Soul Evolution System

Chapter 190: A New Journey

The chapters from 13 to 22 are already edited. Thanks for reading SES!!

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" What did you want to talk about, Alex?”

"... I have to train with the spear, so please be brief"

Not long after Rika and I searched for all the girls, we all got together on Delorean's side. Well, since Shisuka was in Lena's alchemy store in Barl, there was nothing to do but to only inform those who were here already, she would find out later from the others anyway.

Well, since my trip to the new world shouldn't last as long as the last one, maybe she wouldn’t even notice that I'm gone...

"Well, I just wanted to tell you all that tomorrow I will go to another world, so, I will be away for a while."

"" E-eh? Are you going to another world?! ""

I go straight to the point and then as if the girls have agreed to respond at the same time and in the same way, several of them tell me that. Well... maybe I summarized things too much.

"... What do you mean you will go to another world? Will you go to our world again, Alexander-san? 

Didn't we just get back from there? Did you forget something there?”

"No, this time I will go to a different world..."

Saya probably came to that conclusion after my words, so I deny it. Things in HOTD should be fine for a while and I won't need to step in for now.

Although things may certainly be a bit hectic for a while in that place since I had asked Yuriko-san for her and the other leaders to start trying to take control of other surrounding camps, I think they can do well that mission by themselves.

"So you want to go to a different world this time, Alex?

… So when do you want us to leave?”

The next to intervene is Kurisu, perhaps since she had more experience in these matters, that's why she was one of the calmest girls here. Although it seems that she also drew the wrong conclusions...

"No Kurisu, this time I don't intend to bring anyone to that world with me... or rather, I can't do it. You all will remain in Gaia while I finish doing the things that are necessary in that world”

"Eh? Will you go alone? Why can't we accompany you? 

I-If it is because it is much more dangerous than the world of Saeko-san and the others, then I think you shouldn't go there… ”

"Well... it's not because it's dangerous, it's because this time my system set special conditions to go there and one of these conditions its that I have to go alone."

This was a lie and truth at the same time... it was true that this time the system had some conditions to go to that world. No, rather it was that I had to go under those conditions or it would not make much sense to go to that world...

What was a lie, is that this world was not dangerous... if you compare it to HOTD, then it certainly may not be dangerous and it is as safe as the world that Kurisu and I came from. That was true for most of the places there, but where I specifically intended to go in that world, perhaps would be even more dangerous than anything I faced in HOTD…

"What do you mean by all this? Can't you give us more details? What you have said doesn't tell us much!! ”

Rei, the girl who had asked me to be brief, it was now yelling at me to explain things in more detail… she really should rearrange her priorities first, but well, it’s true that I should indeed explain better about this to the girls.

“As I had already mentioned to some of you when we were in your world before, I had to travel there to make myself stronger. Things have not changed, and this time I also have to go to a different world with the same objective... well, I also chose it because some things in this world could greatly benefit the camps we have at HOTD, and of course, they will also be useful to us here in Gaia.”

" ... How long will you be in that world, Alex-san? ”

“I will most likely stay there much less than in your world, Saeko-chan. Although it all depends on how things develop on that side, I think that the shortest time will be 2 weeks or slightly less than that, and in the worst case, perhaps around a month... "

With the girls coming to terms with the idea that I would be going to another world soon, then they start asking questions related to my trip. Like Saeko's question where all the others are looking forward to my answer, and after a little consideration of possible events in that world, I answer it that way.

The time I tell them is based on the ability of my grimoire to travel between worlds, depending on the time I spend in there, I’ll have to wait half of it to reactivate the skill... if it were not for this or if it changes during my visit there, maybe I would come back much sooner.

Still, it's better if I told them a little bit longer of time than what I expect to stay in that world, or else, if I don't come back when I told them, they will start to worry about me.

After we talk about some other things from my trip, all the girls go back to do the things they were doing before. When they hear that I would not remain much in that other world, all of them had relaxed enough.

As for me, I also make the last preparations to leave. As I had mentioned, this time the system had conditions to travel to that world.

The first was that I had to go alone, and the second was that I could not carry any firearms or any attack or defense magic scrolls, but perhaps the condition that worried me the most was that my inter-dimensional inventory would be temporally sealed in that place... plus, some of the effects of my skills would be reduced.

According to what Aurora told me, this was because otherwise, this world would not represent a challenge for me and therefore I will not be able to level up there. Thinking about it, I could only agree with her words... although this would also cause me to feel more helpless ... well, this likely is why it is necessary to do this.

