Soul Evolution System

Chapter 168 Monster Invasion (Part 2 )

The direction we took was not where the girls were... when we left the forest and got out of the shade of the trees to where the moonlight illuminated things better, I take a scroll of my storage and I immediately use it.

So as an effect of this, we disappeared from the eyes of the Ogres that followed us closely and leaving them a little confused due to this. What I use it was a [Scroll of concealment-H] which served to escape from some monsters by hiding you if the situation put difficult.

At first I believed that it would be a dangerous object, since if someone used it against us to attack us by hiding with it, I was not sure if my domain would detect a person covered by its effect.

But when I analyzed it, I discovered that it only had an effect as long as the person did not move from the moment they used the parchment. It was a good thing that for it to be used as I first thought, surely this should be a much higher range. 

This scroll had been obtained along with the loot from the night before, it was probably the last resort of a level 37 man to save his life if he was in danger of death, but unfortunately for him, Rei or Rika made a hole in his head before he can use it.

As the three of us stop, the Ogres kept trying to find us but instead noticed a group of people surrounding a vehicle and then in the next instant, they roared and ran towards their new target.

"L-Leader! A group of Ogres is coming here!"

"Tch ... everyone get ready to take care of them!"

Then the other side that were fighting against other enemies also notices the Orcs running towards them... they were the passive-kun's organization.

Seeing how restless they got, surely for them this was a very bad thing. Probably the best option for them was to escape, but regrettably it was too late for doing so. The Ogres despite their size, did not mean they were slow and since they were now busy dealing with the nearby monsters, it was impossible to escape.

Surely the idea of ​​escaping was not only in the men who fearfully saw the Orcs approach with great steps. Their leader must have considered the same, but he could not give the order to flee and instead took the option to fight.

… If they escaped in the vehicle only some of them could do it and they would have to abandon the rest. But I don't think he didn't because he cared about others, previously I had seen people in his group die and he didn't seem to care much about this.

Therefore, what should prevent him it was his own reputation. If they escaped leaving the other men, it was sure this rumor would spread. After all, the men who he leaves some may scape and talk about it later.

If so, in the future they will have some trouble recruiting more people as no adventurer will want to join someone who leaves them when they are in trouble. The receptionist of the world guild had said it, one of the main reasons why these organizations are formed is to receive protection from this one and so doing something like this was fatal to their development.

With the Ogres approaching, that group clusters closer to each other with some defending from the monsters near to them while most of the others had their eyes on the big enemies.

Soon, the Ogres were the first to be attacked by those with long-range weapons such as bows, although is a shame for that group that this does not cause them great harm and they only manage to infuriate them more by curving some arrows superficially in their bodies... with the exception of the leader of these, since the arrows seemed to bounce on its skin.


"Kuuh !!"


A couple of seconds after the rain of arrows, the Ogres break the formation of these men like a stone thrown into a glass, and then several screams made by those who are hit with the clubs or the leader's ax begin to be heard.

"Attack them in groups and don't get afraid! Our weapons are causing them to bleed! So it's just a little more difficult to kill! them... surely they will fall soon!!"


Even though the leader of this organization tries to encourage the men, the situation for them was not very optimistic... the majority of these adventurers are practically newbies within the 1st and 2nd limits and with very few who overcome this.

The only thing they had in advantage was their number but with each second that passed, it was decreasing more and more.

"Well, let's go there too"

"Yes Master"


With my instructions, the 3 of us started walking to where the fight was taking place and then when we taking the first step the effect of the parchment is lost. This no longer mattered, it had already done its job well and now we had to do our part... end this battle and take my loot.

We circled the group that was fighting until reaching the vehicle and climbed up to the roof of this so that we could see those guys fighting more closely. Since they were so focused on the enemies in front of them, they did not notice us and we could calmly enjoy the show.

If you wonder why they did not use the vehicle where we are now standing in, it is probably because this model did not have the same functions as ours. Honestly, more than something useful for the fight I thought of this as simply an expensive transport.

Although it also had an energy shield, it only had the function of strengthening its defense in the same way as ours integrating this one into the structure of the vehicle. Although of course, the quality of the materials with which it was built was inferior and therefore it did not have the same efficacy as my "Delorean"... I think that this is a good name and so I will call ours this way.

As time passed, the fight was coming to an end. Unfortunately for this group, they were the ones who were losing... of the approximately 60-70 men here, now only about 20 remained.

"We can't handle them! We need to withdraw!"

…It probably should almost be time already.

Seeing things get worse and worse, the leader of this group finally decides to give the order to flee. Well, that was probably what he wanted to do from the beginning but the conditions to do it had not been met.

