Soul Evolution System

Chapter 179 Auction House (Part 2)

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Kurisu and the two people from the guild Nurt begin to go through the process of assimilation of the pills, and after a few minutes the first to come out of that state are Rulnemt and Palmir, it seems that the restoration pill has a stronger effect than the limit-break ones...

Or maybe it's because Kurisu's energy channels were stunted and that's why the process takes longer… I think it will take her a while until she can complete the assimilation of that pill. While watching her stable aura and how it grows a little with each passing minute, everything seems fine and so I do not think anything bad will happen to her.

“Everyone be welcome to our monthly auction. Surely a lot s of you will find something you like in our select variety of objects! "

Suddenly the venue lights dim a bit and in the next instant a man walks to the podium while his voice is heard throughout the venue. The place had gotten a bit dark, but it was probably just to create a good atmosphere for the moment since you could still see everything clearly enough.

Then the man who had entered the podium begins to speak again, this time to introduce himself and comment a bit about their auction house, also he greet to some people who should be regular customers here and finally explains the rules of the auction.

…Honestly if it was a beautiful girl who would explain these things, I would be more attentive to what he was saying. So after he explains that the minimum increase in bids was 10,000 Gold and that only multiples of that amount could be used to place a bid, my interest in what he says is totally lost and then I just wait until other people bring the first item to display.

“ Well, probably if I keep talking I will bore you all, so we better get on with the stuff that everyone came here for.

Our first items are a set of 100 armor and weapons J-rank that were made by the "Burning Iron" blacksmiths guild of this Area. Saying this, I probably don't have to talk about its quality and reliability.

The auction for this armors and weapons will start at 350 thousand Gold ”



"400 thousand!"




Looking at the first item they auctioned, I can't help but be a little disappointed. Well, since a lot of men who were in the middle of the auction house fight over these, then maybe they shouldn't be such a bad thing and it just wasn't that it got much of my attention.

"To be weapons of the lowest rank, these sell quite well ..."

“Well, that's mainly because they're creations from that blacksmith guild. They are the most famous here in the capital and their works have always been very good and since it is a set of 100, these draws much attention from several other organizations that have attended, although they are surely only small or newly formed organizations.

In most of the organizations, they like that their members, or the most important ones, use similar equipment to show their unit. It is also a symbol to prove that they are good enough to provide their members with good equipment, so that is why they sell very well ”

"I see... don't you plan to bid for these for your guild, Rulnemt ?"

"Well... as you say, they are low-ranking equipment and these would not help us much"

The price of that set kept increasing and soon this exceeded the amount of 500 thousand G. So I can't help but exclaim with a bit of surprise and Rulnemt immediately tells me why this was so.

My group was only women and now we were too few to think about using a set of armor with the same design...  also, if I think more carefully, the nanotube suits are very similar to each other and that is why the girls seem to be dressed very similarly to each other. 

Although the material of my clothes is the same, the design is quite different so I was the only one who would be using something different from our group...

In addition, our team is rank H... I wondering me how much get it if I sold these suits as a set?

The auction for these objects finally comes to a conclusion and a man from within the crowd in the center of the auction room gets that set for an amount of 570,000 Gold. So to my disappointment, the next items were things similar to the first... well, at least these were increasing in rank and so I could see how much a set of 20 armor and weapons H-rank cost ... a person of one box paid 1 million 700 thousand G for these... almost 100 thousand for each one.

Now I understood that organizations were willing to pay a lot to make their men appear more united by dressing in the same way.

“The following is also a set, although this one is a little different than the previous ones… although these items are not meant to make guild members look imposing and enhance the unity among themselves.

Instead these are more for the protection of people... due to this reason, they are one of the pieces of equipment most wanted by strong people since they can save the life of their bearer.

They can be distributed among the most important members of their guilds, or if you are the leader, it is not a bad idea to save them for you since they are not very easy to get.

I am talking about 10 anti-critic bracelets that came into our hands from a craftsman from a Level 2 Area. ”

"Wooh, that is so great! … Unfortunately, I spent everything I had in one of the previous sets of armors ”

“… If that's all you had, then even if you still had it now, you probably won't even be able to get these. 

