Soul Evolution System

Chapter 173 Picking up Shisuka

"It seems you all no had  problems during the monster invasion, I'm glad for that"

"Yes, actually I think we were able to make a small profit from that. But speaking of profit and leaving the jokes aside, it's okay that you closed the store, Lena."

"Don't worry, these last days for me were also very good and also more than doing business for necessity, this is more like a hobby of mine to entertain myself, hi-hi-hi"

Now with just us in the store, we start to discuss the things that happened both in Rek and here in Barl... although surely we both omitted some things. Like the passive-kun thing for my side, and the problem Lena had mentioned earlier.

"Have you practiced alchemy, Alexander?"

"... I was busy with other things. I'm sorry  Lena, but I think I'll only do alchemy in my spare time.

I don't think I would take this as my primary profession. "

"Alex-kun ~! Alex-kun ~! I was able to make some potions and other things ~.

...Although these were only of rank[J] according to the teacher Lena~ "

Suddenly, Lena begins to talk about Alchemy, and then Shisuka takes several bottles with liquids of various colors inside these that surely were her creations. So by setting my eyes on these and evaluating them, I can confirm her words as they all said things like [Potion-J] [Antidote-J] [Supplement Pill-J] [Resistance Pill-J].

"You have advanced faster than I thought Shisuka. I honestly thought it would take you longer to do something."

"Hehehe ~ Alex-kun praised me~!"

"Hi-hi-hi, it was not for nothing that she was born with a natural talent for alchemy and also help that she is a working girl... but on the other hand. You boy, you are wasting your talent. 

Maybe at your age, things like fighting are much more interesting. But you should know that alchemists have a very good reputation in this world"

After I praise Shisuka and she gets happy because of this, Lena starts lecturing me because I had not practiced alchemy. I certainly don't have much interest in that, but it's also true that I was busy for the last few days in Rek and it's not like I just spent all my time having fun with the girls…plus, I'm also not a battle maniac who thinks all the time about fighting.

I focus more on that because it would be even more annoying for someone to take advantage of me because I am weak. Well... if you ask me, I just prefer to spend time with the girls.

"Hmp ~, Lena-san. Probably if you want this brat to do something, that would have to be related to women or that he could get some benefit from them"

Th-That is a hard thing to say Rei... I-I think not everything I have done had to do with a woman... there are probably some things that were because they were simply beneficial to me, right?

"Well... then how about this, lad. I will put you two conditions and if you manage to complete them, then I will tell you where my youngest granddaughter is and I also speak well of you to her. 

Is no sound bad, right? "

"Done! Tell me those conditions!"

"Rei, why did you have to say that!!"

"E-Eh? T-That was just a comment... I didn't think Lena-san took it seriously... also you shouldn't complain to him, Kurisu-san? That brat is the one who accepted that in an instant"

"... We all know what he is like, Rei. So it's you who should n't be giving other people ideas like that."

At first I thought Lena was going to say something scary like what she said to the men from before, but when I heard her offer, I had already accepted before I even knew it. Probably she saw that I was not very interested in alchemy, and listening to what I had said, so she wanted to motivate me to try harder in Alchemy.

If you were wondering, of course, I also considered that she might just be cheating me. But even so, the small chance that this was true don't allow me to recant of the words I had said.

Also, because of this Kurisu complains to Rei who seems to be in an awkward situation and perplexed by the development that she surely did not expect to happen. Saya is also immediately joined by Kurisu and so she can only look at me resentfully for this... It's not my fault, you looked for this for yourself, girl.

As for the other girls, they just seem a little curious about this and don't intervene in the conversation.

"The first condition is that you make an H rank potion in front of me.

For this, you will have to make your alchemist skill advance to that same rank or at least be at the peak of the previous one.

The second is... you must have a soul level 2 and have reached the 5 limit"

"Well... it will take me a while to achieve that, but I certainly will do!"

Even with the look of Kurisu that seemed to be asking Lena not to say anything, she ignores her and gives me the conditions so that she introduces me to her granddaughter.

It seems that for Lena the second condition was something very difficult since it is hard for her to say it, perhaps it is because she believes that it is something that some people can only dream of achieving... but I think that for me this was not a big problem! 

In fact, even if she wouldn't ask me to do this, I would achieve that since my goal was to be stronger. Furthermore, I didn't even intend to stay only at that level of strength... sooner or later I would also surpass the second level of the soul.

For me, her first condition was more of a problem since it implied that I should try to do something that was not of much interest to me... At first I had thought that with Shisuka developing that skill it would be enough for our group.

