Soul Evolution System

Chapter 180 Auction House (Part 3)

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"This smell is too pungent! S-Surely even after I bathe 100 times this smell won't go away... Why didn't you tell me that this strange liquid was coming out?! ”

“E- Emmm … I didn't know that would happen that Kurisu. After all, it was the first time that... "

Unaware of what she had caused, she continues to scream and even I am also involved in this... this surely is heard as something even worse from the other side of the glass where the people could not see what was happening here.

…Now that I think about it, my response to Kurisu wasn't very good either. To reassure her, I try to explain things to her since Kurisu was yelling at me, and because of this, I reflexively also raised my voice to answer her, but unfortunately, it seems that I only add more fuel to the fire.

But there was nothing I could do for this! I was going to say that this was the first time that we were using energy channel restoration pills, but when remembering that it would n't be very good if I said that, then I had to stop my words!

“ Y-you two, please don't go through with this… this is very bad! ”

"How can I keep quiet about this? This is disgusting! ... g- gueeh ... Damn! Because of you, I swallowed a little of that strange liquid!... gueeh ... it tastes horrible!! ”

"" ... ""

Bartol, the prince's guard is not being able to bear all this anymore and intervenes to try to stop this but only manages to make things worse... in truth this has altered Kurisu too much that she doesn't even seem to worry about who she yells at... surely even if the King himself were here, he would receive the same treatment.

But I don't think anyone can blame her, that black liquid really didn't look nice at all and even I feel a little nauseous imagining that some of this accidentally gets into my mouth.

“You said there was a bathroom here, right? I took Kurisu-san there. So please show me where this is "

"I-It's behind that door..."

Seeing that Kurisu was about to cry and vomit, Saeko intervenes asking that to the prince's group and the other guard immediately points to a door. So in the next instant, they both go in that direction and disappear behind the door.

… Well, for now I think that tranquility can return here to this space.

“D-Did you hear that? I wonder what is happening in the King's box… ”

"I-Isn't it obvious? Surely the king had come to see the auction along with some woman to entertain himself… b-but apparently, she is probably inexperienced in these matters ”

"I thought King was too in love to get their hands on another woman apart from the Queen... but it seems that is not very different from other nobles to have some women to please him"

"I-I don't think it was the King... I heard the voice of a child and he also said that this was his first time... I think that's why it is more logical that it was the little prince who is in these place "

"There is also another option... that woman may not have been a lover or something like that and maybe she was the princess... I have heard that she pampers the little prince and that's why there are rumors that she prefers young boys... perhaps the young man's voice there was his brother's replacement to somehow satisfy her forbidden love… ”

"It may be true ... I do not think the princess has experience in that and that is why she reacts that way"

"Shut up everyone!! Is it that you all want to be hung?!! ”

With the silence returning to our box, the murmurs of the crowd become clearer and so that we can hear them perfectly…  things turned into something quite bad in truth.

"Y-You ... what have you two done? Because of this, the reputation of the royal family has been ruined! 

...we are dead now”

I-I don't think they can blame us for all this... it seems that those murmurs are also due to some actions of the Royal family's own people. What happened was just like the trigger that unchains everything...

Well... sure being the trigger for this, it is still pretty a bad thing. There is no alternative, I can only resort to my last option!

"Haa? Bartol-san ... what are those people saying? How does the King entertain himself with a woman? Do they play something? What game do they play? Can we do it too?

Also, it seems that the prince is very lucky since his sister seems to love him very much... but I don't understand what they mean by forbidden love? Is it wrong to love your brothers? ”

"E-eh? Th-that's… ”

"Bartol! I also want to know what is the game my dad plays here, tell me quickly! It's not fair that he was only the one who plays it and has fun!

Besides... a-although it is embarrassing, I also love my big sister... Why did these people say that this is something prohibited? ”

"P-Prince ... t-that game is... t-the princess feeling was..."

"Don't say anything silly Bartol! If you don't want the princess to get mad for teaching the prince strange things, then be quiet!

Prince… those people only drew the wrong conclusions… the King does not play any game and of course it is something normal for the brothers to love each other ”

"I see…"

When Bartol was about to complain to me about what happened recently, then putting on the most childish face that I can do, I begin to bombard him with questions just like a boy who for the first time is curious about how babies are made and ask his father about this would act... I have never experienced that personally, but seeing how Bartol acts for this, it is surely something very uncomfortable.

