Soul Evolution System

Chapter 164 Returning to Rek (Part 2 )

After all the hustle was over, we left Milee-san's house. She had told us that if we wanted we could stay at her house again, but since we had our own motorhome I reject her offer.

"Milene... I really think you need to find a man. 

Your mother even started kidnapping children because of her concern for you… if this continues, she can drug one with the “medicine” that she mentioned and put him in your bed ”

"... I-I don't think that she will go that far... probably"

"M-Milene-san, although Alex was joking... maybe it's good that you try to meet a person and don't only focus so much on work"

Leaving the house, I turn my face to Milene and decide to advise her about this… I couldn't keep quiet and that two acquaintances of mine became criminals… her mother would become a "madam" and she a rapist...

I could even see a little boy about 5 years old shaking in a bed covering himself with the blankets while Milene smoked a cigarette... then he looked into the void and as if he noticed me, he would put his eyes on me and say "this is your fault!".

Although Kurisu probably doesn't have an imagination as big as mine, she probably also thought and worried that Milene's Mom was going astray and that's why she also decided to speak.

Kurisu... unfortunately I wasn't kidding and I think that could happen if no one stops these two.

"... m-maybe you all are right"

I don't know if she really thought about it or just succumbed to the eyes of all of us. But now the image in my head changed and I could see a happy little boy running through the streets while playing, turning around and saying "thank you" while smiling.

"That child thanks you Milene... now he can live in peace"

"W-what child?...

Well, whatever. Now, what will you do? ”

"For now I think we will just wait until the monsters come and so we can kill them. It's also not like we can do much in this town after all. ”

"You're right ... that's one of the reasons I wanted to go to a bigger city after all."

With that said, we said goodbye to Milene and returned to our vehicle to wait. Since it was a little big to move around the streets of the village, we had left it outside the perimeter of the protective shield.

Apparently, since they expected the monsters to attack the place, it would n't take long to activate it and so we had to leave since we would be the ones to fight.

Outside of this, there were quite a few people camping most likely waiting for the same thing as us. We looked for a place to park the vehicle and then we waited for the moment of the invasion to arrive.

On one side of the vehicle you could make some adjustments and then set up an area to spend time like on a picnic, so we spent the rest of the day talking to each other and observing people.

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(POV 3rd person)

Right now the people who lived here throughout Gaia most were busier than normal. Blacksmiths constantly repaired equipment of the adventurers, the latter in turn visited shops to improve their equipment or stock up on potions necessary to treat wounds just in case they were injured.

And because of this, the adventurers who went to unpopulated areas in search of monsters in order to fulfill their missions had now returned to the cities and towns. Because of that, the inns, bars, restaurants, brothels, and many other businesses enjoyed activity making their owners smile... or even making them a little angry due to overwork.

It was funny how something was supposed to be a disaster, it seemed to fill all the places in this world with liveliness. Yes, all these changes were due to the great monster invasion that happened in Gaia approximately every 6 months...

Probably many of the adventurers who are preparing will lose their lives, or cities will be invaded and destroyed, and so many other misfortunes will occur. But oddly enough, no one seemed to care about this now and contrary to what it should be, people were pretty buoyant.

Maybe they just didn't want to think about it now and preferred to enjoy the good time while they could, or maybe they just are confident that they won't be unlucky this time and will be fine… or they may just have gotten used to it.

Although probably also in such a world, it is common to live happily today if possible and then worry about the future when it comes.

Well, for now let's not pay attention to big cities and Areas… let's focus more on a small town either. If this one were to disappear, it would probably not even be noticed by most people.

Perhaps this is so small as to be considered a town and instead is more of a village, but even so on like everywhere, this also was more movement than usual.

Here, as in other places, adventurers began to gather while waiting for monsters. There were Adventurers traveling alone, small groups, and the occasional organization affiliated with the world guild.

Among these, the most notable were 3 groups... well, what made them stand out from the rest was not precisely that they were strong since they did not see much difference from each other. The most striking thing was that they had enough capital to move in vehicles that worked with crystals that were expensive and therefore this made them a bit of a symbol of power in these Areas levels 1.

