Soul Evolution System

Chapter 182 Leaving the capital of the Kingdom

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(POV Rika)

Almost a month had passed since Alexander and some of the girls left on a trip to the capital… I hope they are well. Well, remembering everything he had achieved in our world, I do not think that they have many difficulties, and if they do, then I think that they will solve it.

But maybe I don't have that much time to worry about them since now I had my own problems...

"Rika, another group of women has just arrived to Barl... it seems that your little fiancé has been very busy all this time"


While we guard to protect workers who were building the mansion that Alexander had asked to them do, a group of about 30 women with Milene at the head of them arrives the forest where we are and when she see me quickly raises her voice.

One of the things I've been busy with is creating shifts for the guard and patrol around here. This was not very difficult since they were things for which I had been trained and that I was used to doing, if there was a complication, then it was just that the people I had to lead were not soldiers.

It was a good thing that the other girls were quite smart and obedient, so even though the monsters seemed to increase during this time as the forest was probably returning to normal, there was not a big problem with this and so far there was no some tragedy happened.

It was also due to the fact that the weapons we owned were quite effective against monsters, perhaps even better than with zombies.

On the other hand, the workers were quite fast in what they did and it only took them a couple of weeks to build the protective wall around the area that they were told. So everything was much safer for us and even if there were a large herd of monsters that came to try to take away our dominance of the place,  in the end, they ended up failing when were stopped by the wall for later were exterminated by bullets.

It can be said that everything was going very well, or it was until a couple of weeks ago Milene started bringing some women here...

The reason for this seems to be that they were women who were captured by thieves and that Alexander's group had rescued and since they did not have a place to return to, he told them to look for her.

Then, when several girls gathered in the tent of this person and not knowing what to do with them, later that damn woman just simply decided to pass the problem to the hands of another person... and unfortunately for me, these turned out to be mine.

"I want to know why only girls come here?! …Is that brat only rescued women?! ”

“Well… I think this time you can't blame the boy for that, Rei. From what I heard of other women like these who have come before, they were prisoners of thieves.

I no think there were many of them with preferences for men ... "

"Rika is right, girl. I think you should even praise him a little for doing something like this… if he hadn't, then these women would continue to suffer a lot of bad things. ”

“ … Now I understand better why Alexander-san had told us that things here were not a paradise either. If we had to come to this place on our own, things would probably be very different from now. "

Noticing to Milene, Rei and Saya approach to us. Ever since Rei saw the first batch of women that came here before, she has been complaining a lot about this. But although the situation turned into one that we had to give refuge to these women and even though she complains about this, the truth is that neither she nor another girl here could refuse to help them… all of us as women, their situation was one in that we could all empathize with.

"These women have already been checked by Shisuka and it seems that they are fine, so now I leave them to you, Rika"

"... Couldn't you really take care of a few? The truth is that there are already more than 50 women here. ”

"No, if I do that then I would have to take care of their food, clothes, and other things. All of that costs money, you know? ”

“You are a bitch… how can you collect money from someone seeing that they have had a bad time? Don't you feel compassion for them?”

“I do, and that's why I 've wasted my time bringing them here with you!

...That should be enough ”

“Milene-san… you still owe a large part of the money for the monster's bodies to Alexander-san, right? Maybe you could discount it from there ”

“… I will pay the boy when he returns.  I have been able to buy something that worth a small fortune and I only have to sell that and then I will be able to pay the boy his money and still make a big profit, hahaha!! ”

Certainly we don't have a problem in help to these women, but also it was true that this was becoming something problematic... well, also we could not deny that their arrival brought some advantages.

Unfortunately, the main problem was that at this time this place was a concentration of men working... now not only had to protect them from monsters, but also that they do not do something silly to these women.

The good thing about these women was that when we ask what is what they wanted to do in the future and I got the answer 'I do not know' from them, I offered to train them so that they could defend by themselves and then many accepted this.

For this reason, we now had more hands to protect this area. It was a good thing that the use of firearms is something that is not very difficult to carry out, so in a few days they were as lethal as a person in the 3rd limit of force in this world... or even a little plus.

