Soul Evolution System

Chapter 191 Day One (Part 1)


Just a brief announcement, there will a lot more anime worlds, so don’t worry. You can even join the Discord channel coming soon and suggest some for the future or leave them in the comments. 

Some had asked for the Discord Link, but since it was a bit difficult for me to manage it since my English is not that good and I had to postpone it, now together whit XArezzX, we are going to create a Discord channel in the following days so be patient, I'll post the invite as soon as we do it
This new world and the next one will be much shorter than the previous HOTD, since these are rather for allowing Alex to have a more solid base in HOTD and get more out of that world.

Remember to visit my patreon!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"
Thanks for your support!! 


[It has been detected that the desired world does not pose a great challenge for the user's current level of strength considering that in this world more than 99% of the living beings do not exceed the 5th limit. Therefore, the system will provide the user with another option allowing him to continue to strengthen himself in the said world...



The moment I step into the dimensional gap, the voice of the system is heard in my head repeating the same things it had said to me if I intended to chose this world before, so this doesn't surprise me much. Leaving the last option that the system gave me aside for now, I think the first ones increased in price since the last time I took an inter-dimensional trip, right?

[The world of HOTD was already into decline the moment the user entered it, so making adjustments for these options would not require as much energy for the system…

The world that the user has chosen at this time is very socially stable, due to that the costs increased slightly.]

…slightly? I think they increased 10 times, you know? Is that what you call slightly?!


Well, it is true that if you compare it with the number of crystals I got the first few days that I was in Gaia, then it's not much of a difference either… I think. Also, like the last time, I will only choose the first option so that I can choose a specific location, there is no point in spending crystals for the other two options for this world...

The problem is that if I remember correctly, the plot of this world, or anime, it takes place on an island, but... unfortunately, I do not remember its name. Or rather, did they ever say its name? Or does this even have a name?

[A specific place to go has been detected in the user's mind... analyzing coincidences in this world... found it.

Do you want to pay 10,000 crystals to be transported there?


Oooh! It seems that you are not only a greedy system and you can actually be of help when you set your mind to it. That's good, I was a little worried because I would have to go to a random place in that world and then go to the right place from there... well, now that I think about it, I didn't know the name of Saeko-chan's school and the others either, so maybe I was just worrying too much

"I will pay the 10,000 crystals, and I also want to choose the last option... haaa, goodbye a million crystals..."


[1 million 10 thousand crystals of user's inventory will be discounted…

Starting the transfer process and contact with the world conscience... Successful.

Please strive to survive and strengthen yourself, user]

After those last few words from the system, I re-experience the sensations of being transported and then I feel my feet touching the ground...

Opening my eyes, the first thing I see was lush vegetation as if I had reached a jungle or a similar place... the atmosphere I remember from this anime was very similar, assuming that the system didn’t made a mistake and send me only to a similar place, then this should be the right place.

"If it is the same as before when I went to HOTD, then, the events of the anime will be developed soon, I should prepare quickly because other people should come soon... I have to take advantage of the uncertainty of these people in the beginning before they get used to this environment since I am really concerned about the weapons they have with them.

...the best thing will be to kill one of them quickly so that I can steal them... no, I cannot settle for just one set of those weapons, I must kill as many individuals as possible so that in the future I will have much less difficulty obtaining them, in this way I will have to worry less about running out of these weapons.

Although seeing only vegetation around me, one of the things that bothers me most is that I am alone again in a new world, haaa... seriously, I've only been here for a few seconds and I already miss the girls. For me, they are a great motivation to do something, and without them, I don't really want to do a thing”

[I'm here too, can you remember that, Alexander?]

Oh! Y -You are right, Aurora. But the truth is, I already consider you as a part of me rather than a different individual.

[Hmp ~ Lie, you surely forgot about me.

Well, that does not matter. 

Fufufu, it seems that it is just the two of us as in the beginning, Alexander. Although I don't know how long this will last ...]


[ Mission / Main "Obtain technological blueprints and equipment”

Rank: “H"

Description: The search for technological improvement is a driving force for progress in lifestyle and protection of this one for a civilization, and for this reason it becomes one of the better sheltered secrets.

Objective: Obtain the technological advances in this world.

Failure Condition: Destruction of this information and/or equipment, Death of the User.


25x Weapon Ticket (Air vehicles) -H

50x Weapon Ticket (Land vehicles) -H

5M(million) x Crystals

50M x Gold]

As I was preparing to grab things from my backpack and talking with Aurora in my mind, a mission suddenly kicks in. Now it seems that one of the goals I came here for became a mission… well, I had planned to do this from the beginning, so I have no problem with this.

