Soul Evolution System

Chapter 161 Alchemist’s Store (Part 1 )

The sign of the store had an image of what seemed like a potion, so it is probably in charge of marketing this type of thing. And seeing that it also has herbs on display, it should do the same for the necessary products that are related to this.

"What are we here for, Alex? 

I think we still have enough potions. Of the ones you gave each of us previously, we have practically not used any of these and so I don't think we need more ”

“I'm glad to hear that you haven't had to use them, but the reason why we came here is a little different than what you say, Kurisu.

Shisuka has the ability to create such potions, so it would be a good thing for her to develop this and so we come here for her. Although probably now it is more practical to buy this type of things than to make Shisuka create them, in the future the things that she can do have much value or will be more difficult to obtain them than if she elaborates these”

"Eh? For me ~? 

A-Alex-kun… although I know a bit of herbalism from a hobby of mine, I-I don't think I can make the potions you before have given us… ”

After telling Kurisu my thoughts, the main reason why we are here begins to get a little nervous when everyone's eyes are focused on her. Yes, Shisuka is not just a comfortable pillow... I mean, Shisuka is not as simple as she appears to be.

If the girls could see the status of her, probably the surprised face that they had put because of my words would be even more notable... well, they may not found this so strange too.

"Don't worry, Shisuka. I have the ability to see people's talents, so I can assure you that you can do it. You just need to work hard at it and there shouldn't be a problem… in any case, if it's not possible, still it's not a bad thing to try this.

But for that you need the right resources, with the book I gave you earlier and with the necessary materials after you can try it ”

"Hehehe, since Alex-kun asks me to try it, I will~ But if I succeed in this, you will have to give me a reward~"

“ C-Can you see people's talents, Alexander-san? ”

"That's correct Saya, but let's talk about that later. For now, let's see if we can get the materials that Shisuka's grimoire says for make some potions"

Many of the girls seem to be interested in my [Evaluation] ability, but the only one who gets a little nervous when listening to me is Saya ... maybe she is worried that I know that since to a certain extent, this invades people's privacy a bit. Maybe after I should calm her down a little.

But for now, as I say let's first take care of the matter about Shisuka. With that in mind, we go into the store... my rush is not because normally in these types of stores there are usually two stereotypes of people who attend you and one of these is a Sexy girl used to handling poisons and things like that. 

Well, maybe just a little...

When we enter the first thing that receives us is a strong aroma of herbs and other substances... well, I think this is also a normal thing here. We wander our eyes curiously around the place observing the objects and then I see the counter where the person who runs the store should be, but unfortunately there was nobody... the owner is not a little careless?

"Hello? We want to buy some things ”

"...just a moment~"

From the door on the other side of the counter, it can be hear a sweet voice that would enchant any man who hears it... Damn! This time I was definitely lucky! Previously I had been disappointed that I couldn't meet a cute dwarf and instead met two furry dwarves at the weapons shop.

Because of the voice, with much anticipation to be able to see a beauty, I put my eyes on the door behind the counter and soon a figure wearing a hood appears… no doubt from her silhouette she is a woman!

It's a shame that because the store was a bit dark and for the shadow of the hood I can't see the beautiful lady to who belonging that voice... but so as if she knew my desire, she takes the edges of that obstacle and in the next second removes it.

...I was really surprised. So much so that my breath and maybe even my heart stops. I don't know how long I was petrified, but when I get out of that state my body practically reacts on its own before I even understood what I was doing or saying.

" Damn it!! Why you do that? What have I done to you to do something like that to me!!? My wishes and dreams were pure and innocent, you know? !! 

...But even so, you have killed them mercilessly!! ”

"... what are you talking about, brat ~?"

" Damn it, do not talk !! How come you have that voice if you are an old witch!!? ”


"A-Alexander-san, c-calm down a bit"

" You sure are rude, little girl~ This is my natural voice because I'm a Huldra, you know?... well, I'll try to change it a bit if it bothers you so much~. Kohon... Kohon... what do you think this tone? "

"... A Huldra?"

Yes, the woman who came out the door was not a beauty but quite the opposite... it would be the second stereotype commonly found in this type of store, an old woman who looked like a witch!

Well... it was not quite the same as this type of stereotype, this witch had a very pleasant voice to hear that with her appearance caused a rather unpleasant contrast. The good thing is that after clearing her throat, her voice changes a little... also perhaps I was not the only one complaining about this.

Having recovered from the deep disappointment I had, I assent to Kurisu and Saya who seemed a little worried about my sudden reaction to calm down them. Well, everyone was probably surprised when she took off her hood, but... I was the only one who received mental damage.

