Soul Evolution System

Chapter 176 Towards the capital of the Delna Kingdom ( Part 2 )

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(POV Alexander)

"Everyone will rest easy and put these handcuffs on… I don't have to explain what will happen if you don't do, right?"

"" ... ""

After I say that to all the thieves, I give the girls several handcuffs that I had bought in one of the cities we visited before for cases like these. It must be said that when a thing is not prohibited in one place, they can develop in different ways...

This was the case for these handcuffs who, apart from restricting people's movements, also had a device that emitted shocks for when the other party who deprived someone of his liberty considered it necessary to use this... besides not only were there handcuffs, there were also necklaces for slaves which even had other more complex functions. Of course, these were more expensive. 

But since I had no need for such sophisticated items to restrain these thieves for a short time, handcuffs were sufficient.

The thieves just nod at my words or remain silent since they certainly were now most worried thinking about what the future awaits for them. So it wouldn't be strange for them to try to resist, but having made it clear what it meant not to be obedient as I indicated with my eyes the guy with a big hole in his chest who had recently died, I didn't have much concern about this.

And as I had thought, the girls and I finished putting all the survivors in handcuffs without any problem… it was good that I bought many of these since now I had more than 250 prisoners.

"Now let's see how rich these guys were!"

Ending the tedious part of capturing the thieves, now was the time to see one of the gains from doing this. In this world there was no law like what was stolen must be returned to its owners. If the owner wants to recover his things, then he has to do it himself.

It was common knowledge in this world that anyone who annihilated or captured a gang of thieves, he had the right to take what they had. Without a doubt, this was a very good habit in this world that I could get used to without any problem!

" Well… Saeko-chan, Kurisu, and Scythe, why don't you help these girls clean up? "

As I approach the thieves' loot, I remember and see the women that a few moments ago the first of the girls I mentioned had referred to earlier. I wasn't very good at dealing with things like that, and it's probably much better than another woman was more apt to help them, so I'm calling the girls back for this.

They nod to my words and immediately take the various girls who were here and take them away a bit from the thieves that they were looking at with fear. This also helps me so that they do not watch me keep all the things here in my storage. As for the thieves, I don't have to worry about them as this place was a cave and out of sight from others.

"Well, it seems that a large group of thieves who have had this business for quite some time is certainly different from the others!

This is good loot! "

I quickly store everything and immediately check it in the menu of my system since it was easier to count all this in that form. So seeing what this indicated to me, I can't help but exclaim with joy.

Only from Gold, these thieves had accumulated 9 million 470 thousand. And in crystals, there were also 1 million 210 thousand... Damn! Probably they could not be considered a group of thieves and were more a guild of thieves!

Also, they had a lot of equipment and items rank [J], a good number of rank [I], and some rank [H]. If you wanted, you could surely equip a medium organization with all these...

"Well, I think it is time to continue our journey"

With everything collected and with great encouragement for all this, we tie the thieves in a line connected to the vehicle. Also, we put the girls in the worst condition in the car while those who had no problem walking, we make them follow us.

This is something that we had already repeated a couple of times, so we do it very quickly and go from the thieves' den to the road that connected the cities.

The only bad thing about this was that we had to go at a slow pace so that the group of men and women could follow us without much effort… well, the truth was that I only had consideration for women and if it were for me, I wouldn't mind dragging those men… although Kurisu being the driver would most likely oppose that.

So, due to our slow pace, it took us several hours until we can see the protective walls of the next city.

"... Who are you and why are you coming to this city?"

"Adventurers and we are only passing through as we head to the capital of the Kingdom"

"... Adventurers? You look more like a slave trader"

"... curiously, it is not the first time that I hear that. But the truth is that we are adventurers and they are a group of thieves with we come across"

"I see... w-wait! Are they all from the same group? I-If there are so many, shouldn't they be Klimko's group? "

"... I think they are"

As we approach the city gates, as had been routine in every city we visit, one of his guards approaches our vehicle, and then I under the window to speak to him.

The questions he asks us are typical, but by setting his eyes on the men who lined up behind the vehicle and the group of women on the side, he comes to a conclusion very much in line with what our group looked like now. I couldn't blame him for that since if I saw the same thing, I would also do the same...

