Soul Evolution System

Chapter 181 Auction House (Part 4)

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"Fuuu ... I feel so much better now... I really thought that scent would not go away."

Several minutes later, Kurisu and Saeko leave the bathroom that this room had. I must say that if this place had something like that, then the king should not be as pure as I thought since I can only think about one thing to what which he would use this bathroom...

Furthermore, it seems that Saeko also took advantage of the moment to bathe together with Kurisu. I think without a doubt seeing a person in the state Kurisu was in would generate an impulse in any person to also clean himself... in fact, I was very tempted to go along with the girls to also clean myself but it was a pity that it had to look if there was nothing else that was good in this auction. was a shame that they did not auction something else that caught my attention at this time, so it seems that it passes a good opportunity to interact with the girls by nothing. In the following auctions they only continued with weapons and armor, but now these reached the G-rank. They were not bad, but the price for these was several million, and frankly they were not something that our group needed for now. Also, I did not want to buy a piece of equipment only for one girl and that the others looked at me with some reproach for that.

“It looks like you lost your chance to“ Accidentally ”go into the bathroom with the girls, boy. 

Just like this perverted sub-leader has done several times in moments when I am taking a bath… ”

"Th-those were accidents, Palmir. You shouldn't hold a grudge for these times... "

Seeing that I had my eyes on the girls who now had damp hair and smelled of shampoo, Palmir speaks to me… she can be a terrifying woman for knowing my thoughts so well. Also, I think that what happened in the guild when we were testing weapons is not something that happens in isolation and instead happens often... from what I could see from my evaluation, I know that Rulnemt's luck is good and so maybe is because of that.

..or maybe it's because of Palmer lucks to be bad? Well, no matter which of the two was out. What I can assure it's that she makes a mistake in something.

"That 's where you 're wrong, Palmir... 

The times when I can appreciate the beauty of the girls without them using something of clothes, or when I have the opportunity to see for myself their charms it is not something that I want to happen by accident...

Kekeke, I enjoy being more the one responsible for those things happening and that both sides being fully aware of such things than to these just be whims of fate!"


“Th-That was a very profound thought, Alexander-kun… 

I am totally moved! ”

"Foolish Alex..."

"Fufufu, well, I think it's better to be prepared for things like that than someone takes you unawares "

It seems that in the end, Palmir had not swallowed my performance of being someone pure and then she says that to me. Even so, I thank her for saying this in a low voice so that the prince's guards do not listen to her... although she may also do so because what she said involved embarrassing moments of herself.

Then Kurisu and Saeko who stand next to me reach to hear my murmurs and making the first one complain while blushing, and the second one only smiles while giving her point of view.

The other two from the Nurt guild who also listen to me react differently. The one who had started this conversation is amazed at my response, while her sub-leader looks at me as if he had just obtained a divine revelation...

“Well, we have reached the penultimate item in this auction. Honestly, our auction house does not like to deal much with objects like this since their origin, value, and authenticity may not be very exact...

So the responsibility of obtaining it will be left to our audience, we can only assure the following details of the next object.

This item was sourced from a 9th limit member of the Gremlar Guild…. As everyone knows, this guild seems to have disappeared on an expedition in the “ Selva Rozz” Area which is a huge nest of monsters.

It is a map that apparently indicates a destination in this area and since it is made on the skin of a soul level 2 monster, it surely hides something very important.

Unfortunately, we can not ensure what is there... it can be a treasure, a tomb of a man with soul level 2 with sufficient force as to marry monsters of the same level, or also lead to a place full of monsters dangerous ...

This is more a bet to discover what is there ... who knows? Maybe there is something that can make a guild become the most powerful in this area!

So our auction house can only wish for the buyer to be lucky... the initial auction price of this item is one million!! I think it is a small amount for the possibility of obtaining a great treasure, so do not miss it!! ”


"One million... "

The following article that showing the Auctioneer was a piece of skin rolled up like a scroll... but by more that he tries to embellish things, as he said, that was more a bet in which there is also a great opportunity to this simply be something that someone with a lot of free time to waste wrote!

Also, from what he said, it seems that a guild that had several people in the 9th limit was exterminated finding that or trying to get there... although if it is for the first option, then I think there are more possibilities that this map hides something important.

If it is the second... perhaps that map will lead another guild to its doom. If so, more than a treasure map, then that thing was a cursed object!

Seeing as everyone in the auction look at each other and the time that passes until someone finally makes the first offer, certainly I was not the only one who thought that. The person who buys it must be someone who really trusts in his luck... or someone very naive.

