Soul Evolution System

Chapter 171 Forest of Eltin (Part 2)

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Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Thanks to everyone for your support!!


"Isn't it dangerous to go to the forest, Alex?"

"Don't worry Kurisu… I have an idea what those rumors are about and we'll just go to examine that."


Surely due to the conversation we had a few moments ago, Kurisu and Saya were somewhat restless when we entered the forest. I try to reassure them with what I say, but it seems I can only do that their concerns be transformed in doubt, well, maybe that's better.

Earlier when I had time, I checked the map on my system to see if I could find something that could explain the rumors that are being talked about in this forest, and then I ended up finding one thing.

So, to go to the place indicated on the map I stand next to Rika and give her directions to take us directly there. As for the monsters, probably because a few hours ago they had left a huge number of those from the forest, now there were not many seen and the few we met simply passed over these without worrying about them.

Then several tens of minutes later we reached the place that I had seen on the system map...


"Grouw Grouw"

It seems that the place had been taken by a group of Koblots who, when they saw us arrive, the entire herd quickly gathered to attack us.

"Well, let's get this over with quickly."


There was nothing surprising in this and we finished them off very soon since having faced various groups of monsters the day before, this was not a challenge for us. Furthermore, apparently this group of Koblots had just settled in this place and to do so they had to fight against other groups of monsters that we found in the area that they had chosen as a warehouse to store their food.

"This place feels a little different..."

"Yes, Saeko is right... this place has a good atmosphere"

Having taken over the Koblots we started exploring the place and being one of the girls with the most sensitivity, Saeko and Rika comment while closing their eyes to concentrate more and notice things more clearly.

I think this was the place used as a base by the group of the Ogre leader that I had previously killed, and then since these did not return, other groups quickly fought for the position.

But they were right... Gaia's environment actually felt more refreshing compared to HOTD and this was probably due to the amount of energy in the atmosphere. But in this place, this still went even further and gave the feeling as if after walking through a desert we reached an oasis.

[This is because this place is an energy point… plus a high-level one. For what the system indicates, it has a level 10 in energy concentration... although the area it covers is only a Kilometer]

Level 10?

[Yes, I said you that an area or a world has veins of energy running through them and so the energy point is where the energy is mostly concentrated and these also can be classified from 1 to 10 according to the energy concentration they have]

Aurora, you told me that cities, towns and villages were usually founded on points like these, right?... assuming Rek village is a level, then Barl what level is?

[The energy concentration that the system detected in Barl was that of a level 3 energy point]

Trying to see how important this energy point that we had found in this forest was, I ask Aurora that. Apparently this had a difference of 7 levels with the city of Barl... so if a city were founded here, surely this would be more important than Barl.

[This energetic point is probably not very suitable for founding a city, Alexander. Since the area it covers is not very large then couldn't create a big city, but… I think this would be coveted enough by organizations to found their bases.

As I said before, the energy points bring many advantages to those who stay in these, and the higher the level, the more this is noted.

Although it is not exact, let's consider that a person can stay in an energy point for 100 years, then he will obtain the same limit in power as this one.

So if a person stays at a level 10 energy point for 100 years, then he will reach the 9th limit without much effort... sure, that's just under ideal conditions. But since there are always problems like with the passage of time a person's ability to absorb energy decreases, this is hardly done.

Anyway, at least I don't think a point like this has a problem helping someone reach the 5th limit without a hitch despite that.]

Geh! This undoubtedly turns this place into a treasure... this would be 10 years by a limit... it is heard not much, but for an organization, this is very valuable since it means that all its members will be strengthened without them having to do much or using many resources.

"Alex, isn't that..."

While talking to Aurora in my head, I hear Kurisu's voice. When I put my eyes on her, Kurisu was pointing at what looked like a stone arch.

"Most likely it is what you are thinking, Kurisu. That must be a door equal to those used by the world guild to transport themselves to different places."

This was what I had seen marked on the system map, an arc that probably represented a dimensional door. And looking directly at it, now I was sure of this.

"Is this some kind of ruins of an ancient city?"

