Soul Evolution System

Chapter 175 Towards the capital of the Kingdom Delna (Part 1)

(POV Saeko)

After showing the man from the construction guild the place where Alex-san wanted them to build our new home, we all went back to the small town of Barl and they quickly go through the procedure so they can start the work.

Apparently, Alex-san was somewhat suspicious that a problem would be generated because the place was good enough for organizations to fight for it, so during all that time he tried several times to make that guild take responsibility if something like this happened.

Therefore all of us could see that Alex-san changed the atmosphere around us and created a pressure invisible when he threatened the men of the guild. Probably this should not have been very pleasant for the other party, but I was a bit in agreement with Shisuka's words that he looked a little more handsome when he acted that way... besides, think I was not the only one with that thought seeing to the other girls who blushed a little when they witnessed this.

But in the end, the whole contract was carried out without any problem, also Alex-san took advantage of some things to lower the construction price a little too. When the part where they had to discuss the costs was reached, there were 3 million which were dedicated to hiring another guild for the protection of the men who would work in the forest during the 6-month period that all this would last.

So upon learning of this, Alex-san quickly asked that guild not to published this mission and that our group would take care of this instead. There were some doubts from the construction organization about this, but surely since it would be our own group that would pay the remaining 22 million of G to them, this had a weight to be able to exert pressure on them and thus end up accepting it.

Although for this they put conditions, such that in case there were deaths during the construction due to monsters then we would have to pay a cost for this. Their demands were not unreasonable and even I think the truth was already good enough that they accepted while knowing that there were only 10 people in our group... 9 since Shisuka is probably not suitable for this task.

Honestly, I think I and the girls with their arms would not have much problem in taking care of the forest monsters, we already had done it after all. The only problem was that with us alone it wouldn't be easy to cover a large area to protect everyone… but when I spoke to Alex-san a little worried about this after he accepted the terms of the guild, he told me that I should n't worry anymore about that since we had someone in our group who could cover a large field.

Then, with his words I reminded his plant that I forget because we had not seen it in a while. This one had certainly grown to a great size during the time in our world… in fact, it was a bit difficult to relate it to the first plant I saw when Alex-san summoned it.

… Although I think the problem of covering a large area to protect the workers had been solved with this, now I was a little worried that they wanted to work being surrounded by a plant that looks like it could eat a small army… well, the people of this world must be more accustomed to monsters, right?

So after Alex-san paid 5 million to start the mansion project, the contract had been closed. So in the following days, our group concentrated on escorting the guild workers and the necessary materials for the construction to the forest.

Things went quite well and in all that time there was no accident, these men were able to focus on doing their jobs while we dealt with any monster that came here.

Also, they were surprised when Alex-san brought the Venus out of what he calls "poke-ball" but when they were told it was a tamed monster, then they didn't seem to care much for its presence.

During this time, a message from Milene-san that came to us through one of the project managers told us that she had been able to contact with the lord of Barl and wanted Alex-san to go to the town to discuss the things he had asked her previously.

Upon learning of this, he made a slightly unpleasant face... when Kurisu-san asked him what was going on, he replied that the truth was that he did not want to meet him, much less after learning about the customs and likes of the other nobleman the adventurer told us about during the mission to protect the town of Rek.

Remembering that, none of the girls could blame him for reacting this way ... in fact, I think it would be a very hard thing for any of us if the man we chose was taken from us by another man... or at least I can speak for myself and say that my Pride as a woman would be damaged if that happened.

So, this time none of the girls laughed at that. Unfortunately for Alex-san, since he had to take care of getting large amounts of food for our camps in our world, this was something he couldn't avoid and ended up going along with Scythe-chan and Leona-san to meet with that noble.

When he returned from this short trip, he told us that there were good and bad things at that meeting. The good thing was that this noble seemed to be a person with good character... or in the words of Alex-san, he was a "matey" person that almost bordered the line with the naive.

