Soul Evolution System

Chapter 184 Milene’s Problems

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"Boy ... no! I mean Alexander-sama! I heard that your trip to the capital went very well, so surely you wouldn't mind helping a friend, right? To you, sure will be nothing a couple of million G to lend them to me!”

"... the truth is that I had to make big expenses in the capital, so I don't have that much money, you know? ”

Obviously I was not going to lend more money to someone who already owed me. furthermore, even though Kurisu knew that what I said was a big lie, she remains silent without interceding for Milene this time, so I can assume that this time Milene don't have a person in my group that supported her and thanks to that I don't have to worry for rejecting her.

Well, surely after knowing that this woman even sold her own disciple, the sympathy she felt towards her must-have decreased quite a bit...  if there is still any of this in Kurisu for her.

"Do not lie! Surely you made a lot selling thieves as slaves before! On one occasion, you must have sold more than 250 of them and earned more than 10 million thanks to that, right? !

So I know very well that you are covered in money! ”

"Damn, don't yell that! Are you trying to get more thieves to come after us ?!

Also, how come you know that?

…If you have such good informants as to be able to obtain that information, then I don't understand how you managed to fall for that scammer's lie ”

I was a little surprised that she knew such things so well and so I can't help but ask her about this. Who knows? Perhaps this damn woman sent someone to follow us...

“Hmp ~ If more thieves come, then you would only end up making more money. So why you are complaining about it?

Also… it's not that I have such good informants, it's just that the women you rescued from the thieves came looking for me and I was able to find out some things from them ”

Apparently, I was just being a bit paranoid and there was no person following us, so I stop looking around for him. On the other hand, while she tells me how she obtained this information about me, she points to a group of women who have been close to us all this time.

At first I thought they were adventurers from the guild that Milene had hired for the protection of her store, but it seems that I had drawn a wrong conclusion about this.

Besides, that explains why they have been seeing me all this time and also why that group of women seemed somewhat familiar to me... for a moment I thought that finally my masculine features were becoming even more noticeable and so that now women identify me as a man, but sadly it seems that was not the case ...

Since I had my eyes on them, then I decide to greet them... thanks to my action, their reaction in the next instant was the same as a couple of schoolgirls who see their favorite artist...

Well... I must admit that this is a bit strange. Although I rescue them and they should feel some gratitude towards us, I don't think they should react like that either.

His eyes now didn't look as depressed as the last time I saw them, they had now changed and showed admiration within them upon seeing me. 

That's a good thing, but I'm kind of curious how things turned out that way...

"You, come a little closer please "

"E-eh? M-Me? E- Emmm… ”

“S-Squad leader, hurry up! Y-You can't make to Alexander-sama wait!! ”

Also… there was something else that caught my attention even more than their attitude. So, after calling the one who was most in front of them and that this one gets closer to us thanks to the fact that overcome the nervousness that she showed for the cheer up of her colleagues, then I can see more clearly what I wanted and so check the thing what intrigued me.

This woman… no, I must suppose that they were all of them that besides the weapons like spears and swords that they had, each one of them was carrying firearms at their waists.

" ... How did you get these weapons?"

"E-emmm ... Lt. Col. Rika gave it to us after we finished Leona-san's training, Alexander-sama!"

"Rika? … Leona trained you all? ”

"Yes! Many of the women rescued by Alexander-sama decided to come to Barl and accept his kindness.

Here we find Milene-san... this merchant. She immediately took us to Shisuka-san to check that our condition was fine.

While she was doing that, she also told us about how wonderful Alexander-sama was and that we didn't have to worry about anything and that all of us would be fine.

After, the merchant took us to where Rika-san was, and then she gave us the option to become stronger. She made Leona-san training us ... it was a difficult thing, but Leona-san always motivated us by telling us to do our best to be useful to Alexander-sama.

Also the little harpy Vrana-chan, whenever she could, would come and tell us how wonderful Alexander-sama was too! ”

“I-Is that so? ... I-I see. 

...Then, you are...? ”

"I am Anny, Alexander-sama. A squad leader in command of these girls. ”

S-Shit… all that she said, it seemed more like a brainwashing program than a workout!... although it surely wasn't their intention, I can imagine those three girls that she mentions doing such indoctrination. No wonder why they have such an attitude towards me...

...It seems that Milene also lost the respect these girls for her had, since Anny quickly change the way heading towards her. Although it may also be that she only saw that our relationship was not so close, and that is why she no longer considered her as important as she should have thought about her in their first meet.

“Good, since you saw that you now have new followers. So, can you lend me the money now?! ”

"Of course not, you still owe me a lot of money, remember? ”

“ Are you really are so cruel as to make Celi-chan fall into the hands of some men and then they devastate her in the worst way?! I didn't think you were such a cruel man… ”

T-This damn bitch... really has no shame! She's the one who sold to Celi-chan to those lenders! 

