Soul Evolution System

Chapter 163 Returning to the Town of Rek

"Stop and get out of the vehicle!! 

Hehehe, I have been informed that there are quite a few beauties inside... this will undoubtedly be our biggest hit!!"


"...B-Boss ...what if they don't get out of the Vehicle ?"

A few minutes after we left the city we find ourselves involved in a typical fantasy world situation... is there some kind of law in the world that forced someone to do things like this?

"Tell me Milene ... does your town have something that attracts thieves or are they just unlucky?"

"... unfortunately it is surely the latter. But I think this time it is rather that they are specifically looking for your group than have to do with my natal village"

"Well... I also think that's true. While we were at your store, I had the concern that something like this would happen, after all, I know that it is impossible that some rumors of our group did not spread. 

But since we spent the night quietly in your store, so I thought maybe I was thinking too much about things "

"No, probably the fact that they didn't attack the store is because I paid a fee to a protection guild, it is not a small amount so at least I am sure that they would chase away many fools…"

"...Then why do they appear now?"

" They are not my personal guards, you know? They are only responsible for making sure that my store will not be attacked in the city... I am not as wealthy as you to spend money on an exclusive protection mission."

As the girls and I walked through the city, I was able to observe various guys who laid eyes on them with more than just lust in those and so I had considered that perhaps they could attack us at night.

In the end, not feeling any presence approaching the store because of my domain after Milene closed businesses for this day, I thought they probably investigated things and discovered that I had spent almost a million crystals in one day and so on. 

They surely thought that we had some kind of support and therefore things would not be easy for them, therefore they ended up giving up and better looking for another easier prey.

"So the badge on your store is ..."

"Yes, that means that my store has the protection of that guild and anyone who attacks it or causes problems will be treated by them."

Apparently Milene's store was protected... I thought that the logo I saw in her store was something like her brand, but now that I think about it, her store is not so big to need something like that.

"Didn't you hear?!! Get out of the vehicle now!!"


" ...What do you want me to do, Alexander?"

The guy outside kept waiting while I chatted with Milene and then when he didn't see any movement from our side, he screams again to us. And so, Rika who was driving turns to me to ask me.

" They look pretty poor... Milene, how much would I earn for if I capture them? "

"... probably 1-5 thousand G per head, I think. It 's likely that this group hasn't a reward watching their appearance... I think they even would have trouble attacking a village. Surely they are just some little thugs this city."

"Well... then it's decided, pass over them Rika"


With my words, Rika steps on the accelerator and drives the vehicle directly towards the thieves who had made us stop. What I said of go over them it was more of a joke and just that she would have avoided them and kept driving towards Rek's town would be enough, but hey, I didn't see any reason to stop her either.

That group of thieves was about ten men but as much as I saw them, they did not generate any kind of emotion in me to capture them. 

None of them exceeded the second limit so they would not even give us a good amount of experience, and perhaps, for this reason, the system did not inform me of any mission when we met them.

Of the equips they used the best ones were ranked [J] and most were so simple that they didn't even fit in a range... so trying to increase my motivation to deal with them. I asked Milene if they were priced well as slaves, but sadly even if I captured them, it would not be as profitable… I would only get about 10,000 Gold for them and also I don't think they bring valuable things with them.

So, if we captured them that would imply having to get close to these people and I really didn't want to do it seeing that these guys probably hadn't bathed in weeks… coupled with this, it would also be necessary for us to go back and do the whole procedure to sell them.

So that on reflection, I do not think it was worth much worth the effort to go through that for that amount of profit.

" W-Why don't they get out of the vehicle? !! They should get out of this and so we can capture those girls !!"

"B-Boss ... this was not a good idea after all..."

"D-Don't come close!"



"Gueh !!"

...they were just stupid people. I don't understand how someone who uses a sword [J] rank and below level 20, can think of stopping a vehicle that could escape the strongest monster in this area.

They will probably survive the car impact, of course, with many broken bones. But seeing the brain they have, it is certain that they will not last long in this profession even if they recover after.

" What was that, Alexander-san? "

"Hmn? Don't worry Saya. Surely it was the wind ... nothing important"


"Haaa ... is this the difference between the rich and the poor people? They can ignore a simple villager's month's salary as if it were nothing! It was 10,000 G! ...can we go back and pick up those who are alive? "

Saya who had been with the girls inspecting the MF-300 comes and looks out into the cockpit where Rika, Milene, and I were probably because she hears the impact of the vehicle with the thieves. Ignoring the screams of the first, the other woman who was driving resumes the course shown on the map that had a small screen next to her seat.

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"This was fast"

"Well, you can't compare your wagon to this vehicle after all. But leaving that aside, this place is also very busy."

