Soul Evolution System

Chapter 185 Visiting HOTD

I find the help from an editor, XArezzX, so I hope you can enjoy the novel even more. The chapters from 2 to 13 is already edited. Thanks for reiding SES!!

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Quickly passes the remaining time to meet the deadline so I can use my grimoire again, and then be able to go to another world. 

Also, the other things developed in a good way, like the mansion construction project that progressed without setbacks, and that Lena was also able to make various restoration pills. Everything went very well during this time.

About these last ones, of the 11 plants that I had obtained in the capital of the kingdom, she was successful 9 of the times she did alchemy. Apparently by doing several of these in such a short time, she was able to increase her percentage of success a little thanks to the experience gained with each of the opportunities and thus obtaining this result.

Furthermore, this was also very helpful for Shisuka who was present at all times, I think she will be able to do them in the future without any problem.

It was a shame that we didn't have many of the mana pearl plants for her to try to do one. Since if she performing the alchemy for the restoration pills, then she would almost certainly fail and I couldn't risk that to happen... every attempt it could be meant one pill which was very valuable to us now.

It really a shame that this was so, since the rank of Shisuka in alchemy was now at the peak of rank [I] and probably trying to make one of those pills would have helped her advance to the next rank, or that's what Lena told me.

Well, her growth has been pretty fast, so waiting until we get more of those plants isn't too bad either.

In the end, thanks to Lena's success in alchemy, that meant that I now had 9 other of those pills.  Although as quickly as these came to me, also in the same way they decreased 1/3 the amount of these since I gave one of these to each of the girls who needed them, and which were Saeko, Rika, and Rei.

So at the end of this, several girls were able to get stronger again. Kurisu, Saya, and Shisuka were able to fully advance a limit thanks to the fact that this pill showed the greatest effect when they consumed it. On the other hand, Saeko, Rika, and Rei only managed to win some levels with these.

As for Scythe and Vrana, they did not need these pills as they were monsters. Me and Leona since we were practically reborn recently, if we were to take those pills, it would probably just be a waste and we would gain nothing from them.

As to the new mansion, this with every passing week its shape could see more complete. In addition, not far from where it was the mansion, it also began the construction of a building that would be the house, or barracks as Rika said, where women who were rescued would live.

Since it would be a simple and practical structure without many decorations, the value of this was not as much as that of the mansion. Even so, the spirits of those rescued women grew a lot when they knew that this place would be their new home.

"Welcome, even though we had been communicating I am glad to see you come again"

"Alexander and you girls too, I'm glad to see you all... it was a long 3 months"

"Alexander-onisan ~!"

"Alex-onichan ~!"

Completing the period of time to be able to go to another world, I quickly decided to come and deliver the food that we had bought and that the Lord of Barl sent to our base in the Enlin forest.

Apart from me, I had also brought to Saya and Rei, since obviously upon learning that I would come here to HOTD, they also decided to come to see their families. Surely both parties missed each other, but unfortunately for them, we will only be here for a very short time this time... my only objective is to deliver the food and collect the crystals that they managed to collect, and so we will most likely return to Gaia early tomorrow.

In addition to them, Kurisu also decided to come here. The reason for this was that while revising our Delorean, she could see some corrections and adjustments that she could do in the vehicles that were used here in HOTD and so improve the performance of these.

Therefore, she came here to personally report this to Alice-chan's dad, who now along with her best friend Iruka-chan had jogged over to hug me very happy when they saw us leave the portal while Haruna and Yuriko-san greeted us. 

"It seems that things have been calm here, I am glad that everyone here is also well... I also missed you very much Haruna"


"Mom, Dad! ”

Caressing the heads of the little ones, I also greet those who were present on the roof of the castle that is where we had appeared. As Yuriko-san says, we had had communication between both sides... well, the ones who did that were mainly Saya and Rei, but when I had time, it was good to be able to hear Haruna's voice.

But I agree with the words of Yuriko-san that it is better to see each other personally.

Seeing their parents, both girls also run in their direction. Rei's parents seem to have come from Kinato when we informed them that we would come here. On the other hand... I don't see Soichiro.

" Mom, Where is Dad? ”

"Oh, right... I forgot to tell him that you were coming... that damn fool must be very busy since he has not come in these 3 months even once.

Fufufu, don't worry. He must be fine, and he should only have been very focused on his work ”


… T-That's a shame, I also wanted to see him”

Saya also realizing that her father was not here and so she asks her mother about him. Then upon hearing her daughter's question, the atmosphere around Yuriko-san completely changes to something a little darker from the cheerful and lively than it had been before…

Even I feel a little nervous watching Yuriko-san act like that, so I think it is normal that Saya did not decide to continue with that topic, and instead asks other things.