In fact, I could only bring a small backpack with me... many of the things I would carry were the ones I had obtained in one of the first missions I did when I arrived in Gaia... this would really be like starting again.

No... now I have the advantage that I am a much higher level than at that time, and I will only be limited in the weapons that I can take whit me. Besides, I can get the weapons that are used there... or rather, no matter what, I have to get those weapons quickly when I get there, or else I will be at a significant disadvantage.

Honestly, I was tempted to just go there for the things I needed  for the HOTD camps without putting so many limitations on myself, being at less risk since I also had that option.

But in the end, I think it's better to go with the suggestion of the system. Though for this I have to pay a million crystals though... after my complaints and shouts to the system asking for the reason for which I had to pay to put myself at risk, the answer I get is that apparently, this was necessary because the system would have to reach an agreement with the conscience of that world, assuring the benefits that it would give me for these risks would be properly applied...

This was also one of the things that surprised me the most, it seems that the worlds have some kind of consciousness... although it seems that they rarely interact with the people within them. According to Aurora, they are more like observers who just like to see what is happening within them.

With everything finally ready, I spend my remaining time observing what the other people here were doing… the mansion kept taking shape, the girls training or working on some things, and the monsters occasionally showing up as if to tell us that we shouldn’t forget we were in a forest full of them... it seems that its population really grows very fast.

Darkness comes soon and then we all go to sleep. That night the girls were a little more proactive when it came to good night kisses, and they had also got closer to me while sleeping… it was nice but also suffocating since it was getting hot and with so many bodies gathered in a bed, it was felt even more ...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

The next day, very early in the morning, we go a little into the forest so that the other people who were in our new base couldn’t see us and then the girls and I said goodbye before leaving for the next world.

“Even though you say it's safe there, be very careful, Alex. After all, you always tend to cause troubles wherever you go … ”

"Kurisu-san is right, Alexander-san. Try not to antagonize the people over there ... "

"You two don't have to worry about that, I've always come out of the troubles that I've caused in a good way, right?"

"" ... ""

I had already lied a bit about where I was going, so I couldn't complain about what Kurisu and Saya were saying … besides, to a certain extent, they are right and so rather than arguing I try to reassure them by saying that while smiling at them. Unfortunately, there is not as much effect as I wanted...

“He is right, you two don't need to worry so much. You should be conscious of this better than anyone, Kurisu-san. You two have already been to two worlds and even one of these was full of zombies.

Still, he was able to get out of them almost unscathed, right?”

"Saeko-san... don't forget that he almost died in that building the time we were in your world"

It is good that Saeko tries to support me, but then remembering what happened before, where I almost transformed in a red stain on the pavement, makes the girls show some dark faces and their concern now seems greater...

"Don't worry all of you, the place where I am going has no such tall buildings...  I am almost certain that this time I will not fall from a high place"

“Now I am a little curious about where you are going. If it doesn't have tall buildings, then should we assume the culture there is less advanced than where we come from? ”

"Well... in fact, that world would be almost the same as yours, perhaps you could even think about it as a parallel world to yours... but the specific place I am going to is an island where there are not many constructions"

“If so, then how do you plan to find the things that are useful for the camps in our world? ”

"That…well... is difficult to explain, so I can only ask you to trust me"

Not wanting to say too much about the place I was going to, avoiding to make them worry anymore, I have to stop the conversation so that Rei and Rika do not keep asking about that world. I try to change the subject and decide to address my 3 subordinates.

"Scythe, Leona, and Vrana-chan. Make sure to follow the instructions of the other girls ... if you do not, then I will have to punish the three of you when I return"

"Don't worry master, I will follow Rika-san's orders! ”

"Scythe... will... be... with... Saeko... san..."

" Vrana will be a good girl and do what the others say, roock ~

Master doesn’t need to worry, roock ~ ”

About Leona, I was only a little worried about her attitude and that due to this she decided to exterminate an entire city if she had a problem with one of its residents... well, if she follows Rika's orders as if she were her superior in the army, I think there should be no problems.

I was a little more concerned about the other two... or three if we count my plant, I didn't know if my absence could cause them to get out of control. Although when I went to the capital and left Vrana and my plant here, there didn't seem to be any problem with these three, maybe everything will be fine.

