he boasted about one thing it was because it was his merit and he really had done it since the truth is that this guy did not like to brag about things that are not his effort or that he has not done.

"W-who did it?"

"Well ... I can tell you this because you three would not find out who is the girl that did it since there are several next to me, but saying names is something else very different ... I am not trying to exhibit a girl or something like that "

"…I-I'm sorry"

Well, that question was probably on everyone's mind and we all were dying to know that... so Hirano's question is reasonable. But... in the next second I understood that there were things that sometimes it is better not to know...

"Saeko-senpai?... maybe Kurisu-san? ... Damn it! It could also be Shisuka-sensei... Rei can't be left out of that either..."

Since Alexander didn't seem like he would tell us, Yamada begins to try to find the possible girl who did that by speculating things in his head and inadvertently begins to say names without noticed what he was making...

The last name that he said makes my heart tighten a little... although I have given up on her, thinking that she did something like that with another guy is still quite uncomfortable.

Then as if remembering something, Yamada turns to me...

I thought he would apologize to me for his words since it could be said that my thing with Rei was not a secret to everyone here, but while I was preparing to tell him not to worry and that I had get over it, his next words make my body freeze as if the blood in my body stopped circulating...

"C-Can't it be... K-Komuro's mom? Haruna-san?"

With Yamada's words, images that I had never wanted to imagine appear by themselves in my head... my mother with Alexander... doing... Nooo! Damn, I can't let that happen!!

"Before things get worse ... I have to kill you Alexander!!"

"Come, little one! Your father will let you know that it is too soon for you to put yourself on my level!"

Well... maybe I can't kill him because if I do that it will make my mother sad, but at least I will hit him enough so that he causes revulsion on her and so she doesn't get close to him!

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In truth, that was one of the worst days of my life... I don't want to remember it but unfortunately, every time I see my mother I can't avoid those images appearing in my head... due to this recently I have had to avoid her as much as I can.

Also that time a big fuss was created in that cafeteria... although that brat is quite strong, it seems that he does not have much experience fighting and I could hit him a couple of times... but each of his punches really hurt too.

Now I understand those adults who lost against him for being careless, his body simply does not appear to have that strength.

In the end, Yamada and Hirano intervened to stop us. Also although I did not think much about it at that time, there was also the owner of the store ... she had a huge knife in her hands and apparently instead of being angry at the commotion, she was angrier with me because I attacked Alexander.

In fact, I think that Yamada and Hirano's intervening had a lot to do with seeing her and they probably thought that if they let her join to the commotion, then things would have been much worse.

So that's the reason why I don't dare to go to that store alone... that time I was angry and I didn't think much about it, but maybe that lady stabs me if I go there now! Now I only went if Alexander came, after all when he was there, she was very docile and served us the best dishes.

"What's up Takashi-kun? You seem very thoughtful"

"N-no, I was just thinking about where we should go"

Suddenly Omura-san brings me out of my thoughts. It is true, this is a time to have fun and not to think sad things, so let's forget about the things of before.

"Well, don't worry about it... I've already decided, go"

Finishing saying that, Omura-san begins to guide us through the streets of the city. As long as it's not that cafeteria, then I think any place will be fun.

With that idea in mind, I start walking behind him… I don't know where he used to hang out, but we passed several restaurants and bars that looked good. Even pointing to some of those I asked him why we didn't go there, but he just smiled and told me that the place we were going to would be better.

"Th-This is ..."

When some doubts began to grow in my head since we had passed the commercial area of ​​the camp, we arrived at another of the busiest areas of this... although that is probably only at night.

It was normal for Yamada to be a little nervous while looking at the place, after all, this was the pink zone!


"Well, I won't lie to you two… Alexander-kun asked me to bring you to a brothel… he told me that this was what you wanted and that you just didn't have the courage to make the decision for yourself."


As I look at the streets which, by the hour, these don't have many people walking around here. Seeing the place, I can do nothing but ask Omura-san the reason why he brought us here, and then immediately he affirms my assumptions... or perhaps my aspirations I should say.