Sometime later, we arrived at the town of Rek. 

The time we needed was much less than when Milene took us to Barl in her car. So when we start getting out of the car, I can see that this place also has more movement of people than the last time I was here.

"Well, that's normal. 

All of them must be mostly adventurers who accepted the mission to protect this town, also because of them the merchants, blacksmiths, alchemists, and others are attracted either to get some things or to sell their products"

"That makes sense"

Milene answers my comment and Rei also joins the conversation stealing the words that I wanted to say and so I better ask another question that arises in my head because of what the first one had said.

"I thought you had come to visit your mother, but it seems I was wrong. You have come to see what benefit you can get from all this, right? "

"Of course!… Who wants to see an old woman who every time I see her yells at me to rush to get married and give her grandchildren? Hmp ~ Last time she even wanted me to date with a 60-year-old man!"

"Well… a few years of difference shouldn't be that bad, should it?

"Fuck you brat! That man was twice my age"

Well... I think she exaggerates with that, but let's leave it at that. I don't want her to get even madder and it also seems that Rika is very sensitive to phrases like "Twice the age" since she trembles when she hears it.

For now, it may be good to walk around the place. There are many street vendors displaying items and in those types of situations you can sometimes find things that seem useless and end up being hidden treasures that not even the person knows they have, it is a good time to take advantage of my [Evaluation] ability.

With that in mind we began to walk through the town of Milene, especially paying attention to the street vendors who spread their articles on blankets in the streets.

Unfortunately, my goal was not met and in truth there were only useless things exhibited, well, there were also useful things like potions, weapons, people offering their services to maintain or repair equipment, or anything else that can be used in battle but for unfortunately all these were of the lowest rank and so they did not attract my attention.

"L-Look, Look over there!... those are the people who got out of that luxury vehicle"

"Yes, I have only seen 2 other groups arrive with those types of vehicles... but I think theirs was the best since it was the only one that could float..."

"B- Besides they are all beauties ... well, almost all of them"

"Who said that!! The exception who that you were referring to was me, right? 

Come and tell me that on my face!!"

It seems that the only treasure that was in this town now was my girls who attracting the attention wherever they walk. Also, it seems that the last comment was also heard by Milene... you should not attack a person for telling the truth. Seriously, despite being old she has not matured, haaa...

"T-That little red-haired girl really is beautiful… surely she would make sweet moans in bed just like her appearance"

"Damn!! Who said that? Why don't you come over here to see who will do the" Sweet Moans "? Heee?!!"

"C-Calm down Alex... don't point your gun at people"

"No... I think the boy is indeed right and we should find the criminal who thinks of someone twelve years old like that, Kurisu-san"

While pulling out one of my RSh-12 revolvers, Kurisu comes to my side to stop me from looking for the person responsible for my anger... but Kurisu, you should listen to Rika's words since it is more worrying to leave a person with that mindset free on the streets!

Leaving behind this small commotion, as there was nothing more interesting to see then I decide to go say hello to Milene's mother. She had let me use her house the previous time and it would also be good to come and express my thanks to the bed I slept in together with a girl for the first time with this body... this was the one that opened the doors for me to see that kind of world after all.

She welcomes us happily when sees Kurisu and me recognizing us immediately... this makes me feel more ashamed since I remember more a bed than her. If it wasn't for Kurisu saying her name since Milene only called her with "mom", then Milee's name probably would have been forgotten in my brain.

I must say that the justifications for not wanting to see Milee-san from Milene were not unjustified, the first words for the reception from she were "Have you found a man?" " Are you pregnant or did you just get a little fat?", and for which she can only answer sulkily a resounding no.

After, because Milee's-san insistence, we all stayed to eat and then at this time is when a strange situation develops...

"Okay Milene, since you haven't found a man. I've found one for you!"

"N-No again please… I don't want to meet another old man. 

Mom, you haven't thought that if I join such a man, he probably can't even do what it takes to have a child?"

"Hmp~ For that there are special "medicines"! Are you a merchant and you don't even know that? But don't worry, this time I have chosen a totally different person... wait here, I'm going to look for him"

"Mom, no! Don't do this!"

For Milene's bad lock her mother does not seem to hear her and runs to the door of the house... I do not know if we should go. It seemed that we were in the wrong place and some of the girls had acted a little restless when Milee-san mentioned the "special medicine "

"Maybe we should go ..."

"Don't dare you to go away and leave me in this situation, brat!! If some toothless old man appears and looks at me in a perverted way, I won't be able to bear it and perhaps I will end up killing an old man... then that remains in my conscience and I will have to live with this, you know?!

