Soul Evolution System

Chapter 166 Returning to Rek (Part 4)

A few days passed while we waited for the monster invasion to begin. Since it was an annoyance to have to chase away all the guys who came to try to see if they could be lucky enough to win the heart of some girl, I decided to take our vehicle to a place more remote from all the adventurers.

[… I think what ended with your patience was that guy who came specifically for you. Fufufu... really looked like someone totally in love]

…Well, Aurora is very right. That was the moment when I decided to go somewhere further. That guy really was very persistent... even when I told him that I was a man to stop this, he said he didn't care and continued to talk about how much he liked me and that he would accept something as that I am a man.

Even the girls' laughter at first for witnessing this had to stop and turned to displeasure seeing how persistent that guy was.

Unfortunately, though we no longer had the trouble of bearing with similar types during the day, having separated from all adventurers then this attracted the attention of other types of people...

Every night since that day I had to deal with some groups of adventurers who no longer came to say sweet words to us and instead came for darker reasons like robbing us or taking the girls by force.

"Haaa… it seems like tonight others are coming to die too. Scythe and Leona, let's go and get this over with so  we can sleep"

As in other nights, thanks to my domain I detect the presence of some people who approached us and so I call my two subordinate faithful. But then unlike other times, a couple of voices stops me when I try to get out of the vehicle.

"Fufufu Alex-san, I'm glad you tried to protect us, but… it's not like I haven't killed a person before, you know? You should know that in my world I did too…"

"I was trained as a soldier and after our world was filled with chaos, that helped me survive there and made things easier for me when I had to deal with certain types of people.

So you don't need to worry about me, boy. I don't have such a weak mind and I can eliminate anyone that I consider my enemy. "

Unlike other times, when I try to get out of the vehicle to take care of things with Scythe and Leona, this time Saeko and Rika talk as they approach me carrying their weapons.

"Master~, Master~. Vrana wants to hunt too, roock ~"

Seeing those two girls approach me, then the little harpy also runs in this direction flapping her wings. Unlike the girls that I tried to prevent from doing things that might not be very pleasant for them, I had left Vrana-chan with them because I honestly think that with the 3 of us it was enough.

Also, she was the one with the highest level of us, so in part, it was because if she joined then it would be like hunting a rabbit using a missile... well, maybe not that exaggerated.

"I-I can help too"

"Y-Yes, we are not useless!"

"... Anyone who tries to make me his slave, then I will kill him"

Perhaps influenced by the other girls, in the end, Kurisu and Saya also decide to join this. But the truth was that the ones that worried me the most because they could have an adverse reaction to kill someone, were the two of them.

As Saeko and Rika said, I already knew that they both had experience killing people. That I left them together with the other girls was because so they didn't think I treated them differently.

"Fine, but Kurisu and Saya... you don't have to kill someone now if you don't want to. Just remember that in case your life is at risk and you have to, then you should not hesitate to pull the trigger on your weapons.

... It is probably better that you have a mentality equal to Rei as far as this, think that they want to kill you or that you could go through worse things than death "

"... O-Okay"

"... Y-Yes"

I didn't think there will be a day when I would advise a girl to think the same as Reí, but I was more than in agreement with her ideology… well, even if the girls didn't kill a guy who tries to do bad things to them and forgive him, I would do it instead of them.

"Well... then Leona, Scythe, Vrana-chan, and I will just watch and leave things to you this time. "

"Heee?… Master, I wanted to hunt too, roock ~"

"... you can fly and go find some monsters during the day"

"Yatta ~ !!"

So after making some preparations, we all get out of the vehicle ... if we don't, those guys probably won't be able to get in and therefore we won't be able to handle them either. Maybe we could just ignore them and sleep peacefully, but it would be a bummer to feel them move into my domain and hear them hitting the vehicle trying to get in all night.

Also the truth is that usually, the groups of adventurers that come are not so bad... possibly that's why they feel confident and decide to attack us.

With this, I do not mean that some have good intentions. The fact is that these days I have stored some Rank [I] equipment, some other objects such as parchments and also won about 70 thousand Gold and about 5 thousand crystals... Yes, they weren't in as bad a financial situation as the thieves we ran into earlier.

If you compare it to my days in HOTD. this amount of profit probably wouldn't get much of my attention. But if we consider that I will only get 25 thousand G for the world guild mission, then I can certainly see why people decide to become thieves.

"Hehehe, this will be a great night!!"

"Yes! We will enjoy beautiful women and we will also get a great vehicle"

"Fools! Don't be careless and let your guard down! 

We don't know if things will go well.. we may have to escape as fast as we can"

"Yes… we decide to try our luck and see if they are just a group of girls who got their things thanks to their appearance. But if things are not like that, then maybe some of us cannot escape. 

So don't be distracted"

"Also everyone should already know it.