He had to show himself to be a leader who did not abandon his group even in bad conditions. Since fleeing now than flee before would generate little differences in the minds of people.

As I had said before, if he ran away with only a few and abandoning the rest, that would be very unfavorable for him in the future. Now he had fought bravely together with everyone, but if he continued would only be left like an idiot who makes his men die uselessly... in truth, human emotions are complicated and it does not surprise me why causes so much interest on Aurora.

Now with the few men they had, they could probably all escape together in the vehicle while they talk about the misfortunes they've just been through and become closer to each other because of this.

Well… surely this is how passive-kun would like things to be, but sadly, he wasn't the only one who wanted to take advantage of this fight. It was also the time for us to act.

You will think that it was much easier to just attack this group directly and that I didn't have to go to the trouble of planning all of this. No, I did not because not want to dirty my hands or moralistic things if it is what you are thinking, the problem was another.

From the guys who attacked us during the nights the previous days, I could see that it was a common thing for adventurers to have a card under their sleeves to face difficult situations, and therefore if I acted directly, this could cause me some problems.

Fortunately for me, most of these last resources used consisted of scrolls and it took a few seconds to that guys to use them, which for someone fighting a firearm were valuable and deadly.

The truth is that none of those men from before had the opportunity to use one… to their misfortune, they didn't know about firearms and they underestimated us too much. So the night before, even though I was a little worried when the girls decided to fight, with my advice that they were attentive to take care first of anyone who tried to take any object it was enough.

Remembering these things, I was a little concerned with those things that this leader could have to keep himself safe... after all, he was the lover of a region lord and surely he could give him some good things, or with the resources that he obtained from him was able to get them on his own too.

And I wasn't wrong, during this fight I saw him take out several magical scrolls of attack and defense repeatedly. In fact, I think it was thanks to him that these men managed to kill 6 of the Ogres... without a doubt a great achievement seeing the level difference between both groups.

"Y-you are ..."

"Hello passive-kun, it seems your group has had a difficult time"

"...that's true... and apparently you didn't come to help"

After passive-kun uses a scroll to create a linear energy shield to block the monsters from passing, he along with the men who are still alive turn and run towards us... or rather, towards my future new vehicle.

Then, as they get closer they finally notice our presence and stop a few meters from us who had been watching them. Most people get a little confused when they see us, but passive-kun seems to quickly understand why we are here.

To his latter comment I only reply with a smile that makes him show a bitter expression on his face and then, losing a bit of calm, he continues speaking.

"We don't have any enmity between us... so I don't see the reason why we should do this. I don't understand it, your group doesn't seem to be lacking resources... therefore, it seems difficult for me to you want our things ... and if it's nothing that, so I really don't understand why this!! "

"There you are wrong passive-kun... you overestimate us, the truth is that we do not have any group that supports us and this vehicle is enough to attract my attention.

You can curse or blame me for this, but we both know that anyone would take advantage of the other if knew that the risks to do so were not many, and for your bad luck I noticed this first.

It is a shame, passive-kun... you just forgot some important things about this world. You should not attract too much attention if you cannot defend yourself, you neglected this and now you will have to pay the consequences.

You probably gained a lot from that region lord from who you were lover, but by leaving him you also lost something important... you stopped being under his protection. Well, the truth is that he probably doesn't matter much in this equation on his own either, but at least he's got a kingdom behind his back. "

"Well... if you want those things, then just take them and let's avoid this fight. What do you think?"


As the others watched us speak and began to understand things, the energy shield that passive-kun used began to show signs of weakening from the constant blows of the monsters that hitting it. Seeing this, he tries to end the conversation by asking me that... but like before I just show him a smile and then answer him.

"... Passive-kun, even if your aura was that of a saint, which by the way is not, I would still have to reject your offer. I don't want to have to worry about this anymore in the future, and so it's better for this to end now… that's why you all have to die here.

…Scythe and Leona, kill them all. I will take care of the Ogres "

"Yes, Master!"


Damn !!!

"W-What's wrong? Why do they want to kill us?"

"I-I won't say anything ... I haven't seen anything either, so-so don't kill me please!"

"W-We are more, so we can kill them! No, we will catch these bitches and make them our slaves!"

"I-I don't understand any of this... Why does that little girl call the passive-kun to the leader? What does she mean by saying that the leader was a lover of a noble? "

With my orders, Leona and Scythe jump out of the vehicle and start attacking those men. So following the advice that I had previously suggested, they first focus on the one who looked most dangerous and which in this case was passive-kun.

Scythe this time she was faster than Leona throwing her scythe and halved the leader of this group while he was still screaming angry. Seeing this the others respond in different ways, some simply try to surrender so that they are not killed and others uselessly resist... and some are still confused with what happens...