But... it 's true that seeing to Celi-chan tremble when she hears what Milene says, it was a very difficult thing to do not make something...

" Help me please, Alexander-sama! I-I will not be as shameless as this woman to ask you for free money... b-but honestly, I prefer to be the slave of Alexander-sama than of some strange men!

I will work hard to pay you that money, I promise! ”

So, after she hears Milene, with her whole body trembling, she lays her eyes from which the tears fell toward me, and tells this that making it even more difficult to do nothing.

"Haaa... How much do you need to pay off Celi-chan's debt with those lenders, Milene? ”

“… 50 thousand Gold.

What about me? Will you lend me money so I don't lose my store?! ”

"Well, tell Anny where to find the lender to pay them and that they transfer the contract of her debt to me.

Also, about lending more money to you, obviously it's a no. So very likely you will not only lose your store Milene, if you do not pay me the money you owe me, then as we agreed before, you will become my slave.

For our friendship, I will be good and I will give you a couple of months to pay me what you owe me. Otherwise, you will have to pay me with your work.

…Come to think of it, I think I was quite generous the last time to lend you a few hundred thousand G's when you're only worth 10,000 as a slave… if things end up with you becoming my slave, then you should be glad that I paid so much for you.

… Although I think I did a bad business at that time ”

"Thanks Alexander-sama!!"

" Damn brat miser, why you only help her? Why can't you be nice to me too?!! ”

"Because she is the only victim here.

Also, are you remember that I told you I had to buy large quantities of food? I don't know how much money I need for that, and certainly what I will need pay for that may not be enough with what I have now”

"Oh, it is true! You had told me that you would give me 5% percent of that purchase! ”

“That was if you could close the deal with the lord of the city of Barl.

In the end, I was the one who had to go to the capital to get the permit to be able to make the purchase... speaking of which, I will allow you to get 10,000 gold easily, do you accept it?

You just have to take this permission to the lord of  Barl, and say that our organization wants to buy 50 thousand tons of grains. Also, tell him to take these to our base in the forest ”

" W-Will you buy 50 thousand tons of grains?!! Do you know how much you will have to pay for that? 

Even more importart, will you only give me 10 thousand G? At least give me a million!!”

" Surely it will not be a small amount what I have to pay, that is why I told you the earlier.

Well, if you don't want that 10 thousand, then I'll have to go by myself. "

"Alexander-sama! I can do it! I also know the lord of Barl after all!!"

"D-Damn traitor... t -it's okay!" I'll go! I will do it for only the 10 thousand G that you said!

...happy now? Damn brat cheapskate”

When Milene sees that her disciple would happily do the job, then she quickly decides to accept my offer while complaining to her. I really don't understand how this damn woman is unhappy... it's just crazy to ask me for a million just for doing a little errand!.

So while she is going to place my request, I also decide to send Celi-chan to go along with Anny and the other women to pay the debt to the lender, and also to tell someone from the construction organization that we hired to they send a message to the girls that were in the forest to come to pick us up.

Sometime later, they all return succeeding in their work. The only annoyance was that when Milene discovered that the permit she was holding all this time was signed by the King himself, she complained even more about not lending her money.

As for the purchase, in the end, I will have to pay 50 million G for that amount of was good that the lord of Barl was agreed to pay him half when I will receive the merchandise, and the other part in a couple of months later.

Even so, the profits I made during my trip to the capital disappeared in an instant... and to make matters worse, I still have a debt of 25 million.

Although I wasn't worried about debt, surely when I'm going to take that food to HOTD, then I'll quickly be able to get a fair amount of crystals from that side.

It is a shame that for now these only serve to maintain the workers in my crystal mine... I hope seriously that people in HOTD can make the Kinato´s fields produce fast because otherwise, this will be a big money drain for me!

Not long after they finished doing the jobs I gave them, Rika came in my "Delorean" to pick us up, and then we headed off to where our new mansion was being built.

At that moment I discovered that Celi-chan was truly willing to become my slave. When we all boarded to leave, she was also quickly following us as if it were something normal... also without even saying goodbye to her teacher.

I appreciated her enthusiasm, but seeing Milene who was left alone and also with enough problems with her, in the end I asked her to stay with her so that she could continue learning from her. 

...Although I almost regretted it when that woman asked me for money to take care of my new slave… really if she can't pay me after I return from my trip to another world, then it would be fun to put Celi-chan as her superior just to annoy her.

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"You finally came back, Alexander"

"Alexander-san and you 3, I'm glad you returned safely"

"Master, welcome!"

"Welcome, roock ~"

"I'm glad you all also are well"

"Fufufu, yes. They seem quite lively, so I think everything went smoothly here. "

"Hello everyone... the construction has progressed faster than I thought."

