Soul Evolution System

Chapter 18: Second Interdimensional Journey[Edited]

We left the inn after eating a nutritious breakfast, leaving behind Vila who waved her hand in farewell. We walk down the street and look for some alley where can safely store the boxes in the inventory and use the grimoire.

After a few minutes I found the right place, it wasn't difficult because it was still too early and most people continued to sleep comfortably in their beds. As intended, I throw the boxes in inventory and immediately summon the grimoire that appears in a bright flash.

Whit the Grimoire in front of us I take 2,000C that had fused in a single Crystal before. The grimoire opens feeling the energy of the crystal, I put the crystal between its pages and it begins to absorb it slowly.

After it finished absorbing it, in the blank pages, a variety of characters appear, which I read as "Energy for creation of the dimensional portal acquired. Please use the soul link to provide a destination."

I think in the world we intend to go and more characters appear "Destination received. Linking worlds ... worlds successfully linked. Opening portal"

With the last words the grimoire shines again more intensely until it disappears leaving what it looks like a dimensional door.

"It’s done Kurisu, we can go now"


I extend my arm and take her hand, and then we cross the portal. In the next second we are in a dark space and I hear the system voice.


[Interdimensional trip detected ... plane detected ... implementing support]

[Please choose from the next options to provide the appropriate missions accordingly:

-Help humans

- Exterminate humans]

... I choose the first. I may have differences of opinion with some people, but is not that want to kill everyone who thinks differently. As long as they don't bother me, we'll both be fine.


[-100C to choose a specific destination

-10,000C to create an identity and background in the world you travel to

-100,000C to choose a specific timeline in the world]

Damn, why did you put the second and third if you know that I don't have the resources to do it. Are you making fun of me? Fuuu ... well, in the world we are going to, it doesn't matter, but for other worlds it will be better to keep crystals since it will be good to have a backup in the worlds I’ll travel to.

I use the 100 crystals, I want us to appear on the roof where the plot I know develops at the beginning of anime.


[Adjustments made]

I feel my body moving again, or rather that it is pulled by something. Soon a feeling of dizziness floods my mind, I also feel that my feet have landed on something. When my eyes stop spinning I watch Kurisu holding my palm tightly and with the other hand she touches her head.

While I wait for her to recover I look around us, I can notice that we are on the roof of some kind of building, on the perimeter to the edges there was a fence. When Kurisu manages to stand on her own, I walk to the edge of the building.

It can be seen a metropolis like were Kurisu and me used to live. Cars move through the streets and people with uniforms of different jobs can be seen too.

"It's really like my previous world, haven't we really come back to it?"

"No, it's a different one from yours"

"Well, at least I think I can get used to it faster than Gaia ah .... if they see us with weapons in this world, won't we be in trouble with the authorities?"

"No, soon the laws will only be things engraved on sheets of paper. Keep your weapons and bullets because you will need them soon"

"Eh? W-what do you mean? What's going to happen?"

"The fall of a civilization, look, is starting"

With my words Kurisu’s gaze follows mine, there is a man knocking on the entrance door of the facilities where we are. Soon 2 people approach him, a man and a woman, they seem to talk to each other, but the man who was outside the door bites the other.


A shout is heard throughout the area and the woman who raises her voice has the same fate as her partner. Then as an epidemic it triggers the same pattern everywhere, outside in the streets cars collide, and smoke from fire begins to be generated from all parts of the city ...

"W-what's going on?"

"Does the term “Zombie Apocalypse” sounds familiar to you?"

"Zombie Apocalypse?"

While Kurisu continued to watch the bloody show, I speak to Aurora. Does the system contain an antidote for the virus or whatever it is that causes people to become zombies?

[Has it, but there is nothing that turns back to normal an already converted person. You can only buy antidote that has an effect during the first 10 seconds after a person is bitten for 100C, another that has an effect until after 1 minute of an individual becoming infected for 1,000C and for 10,000C one that is up to 10 minutes]

Buy 10 of the first and 2 of the second please. Also, you said before that my body was special, does the virus still affect me?

[That’s correct, but it only means that your defenses are stronger, the first medicine for you works like the second, and the others increase one rank similarly]

Great, I have 10 minutes of immunity per 1,000C. Glad for the news I take out the vials, at one end they have a small needle to inject and on the side a button to introduce the liquid into the bloodstream. The 100C has a green line and an orange line for the one of 1,000C.

"Kurisu take this and keep them by your side"

"What are they?"

"Antidotes, the one with the green color works for the first 10 seconds in which someone is bitten and the orange in the first minute, keep them always whit you, they can save your life"


I give Kurisu 3 green and one orange antidotes, she takes them and holds them tightly in her hands. I keep others in my inventory. Is there anything else I should prepare now? I've given Kurisu enough magazine and bullets for the weapon before coming to this world, I also have 8 magazines now. Three in the bags of my right leg and 4 hanging from my belt, also knowing where we were going I bought silencers for the weapons.