...I know! When my mother comes back we will say that you are my lover and that way she will probably stop bothering me for a while! That's a good idea"

", I don't want to do that"

" Why?! We'll just fake our relationship! you dislike me that much?"

", it's not that. The last time I helped someone unlucky in love, it didn't end well for either of us... well, the truth is that I still don't know how things ended for the other part, but what It matters is bad things happened to me! So I refuse "

" ...What do you mean by that Alex? "

"N-no, it's nothing ..."

"It is rare that you are not happy not to approach another girl, Alexander. Well ... I think your standards are a bit high... although I do not know if I should be happy about that since I suppose I am also included"

"H-hey girl ... that's a little cruel, don't you think?... it's like you say I'm someone of lesser quality... although seeing the girls here, I can't blame you for thinking that"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that Milene-san"

Kurisu looks at me doubtfully with a frown as if she thinks I am hiding something from her, and she is right about that but this time it is not related to a new girl or something... or at least I was not the part that would relate to her.

In addition, Rei also enters the conversation but due to her somewhat direct way of saying things, Milene feels a little uncomfortable. So, in the end, she has to speak again to apologize to her.

"Here's your new partner, Milene!"

"... where? ...Don't tell me this time he's so old that he's a ghost?"

Suddenly Milee-san enters the house again and saving me from Kurisu's gaze since she makes us all look at where she is. Perhaps because we did not realize at first her entry and the person who accompanies her, therefore the words of her daughter were these...

"Of course not, stupid girl! Come on, don't stay behind me and introduce yourself"

"Y-yes Milee-san... H-Hello, I'm Nek..."

"M-Mama... this is..."

Behind Milee-san's back appears the "man" who would become Milene's partner... well, he wasn't an old man this time as she thought, so her mother should have improved her choice this time, right?

"E-Excuse me... are you by any chance a dwarf or a hobbit?"

"N-No, I am human..."

"...How old are you?"

"... 8 ... I will complete them in a month"



…No, I think she has not improved at all! Kurisu probably tried to think it is just that this "man" was of a race with a childish appearance, but unfortunately, he confirms that not and after Rika's question he tells us that he was a human boy of 8 ... no, 7 years old!

Damn it, Mom! What are you thinking? That is not looking for a partner to me but a little child to take care of!"

"Well... you just have to give it a couple of years and he will grow"

"… Maybe I'm just thinking things through too much and mine with Alexander is nothing abnormal… if a 40-year-old woman marries a 7-year-old, then you can say I'm normal, right?"

"Damn it, Rika! I'm only a couple of years older than you! Also, I haven't said that I will accept this, so you're still the freak!"

"... h-hmp~ M-My thing with Alexander so far is a promise and I'll wait for him to grow up... w-when he grows up it won't be anything abnormal. Besides, at least I have a promise with someone and I'm not alone!"

"This girl is right, Milene! You are the only abnormal for not getting a man!"

"N-no, Mom. This is going too far... B-Besides, I'm dating Alexander!"

"Hmn? No, that's not true and she's still a spinster."

"Fuck you brat!!"

"...B-But I don't think someone 8 years old would still classify as a" man ""

It seems that the only one who, upon seeing what was happening relaxes a little and lets out a sigh of relief is Rika... and seconds later she also gets involved in the discussion.

Having spent some time together in the cab of the vehicle and because their ages were similar, or so that Milene says, I believed that both had befriended. But maybe I was wrong about that... or maybe they had gone deeper into this than I thought to highlight problems from each other.

So while enjoying the food that Milee-san gave us, I saw the drama displaying before my eyes. What can I say? I had no longer been able to watch movies, series, animations, or any program to entertain myself... as someone from the 21st century, I somewhat missed the television and network with which I entertained myself when I had nothing to do.

Well, not everything is so bad since this was like watching a drama... and it was also interactive. Milene really told her mother that I was her lover and therefore when they both put their eyes on me to see how I respond, I just deny it that.

…I wasn't going to have another bad luck streak for someone asking me for 2 million to sleep at her store! She yells at me because of that, but this was much better than the other option. Well, although I cannot confirm that my bad luck is due to helping others, I do not think to take the risk.

But I must say that I agree with the last thing Saya says... I think Milene's mother has really gone a little too far..." the good thing is that in the end, that little boy was able to escape that when he grows up and cames to awaken his carnal desires should have to do it with someone 80 years old. "

"Alex! Don't talk about those things!!"

"Damn you brat !! Am I older than my mother now?!!

I told you I'm barely 30 so I'd probably barely make it to 40 when that happens !!"


" Fuck you too, Rika"

…It seems like I said what I was thinking out loud again.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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