When we got out of the car, all of us who had not seen each other for a while greeted each other, the exception was Rika who had already been through this in Barl. When I saw her, I quickly hugged her and I can notice that she also missed me! I can know it because this time she does not say anything when I do this, and she just gets a bit uneasy because there were more people there who had their eyes on us and a smile on their faces as if they mocked her a little.

But going back to this moment, what Kurisu mentions at the end of the greetings among all of us was true.  It seems that they finished building the protective wall over the entire perimeter that I had indicated, and now they were raising the walls of the mansion making it begins to take shape.

But then I could also see several girls who seemed to patrol this perimeter ...

"So, you really have trained the girls rescued from thieves me and the girls,Rika... 

Also, more of them have come than I thought they would do... "

“Yes, even if just the people in our group would have been enough to protect this place, that would also be quite strenuous. That's why I thought it would be good to have more hands to help with this.

Don't worry, we haven't forced them or anything like that. They all decided for themselves to accept this, and I must say that they have helped a lot "

"Yes... Anny, which I met in Barl, spoke to me a little about that.

... I have only a little curious why you chose Leone to train them and did wasn't you?”

" Well, I was already pretty busy with other things, you know? But I think she did a good job.

Why do you ask? ”

"Yes, Master. I take care to train properly for these women to be useful to you! "


It seems that the girls did not notice it, but I know that the main responsible for the attitude of these girls is because of this one that spoke now.

"Well... if those women are happier, then it should be a good thing, right?"

"Hmp ~ Now you must be happy to be surrounded by several dozen women, right?"

...I can't deny Rei's words, and I will certainly be happier that the people around me are women than men instead.

But the truth is that I don't think I get involved with them. I mean, physically it's impossible for a single man to do that, right?

...Although perhaps this body has more resistance than the previous one that I had. Besides, there is also what others say that people have to exceed their own limits... it would not hurt if I tried a little.

Well, I certainly like to appreciate women, but I also don't have a mindset that I should sleep with every woman in the world. Also, if I was in a hurry to be with a girl, then I would try to convince one of those who have been with me the longest... so what happens with these girls, I can only leave it for the future.

“It seems that the construction of the Mansion is going without any problem, I suppose that they finished in the term that they gave us, right? ”

“That term was an estimate giving a margin for setbacks. So seeing as they are progressing, then is almost sure that they will most likely end earlier than expected.

Also... I want to tell you about one thing, Alexander- san. Rika-san thought it would be good to also create here a place for the women that you rescued before, unless you also want them to live in the Mansion... "

"I see, it's good to hear that"

Since it would be a problem to continue with Rei's conversation, I better decide to ask about something else. Then Saya answer to my question, but she later also brings the issue about the group of women... seeing that I had the full attention of all the girls on me, that question seemed more a trap with meaning not as simple as it appeared...

"I think Rika's proposal is better... so you should speak to the men in the construction guild to ask them to create a simpler building for these women."

After hearing my answer, the girls around me seem to relax quite a bit. Also, the other women don't seem to attach much importance to this and in fact, they were happy just for we have considered them in our plans and not been excluded... it seems that I splendidly avoided that land mine!

“Good job to all of you, especially Rika and Saya for taking care of things while we were gone.

Oh! it is true. Saya, take this pill, it is something similar to the ones I have given to all of you but this brings other benefits a little different that will help you to be stronger.

The others will have to wait a bit to get one of these, this is the last I have and since Saya is one of the girls who most need it now, then it is better than she be the one who take it.

Lena will create more of these soon for the others that are missing, so you don't have to worry. ”

"Don't eat it now Saya!

Y-You should wait to be alone and in a place where you can bathe after you assimilate its effect... otherwise, you will have an unpleasant moment. I can assure you that”

"Fufufu, what Kurisu-san says is true... you must listen to her, Saya-chan, since she says it from her own experience"

When I hand over the last Restoration pill I had to Saya, probably thinking it was similar to the limit-break ones that they had already consumed, she trying to eat it right now. Then upon seeing this, Kurisu speaks quickly stopping her and making all the others who were here stare at her a little surprised by her action, therefore she has to explain the reason for this.

It seems that the pill caused her a little trauma, so I think it would be good for Saya to wait and do what Kurisu says... maybe I should have explained the effects and consequences of consuming it first.

By the way, the other remaining pill from these, I had given this to Shisuka before we left Lena's store. I think that since she knows its effects, then she can advise her to consume it and not generate a bad experience on her like Kurisu...

After that Saya agrees to Kurisu's words and keeps the pill, then those of us who had been gone for a while decided to walk around this clearing in the forest to observe in more detail the changes that happened in this one during our absence.



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

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