Soul Evolution System

Chapter 167 Monster Invasion (Part 1)

The invasion begins and a large number of them emerge from the forest running towards us. This was a bit like the fight of two groups in the movies about the medieval era that I saw in my world... the difference was that instead of two groups of men being the ones that collided to fight, here it was several humanoid races against monsters.

Among the monsters, showing a higher number were the goblins that I had previously fought with, but apart from the normal ones and well-known [Goblins Elite], I could also see [Goblins (Assassins, Archers, Riders)] that were superior to the others having a level between [20] - [ 39].

Also, you could see monsters that had the appearance of a biped dog in which on their heads it said [Koblot] [Koblot Elite] [Koblot (Swordsman, Lancer, Warrior)] and likewise, their levels varied from [20] - [ 49]… apparently they were a stronger breed than goblins since they were born.

Not only were they, being a race probably in the same rank as the Koblot you could also distinguish groups of other monsters of biped pigs called [Orcs], [Orcs Elite] and [Warrior Orcs] that had the same variation of levels than his companions who looked like dogs.

The truth is that the variety was great, in addition to these race of monsters, there were also [Forest Wolves], [Black Lynx], [Red-spotted Serpents], [ Forest Scorpions ], [Metal-billed Vultures], etc. 

But most of these did not exceed the 3rd limit, although some were still a bit dangerous as they were poisonous.

Even so, probably the most striking were some large monsters over 3 meters that looked like goblins that were injected with steroids... or [Green Ogres] as the system called them and which had levels above the 5th limit.

With the fight begining, the adventurers started looking for monsters with whom they could deal with their experience without overestimating their abilities… so this is why divided groups were hunting down specific monsters.

", Alex! Several of those groups of pigs come to us... why it seems that we draw the attention of such monsters?"

[… Those monsters can be said to be even more lustful than goblins, so you better not let some girl… or yourself fall into their hands]

"Haaa ... believe me Kurisu, you don't want to know why, just focus on killing them. Rika, prepare you to activate the area shield from the vehicle"

"Eh? O-Okay."

"It's okay"

Seeing those groups approach us, I answer Kurisu and speak to Rika. This vehicle apart from being able to concentrate the energy shield in its metal structure could also function similarly to the ones we use in HOTD and covering a space of about 100m radius around this one.

The difference was that even though this would not be so resistant while using it as the first form mentioned, it still could withstand even the ogres who were the monsters stronger here without any problems, and with this the girls could fight without risk.

This was the least I expected from an investment of 1,300,000 crystals ...

"Well ... Saeko, Leona, Scythe, and Vrana-chan. Let's go out and kill some monsters on our own"

With that said, I take my sword [Black Moon] and a revolver [RSh-12] in my hands while I start walking looking for some target, and then the girls I mention follow me to get out of range of the shield before it was activated.

I decide not to use my sword [Curse Flame-G] since I didn't want to draw more attention, I think it was enough with that the other girls used their weapons to fight to do this.

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

Seconds after, the sound of gunshots begins to be heard and as I guessed, many adventurers look towards this direction to see what was happening and find Orcs falling one after another.

Their faces showed surprise, doubt, fear, or even a sigh of relief after seeing that… probably the guys who react in the last two ways would have had similar ideas to the unfortunate ones who attacked us in the last few days.

"Grooowh !!"

"Girl, be careful!"

"... an Ogre huh? Let's see if you're tougher than force-type zombies..."

[Bang]... [Boom!]

"Well… apparently, you weren't"

"Fufufu the next one is mine, Alex-san"


While looking around a bit, an Ogre came towards me while growling brandishing what looks like a club... well, that almost looked like a log given its size. But sadly for him, this one can't stop his head from exploding in the next second.

This monster, unlike force type zombies that instead of developing their strength and defense, rather seemed more focused on possessing great power but retaining good agility. Unfortunately for the Ogre, this meant that my weapon that could even pierce through the defense of those zombies turned out to be too lethal for him.

"T-That whole group is using magic weapons..."

"Also these weapons seem to be of high rank… they are killing those Orcs even easier than if they were goblins... even that little girl just killed an ogre in the same way"

"Damn it! Are they trying to show us how rich they are?"

After the adventurers come out of the great impact caused by the way our group fights, they begin to comment on their impressions of this.