What is different ah other times is that when I mention that they are thieves, then this one is even more surprised and says what seems to be the name of a person... remembering a little the mission that the system gave me, I remember that one of the objectives of this was to capture or eliminate the leader with that same name and so I affirm his words.

"T-That explains why there are so many... well, you can pass. You don't need to pay me the tax to enter the city... those guys have been terrorizing the travelers and towns in the vicinity, so I would like to pay for you as a show of gratitude"

"…Well, I understand.By the way, do you by any chance know a good slave house where I can get rid of these guys? "

"... The truth is that I don't really like that kind of place, but the slave house of this bigger city is on this main street. So just keep going straight and you will surely be able to find it"

"Thank you"

Apparently this guard was someone with a conscience. Furthermore, his attitude towards us changes from simply being someone who receives visitors, as if he were a friend of ours after learning that these thieves were Klimk's gang.

Since I didn't have a problem with that, I accept his offer and motion Kurisu to continue driving forward.

"So will we find the slave house first, Alex?"

"It is better to get rid of excess baggage as quickly as possible"


"Master... hungry..."

As Kurisu starts driving the vehicle through the streets, Scythe, who was next to me so I could stroke her pigtails, suddenly turns to me and opening her mouth after she says that… I must say that is quite suggestive, but knowing what did she wanted, I take a crystal worth a thousand and put it on her tongue.

Immediately she redirects her vision to the road observing everything that happens in the streets while playing with the crystal in the mouth moving it with her tongue. She has not only had a growth in strength, and now also things around her began to attract her attention.

Several minutes later, a large property with the name "Reel Slave House" finally comes into our vision. So after talking to the guards who were guarding the place, we entered this place to park the vehicle.

"Fufufu… don't worry, the only ones Alex-san will do business with are the thieves"

Noting that the girls who were accompanying us had become somewhat uneasy about the place we had arrived at, Saeko speaks to reassure them a bit.

"Welcome! Welcome! How can I help you?

Are you looking for some kind of slaves in particular? I Reel can guarantee that surely if you cannot find what you are looking for here, then you will not be able to do it in other stores in the city "

Almost instantly after getting out of the vehicle, a chubby middle-aged man jogs towards us with great encouragement... given the name of this store,  I must assume that he is the owns.

" I want to sell these thieves, I don't know if you're interested? "

"Of course! Please wait a bit. You, start inspecting those men !!"

"Yes, Boss!"

Without wasting time, right after I tell him my purpose to come here he addresses one of the workers who had come with him. He takes a crystal ball similar to but smaller than the one Lena had used before and immediately begins to do the procedure that I had previously seen.

A slave trader from another city had told me that this crystal ball was to verify that people had the ability of [Bandit] or a similar one that is related to criminal activity.

...when I heard that, with much concern I quickly checked my status once again.

So seeing that that skill didn't appear in this one, I let out a big sigh... after doing more research with that merchant, he told me that only when a person has been doing this for a long time and that is their main way of living, then the skill was developed. 

Or also there is another way easier to obtain such skill, it is simply joining a gang of thieves.

Incidentally, the only ability with a dangerous name that is not treated in the same way is [Thief]. It appears to be more of a kind of profession that some adventurers have and which specializes in terrain reconnaissance, trapping, opening locks, and the like.

But... it seems that I have to be careful with my actions more than I thought. Anyone with a similar ability to [Bandit], that person can become a slave just by taking him to a specialized merchant in this and easily without the need for further checks, his social status will change immediately.

"...I must say that the way to verify if a person is a criminal in this world is very simple... perhaps this is why judicial bodies did not develop here?"


Seeing the person check each of the thieves, Kurisu and Saeko begin to argue with each other. Their words are true and there is nothing like policemen, judges, lawyers, and things like that in this world. The only slightly similar thing is the soldiers in each region, although this is more focused on protecting the cities from monsters and thieves, and only a little they take over on public order.

…But it is also likely that this is because we are in a region governed by a feudal system. If we go to other areas, then maybe there should be some that have things similar to those. Although due to how this world is, they must be influenced by it.

"W-We finish Boss ... they are all bandits. There are 117 normals, 85 in the 1st limit, 36 in the 2nd, 14 in the 3rd, 5 in the 4th and one in the 5th... a-also the latter is Klimko, who has a guild reward "

"Whoo! So they're Klimco's group? It's good that someone finally caught this damn one. It's been a problem for all of us the traders for a while, but it seems like for now we can relax a bit... well, only until another group takes their place.