[Mission / Main "Survival" 

Rank: “H”

Description: Survive in the world plagued by zombies and new dangers, you must use any means to accomplish the objective. People in desperate times occupy desperate measures.

Objective: Survive 6 months

Reward: With the power of the world you will be granted the innate ability [Survivor]

Failure Condition: Death of The User]


[Mission / Main "Zombie Eradication"

Rank: “J – H”

Description: Help humanity to recover the land lost by zombies. Kill as many zombies as you can.

Objectives and Rewards:

Objective1: Kill 1 Zombie - 100C, 1,000G, 1 Antivirus level1.

Objective2: Kill 10 Zombies - 100C, 1,000G, 1 Antivirus level2.

Objective3: Kill 100 Zombies - 100C, 1,000G, 1 Antivirus level 3.

Objective4: Kill 250 Zombies – 1,000C, 10,000G, Weapon Ticket - I, 10 Antivirus level 1, 5 Antivirus level 2, 1 Antivirus level 3.

Objective5: Kill 500 Zombies – 1,000C, 10,000G, Armor Ticket - I, 20 Antivirus level 1, 10 Antivirus level 2, 5 Antivirus level 3.

Objective6: Kill 1,000 Zombies – 1,000C, 10,000G, Item Ticket - I, 40 Antivirus level 1, 20 Antivirus level2, 10 Antivirus level 3.

Objective7: Kill 10,000 Zombies - 10,000C, 100,000G, 5 Limit-break Pills, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Objective 8: 100 000 Zombies – 10,000C, 100,000G, Summoning Scroll level 1: Monster, 100 Antivirus level1, 50 Antivirus level2, 25 Antivirus level3.

Objective9: Kill 1,000,000 Zombies – 100,000C, 1,000,000G, 1 World Exit pass, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Note: Objectives are NOT repeatable.

Fail Condition: Death of The User]


[Mission / Main "The hope of humanity"

Rank:  “J – H”

Description: Create a survivor camp and keep the largest number of people at your disposal safe. Do not let humans become extinct from this world.

Objectives and Rewards:

Objective1: 1 Survivor - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level1.

Objective2: 10 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level2.

Objective3: 100 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level 3.

Objective4: 250 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Construction Blueprint of a Crystal energy generator, 10 Antivirus level 1, 5 Antivirus level 2, 1 Antivirus level 3.

Objective5: 500 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Construction Blueprints of a Crystal powered engine, 20 Antivirus level 1, 10 Antivirus level 2, 5 Antivirus level 3.

Objective6: 1 000 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Construction Blueprints of a Crystal energy shield - I, 40 Antivirus level 1, 20 Antivirus level 2, 10 Antivirus level 3.

Objective7: 10,000 Survivors - 10,000C, 100,000G, 5 Limit-break Pills, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Objective8: 25,000 Survivors - 10,000C, 100,000G, Summoning Scroll Level 1, 100 Antivirus Level 1, 50 Antivirus Level 2, 25 Antivirus Level 3.

Objective9: 50,000 Survivors - 100 000C, 1 000 000G, 1 World Exit Pass, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Failure Condition: Death of The User, 0 Survivors rescued during the stay in the world.

Current survivors rescued: 0]

While checking the new received missions, somebody's steps are heard coming running down the stairs. Soon three agitated figures arrive, 2 young mans and one young woman. In the system text box I see their higher develop skill and level [Survivor Level 7], [Self Defense Level 6], on the other man instead of his data, [Infected] shows above his head. 

We met with 2 of the protagonists of the animated series and the unfortunate guy who only has a few minutes to live. They notice us and the girl speaks hurriedly.

"People have become monsters, help us block the stairs"

"I know, I've seen it"

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I answer the woman and the man who have not bitten ask in doubt not recognizing us and realizing that we are not wearing school uniforms, or possibly because of my age that it is not adequate to be here and that I wear leather armor. Well, I don't think they believe me even if I tell them that we come from another world...

"Well ... I thought it was a nice day to walk and we did that exactly"

The place falls into a deadly silence ... it was the only thing that it occurred me to say, but with all the shouting and zombies around I think it was not suitable ... I should say that we were from another world and maybe it would be less awkward, I continue talking to break this atmosphere .

"Changing the subject, how long have that guy been bitten?"

"That doesn’t matters you! It is none of your business!"

"About 5 minutes"

The hysterical girl screams, and the person bitten, answers trying to calm things down. You're not a bad guy, but I can't do anything for you.

"I can only say that you have bad luck, I'm sorry, but you're screwed"


The brown-haired girl with a slightly blond hue is enraged with my comment and Kurisu puts herself between us when she sees the reaction of the girl. Then the protagonist ... I do not remember his name, he speaks when seeing that the zombies begin to climb the stairs.

"It is not time to quarrel with each other, we must block the stairs or they will come. Quick, everyone help find something to prevent them from passing"

"I'm sorry, but we don't plan on staying here. You can block the stairs once we leave."