Even the person who had warned me about the Ogre that I just killed now, watches me with more fear than he did when saw this monster. Well, not everything is bad and perhaps with this, the number of people who decide to attack us during the night will decrease... although it is also a pity to lose those little booties that they brought us.

After this brief pause, the fighting continues and all the people here focus on killing the monsters in front of them. Of course, it was also not uncommon for some to be unlucky enough to die while facing an enemy unsuitable for themselves or also because some were just unlucky enough to neglect themselves and end up receiving fatal injuries.

But that was for them, and for our group, things were more relaxed. The truth was that even though there were many monsters, it could not be compared to a horde of zombies that more than a group of enemies, being so grouped with almost no space between them due to their enormous number, they were more like one same organism that moved in unison than a group of individuals.

So seeing how effectively we eliminated our enemies, other groups did not hesitate to approach where we were to take advantage of the opportunity to use us as support while they could more safely kill monsters.

I quickly noticed this, but I was not so petty to scare these people away. As long as they had no harmful ideas to us, then I would not complain that they would take a little advantage of us.

Besides, we were not the only ones that other groups approached to be able to fight more safely. The organization led by the female warrior had members with abilities slightly above average and so they were in a situation similar to us killing monsters easily. so the groups that approached this team let them deal with the strongest monsters while they deal with the ones with the lowest levels.

We had also caught the attention of that organization and the warrior woman along with some of her companions were constantly looking towards where the girls who were around the vehicle were constantly shooting and also at my group that separated from them to fight closely against the monsters.

Yes, the girls on my side and I too were not far behind in attracting the eyes of other people the same as the other girls... just seeing how Saeko and Scythe cut Ogres with their sword and scythe it was probably almost as striking as seeing the firearms being used.

This was not surprising, these girls were one of those who had fighting skills and also the most powerful since their levels were among those who went up more steadily due to this.

Vrana-chan also flew from one side to the other, killing any monster that her set as a target, although I must say that more than her way of fighting was showy, her presence was even more so.

On the other hand, Leona who also fell into the same category, and I were exchanging between our firearms and sword or knives respectively, so we were not far behind in making ourselves known among the others too.

It's a shame that Leona's level had been quite high from the beginning and that's why she had n't leveled as much in HOTD. Although all also came to a standstill there when we exceed the 5th limit...  but even so, thanks to the pills limit-break and the same but in a version for monsters for Scythe. Both of my loyal subordinates were strengthened again...


Name: Scythe Grim

Race: Ghoul

Age: 6 Months (Body of a 24-year-old girl)

Level: 53> 64

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (20)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[ Berserker - G] [Body Domain - S] [Scythe Handling- C] [Life Absorption - S] (Sealed)


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Pain Block - C] [Sharp Claws - C] [Reap- E] [Night Vision- H] ( New)



[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity - C] [Bodyguard- J> I]

Loyalty: 569> 580 Affection: 60> 70


Name: Leona Heidern

Race: Human Homunculus

Age: 2 Months (Body of an 18-year-old girl)

Level: 57> 67

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (20)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Body domain - S] [Knife handling- A] [Regeneration - E] [Abnormal state resistance - C] [Ki control-H] [Riot of Blood- A] ( Sealed)


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Shoot- C] [Nude Hand Fight- B] [Cut- C] [Ki Punch-C] [Night Vision- H] ( New)



[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity C] [Gunslinger- C] [Self Defense - B] [Assassination Techniques Heidern-C] [Bodyguard- I] ( New)

Loyalty: 100> 214

Finishing up by taking a quick look at the progress of these two bodyguards of mine, I realize that of the three groups that had vehicles here, the warrior woman and ours ended up taking the lead from the others to fight in this battle.

The organization of passive-kun was hardly noticeable. Having only average members, they could barely take care of themselves as to also try to lead other groups as well.

In this way we continue for several hours killing monster after monster. I must say that this monster invasion in the end did have one thing in common with the HOTD zombies and this was that these seemed endless, they kept coming out of the forest one after another as if it was producing them without end from the other side of the trees.

Even after the sun began to descend and hide, these did not stop and they continued trying to reach the village behind us.

So, things during the battle did not change much and the only thing different is that the organization of the warrior woman and my group moved away from each other a couple of kilometers to try to cover a terrain each of us with the other groups that accompanied us and thus be able to better block the monsters.