"One million 10 thousand"

"One million 20 thousand"

Although it seems there are still some crazy people trying to get it... well, it doesn't seem to be such a coveted thing either since the price of that item is rising in value very slowly compared to previous items.

"10 million!!!"

Suddenly, someone changes the pattern of this by bidding 10 times the starting price…

"I wonder what is happening today with the Royal family?... it seems that they only came to this auction to attract attention"

"Well... if we forget the cry of the woman of before, the items bought by them recently were good and reasonably priced, and so things they did was not so abnormal. 

But now it seems that they want to show us how rich they are by buying something that can be useless for that amount… ”

"I am happy that at least they have not intervened when auctioned the 5 pills limit-break earlier. Thanks to that, I could get one of these for 4 million and 200 thousand G.

So thanks to these were pretty good ones, I could augment a limit very easily in minutes! ”

"That is true... it would be unfair if apart from having obtained all those mana pearl plants, they also took those pills"

That's right, the person responsible for that offer was none other than the prince who was close to me and who had risen with great emotion to bid for that map... Damn! I agree that this 's just something like throw pearls to pigs… if he wanted it that much, then surely he could get it for a much lower value than that!

Is this how rich people who don't care about the money act? This little boy just dropped 9 million with a big smile on his face...

" L-Leader... if you wanted that map, why didn't you talk to us? ”

"Prince... C-Congratulations on your purchase"

"My one-year salary has almost the same value as that piece of skin?..."

After a few seconds of processing what had happened, the first to speak was Rulnemt who surely regrets that those 9 million were wasted like that. From the face of suffering that has, he surely thinks that perhaps he could have made the prince better invest them in his guild than instead of on that map.

Vernet, who probably not wanting to spoil how happy the prince was now for having won the map, decides to simply congratulate him… although seeing the sweat on his forehead and that even he addressing him with his true identity, it is almost certain that the punishment for this may be even worse from what happened with Kurisu earlier.

On the other hand, the other guard Bartol seems that at this moment he has an existential crisis... it is really sad that a person in the 9th limit compares himself to a piece of skin.

" Isn't that obvious, Rulnemt? I needed to get that map before anyone else!

Didn't you hear the host say that this one leads to a treasure? It will certainly be a great adventure to be able to get this great treasure!! ”, I don't think many people would fight to get this map... surely the bids would stop before reaching a million and a half seeing how things were going.

"Congratulations on your purchase to the people in that box! They really appreciate good things! ”

Undoubtedly, now the second one more happiest must be the host of the auction that shows on his face the biggest smile that I have seen him make in all this time... the first one,  of course was Lorens-kun who receives the map from the manager and immediately begins to examine it as if that piece of skin were the treasure itself while Vernet tells the manager to take the receipt of payment to the castle to they pay off the debt.

" What do you know about the Gremlar Guild and the Rozz Jungle Area, Rulnemt? ”

"Haaa ... that organization was one of the greatest in the kingdom of Denla until recently, even is said that they were thinking of moving its base to an area of Level 2.  The last that was heard of them was that all their strong members suddenly disappeared or died on an expedition...

Well... if others found the body of one of its members dead with that map, then it is certain that what happened was the second thing.

So after that guild suddenly lost its strongest members, the fate of this guild soon spread to all the others of them and that guild completely disappeared several months ago.

Unfortunately, to make a name for yourself and to stand out from the rest it is sure that you will also gain many enemies... and as you should know, the loss of the main pillars in something will only lead to the collapse of this.

As for the jungle area of Rozz, it is a very hostile area for humans' lives as monsters density there is very high. Therefore, this place is treated like a hunting and training area by various organizations with some reputation in various other Areas.

It is also a level 1 Area just like this one, but a lot more dangerous if you compare both places. It is not difficult to find monster groups in the ninth limit there… which is a very bad thing even for the most famous organizations here ”

Since the prince had bought the map, I thought it wouldn't hurt to know about things related to it. But more and more that map seemed like a cursed thing to me... well, that has nothing to do with me and most likely only remains in the hands of that prince without being able to be used, after all, I don't think the King will allow him to go to a place as dangerous as the one Rulnemt describes.

“Alexander, with this map we can go on an adventure to obtain that treasure!! Our two organizations can go together in one search for it!!

It will surely be something very exciting, don't you think? !! ”

"... L- Lorens-kun, the truth is that in the next 2 or 3 months I will be a little busy and I don't think I can go on an expedition to find some treasure... so I think it is better that you go along with your guild"

"I see…"

Damn it! I didn't want to share the same fate as the guild that had that map before and so I quickly turned down his offer. Furthermore, it was true that I would be busy for the following months.