A little calmer, I listen to the explanation of the witch who seemed a little annoyed by my words. So listening to a word unknown to me, I can't help but want to ask her for more information but before she could respond anything, Saya who is next to me answers me first.

"T-They're a race of women who live in the woods... so I think they are similar to elves or at least that's what I've read."

"Hi-hi-hi-hi ... that young lady is right that we are a race of women who live in the woods, although she is a little wrong to think that we are similar to elves since we have very different customs to them.

We do not care about many things like purity, honor, and those things that they defend a lot... if you wanted to compare us with another race, then I must say that we are more similar to the Dryad monsters.

If we find a good man, we don't mind spending a good time with him, hi-hi-hi-hi... well, when we "have fun" we don't harm the other part and for they it must also be very gratifying, or for At least I never met a man who complained about it. "

"...Lie. I honestly find it hard to believe that any man would be happy or comfortable to do it with someone like you"

"Silly brat I was not always old and my current appearance is because I am over 150 years old, you know? I was also someone young and I can assure you that our race does not have to envy the beauty of the elves when we are young, hi-hi-hi -hi "

D-Damn, s-so it's not that my luck was bad, and rather that I came 100 years late to this store?... that is something unfortunate, very very unfortunate. I would have liked to observe this old woman in her youth... and even more knowing her customs.

His appearance was not very different from that of a human, the most remarkable thing was a cow-like tail that she showed us when she said her race as if wanted to highlight the special characteristics from this one.

"Old woman... do you have daughters or granddaughters?"


"You pervert brat!"

"" Haaa ... ""

"Fufufu, Alex-san had become very discouraged when he saw the Huldra-san… so if that serves to cheer him up a bit, then it wouldn't hurt to see someone of the same race as her to quench his curiosity.

Besides, I am also a little curious about this Huldra-san... "

"Hi-hi-hi-hi, of course... I have many daughters and granddaughters, but now they have all gone to find their own lives... 

They live in level 2 areas, so you have to go to these if you want to see them. Another of the characteristics of our race is that we are stronger than normal humans. so although my lineage is not very strong, I still have some advantages to this one.

...but why does a brat want to look for another girl? You should look for a man, little girl. Although when you grow up you surely won't have to strain to find one and they would come to you, hi-hi-hi-hi ... "

Since I couldn't meet a pretty girl here, at least I had to try to see if I could do it through this witch. Obviously, the girls did not have the same thought like me and Kurisu along with Rei yell at me for my words while the others only sigh... no, there were also two others who were exempt from this.

The first was Shisuka that after the old woman and I started chatting, she begins to walk through the aisles of the store taking a closer look at the things that were in this one. Despite the fact that she had been somewhat insecure previously, it seems that her innate ability continues to influence her a bit and arouse her curiosity.

The second was Saeko and she also seems interested in meeting someone of the same race as the witch.  No, it is not as if her preferences changed, this is surely perhaps due to what I have been feeling about this Huldra since she appeared ... well, aside from disappointment.

Also, her previous words further highlighted this… so without wasting any more time I use my [Evaluation] skill on her.

[Huldra level 91]


I am a man and my preferences are normal, old woman. But leaving that aside, until now you are the most dangerous person I have known…"

"Hi-hi-hi-hi, well, well... appearances can really be deceptive.

You don't have to worry about it, boy. Our race does not have strong fighting instincts to constantly seek conflict, you can say that instead we seek more pleasant things, hi-hi-hi-hi.

Besides, it seems like you're not a simple boy either... or rather, your whole group is. They are different from the majority of people who come to this store, they probably cannot leave a level 1 area or if they did it would only end up dying, but... seeing how young you all are, I can certainly say that your future does not is to stay in an Area like Inimp, hi-hi-hi-hi... "

"You're not the one to say that, old woman."

I really did not expect to find someone in the ninth limit so soon... although probably due to her age the danger I feel from her is much less than what I should feel from someone of that level.

If she was someone in the splendor of her youth, I would now be completely bathed in sweat... well, surely that would not be the only physiological reaction of my body if that had happened.

Also, the atmosphere and aura around her were very calm so her words must be true and her race should not be too combative.

Of course, even with all this I still can't take my eyes off her and be neglect. "Even with her decaying and disappointing body, she remains a great threat to us."

"If you considered me so, then shouldn't say things like that, brat... but don't worry boy, although you are insolent, it's not like I have enough reason to attack you... still. 

Just spending the rest of my days in this little shop is enough for me. So let's move on to business, what brought you all to my store? "


Shit! I said that out loud... Let's pretend I didn't say anything and just continue.

"It's nothing Kurisu, don't worry ..."

