Soul Evolution System

Chapter 186: Visiting HOTD (Part 2)

I find the help from an editor, XArezzX, so I hope you can enjoy the novel even more. The chapters from 2 to 13 is already edited. Thanks for reiding SES!!

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Leaving people to take charge of doing the inventory and organizing the food, we three go out of the warehouse.  Unfortunately, I also have to separate from these two beautiful mature women, since it seems that the son of one of them had told her that he needed to talk whit me... the truth is that I have to reluctantly go there. Really, I didn’t want to to separate myself from these two women  to talk with a guy, but I have to do it.

That's also because unlike Haruna, who thinks that Komuro only wanted to meet me because, according to her, after I left 3 months ago, he didn’t stop repeating my name in all this time and that made her believe that he misses me... To tell you the truth I had a bad feeling about this.

But there is no more option than face to this, I went out of the protective walls surrounding the camp to where Komuro had wished that we meet.

"You finally appear, Alexander you bastard!!"

"This time you were too cruel, Alexander san!!"

…This was certainly not the way to welcome a friend  you missed and had not seen for some time, I’m afraid this confirms my thoughts about this.

"...What the hell are you two talking about? I have not been here all this time, I thought that the 3 of us were on good terms when I left… or at least in a way which you didn’t look at me as if you wanted to kill me ”

“ I'm talking about your great plan to get us to a Gay brothel!! That was going too far even for you!

Not only did you play with our emotions by making us believe that we would finally stop being virgins, but we also go through a terrifying moment, you damn bastard!! ”

"Ha! ... t -that... well ... all of that was an unfortunataccident...I' that’s right, I’m really sorry!

… I swear, it wasn’t my intention for you to go to a gay brothel… I really didn't know that Omura had such preferences at that time… so that was out of my control!

It wasn't until Rika told me about Omura's preferences that I understood then that I had made a big mistake. You must believe me, after learning that, I even prayed for you  and that he would take you to a normal brothel.

… Unfortunately it seems that my prayers were not heard ”

It certainly was something I did before I left this world before, so it is normal that I ended up forgetting it after three months... although it seems that these two really had bad luck and Omura ended up taking them to a gay brothel ... besides, I am a little surprised that there are already those kinds of places around here, I thought it would take more time for that to happen.

Well, even I think that this was something bad enough and so I try to apologize and justify myself for their tragic fate. But... it is a pity that it seems that my words don’t reach them.

...Or they may think that an apology is not enough for this.

" Do you think we will believe that? You have always been a jerk who only cares about being around girls and doesn't think about others!

Do you know?... I almost had someone penetrate my ass! ... b-besides, that guy had it even bigger than me... Even now, remembering that makes my body shake uncontrollably!! ”

"W-Well ... it seems like you're a lucky boy... "

" Fuck you !!

It was fortunate that we managed to escape from that place before things got worse… of course, thanks to having to run away in our underwear, now there is a rumor about Yamada and Me being exhibitionists in the whole camp. ”

… Apparently, it wasn't that they didn't accept my apology or that they didn't listen to me... it was a more fundamental problem... they just didn't believe my words and they think I did it on purpose...

"You have to pay for that, Alexander!"

"It's true Alexander-san, you owe us!"

"Haaa, well... how do you want me to pay you for that?"

I think it was only fair that I pay them for this, even I would want to kill the other party if something like this happened to me. Therefore, after considering it for a while, I speak to see what they wanted from me.

"Let us hit you for a while, I think it is something fair for what we suffer... I think I can vent the feelings that I have in that way "

"It's true... I am also envious that you are surrounded by women. Now you even got more than 50 in the place you went... and it only took you only 3 months for that "

"Of course not! I'm not a masochist who enjoys the pain, you know?!!

Besides, that last thing that Yamada said has nothing to do with this and it's just a personal resentment!! ”

I thought they would ask me for something like taking them to a heterosexual brothel or pay some prostitutes for them, but apparently, the priorities of these two bastards were very different from what I imagined!

"That's a fair thing!! …...If you don't, I will tell my mother that you made plans to take us to a brothel!!

We have already spent our 3 month salary to convince Omura to corroborate our words, that damn guy must be spending a good time in that brothel now... we also threatened Hirano with telling his girlfriend Asami that he was also with us in at that time if he didn't support us.

As you can see, we have the support of those two now! ”

"Th-that's... are you really planning to ruin your father and mother's marriage, Takashi?"

" Screw you! You are not my father and you are not married to my mother yet! ”

"Tch... fine!

... I'll give you two 10 seconds, I won’t move and you can hit me as much as you want during that time... that should be enough, right? ”

This time Komuro had cornered me... I didn't want... or I couldn't allow Haruna to find out about that I helped her son to go to a brothel since she might get very angry if she finds out... in addition, being a Gay one didn’t help at all either.

So without more options, I sit on the floor while saying that to this pair of fools... seeing the smile on their faces because they believed they had won, I was very annoyed indeed.

"Well, I think that's fair... I don't want people to say that the two of us took advantage of a 12-year-old boy either."