With that said I walk down the stairs with Kurisu following my the steps. All three are surprised by my statement and action. Concerned about us, they talk to us trying that we reconsider our plan, but I continued on my way without stopping.

"Wait, it is dangerous. The whole school is plagued by them, they attack any living person who is on their way. Besides, it is not so easy to kill them and they have considerable strength."

"What he says is true. It is safer here."

"You haven't seen them up close, so you don't know how scary they are. Come back quickly"

While they scream, the sound of their voices attracts the zombies. Are they really trying to help or they want to gather as many as possible to kill us? Well, I think they are altered and they didn't think things clear. I don’t feel bad intentions coming from them ... I had to inspect them with my skill [Spiritual vision]?

The zombies begin to climb the stairs, but because of their clumsiness they stumble and fall. The problem is that a large amount is gathering, eventually pushing each other they can actually reach up and that only would make more difficult to get out of here if their number are still increasing in the area.

Wanting to avoid that, I speak to Kurisu.

"Hurry up, it's not good to block the entrance to the stairs"


I unsheathe [Black Moon] and draw the colt holding a weapon in both hands, Kurisu takes her Beretta and stands next to me. We went down the stairs quickly and I shot the zombie on the ground trying to get up, a whistle of the weapon percussion is heard and the bullet pierces its skull causing it to collapse on the ground again.


[Kill 1 Zombie completed]

"T-Those are weapons?"

"That seems the case, who are they?"

"I don't know, but wasn't it better for us if we follow them?"

"It's too late to think about that, we block the stairs"

I listen to the voice of the three, but eventually ignore them and focus on making our way through the Zombies. They are not strong, the system texts on their heads indicates [Zombie] and a level between [5-9], but there is a huge amount of them... just thinking about the percentage of the city’s population that was turn into zombies gives me chills.

"Is it okay to leave them?"

"Haaa ... one guy is with one foot in the other world and will soon move his other foot forward, I have no problems with the other guy, but honestly I'm not good with people like the girl"

"What wrong whit her? Although she is a little disturbed, it seems very normal to me "

"It is one of those people who seem strong, but in the end wants other people to solve her life. If we stay I would have to deal with the one who will become a zombie, and the three of them seem to be in some love triangle, I don't want to carry the resentment of the girl for killing the bitten guy "

"L-love triangle?"

I respond with a nod continuing forward and we enter the corridors, inside people ran to save themselves from zombies. People had lost any kind of bond that previously united them, friends who swore to stay together fled taking advantage of the opportunity that monsters ate their partners. Couples, who do vows to spend the rest of their lives together, abandoned themselves to fate. Adults did what they could to survive at the expense of young people, everything become a pandemonium.

Do I really have to save and trust these people to be around me? Well, it can be said that the situation has led them to unleash their instinct to survive.

We shot down Zombies while analyzing things around, when I was thinking all this, I heard Kurisu's voice calling me.

"What do we do Alex? The number of zombies doesn’t seem to reduce, even if we kill them it does not seem to end"

"We will try to rescue as many people as we can while looking for a way out of the city. Besides, I want to find two people."


"One who is fit as a warrior and the other I want to sav- ... right, she has that military friend"

Wooh damn, that was close. I almost told her that I want to save the treasures of all men ... it would be a shame if they end up being chewed by zombies. It is good that I remember that she has another role in the plot that being a visual enjoyment for the spectators.

Two girls come running towards us chased by zombies, some other zombies are blocking them, I aim at the zombies and make a way for the girls by killing the zombies. Soon they find themselves panting and with fear expressed in their faces in front of us.

"W-who are you?"

"Does that matter? What you two have to do is stay between her and me so you will be safe. We'll make our way out of here."

"T-thank you very much"

"It doesn't matter, just calm down and don't do anything stupid, otherwise you'll have to worry about having a bullet in the head instead of the zombies."



I activate my emperor aura and direct it to them, their legs tremble and the fear they have for zombies changes towards me. That's fine, I don't want to have to worry about they attacking me from behind.

"Kurisu everything is fine, take care of our rearguard and watch them, I don't want to get in trouble for their fear"

"I understand"

"Hey you, do you know where the infirmary is?"

"T-the infirmary? Y-yes I do"

"Show me the way"

I speak to one of the rescued girls to show us the way, according to the plot she will not be in danger at the moment, but it is better to make sure. As for the other person that I'm looking for, she can survive by herself enough to leave her for later.

With the instructions of our two new members, we walk through the corridors of the building, arriving at what looks like the main entrance and on the step of some stairs was her. Things never go as planned, I found the other girl first.

With a wooden sword she knocked down a zombie, if you paid attention you could notice that her expression, which should be of uncertainty and fear, was replaced by a small smile that was stained with a little drops of blood on the cheeks. When the zombie falls, she turns around discovering us and then moves her feet in our direction.

I smile back and we also walk to meet faster. Well, I'm looking forward to venturing into this world of "High School Of The Dead" with her, it will be something entertaining.

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