Soul Evolution System

Chapter 169 Completing Rek’s Protection Mission

"Alex, where did you go?"

"... to make this mission more lucrative"

"" ??? ""

"Fufufu, it seems that some people were unlucky. I am glad that the 3 of you returned safely"

"Well... here it seems that the number of monsters has begun to be less and less"

The vehicle's shield is deactivated for a few seconds so that we can enter and then Kurisu questions me why I had moved away along with Scythe and Leona. Most of the girls bow their heads in doubt when they hear my answer, but Saeko probably having some idea of what I meant just smiles at me while saying that.

Rika probably also understands a bit of what I had done, but she doesn't seem to attach much importance to this either and instead comments about the current situation with the monsters fight.

To tell the truth, I had also noticed this, so it seems that this monster invasion did not last much longer. Their numbers are probably not as endless as HOTD's zombies.

"" Woooh !! We won!!""

"...It seems that we finished with all the monsters in this area. Let's go back to Milene's village, now we just have to wait for the people of the world guild to announce the end of this mission"

Almost an hour later, the last monster that had left the forest falls under the sword of one of the men from the groups that had followed us and then the others raise a shout of joy for this.

So seeing that we had finished our work here, I address the girls and being they agree with my words, all board our vehicle and we immediately leave here.

Some of those groups that were here decided to keep running after us while others probably go elsewhere to see if they could continue killing monsters, after all, whole that they kill meant extra income for them.

But so that everyone can take what corresponds to them, we will probably have to go through things did before the start of the mission again in order to complete it through the machine where we passed the guild card that the members of this one had... I must say that this reminded me and made me feel a bit like a shift worker from my previous world.

At first, I was a little intrigued by how the guild knew who fled the mission or did not come to carry it out. So, I thought that the card could have something like a GPS from my previous world, which worried me a bit since it would be as if I was being watched.

And while it is not impossible that they would do something similar in this world, it seemed that I was not the only one with this concern and so the guild did not opt ​​for that option, and because of that they instead used those card-reading machines.

Also, just in case, I asked Aurora if she could find out if the guild card didn't have something to locate our position, and then she told me that the system had analyzed it and determined that it was safe.

The guild may have had to spend a little more resources to do it this way, but this also helped solve another very common problem that happened among adventurers. 

I'm talking about the fights they had in this type of situation to decide who killed a monster.

From what the guild person that I spoke with told me when we checked in to verify that we had come for the mission. This machine and card apart from acknowledging that one person had presented himself for the mission, the two also checked the monsters that had killed by each person.

This was due to the fact that the card of each member, when killing a monster, marked it on a counter in some way and so the machine only had to take out the number of monsters that were killed during the mission discounting from the previous total that an adventurer had killed until then.

... but it seems this function of the card, the guild person told me this was most commonly used by some adventurers to brag about all the monsters they have killed.

So for this function that the guild card had was the reason why I had not collected any body during the fight, the guild would be in charge of collecting all these by low-ranking adventurers who had accepted this task as a mission.

It can be said that this guild really has adequate jobs for each type of person... well, this also benefited me since I did not want to use my inter-dimensional storage in front of so many people and therefore we had to do the work of collect all the monsters that we killed manually, it would be annoying.

Right away, all of us returned to Rek and it seems that our group was the first to arrive or finish with the monsters from the places that we had chosen to protect. Then after that more people began to arrive, I begin to hear some rumors about that apparently the group of the blond man escaped or was eliminated...  this is said by many adventurers who come to ask other groups to accompany them because in that place still had many monsters.

… I had already obtained what I wanted from that place and I did not feel like competing against other adventurers for killing a few more monsters. Also, due to the effectiveness of the firearms and the speed with which the girls killed monsters, the number of monsters eliminated by our group was almost certainly the greatest of all those who had participated in the mission.

"Well, let's rest... let's wait for the sun to rise to go with the people of the adventurer's guild to finish the mission and get our share of the battle"

""It's okay""

We move the vehicle and head to Melee-san's house to talk a bit with these mother and daughter duo and after we rest as I had said.