While saying that, they approach me while massaging their fists. Given their actions, I don't think these bloody bastards really care about that...

Then, when they come to my side, I looking up and I can see both of them pulling back their arm to give me the first blow.

Waah~... These bastards decided to go straight to my face on the first hit! It must be the envy they feel since I am more handsome than them, I’m sure of it... seeing his fist approach my face, I can only clench my teeth.

...or that is what these guys were probably thinking.

The truth is that seeing his actions, a mocking smile forms on my face. In the next moment, without time for them to understand what was I doing, my grimoire appears behind me and at that very instant creates an energy field around me.


So when this energy shield extends, they are thrown a few meters rolling across the ground... Kakaka, I bet they didn't expect this.

" W-What the hell was that?! Why is there an energy shield around you ?! That's not fair damn Alexander, turn it off!! ”

"What are you talking about? I said that I wouldn't move for 10 seconds and you guys could do whatever you want, right? … Both have 7 seconds left… ”

"Damn it, turn it off now Alexander!!"

"... 6 ..."

Hell! Of course I wasn't going to allow them to hit me without even defending myself! As I said, I am not a masochist. Even though my body is stronger than a normal one, I still feel pain!

When they both recover from the impact of the shield, they quickly get up and Komuro complains about it but  I only reply by fooling around a bit. 

I had wanted to try this skill before, but I didn't find a good opportunity to use it.

Is a pretty good skill, similar to the shields surrounding the camp, although logically much smaller, and since this works with the grimoire's own energy, I don't need crystals to activate it.

It is a pity that it also has its disadvantages, it can’t be use it repeatedly since it has a period of cooldown to use it again, and since it works with the grimoire's energy, it can only stop attacks of up to a certain rank, and it can’t be strengthened by giving it more energy just like the shields that work with crystals.

And finally, the duration time is very short, only 10 seconds. So its function rather than to protect me from an enemy for a long time, it is to stop an unexpected or sudden hit.

The good thing is that same as the grimoire, this skill can continue to evolve and therefore these things may change in the future. I wonder what other surprises this grimoire will bring me? Well, for now, this is quite useful because it is like having another [Bracelet of sacrifice]. (Editor's Note: Previously “Anti critical”, I’ll change the name from previous chapters later)

Even with these disadvantages, it is still a good trump card in case of an emergency, and of course, it has no problem stopping these two.

Well... This is somewhat unfair without doubt, but they are going two people against one and with a relative superiority in physical development too, then they shouldn’t complain to much about this.

I say relative because I believe that although my body has not reached its full development, I should still be superior to these two since I am some limits higher than them.

"... 5 ..."

" Fine!... you asked for this, bastard! Don't blame me for this… ”

"W-Wait Komuro! Th-That is going too far! ”

Without caring about their complaints, I  continue the countdown for the energy shield to disappear. I thought Komuro would keep complaining, or maybe he would charge towards the shield to hit it in a useless and desperate way, but none of my expectations happen… instead, he backs off a bit and brings his right hand to his waist causing Yamada to yell at him... I have a very bad feeling about this...

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]


This time it was my turn to scream in surprise. That idiot shot me just now!! I bring my hands to the front and close my eyes instinctively, and when I open them again, I could see the energy shield blink from the impacts of the bullets...

I quickly inspected my body, but it seems that the shield was strong enough to stop the bullets, seeing that my bracelet was still on my arm without it disintegrating, I feel more reassured.

“Son of… no… your mother is my girlfriend, so I shouldn't say that. Bastard, you really shot your father!! You are an ungrateful and selfish son !! ”

"Burn in hell damn bastard!! The first few days after the brothel thing happened I was just thinking about shooting you, but after considering it for several days, I could calm myself down enough to let this go with just hitting you a bit.

But since you resorted to doing something like this, then I have no choice but to go back to my previous idea!! Don't worry… I will only shoot you in the leg or the arm ”

"Don't screw with me!! That would hurt even more than a simple hit! Also, it is obvious that you were pointing at my face, lier!! ”

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

"S-Shit !! O-Okay!! Let's do this without weapons, now I will deactivate the shield, but put the damn weapon down!! ”

"Tch... fine"

The shield would soon stop working, so I quickly yelled at him to stop when that damn fool starts shooting again. I  wanted for them to just vent a little without somebody getting hurt ... well, mainly me. But now the things had changed and I also want to hit this idiot who shot me!!

" ... this time I won’t stay still, I will also hit you, damn Komuro "

" Well ... let's get this over with."

"You cannot complain that we are two against you, Alexander-san."

The energy shield fades at the 10 seconds limit and then I put my grimoire away and send all my weapons into my inventory. If I had them with me, I may really feel like using them... then Komuro and Yamada walk towards me while setting their weapons aside and I also do the same by moving to shorten the distance between us.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------


"Do not move! Stay still to so I can heal you!

Do you really think you can trick me saying these injuries are from falling? This is obviously due to a fight! Your eye is completely black… take this and hold it to prevent your eye from swelling ”

I was now in Haruna's room after fixing the disagreements I had with Komuro and Yamada. It was very embarrassing and troublesome to say what had really happened, and so I had no choice but to say that I tripped and fell face-first on the ground...

