Soul Evolution System

Chapter 172 Back to Barl

"Well, I'm glad everyone returned safely"

"Yeah, we were just exploring. Besides, since surely kill a lot of monsters on the day before, the truth is that the forest was somewhat empty and so it is perhaps now the time safer to explore the forest"

"I think that's normal, but unfortunately it won't be long before this recovers its normal population of monsters... probably in a couple of weeks everything in that forest will return to normal"

"I-It's amazing the reproduction speed that those monsters have"

"Perhaps that is why they are called monsters. Maybe if others don't hunt them, then there will be no more room for humans in this world..."

Upon returning to Rek's village, we go directly to Milee-san's house. She being the head of this village, it seems like she had a lot to do after the monster invasion and therefore we had not seen her as she should be quite busy. But the person I came to look for was still at the entrance of this place with the mountain of monsters that I had sold her... and of which she still owed me a part of the payment.

Our conversation is also joined by Kurisu and Rika, who also greet Milene since they were the girls who had developed a closer relationship with her... although with the latter one, I have my doubts that this is so.

But I was also a little surprised by what Milene says about the reproduction speed of monsters... I wonder if when they are not hunting some pray, they only dedicate themselves to spend time having sex? Since they are constantly hunted to reduce their numbers as Rika says, sure this must be bad for them, but I neither can say that they have a bad life if my thoughts are correct…

[Part of that is so, and since most monsters have high fertility, their numbers recover quickly. But also helps them, that they have a better advantage to take the energy of the environment.

Also, there are even places with a very high concentration of energy where the world creates them by itself instead of being born naturally]

Aurora ... so you 're saying that they have more strength to have sex thanks to better absorb energy from the environment? Are you trying to make that I kill them all out of envy or something?

[…I can't deny your first conclusion and you can see it that way. But about the second... it's not my fault that you envy them]

… Well, this is indeed something personal.

"Milene, I have found a place in the forest that seems like a good place for my group to create a base there. If I do that, do you think I would have any trouble taking that place as mine ?"

"Hmn? No, no one should complain about it."

Well, it seems that I have passed over the first obstacle for which I was a little worried to can claim ownership of that place in the forest, but the truth has been so easy to obtain it, that I cannot avoid some doubts will be created in my head.

"I thought that the kingdom would oppose people claiming territories for themselves or perhaps that they would need to pay for this... also, I find it a bit strange that you are not surprised about my decision"

"Well, on the first issue it is because even though the Kingdom technically claims the entire territory within its borders as its own, the most precise thing about this is that only the cities, towns, and villages are its property.

If someone wants to take territory from the kingdom, as long as he can keep it to himself and not do something silly like claiming to create his own kingdom within the existing one, then there is no problem with this.

So if someone has the thought of creating a city instead of an organization, then it is best that he join the Kingdom and surely this will give him a title of nobility because of this. So instead of having to pay for the land, that person would have to pay taxes to the kingdom.

As for the second thing you say, this is a very common thing that organizations do. These take small areas outside the cities to establish their bases. Well... also some do so within these and so that if you are planning to create something like this, it is not surprising at all.

In fact, I'm more surprised that you don't have a place as a base since how strong all of you are, this is more unexpected "

"… Well, let's say my organization wants to expand and put a small base here. So it's just will be like a branch of this one to be able to work in this Area "

"I see ... if you want your lie to be more convincing, be sure to tell the girls next to you first and so they don't get strange looks when you say something like that"


"Don't worry, I think I can benefit a lot with you... I mean, we can both benefit. So I won't do something that hurts you, also if I did that I would feel bad for Kurisu since she would be affected too "

What Milene says is reasonable. For the kingdom it would surely be a very bad thing to oppose organizations settling in its territory, I think as long as they don't try to oppose them, then this can only be beneficial to this one.

So when she says the latter, I try to do the same I did with Palmir and make it look like we are already an organization. But unfortunately, perhaps being a little more perceptive observing people thanks to her merchant work, she instantly discovers that everything I told her was a lie.

Apparently when the girls heard my words, they all turned to me with some doubts on their faces. Then since there was nothing to do about this, I simply decide to continue our conversation and ignore this.

"Milene, we need labor to create our base and so I would be glad if you would introduce me to someone who could carry out this project. Do you know someone who can help us?"

"Well... in Barl there are several construction guilds, so depending on what you want then I can recommend you some. 

Although if you only want someone to build a stone perimeter or something very simple like that, then anyone can do it. Even people in this village should have no problem carrying it out. "

"... no, probably something similar to a large mansion that the nobles have would be much better"

"If so... then in Barl there is a branch of a large construction guild that can surely carry out any eccentricity you have in mind"

"Well, then let's get back there as soon as possible to you can get in touch with them"

"Damn it, boy. Lately I think you've been treating me like an assistant for money related things, you know? "

" that I think about it, we still haven't settled the matter of interest for the money you owe me, right?"

"I-I will finish quickly so we can leave! By the way, if I remember correctly, you had an inter-dimensional object, right?... Why don't you help me transport all this to my store with this one? That way I will have fewer things to worry about and I will have more time to help you "

"Haaa ... fine"

After that, we had to wait until nightfall to be able to store all the monsters. Since there were still many adventurers on the streets and this place was the village chief's house, it was impossible to do it during the day without it being noticed and so we are leaving until the next morning.