If we are successful, then each group will take 1 of those girls and whoever does it best can take the harpy. As for the vehicle, we will let luck decide who stays with it when this is over ..."


"That little bird must be worth a fortune ..."

"But if you sell any of those girls, you should also be able to get a lot of money… hehehe although I think no group will do that"

"... hehehe, if our luck is good then this will be memorable"

Not long after we get out of the vehicle, some voices begin to be heard it as the sound of footsteps grows louder and then soon more than 50 men can be seen approaching… it seems that tonight's harvest will be greater than the previous ones.

"Fufufu, it is unfortunate that your luck is not good..."

"She is right... when you decided to come here, your luck ran out"

"Well… it seems like none of those guys had any good intentions, so this is just self-defense"


Watching the men approach, the girls begin preparing for battle by taking up their weapons and walking towards them while Saeko, Rika, and Rei speak. Virtually all of their equipment was the same one they wore at HOTD and the only difference now was one type of glasses they were wearing.

These were gifts from the previous groups which were called [Night Vision Goggles] and as the name suggests, they were to be able to see better at night. Apparently, they were not as expensive objects since they were only rank [I] and most of the adventurers used them... by the way, the girls look somewhat cute using them.

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

After Saeko, Rika, and Rei's words, the battle begins. The first two take the lead, Saeko with her sword and Rika holding an M-16. It could be seen with the naked eye that they were not rookies in this since both had separated so as not to be involved in the crossfire.

Besides, if those men had seen the status of both of them like me, surely they would have turned and run from the beginning without thinking about fighting.


Name: Saeko Busujima

Race: Human

Age: 18

Level: 53> 54

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (10)

Force: J> I

Resistance: J

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: J> I

Magic: (-)



[Samurai - C] [Warrior Heart - A] [Perception - S] [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Focus - C] [Precise Cut-D] [Quick Cut - C] [Laido - G] [Cook - E] [Light Feet-I] (New) [ Agile Movement -I] (New)             



[Sword Technique: Busujima Style - I] [Manners- B] [Housewife - E] [Sword Technique: Hitten Mitsurugi Ryu-I]

Affection: 205 (Captivated)


Name: Rika Minami

Race: Human

Age: 28

Level: 52

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (10)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Shoot- B] [ Tactical - A] [ Analysis of situation - S]  [Consecration of Origin - SS]


[Focus - C] [ Hand- to- hand combat -I] [Cut - I] [Stab - I] [Guts - E] [Command-H ] [ Withstand pressure -H ] [ Emotion control-J]             



[Gunman - G] [Sniper-H] [ Leadership -H] [Soldier- H]

Affection: 185 (Engaged)

Saeko had continued to develop as a swordsman thanks to the scroll of skill I gave her. Unlike the style that she practiced that seemed to be somewhat stiff, this one was a set of techniques that focused on speed and so she has been improving on this.

Apparently this style can be brought up to a rank [G] with the body of a normal human, so therein lies one of its main merits.

As for Rika, her status did not surprise me much when I saw it since I simply checked things that could already be observed just by knowing her. Also, her level was due to the fact that like the other girls, I had also been given one of the limit-break pills I got.

Continuing to watch the fight of these two and seeing their improvements, the rest of the girls take their sniper rifles and begin to support them. From them, it seems that Kurisu and Saya still can't shoot to kill and only neutralize their targets by wounding one of their limbs… well, I had already expected something like this to happen.

I think it is already a great advantage that they shoot at people, so... I think they will get more and more accustomed since they are seeing how the other girls kill their enemies.

"These guys are no different zombies and if I do not kill them, then they kill me... or they will do even worse things to me... These guys are no different zombies and if I do not kill them, then they kill me or they will do even worse things to me...  "

Rei on the other hand without much hesitation, while reciting those words as if they were a type of mantra busts the heads of men who start to run towards us when they see that they are attacked with long-range weapons.

Probably of these 3 girls, she is the one who shows more decision in moments like these... and she can even be a bit cruel, I discovered this from the moment she kicked the weasel with glasses on the bus.

…Perhaps when she realized that the world had fallen into chaos and the laws were no longer useful, then she did not hesitate to become a judge to punish those she considered criminals. I do not know if I should consider something unusual or normal for doing this since she was the daughter of two policemen, people say that the police and criminals have very similar psychology... or maybe she is similar to Saeko and repressed emotions have within her?

"Wooh! Master, Saeko-san short the head of that guy and this one went flying far, roock ~", unlike Saeko who is cutting some people while smiling, she on the other hand has a serious face and even a little sweat runs down her forehead so it is most likely that she still has a hard time getting used to the idea of kill people.

As for Rika, I don't have to worry much about her. She displays a very calm state of mind as she changes the magazine of her rifle and does everything as if this is a simple workout and was shooting at cardboard targets.

