Soul Evolution System

Chapter 177 The Capital of the Delna Kingdom

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Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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The following days that we stayed in the capital, we decided to visit it to observe the things that it could offer while we wait for the auction to take place. The truth is that things here were quite calm, surely because it had many guards who monitored public order and because of this we were able to have a few quiet days.

So taking advantage of this, I decide to have some separate dates with each of the girls who had come with me. Until now we had been quite busy and also since the group of them was quite large, I felt a little bad for having to go out with only one of them and ignore the others.

So, I was usually always with several girls at the same time… well, maybe it was also that I enjoyed being around all of them. But lately, I've also been thinking that I should spend more time with each one individually and so this is why I made this decision in the end.

The truth is that I had a great time with each of them in these days, well say others that what matters is not the quantity and but the quality, and I must say that each of the girls is quite remarkable both beauty as in character.

The first one I dated was Kurisu, there wasn't much of a problem with her being the first as I had thought this would be at first. Saeko strongly agreed and even seemed to insist on her even though Kurisu felt a little guilty about this. As for the other girl, Scythe, there were even fewer problems with her… well, I think the main cause of this was that she didn't understand much about these things yet.

So when we went to our date, as any normal person would do, we just walked around the city and ate somewhere that seemed nice. Also, since Kurisu seemed interested in Gaia's magical items, we visited many shops with these in them.

But unfortunately even being the capital, perhaps because it is still a Level 1 Area, there was not much difference with what we had already seen so far.

When it was Saeko's turn this was repeated, but with the difference that the places that interested her the most were those that exhibited weapons and the like. Although in the same way as the previous ones, these things did not change much and the equipment that we had was still one of the best that I had seen in this Area... it was a pity that I could not find a bikini-like armor in this place.

Well, there were a few of these but unfortunately it didn't compare to the nanotube suits and it would be kind of idiotic to put the girls at risk just by wearing these… I'll have to continue my search for ones that can make them immune to damage while the girls look sexy.

As for my time with Scythe, more than a date, I felt like someone walking a little girl who has never gone out into the world… she was interested in almost everything, objects, people, buildings, vehicles, and practically anything she saw for the first time.

But thanks to the fact that she didn't seem to have a particular interest, I was also able to take advantage to can going to some alchemy stores and luckily, we ended up finding 1 “ pearl of mana” plant that was the main ingredient to make the restoration pill of channels of energy. 

It was a curious plant, the white petals of the flower arched towards the center that had what looked like a small pearl of the same color. The seller told me that he had thought to sell it at the auction that he was waiting for to happen like us, but in the end I managed to convince him to sell it to me... well, what ultimately made him decide to do it was the crystal with a value of 80 thousand that I had taken out and placed before his eyes.

From what Lena had told me, the price of these plants was around 400 thousand G, so in the end I had to pay twice the market for this... but well, that doesn't matter much since I would have even paid triple if necessary.

This had an advantage over the pill that is created from it and it is that this plant does not draw attention so much of people's in 9th limit since to take its effect, you need an alchemist on the H rank or above and there are not many of these in the level 1 areas... besides there is also a risk of that nothing be obtained if the mix fails.

…So now I just hope that Lena's success rate is high.

By the way, for the excitement of finding this plant, I ended up hugging Scythe with great joy... that was nice, but also something dangerous... I don't know if she only wanted to imitate what she had seen or become somewhat restless, but she ended up leaving some marks on the back of my jacket that I noticed when I undressed to take a shower at night... in truth, she has quite sharp claws.

Alexander! Alexander! Oh, here you are… I did n't know you were doing alchemy too. Are you an Alchemist? ”

"Well… so far I haven't been able to successfully perform any positions, so I don't think I can consider myself one yet, haaa…"

On my last date with Scythe, I remembered that I had promised Lena to reach the H rank in alchemy and so I also took advantage of buying some things to perform J rank potions since the ones I had were left to Shisuka before.