So you shouldn't feel bad… I haven't bought anything, but I still don't think I have enough for these bracelets ”

"It's true... but if they were sold individually maybe I would have a chance to get one of these. "

After the long presentation of the new object, it finally shows a box with 10 silver-colored bracelets that make many men who were in the center get up to see them better, and then seconds later the murmurs begin to be heard among all of them.

This time I was no exception either and was also quite interested in those bracelets. I had already seen their use and understood how valuable they were when I shot the royal guard before... these bracelets were like buying a second life for the girls in my group!

" Auction each of those bracelets separately!!"

"It is true!! In that way then more people can go home with one of them!! ”

"Calm down gentlemen. If they were just normal anti-critic bracelets, then I think it would be fair for everyone to do what you say... unfortunately, as I said earlier, these bracelets are a set and it is not just that we want to sell them together.

The person who created them was a very jealous woman and so because of her character, she added to these a magical system of communication and tracking... it is said that this artisan woman is married to an adventurer but since she wanted to know where he was and to be able to communicate with him at all times, it became a habit to apply these effects to her creations...

This may sound like a demerit for these bracelets, but if they are purchased by a single organization then this shouldn't matter! ”

I was worried that the auction host would take into account the words of the people who started complaining to make these bracelets auctioned separately, but then his next explanation leaves everyone in silence.

Got damn! That sounded more like those bracelets instead of protecting the life of their wearer, instead, they came with a curse included!... I feel a little sorry for that man who married with that artisan.

“E-emmm… like I said, I think they are still very good items. So the auction of this anti-critic bracelet set will start at 5 million G! ”

Noticing that the atmosphere got a little strange, the host quickly tries to continue the auction by giving the price of these. Unfortunately it seems that what he said had baffled everyone and because of this everything remained silent too and no one made a bid after his words... or also can be that the price is too high? 

…It was 5 million for these bracelets after all!

" What is the value of an anti-critic bracelet?"

"Normally a single one is around the worth of 1 million G. " Although they are disposable after the anti-critical effect is used, this one is still very valuable after all... but I think the added effects are not very Useful since you can get objects that do the same and also for a much lower cost, not to mention that this bracelet would be destroyed if its main purpose is fulfilled.

So those skills added to those bracelets shouldn't influence their value. "

The prince who was sitting next to me answers my question. I thought it was a lot to pay 5 million for these, but it seems that the sale started at a lower price than what they usually have in the market... well, also I agree that its main effect is quite valuable and the others do not matter as much.

"5 million!! ”

Since no one had made an offer, I am the first to speak and breaking the silence that had formed and caused several people to direct their eyes towards us... although surely they cannot see us.

Although the added effects were not well heard by what the host said before about the creator of these bracelets, for me, they were a good thing and also the price was more than reasonable... I think he should have avoided the matter of the artisan.

"Well... it seems that the people of the Royal house can see the value of these bracelets. S-Someone else wants to offer for them ... if you don't do it, then you will lose this opportunity! ”

"We are not-mmmm"

"We all know that we are not of the royal family so you don't need to say anything, Lorens-kun"

Since the host's words seemed to touch the switch of the prince, it wants to intervene to deny these and therefore I have to stop him before he does. Thanks to this, his guards look at me suspiciously... but if for any reason someone from the buyers thinks that his words are true, the objective of using this room loses its use!

So even with the concern that his guards would act, I had to do this... it is good that they seem to understand that I did not intend to harm the prince.

"These bracelets will be auctioned at one... at two... at half-past two... at two and ¾..."

"Damn it, sound the hammer in this damn instant!!"

"... W-Well, these bracelets were won by the people in that box"

I am almost completely sure that due to the previous events about the creator of these bracelets, the host had lost a bit of calm, and due to this, he made the mistake of addressing us as the Royal family.

Until now, during the auction he had simply addressed others as gentlemen, even to those in the boxes.