This man from the city of Barl apparently was excited to meet our group since Milene-san had told him that we were the ones who rescued her village more than 6 months ago from the thieves and that we were also the ones who got the additional reward for Rek's protection a few days ago.

So when he found out that we were planning to create a base in the region that he leads, he was quite encouraged and even offered to pay ¼ of the cost of our base... discounting the 3 million protection, that was 5.5 million G... Milene-san also mentioned to us when she and Alex came to this forest where we were. She said that this was because for a region the installation of a base of a strong organization is very beneficial and that there are even times when several nobles fight offering various benefits to them as long as they choose their region.

... by the way, she didn't come just because she wanted to see us. The main reason for this was to be able to tell Kurisu what happened at that meeting so she could laugh at Alex-san.

According to her, when the nobleman offered to pay a part of the cost of our base, Leona-san misinterpreted it and took out her knives placing them near the nobleman's neck while saying "If you try to go behind my master's ass, then I will I take care of you now. "

... It seems that even though she was silent without seeming to be affected by those things that happened before, she could see Alex-san's concern about that and then misinterpreting the actions of that noble and this led to that happening.

Well, I can't blame Leona-san for that as it would certainly be strange for a stranger to offer you so much money without thinking that he wants to get some things in return for this one. And much more if you do not know well the habits that are in a place...

It was good that this was only left in a misunderstanding... also this showed the ability of the people of our group since Leona-san reaches the side of the lord of this region and passing through all his guards without much difficulty.

So apparently that nobleman instead of being concerned about the cold touch of Leona's knife, he was even more encouraged to know that our group was stronger than he had thought and instead of withdrawing his previous offer, even increase offering to pay half the cost of our new home.

… Perhaps if people who don't know that nobleman had seen all that, I think they would think we were extorting him.

Hearing all that, I could only see it as something very good and I did not see where the bad was. So having the same doubts that I, Saya asked where the bad was.

In response to this, Alex-san told us that more than bad news, it was more of a complication as to the main reason he went there in the first place. Apparently in order to get that amount of food we needed it, was necessary for the kingdom to give its approval for this.

Therefore, already having several reasons to have to go to the capital, Alex-san decided that he had already delayed this trip too much and so he had to go there. Because of this, we had to separate ourselves into two groups.

Considering it for a while, Alex-san left in charge of continuing to protect the workers to Rika-san who would direct Rei-san, Leona-san, Vrana-chan, and Saya-chan, which apart from helping with the protecting the men from the construction guild, she would also see to it that the things they did were done correctly.

In addition to asking Rika to take care of the remaining girls, he also asks Rika to take care of move and picking up Shisuka-sensei with Lena-san so that she could continue learning about Alchemy.

For this he leaves with them the "Delorean" which was how he was referring to the vehicle that Alex-kun recently bought. But I think he had left it to them since this would also be useful if there is any danger and so these girls can escape.

As for me, Kurisu-san, Scythe-chan and Alex-san, we would head towards the kingdom's capital in the abandoned vehicle that he said he found in the forest… probably everyone already knew where this came from since the organization of the Blond leader never returned to Rek's town, but since he didn't want to say it, then nobody asked more about this.

"S-Saeko-san… that man has already given up and if you keep pressing the sword against his neck, then you will end up cutting his artery"

"Saeko-chan, don't kill him since that guy's value is more if we take him alive instead of dead"

Oh… it seems like I got lost in my thoughts. It had been almost 15 days since we left Barl towards the kingdom's capital and now we were very close to getting there. We probably would have already arrived, but unfortunately, we had some delays...

During the whole trip, we did not have to worry about getting bored since we were attacked by bandits or organizations that put their eyes on us or the vehicle we had... so if Kurisu-san, who is the first one who spoke to me, had some disagreement as Alex-san, who is the one who continues after her, take this one that she drives, now she must have understood that this is something very common in this world... or at least that's what I think now.