Those two bastards, since they apparently had an athletic body and were in the same situation as Rei, they were able to continue to strengthen a bit over level 50 while killing the zombies in the expeditions they were going to… even so, those two will surely wake up until the next day. Hehehe, I hope they don't catch a cold from sleeping outside in the open.

After Haruna finishes checking my wounds, she passes me a bag whit ice while she's somewhat grumpy... it seems like she didn't believe my excuses.

"You look great, Haruna... "

"Hmp~ I can't say the same for you."

My words were not just a praise to reassure her. Apparently while I was “solving our differences” with those two, she took advantage of the time and consumed the restoration pill and that's why now she had overcome her 5th limit creating an energy nucleus.

Probably that’s why her appearance seemed to have rejuvenated a few years. This was not something like cosmetic surgeries that only tighten the skin to remove wrinkles, it was more like if the skin regained some elasticity and shine which had lost a bit over the years.

And since she must have bathed after that, she now had damp hair and I could smell the fragrant scent of the shampoo emanating from her body… something quite exhilarating.

“I-Isn't it late already? Won't you go back to your room? ”

"Well... Kurisu probably won't return from the lab all night, and Saya and Rei went to Kinato. So, how about I stay with you tonight, Haruna ”

"E-eh? Th-that's… ”

Seeing as my eyes began to wander her body, the anger she had quickly turns into nervousness… I have already stayed with her other nights the first time I was in this world, so I don't think she should be that surprised like this.

On the other hand, instead, I was a little motivated since I knew that Haruna had experience and that is why perhaps I could reach higher levels of intimacy... and also because I’m pretty sure it would be easier with her than with the other girls...

"Mom! I will sleep here too!!”

"Fufufu, I'm sorry Alexander-kun. It seems that Iruka-chan wanted to be with her mother. "


Unfortunately, she too had something that could make it even more difficult for it to happen… a young daughter. Actually she is a great shield to prevent me from taking Haruna... it seems that tonight we will end up sleeping the 3 of us again.

Before we parted before, I had thought about sleeping in the Haruna’s room from the start and so I had asked Yuriko-san to take care of the two small ones. Its a shame that seems she failed, so she only shows me an apologetically smile.

I shouldn't complain since this little one is also cute and instead I should be happy to be able to share the bed with this cute little girl. Also, it seems like this time Alice-chan will be joining as well and making it a two-for-one pack.

"It seems that you also took the pill, Yuriko... you look younger"

“You too, Haruna, they are really quite surprising medicines, don't you think so?. By the way... what happened to your face, Alexander-kun?”

"... I tripped and fell on my face"


"Are you okay, Alex-onichan? Did it hurt? ”

It seems that the only one who believes my words is the little Alice, who sees me with worried eyes... the good thing is that Yuriko-san does not continue with the subject and only nods at my words. Furthermore, seeing her current appearance, as Haruna comments, it was certain that she also consumed the restoration pill... She and Haruna were already very beautiful women without doubt, but now they stood out even more.

Right away, everyone in the room spent time talking to each other until the little ones start to yawn showing some tiredness on their faces.

"Well... then I think it's time to sleep"

"…It is true. Then lets go to sleep "

Haruna's words were obviously aimed at Yuriko-san for her to retire to her room, but unexpectedly she just smiles with her answer, and despite her words, she is not walking to the door.

"... Why don't you go to your room Yuriko? You must also be tired”

"What are you talking about? I was going to stay with the little girls today, and so I will sleep with them as was planned ”


"Yes ~!! aunt Yuriko will be also staying here, then we can have a great Sleepover~!! "

"H-He? Y-Yuriko-san is going to sleep with us too? ”

Haruna is left with her mouth open surprised by Yuriko-san's words, while her daughter is also surprised by this and asks that while watching her. It seems that the only one happy about this was Alice-chan... no, my heart begins to pound for the emotion I felt when I heard her!

Then as if to show that she was serious, she gets up from the sofa where she was sitting and starts walking towards the bedroom.

" W-What are you doing Yuriko?!! You are a married woman, what do you intend to do by staying here?! ”

"What are you talking about? I will only sleep here with you all... I feel alone sleeping in a big bed by myself.

… Or do you intend to do something other than sleep, Haruna? ”

"E-eh? O-Of course not! W-We would only sleep… a-after all, here are Iruka and Alice too ”

"Fufufu then there shouldn't be any problem with me staying, right?"


In the end, no matter what Haruna said, Yuriko-san was adamant about staying in this room.  It seems that my prayers to every one of the gods I knew were not wasted!

...It was a pity that nothing else happened and I could only manage to see Yuriko-san's appearance in light clothes and her sleeping face this day... with the two girls lying next to me, it was impossible to try to reach any of the two mature women on either side of them.

It was a nice thing, but it was also a long night until I could calm my impulses and  fall asleep.

Written by: 


Edited by: 




I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

So be sure to invite and recommend the novel to all your friends !!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

If you are interested in supporting me on that, you can leave me a message in the comments or on Facebook.

Thanks for the support!!

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