Hearing his reply, Yamada freezes and his jaw drops as if he doesn't believe or can't process well what he said… I can't blame him, I wasn't in a much better state than he was.

Curse! So that is what Alexander was referring to when he said that to me before he left… w-well, definitely coming with someone who seems to have experience in this, is much better than doing it alone. 


"If my mother found out about this, then she would kill me..."

"Don't worry about it Komuro-kun… Alexander-kun set things up. 

If she finds out, Hirano-kun will tell her that he had assigned me to check this place out to me and also asked me to choose some people to help me. So I chose the two of you ... it will be like an accident or neglect of the two of us.

She may be a little angry with me and Hirano-kun, but things should not escalate to something greater. Hirano-kun doesn't care much about being scolded a bit by your mother, and as for me, I don't mind receiving also a little scolding from Haruna-san as well in order to help two of my companions.

...but it is your decision to step forward. As someone more experienced than you, I will tell you that although it is not easy, it is somewhat liberating... after you two take that step, the rest will be easier ... well, surely there will still be some people who criticize you for your choice, but in this world we don't have to worry much about it anymore "

I-It seems that brat really thought it through, b-but even with this I still don't accept his relationship with my mother! ...This only makes me think a little better about him.

Also, Omura-san's speech is quite emotional... I think he is right and that if I lose my virginity this will take a weight off my shoulders... also I may gain more self-confidence.

" W-what are you going to do, Yamada? "


I roll my eyes at Yamada next to me and ask him. I knew that he had some ideals and for him, this is an even more difficult decision...

"... I-I'll go! Maybe Omura-san is right and I have to step forward... maybe that way I have more courage to get closer to..."

"Then it's decided... we'll go there!"

After remaining silent for a few seconds, Yamada speaks showing determination... although his last words were in a very low voice, I have an idea of what he meant...

That obstinacy about that subject worries me a little since I feel that it is something similar to the mine with Rei... but as he says, maybe after this he can change a little... although I do not know if it will be in a good or bad way the end of that.

"Good, that's the way to talk! Then, let's go"

Omura-san answers our words motivated and immediately starts walking down the street... and then not long after, the three of us are in front of what seems like a big house.

Upon entering, the place seemed quite high class... this certainly confirms what I have heard about prostitutes are among the people who have a better life in this camp...

"Welcome~ It seems that today we have clients very early... oh! It is Omura-san, it is a pleasure to see you again... also it seems that you brought two little friends with you"

"Hehehe, they still had some doubts about this… so I had to give them a little push, Gliss-san"

Entering, a mature woman greets us... 

She was not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and she was definitely below Yuriko-san or my mother, but... I certainly think she was still a desirable woman... I had no problem with that she was my partner to what will happening here.

While the two of them talked, my heart kept beating with great force... even these sounded in my ears so I only managed to hear small parts of their conversation... apparently, Omura-san spoke a little about us and told her some things.

Things like that it was our first time and that is why it would be better for us to choose someone to guide us in this world... and that if the person had a calm character it would be better, that way it would not be so intense for us.

Curse! He didn't have to say that we are virgins! That will make me more nervous...

"Well, I understand… then the two of you follow me please"

When it seems that they finished with all the preparations, the woman turns to us and with a smile calls us to follow her. As we walk due to nerves, I feel my knees wobble all the way, but despite that, I manage to get to where she tells us.

"Well, come in here... the person inside will take care of you"


Unable to answer anything, I just assent while I swallow the saliva from my mouth. She just smiles at me and then walks away along with Yamada leaving me alone in front of the room she brought me.

I-I thought I could choose a girl that I liked or something like that?

...maybe this place is different? ...or maybe things are not as I imagine?

I open the door and enter the room while asking myself that and trying to control my nervousness...

Inside, the room was decorated quite... had a vanity with a large mirror, a large bed and this seemed to have clean sheets...  s-so that there will be where lose my virginity?



