Soul Evolution System

Chapter 160 Walking again in Barl

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" Atchu !!"

" Did you catch a cold Alex?" ”

"No, possibly right now someone must be saying good things about me."

"I think that it doesn't work that way and it means the opposite..."

" Why would someone say bad things about me, Rei? I am an excellent person ”

"" ... ""

We continued to eat at the old man's new restaurant that sold me the skewers the previous time, but then suddenly I wanted to sneeze. I really don't know why girls look at me like that when I reply to Rei...

" Boy, do I want to ask you something? Are the rumors I heard about Yamada-kun and Takashi-kun true?" ”

"Rumors? What rumors? ”

"Y-You know ... t-those that they have different preferences"

I was wondering why Rika had kept quiet before in our conversation… but it seems that it was because as she knew that I had asked Omura to take them to a brothel, those doubts must have arisen in her.

I thought that these rumors had been solved, or at least with those close to them two did. I don't want to talk much about the brothel topic, but since I'm a good person I will clean up that misunderstanding that Rika still has about the two of them... they should thank me for doing this other thing for them too.

"No, they have normal preferences. Let's say they are just unlucky and were involved in events a little bad for them that led to those rumors spreading in the camp. "


In answering her question, Rika looks at me strangely… it doesn't seem like it's because she doesn't believe my words and it's more like she wants to say something but she can't. So intrigued by her expression and what she was thinking, I have no choice but to ask her while I drink the glass of water from some fruit in this world... this tastes good and is quite refreshing.

"What happens, Rika? ”

"Boy... do you know that Omura is gay?"

" Puuuuh !!"

" Kyaaa ! Damn it, Alexander, you spit everything at me!! ”

"Eh? B-But ..."

Because of Rika's unexpected words, the drink I was drinking comes abruptly ejected from my mouth in the direction of Rei who was sitting right in front of me... but due to the surprise, her screams do not reach my ears and I can only see Rika.

I wanted to tell her that she was wrong since I had seen him talking happily with several girls... but remembering things, it seems that I never saw him flirt with them and it was more like he just saw them as friends.

But if I thought about him that way ... then a lot of things would make more sense. For example, the one that when I asked him to take the couple of fools to a brothel he wondered me on many occasions, too many that it was even a little annoying, that if he really was the right person for that.

I just thought that he didn't want to be around them because they didn't have the best reputation in the camp... after all, even I don't want to get too close to them. But thanks to my position I could make him sacrifice himself instead of me, so I insisted until he ends up accepting.

Maybe I also should have noticed this for some things he said to me before... like "In the future, you will become a pretty handsome man Alexander-kun ... it's a shame that our ages are so different". 

I thought he was a good guy and he wanted me to go with him to chase some girls out together... but it seems he was referring to something else.

That also explains why when we were training the soldiers, he told me that it was good for them to train intensely since they would have good bodies that way… he probably didn't mean that they would be in good condition and could fight better that way as I believed.

Curse! Now that Rika said that to me, it seems that all the things Omura said to me had another meaning! It was as if she had removed a veil from my eyes that did not allow me to see things properly.

"A-Are you sure? Could you have misinterpreted him, Rika? ”

“E- Emmm … I'm sure of that… p-previously, of the men in the barracks I thought he was quite handsome and a little different from the others… s-so I wanted to get closer to him to so we could know between us better.

Things were going well between the two of us and we had made a good friendship…s-so when I asked him why the two of us didn't go out together, he told me that it was impossible since he was gay and that's why we could only be friends… ”

" ... "

I had to ask since I still couldn't fully believe it, it could have been that she misinterpreted him... that had already happened in two guys I know, so it wasn't impossible.

Unfortunately, her answer ends with my hopes… I think that you cannot be more certain about that if the same person is the one who says it.

I-I think that I made a big mistake...

"A-Alexander, that was some time ago... I-I didn't know you yet and so I-I had not made that promise with you... s-so don't be jealous, between Omura and I there is not... or rather, it is impossible that there may be something between us.

B-Besides it's not like I feel something strong for him, that time I thought that since we got along well between the two of us, m-maybe we could try something... b-but it's not like I have persistent feelings for Omura, he's just a good friend... ”

"Hmn? Oh, I understand, Rika. Don't worry, I'm not jealous… you are a very beautiful woman and in fact, I think it's lucky for me that you weren't with someone when we met ”

"E-eh? A-A beautiful woman? ... I-I see ... I-I'm glad you understand that there is nothing between Omura and me "

[ Bib ]

[Rika affection +20]

[Affection Rei -5]

"I'm talking to you, Alexander! You have soaked me all with your drink and saliva! Now I'll be all sticky "

"Sorry Rei, let me help you to clean up yourself."