Haaa, but now it seems like at least I'll have to develop that skill a little...

"Hi-hi-hi, it is good to see you motivated now Alexander… but there is also no need to run and stumble so hard that you cannot get up anymore. You just need to go step by step and safely"

"Don't worry old lady... although I am thrilled to be able to meet a young Huldra, I know perfectly well that I will not do that if I am not alive. 

Also, I will not put the other girls around me that I love at risk just by meeting another"

"..even if you want to make it sound like a good thing, that just seems like something a womanizer would say"

"… At least I think that is more credible than if the boy said something like he is not interested in following other girls. So maybe we should give him some credit for his honesty"

From my words, it seems that the girls are separated into two groups... Rei, Kurisu, and Saya still continued to look at me with some reproach while others like Rika, Saeko, and Shisuka seem to not take my words so badly.

Still, I think it's better to change the subject since even the latter group should have a limit in their tolerance for things like this. And sure it's not good to try to find out how big this is.

"By the way, Lena, I previously forgot to ask you something. Don't you have potions to restore a person's energy channels?"

"You mean an energy channel restoration pill ?"

Recalling what Aurora had told me long ago about Kurisu's problem because of living in a world without much energy, I think it was time to try and fix this. If she wanted to continue leveling, she had to get those pills. Besides, she was not the only one and this affected the other girls too, although at different levels.

Shisuka and Saya who had similar habits to Kurisu and not both of them were not practicing any martial discipline either, so they almost certainly had their energy channels stunted just like Kurisu and so they would also have trouble overcoming at Alma level 1 if continue like this.

Rika and Saeko who had done constant physical training would probably be in a better position from them. Furthermore, Rei's situation should lie between these two groups.

So since there were several girls who had to consume this medicine, it was essential that I now start trying to get them. Although Aurora mentioned that this medicine was not scarce, it may not be so abundant as to be obtained just by ordering it in a store.

So with Lena here, I think there was no better person to ask about this. She was an experienced alchemist after all and making it even better, she came from a higher level Area.

ThenI could check my assumptions with her answer with which she corrects me. Apparently, it was not a potion and the medicine was a pill. So assenting to her question, she speaks to give me more information on this.

"The pill of restoration is one of the medicines most sought - after and perhaps one of the rarest in these areas Level 1... This is because the main ingredient is a little hard to get and you need an alchemist with the range [H] to do it.

Unfortunately, I do not have the ingredients or the pill... these also have the problem that they are sold quickly when someone reports that they have some. "


I already knew that those pills could be somewhat rare, but I didn't think their demand among people was so great. These are supposed to be for a person with damaged channels or who lived in a world with little energy like the girls and had the same problem as them. Since in this area the energy level was high, I did not believe that many people needed it...

"Well, that pill not only restores damaged channels and has another effect, boy. I thought that's why you were looking for it too... it seems like I was wrong.

There are two pills that are highly sought after by adventurers. One is the channel restoration pill we've been talking about and the other is the limit-break pill. 

Also, it could be said that both have the same effect and only have small differences between them.

The first, as the name implies this one restores a person's energy channels, but has a side effect... or perhaps it is better to call this an added gain. 

The one who consumes it also increases his power by a limit. Its only downside is that this pill only provides those effects once and even if you consume more of these it will only do what its name says, restore energy channels .

So this pill is quite valuable for adventurers and it is not strange that it is worth between 1 and 5 million Gold in auctions... its price varies a lot if there are several people in the 9th limit in the region.

The other is perhaps more coveted by normal adventurers. Although this only has only one effect and is to make a person increase their power to a limit, the advantage of this is that it can be consumed on more occasions while preserving the effect. You only have to wait from 6 months to a year depending on the quality of the pill.

For this reason, this pill can also fetch quite a high value… I have even known that sometimes at auctions there have been people who have paid more than 3 million for one of these"

... listening to what Lena said, a good thing and a bad thing were generated in my head because of this. The bad was somewhat obvious and it was just that I now realized that it would probably be more difficult to get the restoration pill than I had originally thought. And also...

"Why the hell the price changes so much if there are people 9th limit?"

"Hi-hi-hi... it would be nice if you could figure it out on your own. Everyone needs to experience a few things to grow, boy."

I had a bad feeling why 9th-limit people were influencing these prices, but this old lady doesn't seem to want to tell me all the information, so I think I 'll have to find out when I get to the Kingdom's capital... I'm pretty sure there should be several people at this limit and therefore I will find out why this happens.

