Soul Evolution System

Chapter 19 Survivor Group[Edited]

We met the girl with blue hair and athletic proportions from before, she had an aura of blue and a little orange tones, showing her mental state as stable and a little excited. In addition, a refined presence emanated from her, like someone who grew up in a disciplined way.

Above her head I could read the system information [Samurai level 16], it was the highest level I had seen in this world so far. If it weren't for my Hero ability, it would be difficult for me to say who would win between the two of us, although she is not my enemy, so it is useless to think about it.


The two girls we saved talk when all of us are close, by the way, they were a [Student level 5] and [Athlete level 7], the blue-haired girl sees them and nods smiling in response. She seems to have a good reputation in the school, and then she turns her gaze to me and Kurisu and her expression changes to one of doubt.

"Who are they?"

It is natural that we stand out quite a bit in the environment without wearing uniforms and carrying weapons, but they place me in a difficult situation to answer when asked. Telling the truth would make me a lunatic, I cannot say being someone of the law because our age does not match ... children of gangsters? Sounds better, but the problem of why we are at this school remains. Any option has problems so let's say anything.

"I am Alexander, the person who will make your life more interesting"

"Hmn? Well ... I'm Saeko Busujima, I'm a third year. We should move, things are getting worse with each passing second."

"You're right Saeko-chan, we have to go to the infirmary so let's continue"

“C-chan? ... I understand then let's move"

When I smiled, she recovers from the surprise of how I call her and answers, I nod and aim to two zombies that block the way to neutralize them. When they fall, I holster the colt and take the sword, let's see if I can learn any movement from her. With that thought we all run, with me and Saeko ahead, the two girls in the middle and finally Kurisu.


[Kill 10 Zombies Completed]

We pass through several corridors and after passing a few minutes advancing killing zombies we reach our goal. The door was locked, I tried to knock and see if someone answers.

[Knock] [Knock]...

"W-who is it?"

A sweet scared voice is heard from the inside, steps sounds and you can hear someone approaching the door. We look each other and then as a representative of those outside, I answer.

"A zombie ... open the door please, I want to eat you and taste your sweet meat"

"Hiii… n-no, you can't pass… you can't eat me!!!”

Everyone outside looks at me, what do you want me to say? ... I couldn't resist and besides removing the zombie part, my other words are true. From inside the sounds of someone stumbling and knocking things arise after the voice. Then Saeko intervenes.

"Nurse, I'm Busujima of 3rd year"

"B-Busujima-san? The zombie from before is gone?"

"... yes, is gone, there are only people here so please open"


The door is unlocked and when it opens, the two great treasures that all men seek are there ... they really huge. I instinctively swallow while my eyes are fixed in that place as if they had some kind of spell preventing me from looking away. But I must say that am not the only one, all the women here who witness them do the same ... only that I can see in their auras the violet of envy begin to emerge.

The two great obstacles give us way inside and those outside begin to pass, when everyone enters I close the door being the last. But when I turn around, suddenly something attacks me and lifts me up.

"Kyaaa, how cute ~!!!”

As if my soul were split in two, one part is taken to hell for punishment through suffocation, the other goes to heaven where I am surrounded by soft pillows made of angels feathers and they were also as warm as a lover's hug .


[??? Affection: 80 Loyalty: 60]

[Mission / Main "Conquest of the heart” (???)

Rank:  “D"

Description: To maintain confidence in a person, it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater bond created will be.

Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 

Current: Affection 80 (Fond) Loyalty 60 (Neutral)

Rewards: 10x Potions [D]

1x Elixir [D]

Development skill [Alchemist] ]

"A-Alex !!?"

My lungs resent the lack of oxygen so I try to speak demanding to be released ... Well, if she only gives me some space to breathe will be enough. But my mouth is blocked and only babbles are heard, is she a murderer hidden within the plot of the anime? When she hugged me she did it in a way that blocked my arms and thus avoided that I can making space between us.

"Hahaha, that tickles ~"

If I am going to die here I want at least someone to write in my grave [Alexander. Died happily finding the "Two piece"] ... jokes aside, I'm feeling dizzy. You would be thinking, why don't I use my strength to free myself, right? It is true, with my current strength it wouldn’t be difficult to push away her arms, but this was not a battle that could be resolved with force ... it was about will ... a man’s pride if you want to call it that way.

"Hey you! Release him!"

With the voice of Kurisu as background I use my last resort ... however I could, I position myself in the center of one of her breasts and suck with my mouth strongly, when I feel that have enough meat between my teeth, I bite it playfully.

"Hyaaan ~ !!"

Her arms release me, she takes a step back and puts the hands on her shirt, in the area of the chest that was dampened a little by my saliva. I won.

"Bad girl ... you can't bite that place ~"

"Ha…. Ha… .Ha… in the first place I am not a woman, I’m a man. And in the second you were the one who was suffocating me"


Apart from Kurisu who nodded to confirm my words, everyone else is surprised, something that was already a routine.

