Soul Evolution System

Chapter 183 Milene’s Plans

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"You look very happy boy, so I suppose you got what you were looking for in the capital of this kingdom"

“Correct, it was quite a productive trip!

Why don't you look at it for yourself? ”

Managing to let go of Shisuka, I immediately show Lena one of my achievements for going to the capital and taking out the 11 plants, and also the two remaining energy channel restoration pills that I still had.

"Hi-hi-hi , I'm surprised you came up here keeping a smile on your face after having achieved all this in there... I thought you'd have more problems"

"Crone, now that I think about it again, you should have told me that the pills of restoration were very requested by people at 9th limit!!

These were looking for them enough to start a life and death battle with other people, you know?!!

If I hadn't heard about it before from someone else and had done a few things before so that I could get it done without a hitch, then now I would surely have several of these guys behind us!!

Listening to what this old lady says, then I remembered that she had omitted that important information. I really don't want to think about what would have happened if I got those pills carelessly… maybe instead of getting something in the capital, I'd just have lost things there.

So I have no choice but to relieve these bads emotions that spring in my on her, which was now holding one of the pills of restoration and watching it carefully.

“Well, it's good to see that you weren't fool enough to get something without first investigating what this might cause to you. Really would be disappointing if that happened... Shisuka surely would be saddened by your death.

Don't complain so much, boy. After all you're fine, right? So leaving that aside... where did you get these pills? These are of very good quality ”

“In truth, not only do you have the appearance of a witch, but you also have the personality of one. 

I got those pills from an auction and according to that auction house, the pills were from an alchemist's guild. I think their name was… red herbs or something like that ”

"... it was the blue plant guild, Alex"

"I see... it seems like still is outstanding in alchemy..."

" Do you know that guild, Lena? ”


After Kurisu's correction, Lena seems to sink deeper into her thoughts.

So thinking she had some connection to that guild, I ask her. In the future, I will need more of these pills or herbs and so for acquiring any of these, if she knows that guild, then it would be good she gives me more information about this one.

Since she was someone who previously lived in a Level 2 Area, that possibility was very high. Unfortunately, I don't know if she ignores my question or just remains lost in her thoughts, but after my question I get no answer.

Well, in level 2 areas I shouldn't have a problem finding guilds equal to those. So I shouldn't worry so much about not get information from her, and I'd better focus on being stronger so I can go to these Areas.

It was not until after several minutes of observing the pill that she finally came out of her trance, although unfortunately, it was to ask her own questions...

" Have you practiced alchemy, boy?"

"... I have managed to make a poison that can kill a person, so I guess I have advanced"


"So now you admit that it was poison ..."

I try to avoid Lena's accusing look by looking away, but Kurisu's words make me feel even more uncomfortable.

“That is why I offered to help you! If you hadn't blatantly rejected that, then surely you would have made some progress now!

…I still keep my offer and I can help you in the mixing process, hi-hi-hi ”

"Shisuka!! You need to make progress fast your Alchemy skill and that way we can recreate the romantic scene of "Ghost" with the song "Unchained Melody" as background. If you don't, then I'm afraid this will turn instead into a horror story with the song "Triller" in the background!! ”

"O-Okay Alex-kun ~ I'll try my best~ ! ”

"Boy...I don't quite understand what you are saying, but I know that it is surely not a good thing. Didn't you want to meet my granddaughter as soon as possible? ”

When I listen to her suggestion again and the image of her teaching me alchemy reappears in my head, at that moment a great shiver runs down my spine. Then I turn around to holding Shisuka's hands and with tears almost spilling from my eyes, I beg her to hurry up and rank up her ability.

It seems that the old woman does not understand my references... well, I'm sure she isn't the only one who doesn't know since when she looks at the girls asking for an explanation, they just shake their heads to say that they didn't know what I meant either.

“Lena… if I can do it by myself, then that will have more value, don't you think the same?

Also, I can assure you that my only motivation to learn alchemy is to be able to meet your granddaughter… ”

"... that last thing you said I really don't know whether to take it as a good thing or a bad thing, haaa ."

Probably seeing my body was trembling a bit, Shisuka snuggles me between her two big breasts...  this really calms me down. So restoring my mood a little and analyzing what I said, I think that maybe I was a little hard on Lena and because that I decide to say something to reassure her.

... unfortunately, my words did not have the effect I wanted and without any more choice, I decided better to change the theme of which we spoke.

“ Do you think you can make the restoration pills with those plants, Lena? What percentage of success do you think you have when doing them? ”

“ Well, I've done several of those pills before... so I 'm probably going to have about 80% success. You can rest easy boy, I can assure you that you will have several of these in your hands later.