"I don't think that only a single structure can be considered as ruins... perhaps it was just that someone decided to build this door here?"

Being a few steps from the door, Rei asks as she watches at the inter-dimensional door. I somewhat agree with Saya's point of view…

The inter-dimensional door had some snake carvings on it, plus some hieroglyphs. Noting the same as me, Kurisu takes the translator glasses that I had given her earlier and probably reading what was written while speaks she frowns.

"This ... it-it seems that this door does not lead to a very cozy place..."

" What does it say there, Kurisu-san? "

"It says, 'Tomb of the Serpent Queen... the lover of the dragon Murnttul'"

Before Kurisu could answer Saeko's question, I read what the hieroglyphs that were written on the dimensional door said.

"Eh? Does this door lead to a grave?"

"... a snake was a dragon's lover? Is that possible?"

"Before it was supposed to be impossible for us to consider something like a dragon… so why can't that be possible now?"

Hearing me, Saya is amazed at the fate that this door carried while Rei seems more curious about the second line of the text ... in fact, I was also a little curious about that... no matter how I imagined it, I always came to the same conclusion that this was more like the dragon using the poor snake as a condom... That was not a love relationship but one side torturing the other!

[Alexander… a dragon probably has a soul higher than level 3 and will surely be able to change its form… it could even take human form. This is the same for other monsters… although of course there are some that do not have enough reason yet to do something like this and remain like wild beasts.

But most likely the one mentioned in that text, is one like the first ones I mention and so it is not impossible that this one can have sexual interaction with other races]

I-I see ... I was about to say a prayer for the poor snake, but it seems I don't have to... I am honestly grateful to hear that since I was about to have a trauma.

"Boy, what do we do? Shall we go in the door?"

"No Rika, I don't want to die so soon, you know.?.. if this place is related to a dragon, it is better to wait to we can go there. If we do it now, that would only be suicidal"

"Alex is right... the strong people who never came back when entering this forest must be because they entered there and something prevented them from using the gate again."

While we watched the door, Rika with an adventurous spirit asks me that. Although I didn't want to discourage her and Saeko who were the most motivated when they heard the word dragon, my instincts stopped me from proceeding wherever it led.

Furthermore, the words Kurisu says supporting my opinion only reaffirm my decision since I agreed with her. Probably the stories of this forest that we hear from the adventurous man and Milene, is this door who is responsible for that.

It is very likely that what is in there is a treasure, and due to the greed that the adventurers felt for this end took them to their end ... it should not be forgotten that in the stories that speak of hidden treasures, there is always a guardian guarding this.

[That's a good decision… the place this door leads to is almost certainly a Level 2 Area and because of the energy escaping from it is created this Level 10 energy point. So for now you'd better not go there, Alexander]

"S-Shit! Let no one approach the door!"

"W-What happens all of a sudden for you to scream like that?"

"… Aurora just told me that that door leads to a Level 2 Area, so the other place where that door drives is more dangerous than I was thought and so we should not enter there for any rason"

"Aurora? Oh! The voice you hear that is inside your head? I had forgotten that ..."

"... Please don't say it like I'm crazy, Saya"

"S-Sorry, that was not my intention"

When I answer Rei's question, several girls stare at me strangely because of the name that I said very few times, and then with Saya's words they also remember what I had said them about she before… but unfortunately their looks on me don't change much.

This is why I don't like talking about Aurora or mentioning her name when I talk to them, since when I do similar things always happen this. Well, I can't blame them too much either since if someone tells you that a voice inside his head tells him things, you can probably only interpret that like this person is going crazy.

"Yes, if there is a dragon there, then Vrana does not want to enter!... those reptiles are very strong and would kill Vrana... and if he is male, then he would probably do bad things to her! She is from the Master and she can't allow that, roock ~"

The one who breaks this somewhat uncomfortable atmosphere is Vrana-chan who comes to my side and begins to beg me not to enter the door...

"W-Will it do bad things to you? H-How do you know that, bird girl?"