... well, that's as long as I can get some pills of restore channels. Therefore, I prefer to discover why to happen this than not finding the pills, even though it sure is not a very good thing from what I can deduce seeing the face of this old woman.

But let's think about that when we get there, now I was more excited by the good news which was that I had apparently miscalculated my funds! Now at this moment, I have about 20 limit-break pills that I keep for the girls and myself for when the time comes to be able to use them again.

So this meant that I had just over 60 million Gold! At first, since the system sold me each pill for 50 thousand crystals or 500 thousand Gold, then I didn't think there would be much difference in its cost in Gaia... but it seems that I made a big mistake!

It is true! If I buy pills in the system and sell them in Gaia at some auctions, then I will be able to make a good amount of money and I will not have to worry much about my funds!

I would be a rich man in a matter of a few months and would surely swim in Gold before I knew it!

… I probably just have to be careful not to fill the market with these so that the pills don't lose their value. For that I would have to sell only a few in different regions... even in different Areas it would be much better.

But unfortunately, when I was already making plans on how to do this I realized that nothing could be so simple in the world, haaa...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------

(POV 3rd Person- Capital of the Kingdom- Nurt Guild)

Several weeks after that Alexander encounter the woman warrior Palmir, she had returned to her organization and immediately went to see with one of the highest positions here.

" Sub-leader, I have returned from the mission to protect the town of Rek"

"I see, it's good to hear it. But you did n't have to rush to tell me this, you could just rest first and come later, you're surely tired"

"I had something important to say to you.

During the mission I met a group of adventurers. Although their numbers were few, they had a much better performance when it came to killing the monsters than us, it was even their group that obtained the additional reward of city lord "

"Interesting... I did n't think other strong groups decided to go to the borders of the kingdom. Don't worry, our goal was not something like fighting for a reward, our leader just wanted us to protect those towns"

The man who Palmir was addressing as a sub-leader didn't seem to care much that it was that other one who got an extra reward and given the calm environment around him, his words were most likely not a lie.

Then Palmir as if she already expected this and not a scolding for the loss of the extra income she may have had, continues speaking.

"I really can't tell how strong they were, but what I am sure of is that their entire group had quite strong magic weapons... they could eliminate Orcs, Kobolds and even Ogres as if they were nothing.

I tried to approach them to see if they could sell us some of these weapons, but apparently the leader of that group could not make the decision for himself and had to consult with superiors of his guild most likely "

"...if these weapons are so strong, then I think it is normal. Even so, I think you risked a lot, Palmir. We do not know the nature of these people and that could have been a dangerous thing..."

"I understand that, but... I think the risk of getting those weapons was worth it."

From the words of the sub - leader, Palmir recalls the matter of the other group that had had a vehicle and disappeared on that mission. She wasn't silly and she knew that the red-haired boy's group was responsible for that... but since he was warning her about them now, surely if she told him this, then is sure that she would be scolded.

It is not that she wanted to hide this, but that it is only she wanted the conversation progressed to the important point since that issue could wait for later.

"I couldn't make a deal with them on those weapons, but... the leader of that group told me that he had found a vehicle and wanted to sell it. So they will surely come to the capital in a few days and I think it would be helpful if we had a good relationship with them "

"...if you were so impressed by their weapons, then I don't think it will be bad to meet them. Good job Palmir, you can go rest now"

Palmir's idea didn't seem bad to him, not that his guild was harmless. Also as a last option, he could resort to the support that his Leader had.

So with the conversation over, the sub-leader stands up from the chair he had been sitting in before she arrived to try to pat her subordinate's shoulder to cab better express the concern for his subordinate.

" Sub- leader! The leader has returned and he wants to know if all the captains have come back to be able to give his speech to all of them..."

"" ... ""

Almost the moment his hand should touch Palmir's shoulder, she turns around a little to see the other person who came to report and also this causes the sub-leader to be distracted for a second, and then as a result of all this now the sub - leader's hand was on her right breast...

Due to this the 3 people who were now there, remain silent for several seconds until finally Palmir reacts.

" Hell! Why do you always do things like this? !!"

"Gueh !!"

After a hard punch to the stomach, the sub-leader falls to his knees on the floor holding his belly while Palmir angrily leaves the room where they were. Then the man who had made a side not to be involved in this also, speaks.

"A-Are you okay, sub-leader ?"

"S-She should n't have gotten so mad...  this time she was wearing the armor and so I didn't feel anything good... haaa, tell the Leader that some captains are still missing and so he will have to wait a little longer for that"

"I get it!"



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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