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"Then will you sell me the monsters they killed yesterday please?"

"Fine, Fine, I'll sell them to you... but I don't think they were few and so, I hope you can get that amount of money"

"Don't worry about it! Even though I probably don't have so much money as you, I still should have no trouble buying a hundred monster bodies !"

The next morning, Milee-san invites us to have breakfast at her house. She along with the entire town were in very good spirits since the monster invasion was successfully blocked and they would now have approximately another 6 months of quiet until this happens again.

During breakfast and even after this, Milene had been insisting on the matter of what I would do with what I got from this mission. The truth is that I thought of simply using all the monster bodies I killed as fertilizer for my plant, but due to her constant requests and since I still have enough zombies in my storage to feed my plant, in the end I agree to help her a little... although I think that she is underestimating the efficiency with which we killed monsters yesterday.

Therefore, almost arriving at noon we go together to where the group of people from the guild was checking the mission as completed and delivering the bodies of the monsters.

"... It really surprises me a little that people are so honest as not to take the bodies of the monsters and sell them elsewhere"

"I didn't know you were a philanthropist and thought so highly of people, Alexander. Course that the reason why they don't take them is not because of something like people's honesty.

First of all, since there is a great variety of groups that participate in something like this, each group is usually careful that something like that does not happen. Surely everyone thinks that it is not worth much to become the number one public enemy here for something like a small gain.

If you don't think it would be bad enough to turn all the other adventurers here against you to stop people from doing this, then turning the world guild against you should be more than enough. 

Since it has given the mission for the collection of the bodies, it is his responsibility that this is carried out and so affecting this is like going against them"

"…That makes more sense"

Seeing the great mountain of bodies behind the guild members of the world and the adventurers formed waiting to complete the process to finish the mission, I can't help but comment on that and then Milene corrects me.

"Eh? I-It's you ... p-please, go ahead"

As we get closer to where the people are forming themself, the men who are in the line in front of us turn when they feel someone stands next to them, and immediately as if they saw something terrifying, they move aside so that we move forward in the line.

This triggers a similar response in all who lined up and they left us quickly get to where was the person of the guild...  I know it's good that they leave us advance to the front, but also I felt as if we were cursed and others us avoid for this...

W-What did you do to the other adventurers to them treat you like this? I-It seems that most of them are afraid of you all... did you kill adventurers along with the monsters or something like that?"

"... their reaction is probably because they saw us fight yesterday... I don't think it has much to do with whether or not we kill other adventurers"


Milene seeing the reaction of the adventurers asks me with a surprised face, but... her words are wrong. I don't think anybody has seen us kill other adventurers considering that we have always eliminated all the groups we had a confrontation with completely, so the only reason I can think of why they act like this is the answer I give to her.

"Hello, Please I need the card of someone from your group to be able to check the mission as completed and deliver the bodies of the monsters that you killed"

Coming to the front of the line, a man from the world guild asks me for my card. I give it to him and right away, just like the last time, this one is checked on the machine.


[Mission "Protection of Rek's People"...] [Completed Rating: S]

Rewards : 1x Rank Weapon Coupon [H]

50,000x Gold

5,000x Crystals

Additional Rewards: Skill [Night Vision]

1x Inter-dimensional radio

50,000x Gold

5,000x Crystals

When passing the card through the machine, in the next moment the girls' cards also have a reaction to this and so they look for these to get them out of where they had kept it. In addition along with this, my system also informs me that I had completed the mission.

I had been a little envious that Scythe and Leona developed the [Night Vision] skill, but now I don't have to feel this way. It seems that this mission rewarded me with several useful things.

Besides, now we can use [Interdimencional Radio] since we have the two necessary equipment for this. Saya and Rei will surely be very happy about this.

