Soul Evolution System

Chapter 165 Returning to Rek (Part 3)


I wanted to inform you that there is a new month of advanced chapters from SES  for you to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Thank you for your support and I hope this month is much better for you !!


The man Rika had brought didn't seem very strong and in fact, he wasn't. He only had a level 22 on his head that the system indicated to me and so I wasn't quite sure if I could get good information from him and so if it weren't because next to the level he also had "informant" written on it, I would simply have asked him to leave.

So when he started to point some people in the crowd with his eyes and tell me things about them, I realized that Rika had done a good job in bringing him.

At least, every individual he set his eyes on was above limit 3 and some nicknames he mentioned were consistent with the skill that they had developed the most and that my evaluation skill showed me.

About this, I have to say that the people were not very original... for example, there was a guy who was nicknamed "two swords" of level 34 and his primary ability was [swordsman]. Or another person who was known as "Accurate Shot", had level 31 and [Archer] skill… apparently, nicknames in all regions and Areas always ended up being things that they excelled at and so I probably run into a lot of “two swords” and stuff like that in Gaia.

But small group names maybe was even worse as this since names like "***** Team" referring to a person, place, or thing were very common... well, maybe I'm not the one to complain about this.

"So what about those two groups?"

"T-They? Well..."

Since I had tried it enough to see that this guy did know what he was saying and was not inventing things, I decided to focus on the ones that caught my attention the most here. Small groups or people traveling alone, while it wasn't bad to know about them, the truth was that I didn't consider them as much of a threat.

So with those who had to be more careful were the two groups that had vehicles... apparently these were organizations and in the next moment the informant confirms my suspicions.

"The group of fewer people... perhaps are the most famous who are here. W-Well... I do not know to what organization the young master belongs so maybe I am wrong about this"

"... that doesn't matter, continue"

It is probably that this guy didn't just come by to see what he could get by selling information… he should also want to try his luck and see if he could get some of our information. 

I can't blame him for this as even though that woman warrior's organization was the most famous in the area, even so, they weren't the ones who attracted the most attention… probably many were curious about who we were.

This was not incomprehensible, we had the most striking vehicle, a group made up largely of just beautiful women, and also that we did not have any insignia or uniform that identified us.

No doubt for many it was intriguing and they were dying to know something about us. In fact, I think this man would make more money than the armor I gave him if he could get any information out of us.

I honestly think that if I told him that we didn't belong to any organization, he and all the adventurers here would be very surprised at this… but not only that, some might be excited and happy to learn that there is no influence behind us. So I'm not an idiot as to say anything to this guy.

"Yes, young master.

That organization [Nurt Hunters] is based in the capital of this kingdom. Although they may not be considered a large group there, in towns and regions like this surely no one would seek a quarrel with them.

As far as I know, they have around 500 members... although this may seem like anyone can enter, this is not the case. Their requirements are that people at least have fighting or hunting skills and can defeat a koblot or Orc by themselves.

In addition there are some rumors that they have someone influential from the Kingdom behind them... although that is not confirmed, but that would explain a little why in the last year they have grown quite a lot "

"Nurt Hunters? What is that? A monster or something like that?"

"No, the founder of that guild was a hunter from a town called Nurt..."

...Well, it seems that the tendency for these types of names continues even for organizations. Maybe like me, all the girls who listened expected something different like that it was a strong monster or maybe even some kind of legend, but like Saya who is asking the question we were all disappointed by the man's answer.

On the fact that this organization has a backing, having its headquarters in the capital, I think it is not strange that they have some noble that supports them.

"About the other group, what you know?"

"... they are a newly formed organization recently in Barl. So of its members there is not much to say, just one or the other will probably achieve some fame in this region just like the solitary adventurers I mentioned above.

As for their leader... there are many rumors about him but perhaps due to his appearance, the one most often heard in bars is that he is a womanizer. Although a friend who is not from this region recognized him and told me a few things about him that people say there...

He lived in the region where my friend lived before and that leader worked for the nobleman who was in charge of that place... "

" I see, so he got the money for that vehicle from that noble? Well, that explains why almost all the men around him are so weak"

It seems that this guy is someone lucky or with the ability to relate to people... he must have had a lot of trust in that noble from that region to reward him with as much money as to buy a crystal vehicle.

"W-Well, the young master is probably not mistaken that he got the money from that man... but according to my friend, there are many rumors about this noble in the towns and cities he runs... it is said that he prefers the men…"


With what this guy tells us, surprise shows on the face of all of us who were here and many of us can't help but exclaim. W-What can I say? That was somewhat unexpected... the girls' gaze that they have onto this leader while the informant was speaking turned from displeasure when they found out that he was a womanizer, to that of disbelief with the latest...  well, since those were rumors completely contrasted each other, then this was reasonable to happen and even I was no exception to this.