Probably the old woman noticed that the tension in my body had increased a lot when checking her level and so that's why she speaks to reassure me. Then replying to Kurisu that was exchanging a look between the two of us to also calm their concerns, I took the hand off my weapon which I had instinctively taken.

"Old woman, I need the necessary things to make potions and that kind of stuff"

"Hi-hi-hi, stop with the 'old woman' thing and call me Lena. Although it is difficult for you to believe it, I was also a pretty beautiful woman and that someone calls me that way constantly is a bit awkward"

"... Fine, then Lina. I am Alexander and I need what it takes to create potions"

" Things for potions you say?

Alexander, you must be more specific in what you want since there is a great variety of ingredients needed for the different types of potions. It is not simply as mixing something in a cauldron to see what is obtained "

"…Then that be ingredients for healing potions and rank antidotes [J-H], the more the better"

"... boy, the things that nature gives us should be treated with respect. If you are a reseller or just looking to make a small profit selling plants, then look elsewhere"

Lina suddenly seems annoyed by my words even more than when I yelled at her seeing her take off the hood… I guess she probably thought I was degrading her craft or something like that.

"No Lina, I'm not looking to do any of that. I want to use those ingredients to make potions and I just wanted to have enough so that I didn't have to come so many times"

"...Do any of you know anything about alchemy?"

"... No, you can say that we are newbies to that. But I'm sure at least one of us has a talent for it"

"Oh! Unlike your height, you have a big mouth Alexander, hi-hi-hi... then let's see if what you say is true"

She seems to calm down a little after listening to me and even though she is still a little upset, she starts looking under the counter from where she was and seconds later she pulls out what looks like a crystal ball... it is indeed a witch and now try to guess the future or something like that?

"Then show me if your words are true"

"…what I have to do?"

"Just put your hand on the crystal ball"

After setting the crystal ball on the counter, Lena tells me that. Since she didn't seem like she was going to start reciting any spells, then I have to ask how to demonstrate it to her.

I nod at her request, walk over to where she is, and immediately place my hand on the crystal ball.

In doing so, in the next second seems this one begins to produce a small glow with a slightly gray hue from within...

"Well, it seems you really have the talent for alchemy..."

"What is this crystal ball?"

"You don't know? It is a talent or ability detector... it specifically detects people with talent in alchemy and according to the amount of talent or the level of the skill you possess then will emit a corresponding brightness"

While she explains puts her hand on the crystal ball just like I did before but the difference was that now it is beginning to emit a red glow, then later she continues with her explanation.

"The world guild classifies each color as a rank:

J Gray

I orange

H Light Pink

G Dark Pink

F Red

E Dark Red

D Light Blue

C Dark Blue

B Light Green

A Dark Green "

It seems that the ranks of the world guild and my system are similar, probably the latter was based on the former.

This ability does not seem very high on her but if you think about it, this skill unlike others you also need materials to practice it. So very surely to develop it at higher levels, it is necessary to go to higher areas with ingredients of higher rank.

"Shisuka, come here "

"Hmn? Now I go, Alex-kun ~"

A little curious about this crystal ball, I called out to Shisuka who was continued to see the plants and other articles on the store shelves.

"What's happen~?"

"Put your hand on the crystal ball"


Since it seemed like she hadn't been seeing anything we were doing, I just tell her that. I was a little lazy having to explain things to her, so it's good that she doesn't discuss anything with me and just does as I ask.

"Woh! T-This girl..."

When Shisuka puts her hand on the crystal ball and then the reaction similar to the previous ones happens and seeing this, Lena is surprised by what is shown...

The brilliance that the crystal ball showed was orange, this in itself should not be what surprises Lena as it only meant that Shisuka had the alchemist ability in rank [I]. So what surely made her react in this way must have been that along with the predominant color orange, you could also see small strands of gold.

"Why it's seen a golden color together with orange, Lena-san? In the previous colors that you mention, there was no such color to identify it as a rang..."

"Well, it is because those colors are the most common when classifying the range of one ability, but this does not mean that they were all. Although I have never seen it before, it is said that if the ability exceeds those ranges, then other colors are displayed"

"Does that mean Shisuka-san exceeds those ranges?"

"No... as you can see, the orange color is predominant and so this means that she is in the second rank of the ability.

That golden color has another meaning that does not have much to do with the ranks... this means that she was practically born totally apt to develop that ability"

While I was drawing my own conclusions from the meaning of what the crystal ball was showing, Kurisu and Saeko ask interested to see the surprise on Lena's face, and then she proceeds to answer their questions.

Listening to what Lena says, I check that my assumptions were not wrong and the golden color that was shown was due to Shisuka having the ability of alchemist as innate.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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