It seems that these women were quite grateful to Alexander and his group, so when I was training them, they asked to let them join our organization and that they would strive to be strong. About this, I could only tell them that they would have to wait for the red-haired boy who rescued them to return... I did not want to tell them that the truth is that for now we were not even an organization affiliated with the guild, it seems that the boy prefers that it be kept a secret.

So of the group accompanying Milene now, half of them were among the first women I had previously trained. The truth is that seeing that they seemed to have recovered their spirits, I think it is a pretty good way for them to overcome their problems by themselves.

No doubt that after everything that happened to them, now they seek to have more strength to protect themselves. And after managing to kill monsters that some novice adventurers would have a lot of trouble defeating it, that had brought their confidence back quite a bit.

Leaving that aside for now, it seems that the other girls who had come with me from our world also supported the idea that Milene also should help more to these women.

The truth is that even though we want to help these women, we still had concerns that once Alexander got here, he tried to make them his women. Maybe we already decided to share him with all of us, but... add 50 women more in an instant it was something that overcomes even the girl with the mind more open here.

So it was not strange that also Saya tried to make Milene stop bringing more women here, and that she better take care of them by looking for a way for them to live on their own.

Unfortunately, this damn greedy woman rejected her proposal to use the money she owed Alexander to do that...

"You better go back to the last penny to the boy, or else... I will put you the slave necklace by myself and I will see that you work in the most shameful way you can imagine"

“Hmp ~ Now I can see that my only friend from here is Kurisu…you fuking Rika on the other hand, certainly would not hesitate to kick me out to a forest wolf pack if it is convenient for you. But don't worry, I'll give the boy all the money back.

Seriously, you aren't the wife of that guy still not completely and you're already taking charge of his wallet, I feel sorry for the boy once he takes you as his wife "

“I don't want to hear that from someone as greedy as you! Why don't you go and see if your mother hasn't kidnapped another child to marry you?! ”

“D-Damn bitch… you are never going to forget that, are you? Also, Alexander isn't that big either and he's only 12 years old yet, you know? ”

"W-Well ... according to the ethical values from ​​here, at least he is of legal age..."

“ …please stop, Saya. I know that even you cannot accept what you said… ”

"W-Well... physically he may still be developing, but mentally he is quite mature... otherwise I don't think he would have done the thing of before so calmly... also so many times"

"Hmn? What thing?"

"N-Nothing! I just was talking with myself... "

Since Milene was not going to do anything to help, I motion for her to withdraw with my hand. Now I have other things to do and I don't have time to waste on this woman. Of course, I do this not before I first vent my frustration at the rejection of her not helping with those women.

Unfortunately, she is not silent and brings up some topics that I better did not want to talk about and so that's why we ended up arguing. Saya tries to support me, she is a good girl and she is quite sensible to… unlike the other one here who on many occasions does not pay attention to what comes out of her mouth and she ends up regretting it about that.

Although like Rei, I am also very curious about the last thing Saya says with a red face... this girl... seems that she is not as shy and innocent as I had thought.

"Well, you take these women along with the others... ask them if any of them wants to be stronger to also train them later"

"Yes ma'am !!"

With Milene leaving again for Barl with some girls escorting her, I moved on to what was left to do and I give orders to other of those girls who stay here.

Of the new woman, in the end half of them decided to take up arms to fight and stop being weak women and so our workforce for the protection of workers should soon increase again.

The next day, a message that Alexander and the other girls had arrived in Barl and that we needed to go to collect them comes through the men in charge of transporting the construction material here.

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(POV Alexander)

After the auction, in the following days we wandered around the capital again in search of some good things. Unfortunately my luck ran out on the auction and we didn't find any new things … this time I wasn't even lucky enough to find a mana pearl plant like the last time.

Although that time also served to put me in agreement with the people of the Nurt guild for the expedition to the Rozz jungle. Since Rulnemt and Palmir had increased limit, besides the former had managed to reach the 9th limit, I think both and above all the first one will be very helpful in that place.

By the way, Kurisu had also managed to increase a limit completely and according to her, now she felt as if her body was another. Surely that is almost entirely because her channels were now in a very good condition since they were restored, also it should be because she had now opened her energy core when she exceeded the 5th limit.