Rika must have misinterpreted my silence and thought that I would get angry or upset about what she had said to me, so she speaks again but now more nervous than before... also the more she says, the more she becomes restless and even seems as if she is apologizing.

Seeing her like this, I decide to intervene before she can feel bad because she thinks that I have a problem with her... the truth is that even if she told me that before making the promise with me she had many partners, I would not see her bad for that. 

As long as a girl is honest with me after we have a relationship, I have no problem with her past.

After our conversation, the system notifies me of the increase in affection in her... but also the decrease in Rei's. Because I have ignored her for a few moments and now she noticing the atmosphere between Rika and me, this has made her upset... having several girls has its difficulties.

"T-Thank you ... but now I will have a strange aroma on me, b-besides this is something shameful ... I-I will clean myself "

"Don't worry Rei, you always smell great and surely your natural aroma that is very pleasant will prevail over that of the drink "

"I-Is that so?"

[ Bep ]

[Affection Rei +10]

Since I didn't want her to bother more, I get up and grab a handkerchief to help her clean it up to herself. Then after the other girls have their eyes on us, it seems that she reaches the peak of her shame and asks me to stop.

But although she says that, the truth is that she does not prevent it and therefore I continued to do so while trying to encourage her to the same time. So when I'm done I listen to the system again but this time to indicate that Rei's affection had been restored and even increased a bit more.

"Don't worry Rei, the drink doesn't have a bad smell... besides, this certainly wouldn't be something strange unlike other things..."

"Hmn? What do you mean, Saya? ”

"I-It's nothing, I was just speaking out loud, so don't worry"

When I return to my place, Saya and Rei start talking to each other... it seems that there are always some things that are difficult to get out of your mind.

“Why are you so surprised that Omura- san is Gay, Alex? I think it is normal for each person to have their own tastes "

" That's true, Alex-kun~ "

"E-eh? That's not why I… well, that was also a surprising thing to hear, but my reaction was mainly due to something else ”

"What thing?"

"... i-it's nothing, maybe I was just thinking negatively about some things... anybody shouldn't expect the worst to happen"

"Yes ~ You have to be positive, Alex-kun ~"


As I sit in my place again, Kurisu questions me about the reason for my previous reaction with Rika's conversation and also receives support from Shisuka. Maybe they thought I had some kind of homophobic thinking or something like that, so I speak so they don't get me wrong.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to explain the reason for things without talking about what I had asked Omura, so I better decide to direct the issue elsewhere.

Kurisu does not seem to be so satisfied with my answer, but finally she decides not to continue investigating. On the other hand, Shisuka only speaks to reaffirm my point without worrying about what we were talking about.

Rika, the only one who knew a little of the why my of actions, remains silent and deciding not to intervene to say more things... I really appreciate it.

But let's follow Shisuka's advice and be positive. Not because a gay friend introduces you to another person, this one also has to have the same preferences… he can introduce you to a beautiful heterosexual girl.

So let's follow that logic and think that Omura may have taken those two to a heterosexual brothel… in fact, are there gay places in the camp? I don't know... since I don't have those preferences I haven't asked about that... so it may not have been created these yet.

Yes, let's be positive and think like this... the luck of those guys can't be that bad, can it? 

...Shit! Now I am worried... I will pray that they have lost their virginity as a man and not that of their asses...

"Are you going to want something else?"

While I was praying for Komuro and Yamada's sake, the old owner of this restaurant approaches us to ask if we would order anything else. After asking the girls, I only ask for the account so that we can leave since apparently all of them were satisfied.

I honestly think that maybe some girl has still could ask for more, but they succumbed to the pressure of being the one who ate the most... I say this because when I ask, the first thing they do is pass their eyes over the others as if they expected that another said something.

Well, it's not like we ate little, so although some of them may still be able to eat a little more, they surely wouldn't have any trouble waiting until dinner… or even the next day to eat again.

"I really missed the food of this world ... it's good that we're back"

"Yes~ It was quite delicious"

We leave the small restaurant after paying, so Kurisu and Shisuka comment on that and none of the other girls seems to have a different opinion or disagree with what they say and also agree with their words.

