Soul Evolution System

Chapter 178 Auction House

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Taking the lead, Lorens-kun guides us to the box that the Royal family should normally use when they come to this auction house. This was in the closest place where you could clearly see the podium where the host of this auction should carry out his work.

The room was quite large, so there was no problem accommodating our entire group without feeling crowded. Besides, it was luxuriously decorated and it was certainly something according to someone who should have the most influence in this Kingdom...

“I am glad that Prince Lorens has come to watch the auction. I hope you find something to your liking in the things that will be auctioned below ”

"Y-You're wrong ! I am not the Prince Lorens… I am only someone with the same name… ”

"... I see, if you need anything please do not hesitate to call me and I will try to please you, Prince Lorens"

"" ... ""

Damn! If you pretend to be someone else, at least change your name! In truth it is becoming increasingly difficult to pretend that we do not know his identity ...

As we settled into some sofas that were arranged in the room, not long after a butler-looking man comes in and speaks directly to Lorens-kun… the rest of us try to look like we don't pay attention to that by looking at the podium or the decorations on the place while trying to ignore the conversation of both.

“This place seems quite privileged, doesn't it? Surely it must cost a fortune ”

"Hmn? The people from the auction house gave it to my family as a courtesy... no! My friend told me that they gave it to his family… ”

"The Prince is right, the Kingdom was very kind to us by letting us install this auction house in the capital and so it should be normal to return that kindness that they showed us "

"I-I told you that I'm not the prince!"

"Sorry, that was sloppy of me... Prince Lorens."

" " ... " "

... The truth is that I'm reaching my limit and I want to hit this prince's head a little, who knows, with that his brain may improve a little. Unfortunately, that will be very bad and so I can only let off steam by hitting the glass that covers the front area of this room which overlooks the podium ... this one seems quite resistant.

"This crystal looks pretty good... it would probably take me a while to break it."

"You have good eyesight, young miss. That crystal could stop a person at the 9th limit for a few minutes. Also, it is designed so that people can see from this side to the auction and while block the vision to those who are on the other side"

"I see... by the way, I'm a man. So do not call me Miss please "

"I see... my apologies, young miss."

" Fuck! I 'm not playing pretend my gender and I'm really a man!! ”

When the butler listens to me, he turns to the prince, and then as if he concluded that it was another kid playing or posing as something else, he answers that. I wouldn't have gotten mad or upset if it was just that he found it hard to believe, but the problem was that he was comparing me to Lorens-kun!

It was actually a bit annoying to be compared to him...

" He tells the truth, he is a man"

"Fufufu, it's true. He's a pretty nice man though, is n't he? ”

"...the truth is that I still have my doubts about it"

The girls who were here, with the exception of Scythe who remains silent, speak to support me or give their own opinion on this. Well... if Palmir continues to doubt my gender, I would not mind showing my friend that is between my legs to get her out of her doubts.

“S-Sorry… that was kind of rude of me. Please accept this as an apology. "

"Hmn? A paper?"

Seeing that he was wrong this time, with some regret shown on his face, the butler gives me a paper. Reflexively I reach out and take it, then I realize right away that this was not just a piece of paper.

This was more like a voucher signed by the auction house with the worth of 10 million G to buy anything here! Damn, they really must be swimming in money to give away 10 million for just an apology...

"Well ... I forgive you since I can see your sincerity in your apologies"

"Thank you, young Master. If there is anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to tell me. ”

"...the truth is that there is something"

"A-Alex... I think the man has been generous enough to correct his mistake, s- so asking him for more is a bit..."

Kurisu who was by my side and must have seen what the voucher meant, probably believed that I would try to extort more money to this person… I wonder if she sees me as someone greedy? Well, my intention was not to get more money from them since I wasn't so shameless… ok, mainly it was because I could annoy this guy if I did something like that.

So after reassuring Kurisu, I speak to ask about my reason for coming here. This shouldn't be too much for this butler to bother with.