Now I just have to get blood from a monster that exceeds the 5th limit... but don't worry, this is much easier to get than plants ”

“A monster that exceeds the 5th limit? I think I can save you the trouble of getting this one. ”

Separating myself again Shisuka chest with a strong will, I take to the Ogre leader of my storage. Being in a closed space, this one looks even bigger than the last time I saw it. Also, since my dimensional storage seemed to slow down or stop time on the things I store, thanks to this it still looks equal like if where the same day I killed it.

“A monster in the 7th limit? Well… this is much better, then I will take the blood from this now”

Not very surprised by the somewhat fearsome appearance of the Ogre, Lena walks with several jars to be able to do what she says. Shisuka also soon joins her, and several minutes later, they had drained it to fill several jars of her blood.

As I planned to give it to my plant as fertilizer when I returned to the forest since I forgot it before, I told them that it was better that they take everything useful to them because this would only become pet food. So after nodding, they start to butchering the Ogre to take things like the liver, heart, and other organs... the truth is that if those things are used in potions or something that people consume, it was probably better for me not to witness this.

… The next time I drink a potion, I may be sick of consuming it. Because of this, it is that people say that some times it is better not to know what is made of medicines ...

“Well, we will return to the forest soon. Do you want to come with us, Shisuka? ”

"Let the girl stay here Alexander, soon I'll start trying to create those pills and is better she watch this for obtaining experience... in fact, maybe it's good that you do this too"

“I'm sorry, but I have other things to do and so it will have to be another time. Lena, you do not need to worry, I promise I will practice on my own... I should not be far from being able to make my first potion and therefore be a step closer to be able to see your granddaughter! "

"Haaa ..."

After her long sigh, we left the alchemy store. She shouldn't do that since others say that each sigh reduces a person's life. I don't want her to die... or at least before she tells me the location of her granddaughter.

Now, what is the next we will do Alex? ”

“Now we will go with Milene. I will have her be using the construction guild to inform the other girls that we have returned so that they come to pick us up, and I will also give her the permission the prince gave me to show it to the lord of Barl and we can do business. ”

Then after the girls nod their heads, all of us walked this time in the direction of Milene's store.

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" So you're back Alexander...

Don't worry, I'll get your money soon, hahaha.

I just have to sell this item and soon I will have some million of gold... who knows? I may even be able to buy myself a vehicle moved by crystals!! ”

“You seem very lively Milene… It seems that something good happened to you.  

Did you finally find a rich man that you can squeeze out him the life and wallet for? ”

"Hmp~ Of course that's not it! In fact, it is something much better!!

As I told you before, I found a good business and soon I will be a rich woman!! ”

"I'm glad for you Milene-san"

“Fufufu, it seems that not only we did well. Seeing how lively she is, then it must be a pretty good thing. ”

Upon arriving at the store, Milene with a big smile on her face greets us. Even, the atmosphere here is quite good and the girls catch her smiles.

Seeing her face and listening to what she says, then I remember what I had forgotten before...

"Well, if you've done a good business, then surely now you can pay me... come on, give me the money I lent you before"

"Don't be so impatient, boy. You just have to wait a few days... maybe a few more weeks.

Do not look at me like that! You just have to wait for the monthly auction in the capital of the Kingdom to be held again and then you can have your money back ”

"Auction? ... you are planning to sell something there? "

"Yes! This will surely fetch a great price there!! ”

When I ask her that, she immediately picks up a piece of skin rolled up in parchment… I've seen something like that very recently and so I can't help that by inertia ask her about this in the instant when I put my eyes on it.

"A treasure map? 

...Are you planning to sell that at auction? ”

"So is!!"

" M-Milene-san... c-can I see it?"

“ Hmmm… well, since it is you Kurisu, then I will show this to you… but you cannot give it to that boy! Surely if you do it, then he can make fakes and sell them ruining the price of this map! ”

Some uneasiness began to build up within me as I looked at this map, but remembering that this had nothing to do with me, I just sigh. Then, Kurisu with a somewhat worried expression asks Milene to show her the map.

I simply ignore her words, since... there was a big problem that prevented me from doing what she said.

"Th-this is ..."

"" It's surprising, isn't it? // It's false, right? ””

Seeing Kurisu's face getting worse and worse, Milene and I both spoke at the same time. Then she looks at me for a few seconds with doubt and some discomfort in her face by my words and quickly returns to normal while a tone with a bit of disdain says.

"Hmp~ You're just envious that I can make a lot of money soon!"

" M-Milene-san ... I fear that what Alex said is true and this is false"

"That's impossible! I personally verified the story before buy it.

A few days ago in the capital of the Kingdom, a Treasure Map was sold for 10 million!! Also, that was only part of that map...