"Now what shall we do, Alexander?"

"... I want to go to some more places before I return to Milene's store"

Immediately, Rei asks me about the plans I had to carry out and I answered her while I thought about the things I should do. The first things that come to my mind are two, the first was if I could get something for the girls to have better protection in this world, so it would be nice to visit the dwarves equipment store I went to the previous time.

Although since the girls' current teams are quite high by the standards for this area, this can be somewhat difficult. But it was better to check and see if we have a nice surprise, so I start walking in the direction of store equipment.

Unfortunately as I had thought, we couldn't find anything better to equip the girls. There were certainly some rather expensive armors that offered a little more defense than the nanotube suits we were now wearing, but this was at the cost of losing great mobility.

After asking the girls if they wanted to wear something like that, they all chose not to. Besides, it was a total disappointment that this store did not have bikini-type armors ...apparently, that type of armor was not widely used by women as I believed... so after having an argument with the dwarf in charge for having killed one of my fantasies, we left the store to our next goal.

" So now where we go, Alex? ”

"... Let's walk the streets a bit to see if we see a place I'm looking for, haaa..."

"Boy ... you don't need to be so discouraged because you couldn't get what you wanted... also, if that store would have that kind of armors, I don't think any of us would have used it"

" Hmp~ Leave him, he's just a pervert brat"

“I wouldn't mind wearing something like that, you know Rika? ~ ”

"If it's functional, I think I also wouldn't have any trouble using it either, Rika-san"

“ If the master wants me to use something like that, then I will use it! ”

"Vrana doesn't mind using it either but if it's just as heavy as the other metal stuff, then she won't be able to fly, roock ~ ..."

"P-Please Shisuka-sensei... you can't wear something like that, it would be very unfair to us if you do."

" Hee~ Why, Saya-chan? ”

When leaving the equipment store, Kurisu asks me where we are going now and I answer ending with a long sigh. Then, Rika who realizes the reason for my discouragement tries to console me... or at least I think she tries to do that, though what she says only makes me even more discouraged.

But this quickly changes as it seems that not all the girls shared the same ideas that she. And Shisuka, Saeko and my faithful subordinate Leona tried to revive my dream that was dying. This causes even Rei's complaints to be ignored for me as I try to imagine those three girls wearing such armor.


…I have to admit that Saya's concerns are not unfounded. When my eyes go to Shisuka and I try to imagine her while wearing that type of armor, that causes my entire body to shudder... that is certainly something to be feared in its own way.

Taking several breaths to control myself after that big impact, I better decide to focus on other issues I had to deal with about Shisuka. Yes, the place I'm looking for is mainly because of her since I have several ideas for her to develop some of the skills that her status shows.


Name: Shisuka

Race: Human

Age: 27 years

Level: 50

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100                                  Energy: (10)

Force: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: [Magic Attribute: Nature] (sealed)

[Magic Attribute: Healing] (sealed)



[ Alchemist-D ] [ Charm - A ] [Knucklehead-S] [Herbalism - H]


[ Shoot- I ] [ Mesclar- H ] [ Seduction -B] [Analysis (Herbs) - H]



[Gunslinger- H] [Sniper-H] [ Academic -H]

Affection: 168

In truth, the first time I saw her status I was quite surprised by some things, well, it also gave a little sense to things about her. Undoubtedly the most remarkable thing about Shisuka was her innate abilities... two of them to be precise.



It provides attraction to the opposite sex. In a higher range, it can even affect people of the same sex. If this ability is during the development of the person, it also influences the body of the wearer for the ability can have a greater effect.



At the cost of concentration, this ability reduces mental stress, fear, anger and any other negative emotion that alters the bearer's state of mind to the minimum. It also hinders mind control or any other influence of people, objects, or substances that may alter the individual's judgment.

The second ability explained a lot of things about Shisuka's personality, but the first one worried me a little since maybe this one could cause some problems... also the bad thing is that she can't do anything to avoid it.

Well…If it wasn't for her possessing the first ability, I truly believe that she would be a fearsome woman… if it hadn't been for this I would have thought that she was manipulating me for her own benefit.

"What's up, Alex- kun?~ "

"... it's nothing, I just thought it was good in its own way that you were a bit clueless... 

Well, I think this place is the right one"

"??? ~"

Because I was thinking a few things about Shisuka and had my gaze on her, Shisuka asks me. So while tilting her head in doubt, we came to a store with various types of herbs in this...



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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