"Sir, I do n't know if you have information if some energy channel restoration pills were sold at this auction. The truth is that it is one of the reasons why we have come ”

" Pills of Restoration? Well... the auction items should come as a surprise to our guests, but... okay, I'll make an exception and tell to the young master.

3 restoration pills will be auctioned later, these are one of the last items in tonight's auction ”

Cool! It seems that we have not wasted our time on coming here and now we must wait for these be showing in the auction and I won them... unless that...

“Sir… is there no way that we can do business for them directly? I am not trying to make you lose for this, I will pay you what you have won in previous auctions for these pills. 

What do you think? ”

"Ummm ..."

Using the prince's name to avoid getting people's attention in the 9th limit was a good thing, but it would certainly be much better to get them without anyone knowing that these have been auctioned. Therefore, I wanted to see if I could achieve this.

“Is it too much to ask for that? Or Mr. cannot make that decision? ”

Apparently it was not so simple and the butler considers it for a long time. Although it was not bad to try, if it could not be done, I will just stick to the initial plan and win them at the auction.

So I speak again to get my answer, but since I don't want to be rude, I say it in a soft tone so that instead of appearing to be rushing him, it was more as if I was impatient for what he would say.

“Don't worry young master, I can make that decision since I am the manager of this auction house. The problem is that doing this is a bit difficult now, there is no time to change the auction program and get an object of equal value to replace this is somewhat problematic "

“I see… how about this, these are not energy channel restoration pills, but they are not much different. You can replace these 5 limit-break pills with those 3. There shouldn't be a big change to the program like this, right? ”

Oh! maybe that would work well... but the young master really wants to exchange these pills? "

“I don't care if we trade them or you buy this and sell the others to me. What seems best to the manager is fine for me ”

“I understand… so if the young master doesn't care, I will take them to be analyzed by an evaluator and I'll give him my decision right away. 

It's okay?"

"Of course"

I give the pills to the butler who turned out to be the manager of this auction house, and then he leaves the room. That he wanted to review the pills was normal and understandable, and since I did not have to worry that they were false, then I did not have to worry about the evaluation result.

Both pills were very similar in value, but since the restoration pills were most sought after by 9th limit people as Lena had told me. But given these people status in this Level 1 Area, it is sure that they possessed riches greater than other normal adventurers and because this, they made that these rose more in value by paying more for them. 

So to compensate him for this, the number of limit-break pills had been increased to make the deal more attractive to the manager.

And indeed, after several minutes he comes with a smile as this time he carries a small box in his hands. Then when he reaches my side, he opens it to I can see the inside and tells me the following.

"These are the pills for Restoration of channels energy. Look like the person who made the pills limit-break that the young gave me is more skillful, and therefore the quality is higher than these...

Still, the quality of these is very good and I can guarantee their effect. these were collected from the Guild of Alchemists "Blue leaf" which is very famous in some areas Level 2 and 1 "

... the ones I gave him were the system pills, so I knew they were good. Although, for some time I was a little puzzled because the pills or objects made by alchemy may have differences in quality... I wonder if anything bad happens if a pill of poor quality is consumed?

[Well, it stands to reason that the system only gives you higher quality items. Also, as long as you use your evaluation skill and the pills are identified by the right name, then there shouldn't be a problem.

The quality of the pills only decreases or increases their effect. Taking the limit-break pills as an example, if people consumed a low-quality limit-break pill, instead of increasing a limit they would only manage to increase some levels and probably have to wait a longer time to consume it again ]

I see... well, the evaluation tells me that the pills are authentic and in its description I can check the manager's words since it says that they are of good quality, so their effect should be enough to solve the girls' problem.

"Well, how you want us to make a deal whit this, manager-san?

"If you still agree to the exchange of the pills, then I would be fine with that."

“Sounds good to me, so let's do that! ”

Without thinking twice, I reply to the manager with a big smile. Even though these pills have high value too, for me these were free and so I would be more than happy to exchange them with the restoration pills which were more useful to us now.

"Kurisu, take one of these pills"

"Eh? M-Me?"