"Vrana only knows... she knows that reptiles called dragons are very strong and also very lustful"

"Alexander… maybe an ancestor of yours was a dragon?"

"... I have said before that I am human. So don't look at me, Rei"

"Fufufu, well, if Alex-san were a dragon, he would surely be a cute one"

From Vrana's answer to Rei, she probably has some kind of memory inherited from her species, or this is based on her instinct. Anyway, dragons apparently match what some stories tell.

The strange thing was that Rei suddenly addressed the issue to me... well, everyone must pay for their own actions. So without getting angry at her words, I only reminded her of my race. 

Perhaps Saeko's next words tried to smooth things over... but apparently she didn't dismiss the idea that I could be a dragon either.

"T-They are not cute! They are terrifying monsters and the master has always been good to Vrana. Master, you are not a dragon, are you? roock ~"

"No, I am human"

It seems that for now my only ally is my little harpy who refutes Saeko's words, so as a reward I decide to pat her on the head. Also, this may help her calm down as she had gotten a little upset.

"So what shall we do now, Alexander-san? Shall we go back to Milene-san's village?"

"… I was thinking that even though we can't get to the other side of the door for now, this place is still pretty good. Even it's probably not easy to find one just like this one in this Area…

I had not told you before, but as Saeko and Rika noticed when we first arrived here, this place is a different one from the others and if we stay in this, it can help strengthen us... although it would take time for this to be noticed "

"E-Emmm ... how long do we need to stay here for that?"

"...10 years for changes to start to be noticed"

"" ... ""

"E-Eh? T-Ten years? Do we have to stay for 10 years in this forest?!"

Hearing me say that, all the girls are interested and put their eyes on me again and then Kurisu expresses that it surely arose in everyone's mind. As a result of this, now the girls who were quite surprised looked at me with more bewilderment than before without saying anything for a long time until Rei is the first to raise words in the form of a complaint.

"Of course not, I do not intend to shut ourselves in this forest all our life. I just thought that this is a good place to create our home, the atmosphere is very pleasant and above all, it has the benefit that I mentioned before.

Perhaps the only downside is that it is an isolated place, but having vehicles like the one we just bought should not be a big problem. "

"Well… if you put it like that, I think that's definitely a good option."

"Fufufu, I don't care much about being in an isolated place... I also think that here I will be able to further refine the sword technique that Alex-san had given me... the forest has a great variety of monsters and it is better to have opponents that have a certain ability than just thoughtless puppets"

"For me, there is no problem about that either. I am used to having to live in military barracks that are usually isolated from society"

"There is no problem either for me ... the truth is that my social skills are not very good and so I like more the quiet places. 

It was until after I met with Alex that I began to interact with more people."

"I will follow the master's orders! So I do not care much what kind of place he chooses to create his home, I will accompany him"

"Ah! Vrana likes places with lots of trees too, she can hunt in the forest too, so she will be happy here, roock ~"

After I explain my thoughts to Rei who had expressed concern at first, she begins to examine the surroundings with a completely different face from the grim one she had had and then says she agrees with my opinion.

Saeko and Rika who apparently were used to being in such a condition, do not hesitate to accept my suggestion. On the other hand, Kurisu apparently doesn't care much about this either, as she says, I think I've only seen her talk to people who were in our group in HOTD or who were related to them. 

So while the other girls are here, for her then it won't make much difference having to live in this forest.

Finally two of my subordinates, Leona and Vrana, also give their approval. The other two girls, Saya and Scythe, just keep quiet and nod to what the others say.

But seeing the place, since it was not a gloomy and dark forest, I understand why the girls did not hesitate to accept. The atmosphere here was very, very nice. 

It was a clearing in the woods so this place had quite a lot of sunlight, a small crystalline lake, and the whole place was almost a plain with a green birthing mat.

Also, even though I will have to wait to get it, this place also had a treasure that was in a level 2 area... no matter how I saw it, it was a good place to settle.

"Well, then we will have to make some preparations to be able to make this place our home"


After having observed and walked through this clearing in the forest, as it was getting dark, then I decided that it was time to leave... I had to start organizing some things.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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