"I-It seems like you really struggled during this mission, right? The corresponding number of monster bodies for you is:


128xGoblins Elite

55xGoblins (Assassins, Archers, Riders)




306x Orcs

122x Orcs Elite

87x Orcs (Warriors) "





1x Leader Ogre

Congratulations, your group also was the one with the best performance during the mission and so the additional reward is for you. In addition, all the members of your group have risen the rank in the guild, from rank J-0 is rose to J-8 ...

You can take the bodies of the monsters or use them to complete guild missions... also, if you wish, the lord of this region will give a banquet in your honor "

Finishing saying all that, the guild man turns to talk to other men and they will start taking the monsters for delivery to us. But his voice was quite high... so it also causes quite a surprise for the adventurers gathered here.

Well... not just surprise, also the aura of some turns a little purple indicating their envy. Not wanting to have any kind of problem, I decide to end this quickly.

"She will take care of them.

About the dinner with the lord of the region, I will have to reject it since we are quite busy"

"N-Now I understand why you were asking me if I could pay you for this... do you have an army hidden somewhere? How could all of you kill so many monsters in one day ?!"

"... well, there were many and they came one after another"

"… Your group didn't have to kill them all, you know? You should have let other people participate too!! "

"Don't overdo it, my group didn't kill everyone... it was probably only ¼ part... or 1/3 at most"

Also, one of the reasons was that goblins and orcs seemed to be drawn like bees to honey when looking at the girls... so that's why their numbers were higher than the other monsters. These clustered where we were and made the other monsters search for other targets because of that.

"In truth goblins and Orcs are just perverted monsters… they should be more like Ogres who apparently were looking for strong men to be able to fight with them"

Seeing the number of monsters we kill and remembering a bit about the fight, I can't help but complain about this. The girls had to endure the constant lustful glances of those monsters throughout the fight ...that is not pleasant and unfortunately I say this from my own experience.

The ogres we killed all of them were hunted by Saeko, Leona, Scythe, Vrana-chan, and me. But to do so, we had to go after these as they were always looking for muscular looking men to fight.

"E-Emmm ... ogres don't have as heroic a character as you think, you know? They look for men with resistant bodies because they think that thin women or men" break "easier... among adventurers, there is another way to call these… they are called "The Warriors' nightmares" "

"... y-you mean that they do this for..."

"Yes ... ogres usually take strong men to satisfy their desires just like goblins..."


The man from the guild suddenly responds to my previous complaints and informs me of the customs of the Ogres... my image of them was shattered by his words in one second.

Damn! In truth they were only giant Goblins as their appearance indicated!

"Now that you say it... when we were fighting, I rescue a couple of men from the hands of some Ogres who were dragging them into the forest.

When I eliminated the ogres, they knelt down and thanked me as cried with happiness for having rescued them... there was even one who was so moved who told me that because of this debt he would become my slave... it took me a little work to make that guy would give up "

"Well… it's probably because you saved them from a fate worse than death, Saeko-chan. Although maybe that last guy just wanted to take the opportunity to get closer to you since you're a beautiful girl… maybe you should have let that Ogre take him away "

"Fufufu, thanks Alex-san"

I thought that in a world full of perverted monsters, women suffered the most here, but... it seems that Gaia is fair with both genders to regard this. Although the truth is that this does not change things much for me, unfortunately, my current body was already attractive to the goblins...

"Excuse me, I have a question. What do you mean we are of J-8 rank now?"

" Oh, that? Well, each rank is divided into 10 levels from 0 to 9, when you exceed this then your rank increases. 

This means that you only have to go up another 2 levels for your rank to increase to I-0"

"I see ... groups or organizations have no rank?"

"Groups no, organizations yes"

"…Well, thank you for your answer. Please hand over the monsters to this woman, I've already made a deal with her."

"I get it"

Apparently, we almost managed to raise our guild rank with a single mission. Although being the shortest on rookies probably are, I don't think it's a big deal either. 

Also, it seems that I was truly able to reject the feast of the lord of the region since he did not insist on it... I wanted to meet him, but I also did not want to be the focus of attention and treat me like entertainment for his noble friends or something like that... it is better Milene to take care of this.