So now adventurers traveling alone or small groups looked towards them with longing or envy... they did not know if their owners were strong, but they did know that these were objects that for them were something they could not have.

That is because buying one individually was almost impossible and that is why it was generally organizations that already had some time founded or someone influential having them.

Well, certainly there were also very few people who were neither strong nor had an organization and could get hold of one by luck having done some missions that gave them good returns or found a treasure. Unfortunately, if that happened then that person's luck would end when that was discovered by others...

Of these three organizations, one was integrated of mixed people was led by a woman with the appearance of about 30-35 years. She had short hair brown and carried a large sword that made her stand out a bit above the rest of the people around her.

In appearance, she certainly was not like a beautiful princess who was sheltered so that she never had a scratch on her skin, but she was also not ugly enough to say that no man wanted to spend a night with her and in fact, many would be happy to be able to do so.

The number of individuals surrounding the vehicle with tents was about 30 people. If you wonder if the Vehicle was big enough to carry so many people, the answer is no. Surely only the high ranks as the leader and others with a good position in this organization were those who had the right to use the vehicle.

The other organization was a little more numerous than the previous one, its members were more than 50, and in the same way, they swarmed around the vehicle they had. 

But although they were more numbers, if you paid attention to them, you can see that their equipment was much worse than that of the members of the previous organization. This was as if most of them were just adventurous newbies and so they tried to make up for that with numbers.

Their leader was a blond man of about 25-30 years of age with a rather remarkable appearance among those around him. No doubt he would classify as a handsome man… no, perhaps his appearance was going a little further and making him someone beautiful with slightly feminine features.

Finally, it was the last and perhaps the most striking organization here... this was due to the fact of the vehicle they owned seemed superior to the other two, but above all, the most remarkable thing was that this was made up of only women... and very beautiful ones.

These were the thoughts of all the people here but if their leader heard that, surely then he would have told them that they had two big mistakes in such thoughts. The first was that they were not an organization… or at least they still had to get two more members to create one. And second and the more important thing, not all of them were women and he was a man. 

Well, you couldn't blame people for thinking that since to notice that you would have to pay close attention to more details. Like they didn't have a badge on the vehicle they were driving… or that one redheaded boy's crotch sometimes stuck out when he laid his eyes on the beauties around him or when he was flirting with them.

" Boss, have you seen that group over there yet? It's made up of just beauties... plus their vehicle seems to be the MF-300 that you couldn't buy before... n-not that I'm complaining, this MH-200 is still very good and  especially if we consider that our group just was formed a few days ago "

" doubt they are beauties. The women of that region lord for whom I had to... work, were not as beautiful as they were.

Also, don't worry about things like vehicle differences. With this one that we have our objective was fulfilled and we were able to attract the attention of enough people to found our organization... in this way, we will grow fast and then we will soon have a handful of those"

As most of the people set their eyes on the group of beauties, one of the members of the blond man organization speaks.

Immediately, the leader answers his subordinate in a calm voice. To him, it did not mean much the beauty of these women or that they had a better vehicle. As for the reason for this, he was simply confident that he would have no problem taking the heart of such women, and for the second thing, for him the vehicle was only a means to achieve his goals and not something he treasured.

What he wanted was to have a totally independent life in which he did not have to bow his head to anyone... for that, he even had to endure many things, but this would soon not be so.

Or at least that was what he thought.

"Boss... since that group is made up of only women, then maybe you can create a good relationship with them. After all, whenever we are in the city there are not many women who do not turn their heads to see you, hehehe.

In this way, they may let us join their organization… it must have enough power or influence to use such a vehicle for only a few women to go for a walk. Even that organization of Parmil can't afford to have such a vehicle... or even also we can achieve the opposite and make them join us "


With the man's words, the blond leader began to think about what his subordinate was saying . He then takes his eyes off the group of the red-haired boy and places them on the other or where the other leader named Parmil was.

"That woman's organization is not as simple as you think. As far as I know, they certainly don't have that kind of vehicle... but instead it has about 10 of the same kind as hers that are driven by different captains, so don't underestimate them.

Also, I'm not going to join any organization... if I wanted to, it probably wouldn't have been difficult for me to get into a good one. But I have other thoughts, my goal is to create my own influence.