"Haaa… it seems that cities are not the only thing that has gotten bigger as we get closer to the capital of the kingdom… gangs of thieves have done it proportionally with this too"

"Well, if this gang of thieves had not been large enough the system would not have provided me with the mission to eliminate or capture them. But now I think we should treat those who are alive so that they do not die... the last group of thieves who we caught was a higher income than I expected "

Well, this time it was a little different than the other times since we especially came to hunt down these thieves. That was because when Kurisu-san was driving the vehicle to the next city, Alex-san suddenly told us that the system inside him had told him of a mission to capture a group of thieves and so we had to search for them.

I thought it would be more difficult to do so, but after Alex-san thought about it for a moment, he decided to keep the vehicle in his inventory and we walked to the next city for a while. When I asked him why we were doing this, the answer I got was that beauties have always been the downfall of men.

So Kurisu-san with a flushed face, the expressionless Scythe-chan, and me who was smiling at Alex-san answer that was more of a compliment, we continued on the road and then in less than an hour a small group of thieves came towards us… It seems that his words were not just flattery.

After defeating them and questioning them a bit, we discovered that our luck had been good since they seemed to belong to the largest gang of thieves in the place, and then, with them guiding us we reached this situation.

"G-Girl ... please don't kill me!"

"Fufufu don't worry, you will still keep your life... although probably in the future it will not be a very good one"

"Gueh !!"

The man with the sword on the neck speaks to me, apparently, he was the leader of this gang of thieves and this is why Alex-san wanted him alive. Although I don't understand it very well yet, a person's strength is classified by limits, and usually the higher this is, then these people are also more influential ... or in the case of thieves, they are worth more as slaves.

I withdraw my sword from his neck and in the next moment knock him out hitting him with the handle of it. Well, now I think we should end this as quickly as we can... the truth is that these guys smell worse than zombies and so the sooner we finish, then more quickly we can get rid of them.

"... If someone listens to you, then surely it wouldn't be strange to be mistaken for a slave trader, Alex"

"Well... lately we have been selling to so many thieves that even I think that I am now more of a slave trader than an adventurer.

Any idiot who resists will die! To me all of you are just a handful of coins and killing a few will not affect my total profit much, so do not think that I will go through problems to keep you alive!! "


"Gueh !!"

"T-That kid is not crueler than us?"

"... he-her cute appearance doesn't match her actions at all"

"… You can't complain about this. I heard perfectly how most of you screamed how you would have fun with our bodies once you captured us."

"Fufufu, you shouldn't worry so much about them Kurisu-san... you just have to see there and you will understand that they are not different from monsters. So you should not have compassion for them"

While we were talking, one of the thieves who had been defeated gets up and tries to escape from here. So in the next second after the detonation produced by Alex-san's weapon, that man falls in agony with a big hole in his chest.

So most likely so that does not happen again this, Alex-san speaks this time to address all the men who were either on their knees on the ground or complaining about their injuries due to the fight.

Because of what happened, Kurisu-san turns her face with some concern about the man who would die soon... from what I know, she came from a world equal to mine before it was taken by zombies, so I think her reaction is a lot better than a normal person, and most likely I  that don't care much about him was a more abnormal person.

But unfortunately for her, from what I have already seen, this world is not so peaceful and as Alex-san thinks, I also believe it is better for her to adapt to things like this as quickly as possible. As her partner, I would not like to see her or the other girls suffer for clinging to values ​​from other worlds...

So that's why I point her to where these men kept their booties that they obtained during their robberies. There apart from material things, you could also see some women who had the same eyes that we had rescued sometimes after the apocalypse happened in my world, and so it is certain that all of them went through similar or even worse matters.

"Haaa... you're right Saeko-san"

After seeing those women, Kurisu-san makes a big sigh and agrees with me. The truth is that I think the best way for her and other girls to take care of other people is to make them not consider their enemies as human in their minds...

"Now that we are done with this, let's get going. After the city where we will sell these thieves, the next one must be the capital and so maybe tomorrow, or at the most in a couple of days we can get there"


"I get it"



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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