"Just accept it, I'm a man. Now what we have to think is what to do to get out of here."

"Why did you want to come to the infirmary?"

"That ... just take the medications you can, they will be useful in case of an emergency"

Saeko asks and I answer the first thing that comes to my mind, she accepts it as something credible and they start packing things in a backpack with the 2 girls, so the nurse asks me.

"How will we get out of here?"

"It is best to look for a large vehicle that carry many people"

"A large vehicle? Does the school bus work? "

One of the girls speaks while she keeps putting things in her backpack, I have not asked their names yet... once we are in a safer place we will have enough time for presentations, for now let's focus on leaving the school.

"Can anyone here drive?"

To my question the nurse and Kurisu raise their hands ... now that I remember she was driving in America. I completely overlooked it, I also drove in my world, but it is a problem to do it with this body.

"Well, when we get it, one of you two will drive. Ah-"

"What happened?"

"Does anyone know where the keys are?"

They all look at me and begin to deny one by one with their head until everyone's gaze lands on the nurse. She seems distracted for a few seconds, but in the next moment she starts thinking with her index finger on the chin.

"... Ah, I remember. It must be in the teacher's classroom, if the driver doesn't have it with him"

Hopefully the school driver didn't take it, I don't want to have to look for him in all the school. On the other hand I don't think we should all go, it would be more problematic than helpful… one part of the group will have to go and the other wait here.

"Well, Saeko-chan and me will go for the keys and the rest wait here"

"Eh? I'm going too Alex!"

"It is better that you stay Kurisu, you are the other person besides me who has a gun. If all the people with weapons leave they will be left unprotected."

With my words the two girls tremble visibly, the nurse seems calm waiting for the decision we make. She has courage or her head works differently from a normal person. Kurisu noticing the look of anxiety of the two girls directs the gaze to Saeko and says.

"Then she stays"

"Stay here Kurisu, it won't take long."

I approach and caress her face with affection, she becomes nervous in front of the eyes of others, and distressed she steps back  finally agreeing to remain here in silence.

"Sorry, I decided without your consent, but can you accompany me?"

"No problem"

With Saeko's smile we leave the infirmary, she takes the head and leads the way. On the path we see several classrooms with zombies inside, but we only eliminate those that block our way and ignore the rest.

After several minutes of running among the walking dead, Saeko points to a room with the door open and stating my guess, says.

"It is there"

Without saying anything, I just go forward and enter the room, inside there are 3 Zombies, one in front that throws on me, I evade it to the left and perform a thrust from the bottom to the top going through his head from the jaw. The second was behind a living room chair, I get on it and in a comfortable way to compensate for the height between the two make a horizontal cut to his head.

When I turn to the third that was to the right of the door, he is taken care of by Saeko quickly too. Ending her enemy she looks at me and speaks.

"Let's look for the keys"


When I was about to begin, I realized that I had no idea how the key was like, as if Saeko also thought the same thing, her steps also come to halt.

"Do you know how the key is?"

I shake my head to answer her, and try to find a solution. The only thing can trust is my ability to evaluate, hoping it is specific enough when I use it.

"There is no option, let's look for all the keys and hopefully will be one among them"

After I say that we both look all over the place, as a result we get 5 keys. Unfortunately with evaluation only shows [keys], but I doubt they are the ones needed.

"Those are all the keys here"

"I think so ... can I ask you a question?"


"... what do you feel when you kill the zombies?"

"Um? What do you mean?"

"Sadness? Fear? Repulsion?"

"Oh, that ... mmm"

I remember her story in the anime, in this one she was lost because she felt excited when fighting and that at the same time when living in a civilized world caused her an incongruity. I think for a few seconds to answer.

"Well, I do not know the answer you are looking for, but if I had to say one among all these, it is probably excitement. I cannot feel sadness for people that I do not know, empathy ... it is left aside when someone tries to attack me or in this case eat me. Fear and repulsion to kill get over after killing for the first time with my hands.

You can say that I feel excitement when kill them, because I feel more stronger every time I take one of them down "

Although instead of a “feeling” of getting stronger, it was that it actually strengthened me with every death I made.

"Thank you ... it seems that we are similar"

"Don't worry, I told you I will make your life more interesting Saeko-chan"

"Fufufu, you are a presumptuous child, aren't you?"

When I was planning to return we could hear the sound of something in the room adjacent to it. I can't see what it is, but I can judge that it is a zombie trapped there. Saeko says before me.

"Something is trapped in the bathroom"

"Let's check, you open the door and I'll take care of him"


She opened and as we expected there was a zombie inside, it was probably a person who locked himself up after being bitten. I end up with him without any difficulty, but Saeko recognizes the body as the driver and immediately I investigate the things he carried on him .

In one of his pockets I find a key with the logo of a car company focused on producing large transport cars. It was certainly the key for the school bus.

"We found what we were looking for, let's not make the others wait too long"

We took the same path to the infirmary, it was faster because we had just passed and eliminated the zombies in the hallway. Soon, we meet all the other girls.