Bastard! You stole 3 of my loads of slaves during these months!"

"... if you don't buy it, then don't bruise it"

Upon learning of the thief's identity, the merchant approaches and begins kicking him causing Kurisu to scowl for his actions and so I have to stop him. Also while I agree with his words that that guy is a damn, I don't think slave traders have the best reputation of all...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It seems like I'm getting a little upset. Let's see... for the 117 normal thieves I will give you a thousand G for each one, the 85 in the 1st limit will be 10,000 for each one, 25,000 for each of the 36 in the 2nd limit, 50 thousand for each of the 14 who are in the 3rd and in the same way 100 thousand for the other 5 in the 4th limit. So... it will be a total of 2 million 217 thousand G for those thieves.

As for the boss of all these... how about 3 million? "

The price he gives me for the first bandits was something I had already expected since this seemed to be a standard in all the slave shops I visit during our trip. 

But the offer he makes me for the head of this band surprised me quite a bit… I certainly hoped to get more for him since he was a person in the 5th limit, but that was beyond my estimates!

"Well... not enough? How about 3 and a half million? This is my last offer!"


Perhaps because of my silence, the seller thought I was not satisfied and so he increases the amount by half a million more. Well, the truth is that I had obtained much more than I thought with just the loot of these thieves, therefore I end up accepting his offer without continuing to try to get more, also this was already very good and so I do not have much problem with that.

"... I'm curious about something. Is the price for a 5th limit slave always that much?"

"That is... well, since we have closed the deal, then it should not be bad to tell you. The price for a 5th limit slave is expensive and varies between 2 million to 3 million depending on his state, but let's say the reason for this is higher than the normal price is because you are selling it here.

If you take it to another city would not pass the 3 million, unless you take it at auction or something like that. But let's say I have some plans for him... do n't you think that several people who were affected by this thief will want to vent their complaints about him just like I did a moment ago?

Hehehe, being someone in the 5th limit he will surely be able to resist a lot... also, once people get tired of it, I still won't have a problem getting 3 million for him "

As he was the first thief to exceed the 5th limit I sold, I wanted to know if the price of these was always the same. I did not expect to get an answer since I thought that the merchant would not want to talk about this, but after thinking about it for a few seconds, he decides to speak.

Ghe! Seriously, the slave traders are dark... this guy is saying he'll turn that thief into a punching bag with a big smile like it's nothing. Besides that, he doesn't seem to care that the person with that fate is listening to him... now that thief who was completely pale gives me a little pity...

"Can you lend me your guild card to transfer the money? Also, I will confirm that Klimco is in my store so you can claim the mission for this"

Since the amount of money was large, it was normal that he wanted to make the payment this way. So I take my card to do that and after his suggestion, I also accept the mission of eliminating the group of thieves from Klimco so that I can report it as completed.

"Well then, it was a pleasure doing business with you… or do you want to do business with those girls too?"

"No, they were rescued from that group of thieves. I did not come to sell them"

"I see, I see... hehehe, that's too bad..."

Finishing doing business with the slave trader, I was preparing to go to the world guild to do what was left to continue our journey, but then he sets his sights on the girls who had been watching our entire discussion.

Then at the merchant's words, they begin to tremble and look fearfully at all of us. So, before things get more complicated I speak to refuse his proposal... although I don't know if the last thing he said is because he feels sorry for the women or because he couldn't do business with them. But if I had to bet, without hesitation I would say that it is the last option... 

"... All slave traders seem to have an unpleasant personality"

"Fufufu, I don't like them very much either. Also, some even gave us some problems..."

Back on the road, Kurisu and Saeko comment on this that I also couldn't agree more with. As the latter says, there were even some slave traders who after doing business with us sent a group to try to capture us… they probably tried to get back what they paid us.

Well, there was also a great possibility that the main reason was to put us as their most precious item for sale in their stores...

…Surely I don't have to say how those groups ended. Also, although I wanted to go back and eliminate those slave houses, in the end, I gave up doing it because of the inconvenience of having to go back to those cities and face the guilds they hired for their protection.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

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