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(POV 3rd Person - Alchemy Shop)

"I tell you, I have decided that you would be my wife! So take all your things so you come with me!"

"E-Emmm client-san~ ... I already have a boyfriend ~ So if you will not buy or sell anything, then please let me attend the other people~"

"You don't know who I am? !!"

"... no, sorry ~"

At the alchemy store, Shisuka, as she had in the past few days, was attending customers who came when another man suddenly declared his feelings to her... well, this time it was more like that man just wanted to take her away.

As on other occasions, she responded with the same phrase but the insistence of that man did not stop and he did not seem to hear her words, so this began to worry her a little.

" Damn!! I am the leader of the guild Jumort, one of the largest in Barl !!

Well... now that you know this, you must understand how lucky you are. So don't waste my time and come with me "

"Sorry, but I don't want to do it~ I have to wait for my boyfriend Alex-kun to come back ~"

" Damn it !! I'll kill that guy Alex-kun and-"

"What is all this hustle and bustle? Why can't I just sleep quietly... if I don't sleep in the afternoons well, I will get more wrinkles, you know? "

Suddenly the owner of this store, Lena, comes out from behind the counter door and sets her eyes on the man who had been screaming until now and interrupting him.

"Witch! Don't get into this if you don't want your store to be ruined"

"Haaa ... I knew that when the season invasion of monsters ended and the organizations to return to where they have their bases, this would happen.

Hi-hi-hi ... guys,  why you don't wait a few days to do something like this... the truth is that use much my waist when I was younger and now I pay for it. So I want you to wait for the red-haired boy to be here for him to take care of this...

In addition, that way maybe you suffer less and have a death more peaceful "

" What nonsense are you saying, witch?!! "

As Lena says, the missions to protect places have ended and people like this man who thought they were invincibly returned and hearing the rumors of new blonde beauty was in the city, this would not take long to happen.

The man, thinking that she was making fun of him takes his weapon and points it at her making Shisuka's unease grow even more. But unfortunately for him, the person he was threatening didn't seem to mind that, and she only sighs when she saw him.

Then, even angrier he steps forward to intimidate Lena even more but in the next instant, he feels a puncture in the neck causing him to take his other free hand to that place to find a needle that had no idea when it got there.

"W-what is this?"

"You should have listened to me, boy. Now surely you wish you had died... hi-hi-hi"

With Lena's words, that man loses the strength of his body and falls on the wooden floor of the store. Then, immediately several men who probably came with him come to examine him.

"W-what did you do to the leader, witch!"

"Speak fast !!"

"Emmm ... is he dead ~?"

"Hi-hi-hi... well, as a man now he died. Although he is still alive physically... if you all don't want to end the same way, get out of my store"

With sweat on their forehead understanding what she was referring to, they all take the man and run out of the store.

The truth is that this old woman did not have as good a character as Alexander thought, and the fact that she did not attack them was not because she was tolerant. 

In fact, there were n't many people who called her a witch and they had a happy day after that.

What made she does not attack him was, first, thanks to his childish appearance that because of this just takes his words as something that said a small child. But the second and main reason was that she felt the aura that he and several girls in his group emanated... so if she had acted aggressively that time, things for her could also be bad.

Unfortunately, this group of people was not children and their auras were much weaker than the ones of the group of Alexander.

"... I'll be out for a moment, Shisuka. Take care of the store."

"Yes ~"

She had given them a chance to survive, but Lena knew that surely they would not appreciate this and so it was best that she take over that guild. If they gave up on any silly idea they might have and forgot this, then she didn't mind leaving them, but if not...

It was a pity that the group took the second choice and so that, in the afternoon one of the guilds most powerful of Barl disappeared. The next day people only found bodies that had been poisoned and a few survivors that fled would soon discover that their private parts had become useless...

"Hi-hi-hi ...I think with this other groups will desist from doing other nonsense so I can rest calmly"

" What do you mean, Master ~? "

"It's nothing, just focus on mixing correctly the herbs"

" Ok~"



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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