"Here it is, we can leave now"

"Where will we go?"

"I think it's better to get weapons so they can protect themselves ... a police station? Any army base around?"

I wanted to say to the nurse's house, but I’m not supposed to know that she has guns in her house, so I talk about weapon raising the issue with the hope that she will intervene.

"Army? In the house where I live there are weapons ..."

Everyone directs their eyes to her, bingo. I speak quickly continuing the conversation.

"Really? They're real and not toys, right?"

"They are real ... they are from a friend who works in the army, I think she won't mind if we take them"

"Then we will go to the beautiful nurse's house"

With Kurisu's eyes on me everyone agrees to go to that house. I smiled at Kurisu to calm her down, but she only snorts and turns the head away.

"Is everyone ready?"


I leave with the others and head back to the main entrance of the building, next to me Saeko keeps me company, in the middle are again the two girls, but with the nurse joining them and Kurisu is guarding in the rear.

After a few walking in the corridors we met some zombies, at a rapid pace I get to the side of the zombie that turns around when hearing me, he raises his arms to try to hold me but his head detaches from the body. Saeko takes care of another, with a movement of the wooden sword a sinking appears in the skull of the zombie she is facing, losing his strength and falling down. From behind I hear the whistle of the shots from Kurisu’s Beretta and with a headshot she kills two zombies that were approaching her.


[Alexander level up to 13]

[Kurisu level up to 10]

Oh, Kurisu reached level 10. I turn my head back and can see her opening and closing the fist in a bewildered manner, she is probably feeling the power increasing in her body. It is a pity that it is not the time to get distracted, I shout for my words reach it her clearly. 

"Kurisu! Don't stand still and keep moving!"


We arrive at the main entrance that connects with the schoolyard that has a large number of zombies moving all over the place waiting for an unfortunate bastard in which they can nail their teeth. But apart from us there was also another group of people hiding from the opposite side.

They were the two people from the beginning, of the two men that we meet before there was only one left, the other surely turned into a zombie and they left or killed him as in the original plot. In addition to them there was a chubby young man with glasses, [Soldier Level 7], he brought a nail gun as a weapon and then the final member was a girl with pink hair, [Student level 6]. All of them were the protagonists of this world.

They notice us and the girl immediately recognizes me and Kurisu, opening her mouth she exclaims with surprise.

"It's you two ... so you were still alive"

"Girl, don't go killing people in your mind as you wish. As you can see we are perfectly"

"Hump, you left us alone to our fate. Perhaps with your help if you had stayed, maybe him wo-"

"Do not say stupid things, nothing would have changed, your friend would continue to die even with us there. The only thing that would change is that there would be more spectators to observe his transformation, the fact that he died has nothing to do with us, do not put weights on my shoulders that don't correspond me to carry”


"Calm down Rei"

"Don’t touch me!!"

I knew I couldn't get along with her, even leaving to avoid her blaming me, she still managed to make it seem like is my fault. Her friend tries to calm her down, but she gets more disturbed.

"You know each other?"

"No, we've only met once"

Saeko speaks to me and I answer, the zombies detect the noise created by us, mostly by the hysterical girl, and drag their feet to the entrance of the school.

"Sorry for that, please forgive her. I'm Takashi Komuro."

"You can save the presentations for later, they  are coming"

I stop everyone from introducing, damn it, Do they have common sense? We are surrounded by zombies that eat humans, not in a park walking quietly.

"What do all of you plan to do?"

"Take the school bus and get out of here"

"Can we accompany you?"

"Yes, let us go with you. I don't want to stay any longer in this place."

"If everyone goes, I'll go too"

"There is no problem for me, just make your wife more prudent. What do you think?"

Komuro asks me, I have to gather as many people as possible so if they join us it is advantageous for me. Immediately after him the pink-haired girl speaks, at first in Gaia, I was thinking between her and Kurisu in my choice for whom to use the Summon Scroll, she is also a very intelligent girl, but has an explosive personality, in the end as you know I chose Kurisu for having a calmer character.

Finally, the chubby says standing by the side of the girl with pink hair and glasses, he probably will go where she goes. Well, it is someone obsessed with weapons even having the development skill [soldier], of all the people in that group I think he will be the most useful, so am glad that he joins us, although he is a bit coward.

"I am not his wife!!”

"If it seems good to you, I have no problem"

"It's okay"


"It's good that we are more to help each other"

Kurisu, Saeko, the two girls I saved and the nurse answered respectively, as for the brown-haired girl I simply ignore her.

"Saeko-chan and I will make a way in middle of the zombies, the four unarmed girls will take the center, Komuro and his wife will take a side each one of them covering the center and finally Kurisu and the boy with glasses will take the rear. Is that okay?"

"I said I wasn't his wife !! ... Why do I have to do what you say?"

"Please Rei, just do it"



Leaving aside the talking couple, everyone else answers or nods with their head. As my instructions Saeko follows me and everyone else takes their positions, although grumpy the brown-haired girl also does her part.

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