Maybe this time this was a bigger team than the night before, but even so, the girls do not last long until the last man to fall to the ground. So the tranquility of the night before returns a bit and now only the laments of those who are still alive and complaining about their injuries are heard.

"Leona and Scythe, kill those who are still alive"

To end this, I ask the two of them who were by my side watching the fight to give those poor fools rest. So when the silence returns to the place, I collect the loot.

"Master, I think we should move the vehicle... this place smells a lot of blood and monsters can be attracted"

"You're right, Leona. Rika, would you get us out of here?"

"Well, then let's all get in the car"

With Rika's words, we all board the vehicle and immediately she begins to take us to another place to rest. I hope this is the only attack today so that we can rest well tonight… the movement within the forest from what Vrana-chan had told me these days has increased and they probably won't take long to start the invasion.

After searching for the right place, we all went up to the second floor of the vehicle where the bedroom and the huge bed were as I requested and then we went to sleep. It seems that the previous in the end affected a little some girls like Kurisu, Saya, and Rei since they take the places closest to me fast and hug me tightly.

The other girls also seem to understand the reason for this and they only take a space in the bed without saying anything else, so minutes later one by one they begin to produce slight hisses when they fall asleep and not long after this, my conscience also goes to darkness.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

We were all able to get a good night's sleep after taking over the group of adventurers from yesterday who attacked us, so I quite cheerfully got out of bed after sharing some kisses with the girls.

Well, the exceptions to this were Leona and Vrana, the first already had risen and begun to prepare things for breakfast, while the second had to go out with her to hunt some monsters and so I praised her when she shows me the bodies of these.

There were also Rei and Rika that only watch with different emotions while I savor the lips of Kurisu, Saeko, Saya, and even Scythe... although to the second one I  had already kissed her, she refuses to do it again claiming that I should keep my promise to wait... but in my defense when I try to do it is that at times like these she looks at me with quite complex eyes which I cannot ignore.

As for the other girl... it's probably impossible to get to this stage with her now, let alone do it with several other girls around.

When we all went out and finished having breakfast, we went back to go through the streets of Rek as a routine that we had taken in the last days to see if there was any good thing here... I still had not given up on being able to find a treasure from among sellers.

Unfortunately, the only difference from previous days is that a group of people wearing the world guild uniform had arrived. So when I approached and asked, find out that this was because they were here to confirm that the people who took the mission would have come here.

And so we have to line up for them to swipe our guild card through a machine that must surely record our attendance at the mission.

After that, we only spend time as on other occasions until in the afternoon of this day things change a little...


(POV 3rd Person - Barl's Alchemy Shop)

"E-Emmm ... I must put the [1-year-old ginseng] in the monster blood that has exceeded the first limit when it reaches the temperature of 74 degrees... a-and then grass relu and nuyet... after that was..."

“…Girl, are you really human? Are you not a Huldra like me? ”

While Alexander and the other girls were in Rek, Shisuka was currently practicing alchemy with the elderly Lena that they had met.

She had watched Shisuka practice in recent days with great care, and she had any problem with this. In fact, she considered that Shisuka was a good disciple to teach since she was very dedicated and seemed to like the trade of Alchemy.

But in that time, a restlessness had grown more and more when she saw her perform alchemy... while Shisuka practiced, she couldn't ignore that large lumps of meat that were constantly shaking and seemed to attract her eyes as if they wanted to be observed.

Not only that, but each movement of her also seemed to be made to highlight her figure even more in spite of this one already in itself could not go unnoticed by either men or women...

So this led her to think that she must be one of the two races that she knew who possessed an innate charm towards the opposite sex. But since one lived only in Areas level 3 or higher, it was not likely that she belonged to this one.

The other race was her own and even though they usually inhabit Level 2 Areas, it wouldn't be strange for them to come to lower ones as she did. Then since both of these races possessed tails, while asking Shisuka this, she looked at her back to see if she possessed one.

"Moh ~ Because of the teacher Lena I have lost concentration and the mix has failed!~ 

I'm also totally human, Do you know?~ ”

"Hi-hi-hi, that's because you haven't practiced enough, girl."

Checking Shisuka's words, Lena could see that she really had no trace of a tail and so she could only assume that she was indeed a human... although one who perhaps could get more benefit working as a courtesan than as an Alchemist.

Since she had no prejudice to a woman making a living from her own charms, she even had the thought and curiosity to buy a crystal ball to see if she possessed the skills for this job.

But remembering the boy who was with her, she thought that even if she told her about it, he would flatly oppose this.

"Teacher, why didn't I help you also attend the store~? It's a bit tiring to always do the same thing ~ ”

"Hmn? …it's okay."

Considering Shisuka's words for a while, in the end she gives the go-ahead for this. Although she had little time to teach her as much as she could, her words were not a lie and that is why she ended up accepting this.

Although she didn't know and was not her intention, due to these simple decisions her store would soon have an increase in popularity that would lead her to have to exercise a little...



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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