“It looks like you kept your word to take care of Rei, boy.

Although she has told me that you gathered more than 50 women in just a couple of months since you arrived there... I already knew that you would not be someone faithful to only one woman, but don't you think that is going too far even for you? ”

… Well, it would have been better if Kiriko-san continued in silence, now she is acting like a jealous mother-in-law complaining that her daughter was mistreated. Also, she causes to everyone present here to set their eyes on me... I really preferred that everyone focus better on the relationship problems that the Takagi seem to have, than on my personal life.

Now everyone looks at me with surprise on their faces and as if they are observing a strange creature... although I must say that things are not like what most should be imagining.

Well, some also look at me with admiration, as it is the case with Hirano... also Komuro and Yamada have had a murderous look on their faces since they saw me... and this only makes it worse.

W-What happens to them? It looks like I stole their girls or killed his parents... well, I certainly did something very similar to one of them... leaving Komuro aside, the other was an orphan before he met me and I don't remember doing anything wrong to him.

"As I had told the majority that is here, Gaia is not a paradise and all these women were kidnapped by thieves and we rescued them. They didn't have a place to go, and the truth is that we needed people to form an influence in that world. That's why I offered them help and also that they stay in our base ”

“… But it didn't have to be all women, right? ”

“Kiriko-san… you work with what you have, I cannot be too demanding with who is the one who joins us. It's good enough that we got several people who are loyal to us. ”


Although it seemed that some still had doubts about my motives, at least I get them to no longer continue with the topic. But my words were true, since we had saved those women, when I greeted all of them with a handshake as a way to receive them as part of our group, I could also check their loyalty and then I could realize that in all of them this was very high.

In the vast majority, it had reached a 3- digit figure. So I know that they were quite grateful for having rescued them and it is sure that they will not be a problem, although... I am also sure that the indoctrination they received from several of the girls influenced this a lot.

The good thing was that since many had exceeded 100 of loyalty, I was able to get some rewards for this from the system. Although most were limit-break pills and which only served to strengthen these women a little more.

...I knew that the system would know that I will not sell these because that would be one big waste, and the best to do was that this group quickly strengthened. Soon I would have to go to another world, and having them as helpers to the other girls would be more reassuring for when I leave.

" We should go to the warehouses, it is better that I leave the food that I have brought there "

"It is true"

“Well, we will return to Kinato as there are quite a few things to do there. Saya-chan, do you want to come to see your father?

Boy, I will bring you Rei in 3 days and so you must wait a while to return"

"M-Mom... Alexander wanted to leave tomorrow...

Also, don't say it like you're handing me over to him!”


Well... it seems that my plans will have to change a bit. Although it is a bit annoying that Kiriko-san decided things on her own, surely she just wanted to spend a little time with her daughter.  If you thinking about it, wait 3 days to leave is not much, and so these two girls can be quieter in Gaia.

Listening to Kiriko-san, Saya exchanges glances between her, me, and her mother until the latter encourages her to go so that she can be reunited with her father, and I assent so that she can go along with Rei.

After this, people here start to retire and go to their workplaces. Yuriko-san, Haruna, and I, the three of us are going to the warehouses to get the food out of my storage and for people to take the inventory and arrange it.

" I thought that this would be more empty, but... it seems that there is still enough. I don't know if everything that I brought will fit here… ”

“Well, scouting groups go out looking for food and survivors every day, so we still collected a lot.

The problem is that soon we will have looted all the small towns and only cities will be left… looting these would be much riskier.

So I think it's good to have enough to delay that until we can come up with better plans to attack those cities and not being so desperate to get food, then we can think things through more calmly.

Also, Kiriko was not lying and they are actually somewhat busy there in Kinato. With all the towers installed to drive the monsters away so that the adjacent farmlands will be able to use, many people are working to put those lands in a position to cultivate them.

Along with the port camp, the rat hunters, and the cultivated fields of Kinato, then we probably won't have to worry about starvation in the near future. ”

"It is good to hear that, getting all this food cost me a lot and so it is good that people here can be self-sufficient"

While I was talking, I started to take out all the food that I had brought and as I had thought, the space of these warehouses was not enough and so we have to go out to the patio to leave them there until they find space for this.

“Now I understand why you said that you had spent much to get this food… with this, we will probably have no problem feeding all of our camps for a long time.

No, not only that, but we will also be able to trade with the other camps that we have found. ”

"Other camps?"

"Yes, in the expeditions that Yuriko, Soichiro-san, and Hirano-kun have organized with the people under their command, they have also found more survivors grouped in camps "

"Haruna is right, so far, we have cleaned the area of about 100 kilometers around each of our camps. Thanks to this, we were able to find more survivors who had organized to live in this world.