I think I should have accepted Lena's teaching me how to mix, but… damn! Imitate the scene of the movie "Ghost" and have an old lady hold me by the hands as we made alchemy rather than creating a clay vase, it was something that overhead my point of tolerance!

If a movie were made about this, then instead of romance, this would be one of horror as its name suggests!

Haaa... so for not wanting to shoot that horror movie, now I'm having to push myself to do alchemy alone. This is more difficult than I thought and that's why now my dream of meeting a young Huldra is seen as something far away... no! I have to force myself for that!

As I encouraged my spirit to continue doing Alchemy, the prince who had entered the room where I was staying with the girls in his guild approaches me while holding a paper. Thinking about what this could be, I ask quickly.

" Maybe that's..."

"Oh! It is true, that is why I had come. My father… I mean, an important personage I know has agreed to give permission for you to buy the food you want in the Kingdom ”

"That's great! Thanks, Lorens-kun ”

"I-It doesn't matter, I'm glad I was able to help... but now we're going to you teach me more about how to shoot my gun!"

"…all right"

Taking the paper that he gives me, I give it a quick read and I can confirm that his words are true... without a doubt, now I can make the lord of Barl sell me a few tons of food. That is fine, but… now I am concerned about Lorens- kun.

I know that he wants to leave his true identity as a secret either because he thinks that if people find out about it then they acted differently, or because he wants just be like a superhero who hid his identity... but I wonder how it is that he is not aware that anyone who did not know his identity, almost certainly everyone can realize this just by seeing that this sheet is signed by the King… well, I already knew that and so I just have to keep pretending not to.

Also, this explains why in the days that I went out with the girls felt several strong presences watching us... I thought that maybe one girl could get the attention unwanted of somebody, but seems that some soldiers of the kingdom only was investigating me because the request that I had made to their prince.

"Okay, let's go"

Since he had helped me with this, it was good to return the favor. So I stop what I'm doing and along with him and the girls who had been silently presenting here while I doing alchemy, we all headed to where we had used the weapons before and which had now become a shooting range.

Huldra-chan you just have to wait a while, I will not give up to meet you soon!!

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Other days pass and finally the day of the auction carried out by the Worrul house arrives, so the people of the Nurt guild that we had met, in which the prince was included, and my group, all of us went to the place.

It didn't take us long to get there since we were moving in one of the vehicles of this guild. Then, now l was facing down a large building where was entered a large number of people walking in groups with the same uniforms or badges showing that they were a single organization.

Since this place is the capital of the Kingdom, and also that these people were almost certainly important individuals from their own organization, most of them exceeded the 5th limit and even one than other that were surrounded by its members reached the 9th...

That was already something very striking, but something even more surprising was that at the entrance of this auction house the guards were people of 9th limit too...

"Those people seem too strong to be just guards, don't you think so Rulnemt?"

"Well, I think that's normal... not even the royal family would dare antagonize them for no reason. As far as I know, many branches of this auction house are located in many areas of Gaia, and also the rumors say that their owners are people from a Level 3 Area… ”

What Rulnemt was saying made perfect sense, 9th limit men who approached the gates and met these guards, even if they had the same strength as these, they acted in a very respectful way as if it was someone meeting a celebrity.

But I think this should be normal. What is auctioned here should be important things, or at least for this Area, so if the manager does not have the strength to protect the businesses that are carried out here, then this auction house would not be as prestigious as it is said.

On the other hand, there should be no problem for us even though the owner of these auction houses is someone who is based in a Level 3 Area. In fact, I think this is better for me since I just came to see if I can do some business, plus I intend to pay for what I try to get. So since I am a customer, to some extent they should ensure our safety.

"That is true... my father has told me that I must be courteous when I come here"

... Lorens -kun, I really sometimes think that the truth is that you are not trying to hide your identity and you want everyone to know it. Well, for now I will imitate what everyone in our group does and ignore that comment.