…Well, the passive-kun organization also did the same. Either out of pride or that they were ashamed of being the only group that had a vehicle and that was not much different from the other normal groups, also take distance from us two.

What was different was that it was essentially their only group and almost were not joined others to them... but since they were numerous by themselves, probably this does not affect them.

"Ha ... Ha ... Saeko-chan, Vrana-chan. Go back to rest together with the other girls"

"Ha ... ha ... won't you come Alex-san?"

"I still have one thing to do... I'll be back with Leona and Scythe a little later"

"I understood"

"Vrana wants to go with the master, roock~!"

"... Come back together with Saeko-chan. Probably because you have the ability to absorb energy from the sun, you are the least exhausted here Vrana-chan. So I entrust to you to protect the others if something happens."

"Okay! Leave it to Vrana, Master! She will protect Master's lovers, roock ~"

"Fufufu, Vrana-chan seems to be a very trustworthy girl"

After I convince Vrana-chan to go with the other girls and she replies by inflating her almost non-existent chest, she leaves together with Saeko while the latter strokes her head and praises her.

"Master, what will we do?"

"...for now we will go into the forest a bit to look for something"

Staying with only Leona and Scythe by my side, I answer the question from the first while looking at the forest that was darker due to the arrival of the night. I take one of the night vision goggles and put them on to move into that dark place.

Leona and Scythe luckily to them didn't need them, they had developed the same skill as the glasses easily due to their races and getting used to fighting at night managing the energy in their core or crystal to focus it in their eyes... or that's what Leona told me.

I really want to try to learn to control my energy too, haaa...  for now I can only focus on continuing to fill my core with energy until I find someone to teach me that... or I could also pay the system for an orb of the [control of Ki] skill.  Although for this I would have to spend 10 million crystals... so it is better that I try to go with the first option.

The three of us advance into the forest killing any enemy that crosses our path and then extending my domain I begin to search for my target. I know it must be around here somewhere... probably there should be someone taking command of such a huge group of monsters waiting to sure show itself to the end of the fight... that's what the monsters stronger do, right?

If there is no leader, then perhaps a group of strong monsters will also be useful...

Trying to find some of those things, the three of us move in the forest, and then after searching for a while, a group of about 10 Ogres comes to our vision immediately after I having detected them by my domain.

It seems that my luck was good and instead of finding one thing that I was looking for, I ended up finding both... in this group of Ogres there was one that stood out among the rest. This one looked more muscular, its green color was a bit darker, and also instead of some rudimentary weapon like wooden clubs in one of its hands it held a big ax.

[Ogre Forest Lord Level 74] [Ogre level 51] [Ogre level 55] [Ogre level 50] ...

Its other companions were not weak but compared to this first Ogre, the others did not seem important... until now this was the strongest creature I had seen apart from Vrana-chan... Lena, although she looked like a witch, she should not be a monster.

Yes, this Ogre was strong, but it wasn't like it made me paralyzed when I saw him either and it just caused me to take things more seriously and to focus more.

" Master, will we take care of that group of Ogres? "

"Kill ... guys ... big ... green ..."

"Calm down Scythe... for now we will not kill them and we will only attract the attention of all of them"

I had not come to kill the leader before someone else did. The only thing that would be good to kill him was to get the experience for this and perhaps the guild or a merchant would give me a good price if I sell it to them, but the truth is that I was not very interested in what they could give me and that's why their Crystal with a worth of 7,000 was also not very stimulating.

Instead of getting money for it, it was more convenient to give the body to my venus. Furthermore, this living Ogre could help me obtain a much greater quantity than dead and take its crystal and sell the body.

As this group slowly walked in the direction of the village and also approached us, I explained a little to Leona and Scythe what we would do. So when they were reaching a distance where it would take them a little while to notice us, I and Leona killed two of the normal ogres with our firearms.

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

"" GROOOWN !! ""

Seeing their comrades fall, they quickly search for the one responsible for this and soon discover us. Right away, along with a great roar from all of them, they start running towards us.

"Let's go"

"Yes Master"


Seeing this, the three of us turn around and begin to run out of the forest as the group of Ogres furiously follows us while striking everything that crosses on their members or arms.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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