“Of course, this pill will solve the problem of your body has that I told you before. They are also useful for you Saeko-chan, but... I think it is better than the other girls have priority in using them, so you will have to wait a bit for you to use one too... I will try to get more soon "

"Fufufu, I understand Alex-san. Don't worry, I also think that some of the other girls should solve the problem they have with their body first ”

Having finished our deal, the manager leaves the room, and immediately I handed one of the pills to Kurisu. The truth is that these had become even more necessary than before because Aurora had mentioned to me that the girls with the most damaged channels would soon reach a stagnation in their level increase.

So apart from that their level was now a little high and therefore it was a little more difficult to increase their level, this of before was also one of the reasons why some of the girls had slowed their leveling down quite a bit…

During the fight to protect Rek we had killed a good number of monsters with high limits like the ogres, so it was a bit strange for me that some of them as Kurisu leveling so little, then when I asked Aurora about this she gave me that answer.

The girls in greatest need of these were Kurisu, Saya, and Shisuka. Saeko, Rika, and Rei since having a lifestyle more active could still increase a little more the level before they reached the same problem as the first ones. Probably when they are getting closer to the 8th limit, this would show in them.

It was also because of this that Haruna and Yuriko-san, since they are older than them, had this problem more developed and that is why they couldn't advance to the 5th limit during the whole time we were in HOTD. For Soichiro, he went into the same situation as Saeko and other girls the same as her, and so his limit of the maximum level was a little higher than these two women.

... perhaps I will need to get a large number of restore pills for people who lived their youth in HOTD or else they will not be able to exceed the 5th limit. The younger ones or people who have had some type of physical training will have a greater advantage, but in the end they will also need them... I must find a way to get a lot of these pills if I want the people there to continue developing their strength.

But for now, the main thing is to focus on the people closest to me and if there is any opportunity, then it will also be useful for those who are faithful to me in HOTD to strengthen themselves.

"Alexander-san... if you have any more of those limit-break pills, would you mind selling me some?"

“…The truth is that I only have some, but well. You have been good to us, take these for yourself "

While thinking about some things watching the Manager leave, Rulnemt suddenly speaks to me. So after thinking about it for a while, it was not a bad thing to give them something to strengthen our ties since until now they seemed to be trustworthy people and that is why I gave one pill to him and another to Palmir.

"You'd better take the pill now Kurisu, this place seems quiet for you to do. Even though we probably don't have someone looking for trouble with us because of these, people have always said that the walls are thin and perhaps this could reach someone's ears, so it is better that you use it now.

It's the same for the two of you, those pills probably aren't as troublesome as the ones the manager gave me, but these too should be coveted by people. ”


""You're right""

Since Kurisu had kept the pill holding it in both of her hands while resting it on the breast, I again tell her to consume it. I also do the same with the other two who were equally happy and excited to hold the ones I had given them earlier.

Then, all three consume the pill and sit on the large sofa with their eyes closed while we watch them. The two of Nurt's guild go through the same process that I had already seen, but in Kurisu's case the things were a little different...

She starts to sweat after eating the pill..  also the color of his sweat was black. Honestly, this was something not very nice to see and it also has a smell a little bit strong.

"... Kurisu-san will be alright?"

"I think that what damages a person's energy channels are impurities that are observed in the body over time... so these must come out in the form of that black sweat ... what we are seeing now must simply be the effect of the pill, so don't worry Saeko-chan ”

"... she 'll probably be pretty embarrassed when she realizes her appearance."

"Well... we did not know what would happen with the consumption of that pill... also what matters is that her energy channels are restored and as long she doesn't have any problem, then something like this should not matter "

"... you're right, but will better we find some side for her to clean up herself after or she will surely get a trauma if she has to leave that way to the city"

"T-This box has a bathroom..."

" ... Worthily the box of a King"

The prince who was also watching the 3 with curiosity tells us that. Maybe because he was concentrating watching the effect of the pills, he didn't notice my words… or it could just be that he forgot that he should hide that.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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