We walked through the door after making a small salute to the guards and paying a "small" fee of 100,000 G... damn! With all the people here this auction house for that "small" fee already made a few tens of millions without doing anything!

“… Don't worry, if you buy something inside this fee will be deducted from the price of the object you get. They do this so that there are no curious people who only occupy space or make offers that they cannot pay ”

"I see…"

Perhaps seeing my discomfort in paying the fee, Palmir tells me that. I already found it a little weird that they paid without much concern as if they were the richest people in the Kingdom and just couldn't find a way to spend their money… well, with a prince by their side, perhaps there is also some of that.

"Are you planning to buy something too?"

"... one does not know what can be auctioned, perhaps we will see something good for what we can pay"

Kurisu who was walking next to me enters the conversation also and asking Palmir that. I thought they just came to join us, but what she says is true. Not only will restoration pills be auctioned, but there will also be plenty of other things that may be helpful to their guild.

In fact, it is not certain that these pills will be auctioned... only the chance of that happening is much higher than finding an alchemist store selling them.

The interior was similar to a large theater in my previous world, except that the size was much larger and it is probably better compared to a sports stadium...

Most people were heading to the central area where there were a large number of chairs arranged for people to take place. Also, some groups walked towards stairs that led to what looked like boxes... each of these had some brand and seeing the uniforms of those people coincided with some of those, it could be deduced that they were places that they bought or rented from the auction house for their own use.

The truth is that I had hoped there would be places like these since Rulnemt had described to me what the auction house was like before. So seeing the boxes I can not prevent a smile from forming on my face, with these the second problem I had could be solved.

“ Being able to be in those places is surely a great thing. It would be as if you were an important person... do n't you think that too, Lorens -kun? ”

"He? W-Well ... I prefer more to be like a normal person than anything else "

"I see... haaa. 

I really would like to go to one of those places to see things from the perspective of those important people... so I could make one of my dreams come true, how I wish I could go there..."

"E-emmm ..."

Trying to make the face of someone who longs for something, I set my eyes on the people heading towards those balconies. Because of this, Kurisu look at me with doubtful eyes and Saeko just smiles a little, both of them should know that my words were not entirely true since in fact before returning to Gaia, I was one of the most important person in our camps in HOTD being in command of more than 70 thousand people.

But hey, my words were to encourage the little prince that now was watched me as if trying to decide to say something, so I decide to continue and give the final push to him.

"... that seems so far away to me. I would really be happy to go there... although I think it is impossible for me ”

“H-Hmmm… I-I actually knows someone who has a balcony here in the auction house. He rarely uses it, so I think he shouldn't mind us going there… ”

"Really Lorens-kun? Do you know someone who has a box here? ”


I had become too excited to achieve my goal that I did not realize that in an instant the longing face that I should have, it turns into a smile and also the environment around me had changed to even make the prince be surprised by this…

Palmir and Rulnemt who were close only smile bitterly since they must have understood my objective very well, but the good thing is that neither of them says anything about this. I think that since they know what we have come to buy, they are more than in agreement with this.

On the other hand, the prince's guards will only sigh or shake their heads a little, but they don't take this in a bad way either. I don't think this will affect the prince in any way, as I simply intend to use his position to keep unwanted people away if I manage to buy some pills and so most likely because of this they don't create a fuss.

Yes, I had thought that the best way to prevent people in the 9th limit from coming after us if I buy some pills was that they thought that someone important who they do not want to oppose was the one who bought these, and there was nobody better to this than the Royal family.

I don't think that many guilds in this area, no matter how powerful they are, dare to oppose an entire Kingdom for something like pills. So from the beginning I thought about making somebody else think that the one who bought the pills was someone from the Royal family who wanted to use them to strengthen their members.

This should be something very credible to everyone else and should not be suspicious. Now I just hope that they really expose some pills in this auction...

"Then, let's go there Lorens-kun"




I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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