While examining the room I hear the voice of a man and when not expecting something like that, he surprises and causing me to almost jump from fright.

"Easy, easy ... don't be afraid, I'm only here to carry out what you ask..."

Seeing me exalted, the man tries to reassure me... p-perhaps he is here to ask my preferences of the girls and then he'll bring some? Or maybe he is for their safety?... I had heard that Alexander had set very strict rules for anyone who abused a woman after all.

I-I hope that once we start he left... it would be quite uncomfortable to have he observe us... and more even seeing him be in his underwear... why the hell is in his underwear?!

" Well, why don't you tell me about yourself and what you want while you start undressing? Maybe that way you can relax."

The man returns to intervene while I was in my thoughts... he means to tell my preferences from girls? Well, it 's a little uncomfortable undressing in front of him, but maybe he has to check for weapons or something like that... since we are men should not be so embarrassing. 

The only thing that bothers me is that the guy shows a big package between his legs... I really hope that he will leave when the girl comes... I don't want him to compare me to him!

"W-Well... I think a girl close to my age would be fine... i-it doesn't have to be the most beautiful, if she is pretty it would be enough... e- emmm, maybe that she has long hair?"

"Hmn?... I think it's something very advanced for like asking to be watched while you have sex... for now I think it's better if you let me guide you, boy."

I take off my clothes while I tell the man a bit about my preferences, but when I'm about to take my underpants his words make me stop...

"...W-what do you mean? Aren't you supposed to be here to grant my requests?"

"Of course, I'll do my best to please you and you can be sure of that!"


My mind was trying to make sense of what this man was saying, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it. Perhaps seeing me bewildered, he approaches me, puts his hand on my shoulder, and speaks to me.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful and try not to break you, boy!"

...I was beginning to understand things and then a chill ran down my spine. Th-this man was not here to bring or protect the girls who work here, he was here to "please" the clients himself!

"W-Won't a girl come to attend to me? Rather, is there a girl here who assists customers?"

"Hmn? Of course there are, but they attend to other girls... after all, this is a Gay Whorehouse"


I had to confirm it... I was hoping that due to my nerves I had misinterpreted everything or that this man was joking, but... when he answers me, then my hopes are shattered.

"W-What the hell is this!! D-Don't come close!! Nooo!!!!"

Suddenly I hear Yamada's scream coming from somewhere...

This distracts the man who was close to me too but without paying much attention to him, I just turn around and run to get out of this place as soon as possible!


I don't even care that I was in his boxer shorts and that I hit the streets like this… I probably would have done the same even if I was naked! Then not long after Yamada also appears in the same condition and in this way we both ran towards the castle leaving behind this strange place the more quickly than we can.

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"Takashi... there is a rumor that you and Yamada-kun ran all over the camp earlier today in underwear... do you have a problem? Is someone bullying you?"

", let's say I made a bet and ended up losing, Mom"

At the end of this day, which was a total nightmare. While dining with my mother and my sister, the first one asks me that. 

I wanted to rip my hair out with my hands or bang my head against the table to become unconscious, but in the end, I decided to answer that.

Now throughout the camp, as my mother says, that rumor spreads now... at least there were no people in that part of the camp at that time so nobody should have seen Yamada and me leaving the gay brothel... that would have been much worse.

"Takashi-onisan, you shouldn't bet those things! They can also affect me because I'm your sister, you know?!"

"Takashi... seriously, if someone is bullying you just have to tell me and mom tried to help, is fine?"


I just did not want to continue with this topic, so without answering my little sister and my mother, I remain silent... t-this is Alexander's fault! It has to be that damn!

Unfortunately, I can't say to my mother "Yes, it is your boyfriend who is bullying me!"... my pride as a man prevents me from saying that a 12-year-old boy is bullying me!

Well... if I do, also that damn guy sure tell her something like "How I could force someone to go to a gay brothel?" and honestly that would only make things worse.

But I will kill him, I swear I will kill him one day!!



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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