This one is the second part, and it took me a lot to convince ah to the subject who had to sell it to me! "

"The first thing you say is true, I can attest to that since we were present there... was auctioned a map of the treasure in the capital recently. Unfortunately for you, there wasn't something like the second part of it, that map was complete and was unique one part.

Woman… they just ripped you off. Kekeke, that's why even if I saw this map, it would be useless for me to make a fake of a fake.

...Out of curiosity, how much did you pay for this thing? ”

"T-Teacher Milene..."


Kurisu verifies what I had already realized at first. When I saw the prince's scroll, my evaluation ability indicated that it was a piece of monster skin at the second soul level, and the one she was now holding was from a 3rd limit monster… so or was it just a map to something not so important, or it was fake.

Furthermore, Kurisu had asked the prince to see the map as she was somewhat curious about it and so she must have been able to see the differences between the two immediately.

I wanted to know how much she had spent on buying this fake, but it seems like she was left blank for a long time... it wasn't until several minutes later that she finally reacted and she speaks again.

"I-It can't be... I verified the story of that adventurer! Furthermore,  it was not until I told him that I would pay him two million at that very moment and so he would not have to wait until the auction in the capital takes place that he then agreed to sell it to me... actually, he not seemed to want to sell it! ”

“F-Fuck… Did you pay two million for this fake?! ”

" It wasn't a bad deal at the time, you know?! If I sold it at auction then I would get 5 times what I invested!!


"T-Teacher, the important thing now is that you have to find that person, if not..."

"What Celi-san says is true, Milene-san. How long has it been since you last saw him? ”

“You two… I think that is already useless. That person must have gone very far with the dimensional doors of the world guild. ”

I agreed with what Saeko who was the last to speak says about the scammer, right now that guy must surely already be away from here while laughing happily and counting his money.

“Well, it's not worth crying over the spilled milk. You just have to learn from your mistake and keep going, Milene.

You still have your store and merchandise to sell, don't you? ”

"A-About that... I didn't have enough money to buy that map so I had to mortgage my store..."

“D- Don't worry about it, Teacher! We still have our freedom and we are healthy, we can start from scratch! "


... It seems that things for Milene were worse than I had thought. Well, also for Celi-chan which should depend on Milene to have a livelihood, the things were not very good.

So I had to refrain from refuting her words about what she said, because if Milene didn't pay me soon, then she would also lose her freedom.

No, the truth is that I was about to say it since I couldn't contain myself, but just than before I could do it, Milene turned the other way avoiding the look of her pretty student who was trying to cheer her up... that was quite suspicious, and so we keep watching her until she has no choice but to speak.

"T-That is not entirely true either, Celi... 

Even mortgaging the store, I still needed some money and so I had no choice but to ask for a loan... t-therefore, I had to put you as collateral..."

" E-Eeeeh?!

¿ B-But how? I did not accept that, nor did I sign any contract!! ”

“ It was not necessary, when I took you as an apprentice don't you remember that I made you sign some things? ”

"…I remember that. But when I read those documents it only said that the teacher would take care of me until I finished learning from her, right? 

So, that time I thought the teacher was a great person to care about me such as not just accept me as her apprentice in the form of a promise, but also formally making a contract that promised to keep what she said... "

"W-Well... technically it's like that... although that contract could also mean that you were giving me the rights to your life. ”

"" ... ""

Shit! This woman really has a black heart! Even sold to the poor of Celi-chan to others! Also... if she was going to do that, then she should have sold her to me!

Hearing this, Celi-chan's jaw drops as she watches her "Master" for a long time...  Kurisu and Saeko also do the same since things had taken an unexpected turn and the good impression they felt for what Celi-chan was saying disappeared with Milene's words.

"Why didn't you put yourself as a guarantee!! This it's can't be... now my life is in the hands of someone else… ”

"I-I tried ... but those damn were only going to give me 10,000 Gold for me, you know? ! They did not believe me that my body was still pure and had not been stained by a man when I told them! The only thing I won was that they laugh at my words!

…That's why I had no choice but to give you a guarantee since they would give me 25 thousand G, after all, a 19-year-old virgin woman has more value ”

"M-My virginity is only worth 25 thousand G... no, less than that if they gave 10 thousand G for this old spinster..."

“H-Hey, I heard that! I am still your teacher until the deadline to pay that contract is met. ”

" Fuck you! How can you say that you are a teacher after this? You're just an old spinster! ”

“…This should not be so. It was supposed that I was going to pay off the loan after selling this map. ” Milene not only lost all the material she have, but also the respect from her disciple is gone... no, not just hers, that of all who are here too. I think that's a normal thing and anyone would if they listened to this whole discussion… I'm even a little surprised that Celi-chan just claimed her and didn't want to kill her.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

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