Furthermore, to make matters worse for him, the prince also seems to be interested in this and immediately begins to do the same as me… it seems that he got caught up in the flow of this that he even forgot the matter of his identity.

But then before he could answer something concrete, Vernet intervenes stopping him. As I had thought, the prince's attitude must be because he is someone who has been very protected with the things of the world.

…Although hearing all these things, I must say that now I am a little interested in the princess of this kingdom. I wonder what kind of person she will be and also if I can see her someday? Perhaps it is not impossible since I have befriended with the prince... besides, I think the daughter of the lord of Barl works for her or something like that according to what I heard from him...

"I wonder what the King will do to us when he finds out about this..."

“…Don't worry Bartol. It is impossible that there are not some rumors when a person is someone important and so the King must be used to it and should not take this as something very serious...

I don't think the King gets very angry about this and so we will most likely just be scolded… at worst we will only be locked up in the dungeon for a month as punishment ”

"... that sounds pretty bad to me"

I agree with Bartol... I really don't want to be locked up for a month in a dungeon for something like this, I could n't see the girls for all that time! Well... since Kurisu and Saeko are with me in this, then maybe they lock me up together with them?, that would continue to be something bad. I don't want the girls to will be locked up, so I hope these guys take responsibility for this.

...they are men in the 9th limit and therefore their status in the Kingdom should not be so low, right? They will surely be somewhat forgiving for this.

"W-Well ... let's continue with the auction"

Also, even I feel a little sorry for the host of the auction now... I think this was probably the strangest one auction that he has ever carried out in his life.

"I-I think there are still some good things left in the auction... I hope can get something good for our guild."

"Y-yes ..."

Rulnemt and Palmir who remained on the sidelines of all this during all this time, speak wanting to change the subject and the environment of the box… that seems good to me, but these damn ones left me in a moment of need and even the prince was more useful than them.

“The following article comes from around this capital and apparently this one did a lot of damage in this region. He was the leader of one of the bands of thieves greater here and was someone who torments travelers, but recently was captured and turned into a slave!

This is the bandit Klimco, his strength is at the 5th limit and almost reaching the 6th! He will certainly be someone good as cannon fodder, explorer of dangerous places, or as a personal guardian for some of you!! ”

" Emmm... I think I've seen that face before. Whatever, there is one thing more important than this and it is that I didn't think people were going to be auctioned here..."

"Well, people like him are sometimes useful resources as the host has explained "

This time that thing that is brought at the podium was not an object and was rather a man with his arms restrained by handcuffs and that also had a nice necklace that seemed made iron on his neck...

"Master... prey... trapped... Saeko... escaped? Catch... again? ”

"Hmn? Oh, is true! It's that thief from before… how small is the world”

"Is it someone you know, boy?"

“Well… let's say we met for a short time. My group is responsible for the fact that he has become a slave now”

As I watched the thief on the podium, suddenly Scythe who had positioned herself next to me after the other girls went to the bathroom points at him and begin to speak and making me remember that guy. He was the boss thief in the last gang of thieves we sold to a slave trader before.

... I thought it would stay longer with that trader because he said that would get money from him visiting many of their friends and acquaintances of both of them... one will surely be happy about it while the other probably not.

Well, if I think about it, probably a person who has a grudge against him would pay once to be able to let off steam, but surely doing it twice would be more of a waste of money.  So after having visited all merchants that could be affected by this thief, then that merchant must have brought him to sell it here ... they must be very busy days for both.

"He looks like something beaten, but he only has a couple of broken bones and this will surely heal quickly.

As everyone should know, capturing a man of this force alive is not easy and because of that, this is something normal. ”

... that's a lie. When we delivered him, the guy was fine. So his injuries now are due to things that happened after that... that slave merchant must have hidden what he did with that guy and only pretended that his condition was due to his capture... well, even if he were to tell the truth about the man's wounds, surely no one would mind that given who he was.

Still, in truth slave traders are not trustworthy at all ...

"Why does it have to be a succulent and stinky guy to be auctioned off? I think a pretty girl would be better ... "

" I agree with you, Alexander-kun!

Unfortunately, this auction is more directed to organizations and because of this, usually the girls good - looking are sold at other auctions more focused for wealthy merchants and nobles "

That makes sense and explains why only items like weapons, armor, potions, and so on have been auctioned until now. It would be interesting to go to one of those auctions that Rulnemt talks about. 