"I-I suppose he is a man with a lot of determination to get what he wants, right? I-I must admit that I could not 'drill' another man to achieve something"

"A-Alex don't be vulgar!!

B-But now I realize that there are even worse things than the fact that the person you like is a womanizer... "

"" Y-Yes ... ""

Due to the surprise caused by such a discovery, the truth is that I did not know how to respond to this and so I end up expressing myself in that way. Because of this, then the girls' faces change from pale to red on several occasions ... all this it was probably a hard thing to hear for most of them.

Kurisu scolds me, but immediately begins to murmur to herself her thoughts and the other girls do not hesitate to agree with her. Even Rika nods strongly upon hearing her...

It must be because a similar thing happened to her with Omura, but the good thing is that they did not have any romantic relationship when she discovered that he was gay, I think that would have been a harder blow to her if this occurred. 

If when a woman is dating someone she discovers that her lover is unfaithful and if she finds out that the other part is not a woman but another man, surely it would be more shocking to know that her partner uses his tool to "dig" on other men.

"... as far as I know, the region lord is not the one who received... instead he liked to be the active one"


"" ... ""

T-The things that blond guy did it keept overcoming my expectations... D-Damn it! If that's what it takes to have the "Sex Adept" skill that he had then I'd rather not get it, I can live without it... in fact, I'd rather die than get it.

"W-Well ... everyone is free to do what they want with their ass, right? "


At this point my brain had made a short circuit and I only answer the first thing that comes to mind... although the girls were not in better condition than me since this time I do not hear any reproach and all remain silent.

"Do you want to know something else, younger master?"

"... I think I have learned things that perhaps it was best not to have heard, so that's enough. You can withdraw."


B-By the way, young master ... are you coming to this forest because of the rumors? "

"... Rumors? What rumors does this forest have? "

"Well, after all, apart from the name of the Eltin forest this place is known by the nickname" The forest of beginners and the grave of experts. "

The forest of the beginners is something obvious why this. Since the monsters that inhabit this it is ideal for to earn a living and train the adventurers who are in the 1st to the 4th limit. 

But the strange thing about this forest is that those who exceed the 5th limit, when they enter almost no one leave this one...

S-So I just wanted to advise you to be careful as it is even known that people in the 9th limit who entered never left there again "

"I see... thanks for the advice, but this time we only came for the protection of this town"

"I understand, but be careful young master. Here are also some who have set their eyes on your group and from what I heard, not many of them have good intentions"

"...thanks again. Take this and you also beware"

"Hehehe, the young master is very generous! I hope we will see each other again"

I thought he would just insist on trying to get more information from us, but instead, he warns me of a few things. Since he was showing me a good gesture, I decided to do the same and so I threw a crystal worth a thousand at him.

With his parting words and a cheerful smile on him, the man turns around after taking the equipment I had also been given and runs off until he is lost in the crowd.

That damn Milene forgot to say something important like that this forest also had such a nickname... also this one sounds quite dangerous.

So remembering that one of the first rewards I got was unlocking the map of this entire forest, I decided to analyze it this time in more detail to see if it could indicate some hidden danger or why this had these rumors.

I have a couple of theories... the first and perhaps the most simplest is that there is a monster strong enough to make a person in the 9th limit will stay forever in this forest. It may not really be that something within the forest specifically hunts strong people above the 5th limit and it is simply that since it should not be uncommon for beginner adventurers to die, people don't care about their disappearances so much.

But what it is sure is that there is something in the forest that can kill a person in the 9th limit and is just bad luck if you run into that.

The other theory is that within this forest there is a place that only someone strong can reach it... but unfortunately, doing so may mean death.

"Hello everyone, I did not expect to find such beautiful women in what will become a battlefield very soon... perhaps it is better to make all the people here protect all of you than a simple village, I can't see this place as something most important than all of you "

As I tried to focus to examine the map and see what I could find on it a man's voice interrupt me to can do this. But then when I look up to see who was the person who this time came to try to flirt with the girls, I am a little surprised by who I see.

The truth is that I had already dealt with some guys who thought about trying their luck and coming to talk to the girls, but in the end, they were simply ignored or chased away by me.

"… So this time it's passive-kun who comes, I didn't expect this."

"" P-Passive-kun? ""

My surprise and that of the girls was because this time it was the blond leader of the organization that the informant man just told us about not long ago. 