Unfortunately, they did not want to join us, and instead, they decided to continue on their own. Since when you left earlier you had said that we just should focus on strengthening our camps, so we don't push them to accept either.

Those camps that we had contact, range from about 10,000 to as many as 50,000 survivors... so if we put pressure on the little ones, I think there won't be much problem in taking control of them.

Do you want us to change our plans? ”

"... no, it's better that you-"


[Mission / Optional "Region Control" - G ]

Divided people can be more vulnerable, especially in a world full of monsters. On the other hand, if they are under the same leader, then the opportunity to overcome difficulties is more feasible.

Objective: Take control of 15 small camps (> 1 thousand <10 thousand inhabitants). ( 1 / 15 )

Take control of 10 Medium camps ( > 10 thousand < 50 thousand inhabitants). ( 0 / 10 )

Take control of 5 small camps (> 50 thousand inhabitants). ( 2 / 5 )

Reward: 500 Restoration Pills

1 x Millions of crystals

10 x Millions of Gold


[ Mission / Optional " Land Recovery " -G ]

Retrieve the ancient territory of humanity from the hands of zombies. By doing this the security of your camps will be greater.

Objective: 10 Cities with less than 1 million zombies (1/10)

5 Cities with less than 10 million zombies (0/5)

Reward: 1000x Restoration Pills

5x Millions of crystals

50x Millions of Gold


Damn system!I had to go through a lot just to get 12 of these pills, and now you offer me these amounts?! This is bullying!!

“… Alexander, is there something wrong? // Something happens, Alexander-kun?”

"No ... I was just thinking that sometimes when you go through a lot to get a thing and in the following days you get the same thing very easily, also in greater quantities, that makes you wonder what all your previous effort did for."

"Hmn? Well… that is just something that happens sometimes, but I think you should be happy and content if you get the things you wanted more easily. ”

"I think that Haruna is right..."

Well ... that's true. Besides, to take those pills in my hand, probably I will have to spend some time.

On the other hand, I am worried that now I have to stay longer in HOTD… I had already made other plans and having to stay here to do this ruins these.

[You don't need to stay here, just having the men under your command do the missions will be enough, Alexander. So you can continue with your plans, and let those who are here try to carry out those missions]

Woh! It is good to hear that. Also, this solves the problem I had of getting more restoration pills for the people of this world. I think it is only fair that it is they who strive for these this time... although the rewards of these missions provided us with enough pills, these will not be enough for all the soldiers we have here, haaa.

So I will also have to keep looking for how to get more of these ...

But, remembering these pills ...

"Haruna, take this."

"A pill like the one before? Didn't we have to wait 6 months before consuming it again? I think that the deadline has not been met yet…”

“It is a different one, but it is better that you take it in a place where you can bathe after it does its job. This pill will remove some impurities from your body in the form of a black sweater, and you will surely want to clean yourself right away”

"Th-That sounds a little unpleasant... but thank you very much, Alexander. E- Emmm… Hmmm ~ ”

After I give the pill to Haruna and she thanks me, it seems like she didn't just want to express this in words. Then, she begins to exchange the look between me and Yuriko-san who was also here, it seemed that she could not do what she wanted because the latter is present and so I end up making the decision for her and steal her lips.

The truth is that I had also contained myself enough to do this, and since I had the opportunity to do it, so logically I was not going to waste this one.

"Fufufu... that's an enviable thing, Haruna. You not only got a gift from your boyfriend but you also obtain a passionate kiss. ”

Several minutes later, I have to stop due to the pressure coming from my back... well, I think this time this was a good thing since due to the emotion I did, I not realize that Haruna was starting to weaken because of the lack of air.

" I also didn't forget to Yuriko-san... this is for you"

"Fufufu, will there be no kiss for me? I thought this pill came with a kiss included ”

Taking the pill, Yuriko-san immediately seems to focus her gaze on my lips... this was somewhat unexpected since even though she has always maintained a playful nature with me, she had never crossed a certain line.

“Well, the kiss is my reward for my effort, Yuriko-san. So you 're the one who has to pay me for this one like that ”

Certainly her attitude was a bit unexpected, but not for that I was going to miss this opportunity that she gave me! So I quickly speak hoping I can taste her lips...

" Fufufu, well ... Thanks for the pill"



A few seconds later, I can feel the touch of her soft lips, but... unfortunately, it's only on my cheek. So I was now with a conflicting feeling inside me since that even though this was not what I expected, I can not deny that I enjoy a little...

Perhaps I should demand my kiss when we were alone... in the same way that it happened with Haruna before, and which seemed to be in her own world now, Yuriko-san also passed her eyes between both of us several times as if trying to make a decision until finally kissed my cheek...



I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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