I also do not stay without doing anything and a second after seeing passive-kun die, I head towards the Ogres. There were still 5 standing counting the leader of these, so first I take care of the normal 4 with my revolver quickly.

I thought the leader it would give me more trouble dealing with him but with the remaining bullet that was in the cylinder of the revolver, one of its legs is amputated when it ran towards me and so the ogre leader falls to the ground.  Then while he complains because of the pain, I nail [Black Moon] in its skull and killing him.

"This was easier than I thought .."

"If we had directly attacked them, it would have been somewhat troublesome if the guy who cut in two Scythe use all those scrolls from before against us. So it's good that the master used the Ogres against him first"

"Master ... good..."

"Okay, for now kill the other monsters while I collect the things"

After the compliments of my two subordinates, I collect all the men's bodies and objects in my inter-dimensional inventory... then finally I take the 4 million of G.

...think I now understand a little more the thieves' mentality. It is difficult to blame them when you know that you can enrich yourself in a few minutes with the effort of a person's many years.

What people say about that giving value to material things is the worst ideological creation of humans must be true ... think I am a bad person.

[Well... you're probably not a Saint, Alexander. But you just have to ask yourself the following:

What would you prefer?

Having to sell your ass to a noble for these things, or take them like now?]

Damn! I would even kill passive-kun twice if I had to!

[So I think that now your questions have been answered... You are a bad person]

…Well, but I'm a bad person with his ass intact at least. Also not that passive-kun was a saint either, after all, before when we were talking his aura became blacker until it almost completely covered the other colors… well, that must also have been my cause a little.

"Let's go back with the other girls"

With everything done, we started running towards the girls who stayed fighting after Scythe and Leona nod at my words.

Since I was going to do these things, that's why I hadn't brought the other girls. This couldn't be considered honest and I had a bit of concern that if any of them doubted during the fight, then it could be fatal for them.

As for Leona and Scythe, I did not have that problem with them as they were quite obedient to any of my orders. The first one because of its military nature that makes her treats my words as a mandate, and the second one perhaps even goes a little further and treats them as something unconditional.

My little harpy also falls into the category of these two and surely she would not hesitate to kill a saint if I asked her to. But the problem with her is that she didn't know how to keep her mouth shut, so she was very likely to speak proudly and cheerfully about how she crushes the heads of some people and that would be an unpleasant thing to hear for some girls.

Furthermore, what I said earlier was also true and so it was good that she stayed with the girl group in case something happened. Although apparently, this was not necessary since when we got to where my "Delorean" was the girls continued to kill monsters and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

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(POV 3rd person- Alchemy Shop)

A few days after Alexander and the rest of the girls left, in an alchemy store that usually only had few customers, there was a long line to get in there right now. The funny thing was that 99% of those who were there were men.

"Is the new girl helping out in this store really a big beauty?"

"No, that's a lie... she is a goddess!"

"... it's true. So I come this day also to see if that old lady can take me as her disciple and so I could be with that goodess more time!"

"Keep dreaming, you should just do what everyone and buys anything to can see her"

The men who formed to enter, all discussed the cause of this change in the store. The reason was that a blonde woman very beautiful recently started working here and the buzz spread quickly resulting in all of this.

"Hello ~ How can I help you ~?"

"E-emmm ... I'll take that!"

"I understand ~"

Inside the store that blonde girl attended to the people here while an old woman watched from a chair in which she was sitting and sighed for this. The majority of these fellows only came to the counter and after hearing her response, pointed in direction of the first thing they saw like this one.

Well, also there were some who were more intelligent than others and made her reach things that were in high or low places to see how those big mounds which this girl has will shaking because of her movements.

"Please marry me!!"

"Eh? Emmm... I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend~"

"Hi-hi-hi... I 'm single, so if you beg me long enough then I might consider it."

"I-I'm sorry, please accept these herbs that I found, maybe they will help you in your practice to do alchemy, I have to go now!!"

There were also others trying their luck, but each of them was rejected just with the same phrase. In the beginning they reviled to the lucky one who took the heart of the blonde, but after hearing the words of the old woman forgot this and came out running... but probably would return tomorrow.

"Master Lena, maybe because I concentrated on performing alchemy I not had noticed that your store is quite popular~"

"Haaa... well, surely not noticing what you cause is the reason why the girls around you don't seem to hate you... although it may also be because they are also very remarkable.

Leaving that aside, it bothers me a little that many come just to buy the first thing they see without knowing what these herbs are used for... those fools just don't appreciate the things that the forests provide us, hmp ~.

Well, also for guys like the one before, I have been able to get many more herbs than usual... plus many are free "


"Don't worry and keep working, Shisuka"

"Yes ~"



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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