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"Okay, this is all monsters. "

" Ok"

"T-Teacher... did you buy all the monsters that the adventurers killed from that forest? There are a lot of ogres... I'm surprised that you were able to buy all of this even after you made the extensions and modifications of the store"

"Celi, stop wasting time and better finish evaluating everything. I have to go somewhere else..."

Sometime after we left Rek, we arrived at Milene's store and went directly to the warehouse that Kurisu and I had previously gone to and then I took from my inventory all the monsters that I had sold to her.

"I am surprised that you trust me to have removed everything and I have nothing left"

"" Of course, we are friends after all, right? // Of course it's because the teacher had written down all the monsters and how many were of each race""

When asked that out of curiosity, both, teacher and student give their answers in unison...

"...Milene, you take over the builders guild. I have to go pick up Shisuka"

Ignoring Milene who scolds her student after that, I tell her this as I go out together with the girls to go to the Alchemist store. If you ask, of course that the comment I think was honest of the previous two was Celi-chan's.

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"Alex-kun ~ !!"

Upon entering Lena's shop, immediately after Shisuka notices me she runs to me and buries my face in her big breasts… I must say I missed this a bit, but realizing this, I can't help but worry about something that I was a little intrigued.

Due to Shisuka's actions, an idea within me came up spontaneously... there was a possibility that I would miss this feeling of suffocation and not only the softness and smell that these breasts gave me... could it be that being next to her I was developing a "M" trend and so somehow the personality of Shizuka will affect me too?

This was a question that terrified me, but... the most worrying thing was not this in itself and was the fact that I didn't want these moments to stop even though that might be true! 

...Perhaps I was walking on a very thin rope at the risk of falling into a very dangerous place.

"Shisuka, I think it's time for you to release the boy... he's starting to turn pale."

"Hmn ~? Okay ~ ”

"Hmp ~ Just leave it! That brat is probably would faint happily without complaining about it "

After a long time, Rika advises her friend and then I can refill my lungs with fresh air. Then seeing Shisuka's smile, the ideas that arose in my head disappear and I could only return the gesture while I spoke to her.

"I'm glad you're fine Shisuka... it's good to see that nothing bad happened while we weren't here"

"Hi-hi-hi, don't worry boy... there was only one slight incident that was quickly resolved"

“… It seems that things were not as calm as I thought they had been. Well, while Shisuka is fine then the rest doesn't matter.

Also, your store looks to have more customers than the last time I came… I even saw a long line while we enter here ”

"Hi-hi-hi, well, a beautiful woman is always one of the most reliable forms of advertising for everything"

As I said, we had to make our way through a crowd of people blocking the entrance of the store. The good thing was that the vast majority were men and that's why when they saw the girls they made way for themselves without us having to say anything.

It was a bit unexpected, but I'm not too surprised that this happened either. Because before she noticed us, I saw Shisuka attending customers behind the counter and so the old woman must have used her as a worker for her store.

I totally agreed with Lena's words, so logically after a few men have seen to Shisuka, surely the rumor that a beautiful woman was in this shoop spread like fire in dry grassland.

It is not something difficult to imagine, even I in my previous world have gone to convenience stores although I did not have to buy anything just because I heard that the girl who attended there was cute... as I said earlier, men can sometimes be creatures very simple.

Also, even though we had disrupted the order of people who were expecting to do business here, no one comes to complain and in fact, I can hear comments like "How wish that I was that child...", "More beautiful women have arrived!", or even "If it weren't for that witch, then I wouldn't believe this was an alchemy store and instead would think here as a club of beautiful  women"

"I'm sorry but the store closed for business for today. Come another day to do the business that you came for "

"Heee... why, old lady? We do not care to wait to buy things... we can stay at a side just waiting while we look "

"Yes! Just being here to be able to breathe the same air as them is enough! ”

"Please old woman, do not close the paradise to us ..."

"Silence! Most of you just come to waste time and buy the first thing you see! Hi-hi-hi, well... if you want to be with a woman so much, then I will give you an opportunity to make this lady spend a good time-”

"L- Let's get out of here now!"

"Hiii! I-I don't want my first time to be with an old woman! ”

“M-My member will surely dry out if I do that! That is worse than doing it with a Driada! ”

... she really was a witch! That simple spell that came out of her mouth was enough for all the people in the store to disappear in a couple of seconds.

"L-Lena... you really are a terrifying witch"

"You brat, you're still just as insolent as the last time we met... but well, I don't think you could change that in a couple of days.

Hmp~ Also if I was 50 years younger, then those guys would surely have fought to please me. It is a sad thing to grow old… so you girls take advantage of your time well, hi-hi-hi ”

After everyone leaves, Lena walks over to the door to put the closed sign on as she tells us that and makes most of the girls blush at her words.

...Although I think she should have said 100 years younger in her previous comment.

[Well, some races have a longer youth period and so their words aren't too weong]

…I see. 

Well, I think her other words are true too and neither men nor women like to grow old... and perhaps the latter even take this as a bigger problem. But surely while youth lasts longer, then there will be more time to enjoy some things for longer and so maybe it is not a bad idea to search for objects to achieve that.

Besides, I had promised Rei's mom that I would do this... but maybe things used to extend the youth would be more easily found in areas with levels higher. So we will have to think about things like that some other time.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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