I have to buy the food from the Lord of Barl, take these to HOTD, and most importantly, I also have to start preparing to go to another world with my grimoire.

I have to decide which world would be more convenient to go at the moment. Also, for now I do not know very well how long I will stay there. It may only be a few weeks, or also several months after all...

“Then we will go there in 3 months and so you can also go, we should do it together after all!! Also… during that time, I can plan how to convince my father or escape from the castle… ”


It seems that the little Lorens-kun had not yet given up about I accompany him... I appreciate this since I can only see it as if he really considers me his friend to even invite me to found a treasure... although you can also see it as if he wanted to send me to death together with he.


Also, what he says sounds very dangerous! I may be accused of kidnapping a prince if he escapes to can go there...

“…Perhaps if I ask my sister to accompany me, then my father will allow me to go and look for that treasure? ”

"Ok, Lorens-kun!!  If you can get to make your sister come, then I will accompany you there!! You have 3 months to convince her… ”

…With that simple murmur of him, now things had changed a lot!

Don't people say that to meet a princess you have to fight with a dragon? So fighting with a few monsters at the 9th limit was much less dangerous to meet a princess, this is definitely a great bargain!

In 3 months I must be stronger and therefore the risk should be much lower too! Also, I am willing to be accused for kidnapping a princess!

"W-well ..."


"Fufufu, it seems that in 3 months we will go on an adventure... "

"If Alexander-kun's group joins us, then I think this would be safer."

"I do not believe that the King allows his successor to go to such a dangerous place..."

"I agree with Palmir-san"

"Bartol... do you forget that the princess is very lenient with the prince? Surely if he pleads with her for 3 months in a row, then she will most likely end up accepting ”

It seems that everyone has their own problems, anyway, now my first concern was to try to imagine the princess... seeing the delicate features of the prince, she as a woman should be very remarkable one, right?

“To end tonight's auction, the last item that will be showcased and probably which some of you already have an idea of ​​what it is, it is the next.

It is the body of a Demon Ape that attacked the kingdom's capital in the previous invasion of the monster a few weeks ago. In order to defeat him, 4 of the largest guilds in the kingdom had to unite. Unfortunately, this was thanks to many wounded and several dead... including 2 people in the 9th limit.

I probably don't need to say the value of this monster... all parts of its body can be used for alchemy, equipment building, magic scrolls, and many other things. Given the strength of this, everything that is created from it sure will be of very good quality.

The auction will start at 10 million, so everyone can make a bid! ”

"11 million!"

"11 and a half million !!"

"12 millions!!"

The following article was quite striking... that monster's body covered a good part of the podium where the host was and although it should already be dead, its presence was still quite impressive...

“… It would have been better to obtain that body than just a piece of skin from a monster with a level 2 of soul. With all that body, we could surely make several H rank armor or even reach G rank if you hire a good blacksmith… besides, scrolls for the protection of our guild members would also be a good option. ”

"Don't worry Rulnemt, perhaps the map indicates the location of various monsters like that!"

“… I really hope you're wrong about that… leader.

It would not be a good thing to find several 9th ​​limit monsters ... no matter how valuable these are, you can only make a profit if you kill them and to achieve that is not an easy task at all... you can ask those 4 guilds that killed that Ape Demon ”

“You two don't have an adventurer 's heart! You should not do things just for profit, the adventure is the thing more important overall! "

While the Nurt guild discusses their differences of opinion, the auction continues and the value of that body rises rapidly... in addition because of the quantities that were offered by the people, the only ones who participated were people who had their own boxes.

In the end, the auction ends with this being sold for the value of 22 million G... I really didn't think it was worth that much... perhaps the prince's idea of ​​hunting one of those monsters isn't so far-fetched.

… Although to hunt such a monster, it is true that the best thing would be to wait a while.

With the auction over, people start to get up from their seats and retreat. In the case of people who had boxes, they leave by the exclusive paths that these had to get outside.

This was a good way to avoid problems, as although these people in the boxes were important and strong people, it was not wrong to be careful. Since the information on these passages was only known to the auction house itself and the owners, they were quite secure and thus prevented an ambush by someone to stealing them outside.

The latter was our case, so we also went out through the passage and immediately headed towards the Nurt guild. Everything had turned out quite well and with everything that I had to do here in the capital finished, then it was time to return to Barl and then to the forest near to Rek.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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