You can't blame me for saying that, this was unexpected and so before I knew it that had come out of my mouth... seriously I wasn't trying to be derogatory or tease me from him... it was just that this was the first thing that occurred to me to refer to him.

The leader and his men look at me strangely not knowing what I meant and that's why they repeat my words, but on the other hand, the girls around me blush a bit and look away from them.

Well, as good-looking as a person could be if you found out about things like before ones, it is probably difficult for any girl to know how to react when this person speaks to you.

"Emmm… is something wrong or did I say something wrong?… Have we met before?"

"N-no, I'm sorry... we don't know each other. We come from another Area on a trip to get to know the world a little"

"I see... perhaps that explains why there are so many beautiful girls gathered. Also, why they are all so remarkable and stood out from the rest... the women of this Area are not as beautiful as you all"

I was in a difficult situation... and also a little confused. I didn't want to appear homophobic for chasing this guy away like the others, but strangely enough, it didn't seem like this guy was gay either as he seemed trying to get our attention from his words… maybe he was bisexual?

Unfortunately, I couldn't determine things about him well as the aura around this guy was different from the other men who had come before. All the others had a pink aura due to his strong sexual arousal and his eyes seemed to want to eat our entire group. 

But in him... the color was a combination of orange, light green, and black strands... greed, emotion, and Even evil... it seems that this guy was quite a mentally complicated person.

"Why don't we come together to deal with the elimination of the monsters that come to invade the village? From what I see although your team is quite good, your group is not very large... so it is probably difficult to fight against a large number of enemies by yourselves- "

"It is not necessary... we can take care of ourselves"

"Well... I understand. If you change your mind, you just have to tell me, my offer will continue throughout the mission"

The truth is that this guy was less insistent than the others, I think seeing that he did not have the reaction he expected from us since most of the girls ignored him and just continued talking to each other or doing other things, so because of this he decided to withdraw.

But seeing him go, I can't help but smile on my face...

This was not because I felt that I had won against a handsome man, or that I laughed at his failure to conquer any of the girls. Rather was because seeing him return to where the other people in his group were, my eyes went straight to the vehicle they had ... if I remember correctly, this one is worth around 4 million.

[It looks like that guy will be unlucky... this must be what people mean by "the hunter became the prey", right?]

...I cannot deny Aurora's words. The truth is that I had thought about taking those vehicles and that's why I also wanted to investigate those organizations, but there were only a few things that kept me from doing it.

First, I had no information about them and it was risky to attack them without knowing their background. My thoughts were not wrong and it would certainly have been problematic to antagonize the warrior girl group... surely since they are a somewhat well-known organization, I not only have to worry about the noble of rumors and they surely have ties to other organizations... it would be bad to have to fight with all of their other allies.

But the other organization had just been formed and so they were not well known. Therefore, they should not have alliances with other groups, their members were weak and... they were not even from this region, or at least their leader.

…Buying that vehicle while your organization was weak was practically saying "come and steal me please". 

Or could my life in an apocalyptic world have affected me and people wouldn't normally do this?

Well... this was something else that kept me from doing this a bit. It is not as if they have done something to me to ruin their lives... it seems that there is still some morality in me.

But most of all, I was more concerned with what girls would think of this since they probably have complaints about doing something like that.

But who would have thought that things were better than I had thought? Now I could get back a little what I pay for my vehicle.

This guy just solved my problem… apparently he also has some ideas about our group that shouldn't be very good things, this would be "Prevent instead of regret", right? 

...Although even with this I should not make the girls participate with this... for some of them is probably too much.

[You don't have to worry so much by doing something like this, Alexander. The only thing that should matter to you is if you can face the consequences… surely many will have the same idea as you, so you must hurry if you want that vehicle.

That guy probably wanted to make his group do notice to make grow his organization more quickly. Unfortunately, this would not only attract members to him... this is also a very easy way to attract trouble in this world.

By the way... your group is not very different from his. The only advantage is that no one should have information from you but you should still take care of your back as well]

…I get it.

"… It looks like the handsome guy this time was out of luck"

"... it is strange that you look derogatory at someone for bing handsome when you are even more handsome... that is why I think it was logical that he did not attract the attention of anyone here... also there is what we heard earlier..."

As I watch the guy leave, I can't help but say those words. But apparently Rei misinterpreted To what I was referring...

"Hehehe. So Rei thinks I'm someone handsome? "

"E-eh? T-That's... s-shut up and stop smiling !!"

Since for now I could not take what I wanted, I decide to better spend time talking to the girls, there was no rush to take that 4 million G. So when seeing that Rei seems to have not paid attention to what she said, I mock a bit of her.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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