Although the second thing you said is not bad if that happened... if they joined my group even though their organization probably would not let them leave without handing over the vehicle, with just their beauty we could win some things "

"Yeah that's right, boss! Also, it's kind of depressing just having guys in our organization... you should focus on recruiting some girls too, boss."

"...I Don't create this group for people to just spend time having fun. If it creates a distraction and has no benefit, then it's best not to have it."

"Haaa... Boss..."

"Well, don't worry... for now let's try talking to that group of women"


With that said, the blond leader and some of his men begin to approach the black vehicle that seemed to shine with the rays of the sun. 

It is not that he had changed his mind, it was just that these women really stood out from the rest... surely enough for influential people to be trapped by their beauty.

In his plans, whether they cooperated with him to gain benefit to him or he had to trick them into doing so, he only saw them as another means of achieving his goals faster and easier.

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(POV Alexander)

In truth, many adventurers had gathered here in Rek, although most were not very remarkable and their strength hovered between the first and the 4th limit in almost all who were here.

Furthermore, it seems that even two organizations came to take the mission for the protection of this town. Of these, the one with the fewest members seemed to be the strongest... all its members exceeded at least the 2nd limit and those in the 3rd and 4th were not few.

Even her leader, a warrior woman, when I evaluated her with my eyes, then what I discovered was that she was remarkable among others...

[Warrior Level 58]

As for the other group... no doubt they were more in number, but most were between the first and second limits and probably the members in the 3rd limit of this organization I can count them with the finger of one hand. Thinking that their leader was not that bad, I roll my eyes at him.

[Sexual Adept Level 39]

S-Shit! What was that skill that guy managed to develop or the world gave him as an innate?! I-I also wants to develop it!

U-Until now I have never been envious that someone had a skill and I did not... now I understand more what Lena said about how unfair fate or the world can be when it gives the skills.

"What's happen, Alexander?"

"... I just realized that the world is so unfair, Rei"

"Hmn? Why?"

"No, it's nothing... don't worry. Someday I'll achieve that too... without a doubt"

"Master ~, Master ~. Vrana has returned, roock ~"

Sitting at what looked like a garden table that was an accessory to our vehicle as we looked around the place to pass the time, suddenly Vrana who had gone out to explore the forest in front of us a bit by my request returns.

"How was it?"

"Vrana could not observe things very well because the trees obstructed her vision almost all the time, but as the master said, apparently there are many types of monsters that begin to gather in groups... they are many and despite Vrana already knows how to count up to 100, she can't tell how many exactly are, roock ~ "

It seems that really the monsters in the forest are prepared themselves for an attack also. Surely this time they will not only be goblins with whom we will have to fight.

We've struggled with hundreds of thousands of zombies, but most of them weren't have reason and only knew how to walk forward, so this will probably be a little different. Although seeing how laid-back most people seem to be here, it might not be that difficult either.

"Good, work Vrana-chan"

"Yes master, roock ~"

Finishing giving her report, Vrana-chan who was now close to me leans a little so that I can caress her head. I had to reward her as she did a good job and even she had grown a little… now she could count to 100.

A moment 's later, Rika comes walking with a young man behind her.

"Boy, I found someone who might be able to answer your questions."

I had asked Rika to take care of this since not only did the monsters pose a risk to us, people were perhaps even more dangerous than these in their own way.

"Thanks, Rika"

"It's nothing, don't worry"

" E- Emmm, Miss... if I answer the questions you have, then will I get something? "

The man who comes after Rika when he sees that she speaks to me while getting closer, he also puts his eyes on me and asks me.

"Correct, if you answer my questions I will give you a sword and armor rank [I]… plus I'm a man, so stop it that thing of lady"

The girls probably seeing that I had not bothered much by how this man refers to me, make a little laugh between them. Then, the guy repeating reactions that I had already seen from my previous answer in others, speaks again.

"Y-yes ... young master!"

"That's much better. First, tell me about the adventurers or anyone you deem important from the people here."


After examining with his eyes the things that would be his reward that I had put in advance and that Saeko had brought from inside the vehicle, the man answers eagerly. Well, surely he would be since this equipment probably had the same reward value for each person who participates in this mission that the lord of the region provides.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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