Going back to the previous topic, In the end, we agreed that we would go in about 2 to 3 months from now on, although it was rather that they were the ones who would wait for our group to finish with some "jobs" that we still had to do.

I think that time is enough to go to a world and return, I had already discussed with Aurora the requirements that this had to have and she had presented me with a good option... well, I am still worried about some things about that decision.

But let's leave all that for later since there is still some time for all that, now is the time to focus on more immediate things. I have to go with the Lord of Barl to make the deal of food and give the herbs to Lena to she can perform alchemy and make these pills.

Also, we need to see the progress of the construction of our new mansion... I think there is another pending issue that I have to do, but I can't remember what it was. Well, if I don't remember, then it shouldn't be that important.

With all the things we had to do in the capital finished, we said our goodbyes and thanked the prince and the people of the Nurt guild and immediately headed to the world guild to return to Barl through the dimensional gates.

The truth is that this branch of the guild was quite impressive, although everything seemed to be the same as the others once I been inside. The only difference apart from the size, it is that this one had 3 dimensional gates larger than the others and which were used to move from Area to Area... although more than a dimensional gate, they were places that had a pentagram on the ground with many runes.

Apparently, these were used mainly by organizations and therefore they had to be larger in order to transport more people at once...

I think we will see better how these are used when we have to go to find what the map that the prince bought for 10 million marks on this... I still feel that my body trembles a little when I remember how much that piece of skin was worth.

Since we had nothing else to do here in the guild other than to use the dimensional doors, we go to one with the fewest people in line and we immediately tell the guild staff that is next to this our destiny and pay what he indicates us in crystals to be able to use it.

Going through this, we come to the branch in Barl we already knew in an instant. Perhaps having already experienced the feeling of being transported previously, the side effects from this are not as intense. It may also be because the distance this time is not so much... without a doubt this cannot be compared to transporting yourself from one world to another.

"Shall we return to the base in the forest, Alex-san?"

“… No, first we will go to the Alchemy store. I want to deliver the herbs to Lena as soon as possible so that Lena can create the pills, plus Shisuka is probably there. ”

"You're right"

So with Saeko and Kurisu walking beside me and Scythe behind me, we headed straight for Lena's alchemy store. Shisuka was there as I had supposed, although this time she was not attending to the clients, and instead she was in front of a cauldron. Surely she was practicing and creating something.

... Still, it was curious to see how Lena who was attending a client had to get his attention several times so that he would take his eyes off the two mounds of Shisuka that was shaking as she mixed things up in the cauldron.

"Haaa... don't you get tired of looking at Shisuka's breasts, Alex?" I think you've seen them too many times to act just like those people… ”

“… I-I was concentrating on Shisuka's alchemy procedure, Kurisu. Remember, I've been trying to do alchemy for the past month.

I think now my effort has paid off! Now by looking at her I can deduce that she is making a resistance pill! 

So surely I have improved! ”

"Fufufu, I don't think the thief who died after you gave him a potion that you created thinks the same, Alex-san"

"... Th-That was because the guy was already pretty hurt, Saeko-chan. Surely I managed to do him live for a few more seconds… ”

"… Didn't you say earlier that you had helped him to end his pain, Alex?"

"Oh, it looks like you came back. Shisuka, your little man has returned, hi-hi-hi ”

"Alex-kun ~! Ah… nooo~ , I have failed the antidote I was making ~ ”

"It seems that you still need to practice more, girl, hi-hi-hi"

… Well, it seems like I need to continue practicing alchemy just like Shisuka , in the end, she was making an antidote. In my defense, I will say that it is difficult to concentrate on what she does because of those two great distractions that she has...

"Yes, we have returned and we were also very lucky on our trip to the capital!"

With the gaze of 2 of the 3 girls who had come with me on me, I advance to greet Lena and Shisuka so that I can change the subject. The latter leaves the cauldron in which she was worked and comes and hugs me as usual.

Yes! These breasts are mine and all of you can only look at them but not feel their smoothness!

I can't see the customers of this store since I had my face buried in the absolute softness of Shisuka's breasts, but I can feel the envious look of the men who were here and so I can't help but hold a little bit pride for this.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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