It is probably to so that the influence of the organizations that were there did not intimidate others to make offers. It was very likely that everyone knew who this box belonged to, but if he still makes it more obvious and says that the royal family made the offer, I think there will not be many people who want to oppose them.

All this is even more clear when the pretty darn extends the time to sound the hammer! When someone made an offer, until now he'd just said 1, 2, 3, and sold. So seeing this, I can't help but yell at that guy to hurry up to close the deal.

"I-It looks like you got a good buy, Alexander-kun..."

"Kekeke, not only that. With the veil that the manager gave me, then it is as if I had obtained them for free!

Also, I still have half of that money! ”

" " ... " "

"L-Let's continue with the auction, the next item is..."

The auction continues and they present the following article that does not attract much my attention. But Rulnemt is right and I think I made a very good deal, so I can't help but feel happy about this.

“Here is the item you won, young master… you made a very good purchase. Honestly, I thought these items would sell for a much higher price... "

Not long after, the manager re-enters here but this time he is carrying the 10 bracelets and then he hands it to me with a slightly bitter smile on his face.

Accepting these from his hands, I simply reply nodding and smiling. The truth was that I wanted to tease about the auction house a bit for this, but I knew it would n't be very good to touch the resent wound to cause more pain for them now.

This old man was still a man in the 9th limit, and also one who has several others like him under his command. That he didn't seem angry or retracted the sale was good enough.

Although I think they most likely didn't lose a single Gold in this auction either and only their profits had declined a bit, so I don't think this is something for which they have to tarnished their reputation.

Also seeing that this man doesn't take it in such a bad way, I can see that his organization is one that keeps its word.

After handing him the coupon he had given me previously, he just marks it to indicate that now this paper was only worth 5 million and he returns it to me again… it really amazes me a bit how something so simple can gain so much value just because it supports by someone with enough influence.

"I hope you find some else to your liking, Young Master"

Saying that, the manager curtsies and withdrawn. So when he leaves, I turn my eyes to the small case that I held and had 10 silver-colored bracelets with several runes on them. In addition to being responsible for making them have their effect, these also gave it a quite pleasant appearance for the view.

[Anti-critical communication and tracking bracelet -H]

A set of 10 bracelets created from Magic-steel embedded with magic runes. Has communication, tracking, and anti-critic skills.

As an object that has the anti-critical ability, it will be destroyed once this is activated. It is capable of stopping a fatal attack or one that can cause a lot of damage to the user within its range or weaken an attack of a higher range.

[Anti-criticism] [Magical communication] [Tracking]

...since the description of the bracelet did not say anything about its creator, I believe that this information was obtained by the auction house... if only they knew that, I insist again that it was much better than this information be kept only for them.

I planned to immediately give a bracelet to each of the 3 girls who accompanied me, but seeing that Scythe and Saeko were still closely monitoring Kurisu, then I decided to do it later.

So I turn my eyes back to the podium to see if there were any other cool things worth buying.

It seemed that the host had recovered from his previous stumble and with great encouragement announced each of the objects that other people brought to the podium. Everything was going well and the auction was running smoothly, but then, suddenly this is interrupted by someone...

"W-What is this thing?!! Nooo! I-I'm all sticky… a-also this smells like fish! ”

" " E-eh? " ”

This quite surprised everyone present at the auction...  in addition, our group being the ones that sharing the room with the person responsible for this was even more so. She even made the prince who was entertained by watching everything that was auctioned jumps out of his seat ...

…I think it goes without saying that the person responsible for all this was Kurisu, who had finally finished assimilating completely the restoration pill I gave her. When she opened her eyes, she instantly realized the state she was in and it seems that this surprised her a lot...

I think her words explained her current appearance very well and we who were observing her did not find what she said strange, but… very likely if people cannot see her, then what she said may lead others to misinterpret things.

And apparently, that is precisely what happens... everyone at the auction turns their eyes towards our box and immediately murmurs begin to be heard throughout the auction house. Honestly, for me this did not pose a problem, but the guards of the prince start to shake and sweat when they hear some of the things that other people say...



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

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