Although to do this, then it would be best if I went alone and didn't bring the girls with me... otherwise even if I like an article there, in the end I couldn't bid on it.

"No wonder of this perverted sub-leader, but boy ... I did not think you liked the idea of enslaving a woman to serve you. Besides... I also thought you were more innocent in that regard.

No... if I remember correctly, there was also what happened before in our guild. Your eyes were not those of someone who did not know the meaning of those topics... "

"E-eh? I-Is it wrong to have someone to serve you food and fix your clothes? ...I just thought it would be much better than hiring a maid since I don't have to pay a slave after all, right? ”

Shit! I forget that at this moment I should look like someone innocent and pure... but Palmir, do you want me to share the blame for what happened a moment ago with these guards? Stop talking about things from the past!


I try to give Palmir a strong look so that she doesn't continue with her words, but it can't seem to intimidate her much and instead she looks at me with narrowed eyes. Without another choice, I better try to change the subject.

"You have not bought anything... to continue like this, I think you will lose the 500 thousand G that you paid to can entering the auction"

“Well… they haven't shown anything that seems very useful to us after all. I think this is not our lucky day… let's see if the following article is a good thing ”

The thief's auction does not last long, it seems that this only attracts the attention of some not so strong organizations since the people who led those groups were between the 6th and 7th limit. Even so, its value was not so little and it managed to sell for an amount of 3 million 8 hundred thousand G.

Surely that merchant will be happy about that... looking at the state that thief was in, I can deduce that they visit many other merchants to offer to vent their fury for the times that this guy stole them. So if you add that amount at that price, then surely he got a good profit.

"The next item in the auction is about a set of 10 Herbs " Pearls of Mana ". As some should know, this is the main ingredient for energy channel restoration pills.

With this amount of plants and if you know a good alchemist, then can make transform these in at least a couple of those precious pills!!

The alchemist has 10 attempts, so even if not very good, with the experience he gained during all the attempts, he can likely succeed in creating pill restoration to the end... if the alchemist is good, as I said, you can have several pills in your hands!! ”

Oooh! It seems that unlike Rulnemnt, this is indeed my lucky day! 10 mana pearl plants… plus, I know an alchemist who came from a Level 2 Area!

I can surely expect Lena to be at least 50% successful! And I think that's a bit of a pessimistic thought!

"The auction will start at 3 million for this set of herbs!"

"3 million 100 thousand!"

"3 million 300 thousand!"

"3 million 500 thousand!"

"4 millions!!"

The host just stops talking and then a shower of offers begins ... shit! The price really is this rising rapidly!

"5 million !!"

Quickly I also make my offer by raising my voice in the middle of the other buyers, then when the people notice where the voice came from the bids stop for a moment. But it was a pity that these plants meant a lot to some people who also bid and who did not mind having to compete for these with the Royal house...

"5 million 100 thousand !!"

"5 million 200 thousand"

" Tch ... 6 million !!"


With another million increase, I reaffirm my position and interest in these herbs. It seems that this works, and those who continue to bid on the herbs make a sour face and give up. Then the host immediately asks to see if someone else makes a bigger offer, but everyone continues in silence. So after he hit the little hammer of wood 3 times, the host announces my victory!

As on the previous occasion, the manager enters the door again but this time bringing with him a larger box than before and which containing the herbs.

"Well, the auction is almost at the end, so if together with the voucher I gave you we also add the fee of the people in your group to enter here, there will only be a difference of 100,000 Gold that the young master will have to pay..."

"No, my group is only 4 people and so it would only be 5 million 400 thousand what I have in my favor and it should only subtract 600 thousand Gold to pay off the debt "

“Wait, Alexander… let the manager deduct the entry fee from us as well. As the manager says, almost ends the auction and so it is best that money has a use "

"That's true Alexander-kun, our guild couldn't do much to help you with the things you had to do in the capital, so I'd like you to accept that. Besides, you have also given us enough with those pills of before... that small amount does not compare with the value of these "

As I was preparing to take out the Gold Difference I needed to pay, the prince and Rulnemt step in. Seeing how the first one to speak caresses his new weapon that was now on the waist, I accept their goodwill smiling and nodding.

So, in the end, I only give 100 thousand Gold to the manager as he had originally asked me... seriously, I did not think that I would achieve such good things just having to pay 500 thousand G if we add the fee to enter the auction that I had to pay for the girls and myself.

Without a doubt, this was a very good day for me!!



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

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Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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