Just in case, I gave the girls the Venus poke-ball and also one that was for Vrana and one for Scythe... when I put them inside and took them out quickly afterward, the first thing they did was asking me not to put them there again... no just that, even their loyalty fell a little.

Seriously, what were they? A yellow rat that spits lightning?

Well, whatever... with these poke-balls the girls will be able to control and stop my monsters in case they get out of control.

"Then it is time for me to leave... you should also be careful and if you have any problems, always remember to shoot first and ask later...  if possible, even kill your attackers first and make the questions later"

"... I don't think we can ask a dead person anything"

While I say that to the girls and ignore Rei's comment, I take out my grimoire, and immediately a dimensional crack that will take me to the other world appears.

I could not help but be a little worried about going there and leave the girls alone, they certainly become stronger and many were able to increase one limit thanks to the restoration pills. Some of them can defend just fine and that reassures me a little, but I am worried about the ones that had a soft character like Kurisu...

Well, her status has improved a lot since the last time I checked it out, and the skills with which she can defend herself have increased in rank as well.



Name: Kurisu Makise

Race: Human

Age: 18 years old

Level: 49> 59

Soul Level: 1

Hp:100/100     Energy: (10)

Strength: J

Resistance: J> I

Dexterity: J> I

Intelligence: G

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Erudite-A] [Prodigy (Academic) -S] [Apostle of Wisdom-SSS] (Sealed) [Consecration of Origin-SS] (New)


[Analysis-E] [Calculate-A] [Parallel thinking-C] [Shoot I> G] [Drive-J> I] (New)

Magic: None


[Academic-E] [Gunslinger- J> H] [Sniper I> G] [ Mechanic -J> H ] (New)

Affection: 543  Loyalty: 200 

Current relationship with Alexander: Lover

Well, she is still not very suitable for fighting on the front lines during a battle, but I think she is good support for the others who are more apt for that.

"W-Wait, Alex!"

"What is it Kurisu? Do you want another goodbye kiss?”

"N-not that, Idiot...

It's just that there's something else that worries me with you going alone to that world... y-you can't bring more girls from that world this time! 

No… that may not be possible.

You have to promise not to bring here as many girls as in the world of Saeko-san and others!! "

… So it was about that. I would be happier if it were what I thought when she spoke to me... well, it seems that she is not the only one with that thought since some other girls like Saya and Rei strongly agree and nod to her words.

“… You don't have to worry about that, I don't think I know many girls in that world. Maybe, this time I will return alone"

"... I very much doubt that will happen."

… I think she has made a breakthrough in controlling her jealousy, or maybe Kurisu has gotten to know me well enough that instead of telling me not to bring more girls, only limit the number of new girls I can bring to join our group.

The answer I give to the girls it is not just to reassure them about that. If I remember correctly, in that world there are not many girls who could attract my attention much, in fact, I think there is only one... although I may not have the opportunity to interact with her a lot. 

So, it will only depend on luck...

I take one last look at the girls and then putting my backpack on my shoulder I turn around to enter the dimensional crack while listening to a few prayers from the girls that were asking some God for my safety.


[Detecting interdimensional travel ... the user can choose the following options of support from the system.

Pay 10,000 crystals to choose a specific place to arrive in this world

Pay 100,000 crystals to have a background in this world

Pay 1 million crystals to choose a specific timeline]


[It has been detected that the desired world does not pose a great challenge for the user's current level of strength considering that in this world more than 99% of the living beings do not exceed the 5th limit. Therefore, the system will provide the user with another option allowing him to continue to strengthen himself in the said world ... ]

Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

Editor’s Note: Hello everyone, I've been helping Drack to change some stuff about the novel here and there that make no sense, but we reach to the conclusion that Alexander’s skill [Blessing of Origin] had to be changed (Or nerfed), as you may have noticed already, Alex is not leveling up faster enough according to the skill's description, this is due to the author not expecting to receive everyone’s awesome support, and wasn’t planning on making the novel too long at the beginning, so here is how it will be from now on. (First 50 or so chapters have been modified already)

[Blessing of Origin - SSS

Description: The source, where emptiness, time, forces, matter, energy, everything was gathered in a single point. The place where everything that exists and is about to exist comes from.

Passive1: User can understand skills 10 times faster than average

Passive2: Large Bonus Exp when killing enemies. 

Note: Enemies 5 Limits lower give 0 exp

Passive3: Worlds Language.

Active: People who the skill owner considers trustworthy and made the ritual are given 2x understanding in skills and bonus Exp when killing enemies]

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