Unfortunately, I will most likely have to leave this mission as the last thing to do in this world, for now, I must first worry about surviving here.

With this thought in my mind, I continue with what I was doing and take the objects out of my backpack... inside this, there was the knife that I originally obtained in Gaia, a thin but resistant rope, a flint, my canteen that generates water by itself, food supplement pills and resistance pills, several rank H potions, the Elixir I obtained from Shisuka's quest of conquest, antidotes, and finally two scrolls with a pair of crystals with enough value to activate them...

I thought the system would said something about these, but since they weren't either for offensive or defensive magic, it seems like they didn't break any of the conditions imposed on me. This is a good thing since they will be very helpful... although one of these may depend on my luck to see how good can become.

By the way... it 's kind of weird that my nanotube suit has the same rank as this canteen. In fact, I remember that there was a time when this was the highest-ranked object I had for some time...

Leaving the scrolls inside the backpack for now, I grab the rope and knife and walk through the jungle to see if I can find something useful. I have to get a good weapon to defend myself, right now I feel like I'm naked not carrying my revolvers and swords.

Walking through this jungle, I felt a bit like on one of those survival shows that I saw on TV in my previous life.

… It would be nice if I had paid more attention to those stuff, maybe it would have been something useful for me now. Well, I think my situation is much better than in those shows, at least I won't have to eat insects... seriously, I prefer the meat of mammals or shellfish than those.

Looking around this jungle a bit, a few minutes later I find what I was looking for, a rod with a good length and sturdy appearance which to break it would be needed to apply some force to it. Then, I sit down on the spot and right away I start to tie up the knife on one end of it with the rope.

To me, a spear was much better than a simple knife, and so when I found out that I could only bring the things that went into this backpack, my first thought was that if I couldn't bring a good weapon to this world, then I just had to create one. 


As I created my rudimentary spear, the sound of something is heard above my head. When I look up, what I find there was a plane flying at low altitude and then in the next second it seems to drop some stuff from inside it.

These objects descend in free fall, but seconds later they slow their descent by a parachute that extends at each point I see in the sky... there should be about 50 people... people with perhaps the worst of luck.

... well, it is also true that some of them deserve what is about to happen on this island.

It seems that the guests of this party have finally arrived... things will soon be somewhat intense. Honestly, unlike when I went to HOTD, this time even I am a little scared.

There, I knew very well that my enemies would be a large number of zombies, and although there were some ups and downs, I must say that everything went very smoothly without many risks.

I am glad that I did not bring the girls here, since having a large group in this place would only be counterproductive...  I would be very concerned if they had come, the possibility of one of them dying is very high here.

I am not afraid of the people who are now parachuting, they are probably as easy to kill as a normal zombie, what I was afraid of were the weapons they should have with them in a small bag. Those things could surely even kill a level 2 soul person without a problem... so even though this world is a level 1, perhaps it is just as dangerous as a level 2.

Well, in HOTD there were also similar and even more dangerous weapons. But the advantage there was that everything was in chaos and the possibility that I would find a person who used them were minimal. Here, on the other hand, I'm sure they used those weapons.

Yes... the world I had decided to come to was none other than the one of anime B-tooom. To be more precise, on the island where several people are forced to kill each other with small bombs... and as if this were not enough, there are different types of bombs.

“Okay, let's move… let's get on with the plan and get some of those bombs as soon as possible or else, I'm the only one with a spear in this place while the others have bombs with them…  I really don't like that at all.

I just hope I don't meet any of the crazy characters from the anime… I hope the first one will be someone who doesn't think about using the bombs so easily. Besides, if possible, that this be a man please... I do not want to kill a child or a woman.

“Well, finally it is ready… you will be “-----------------” from now on!”

Watching the parachutes descend, with my new partner in my hand, I choose one at random and start to follow him… whoever the person I find is, I hope he doesn't take this personally. I just want to survive here and if I'm not on an equal footing, then that will be very difficult.


[Mission / Main "Collection of radar crystals”

Rank: “F"

Description: All the people who descend by parachute are carrying a crystal in their right hand, if you collect them you will be able to obtain generous rewards.

Rewards per Radar crystal: 

5K(Thousand) x Crystals

50K x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [Wood- Iron]

Rewards for collecting 10 Radar crystals: 

50K x Crystals

500K x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [ Iron ]

Rewards for collecting 25 Radar crystals: 

500K x Crystals

5M x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [ Bronze ]

Rewards for collecting 50 Radar crystals: 

5M x Crystals

50M x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [ Steel ]

Note: For a crystal to count, it must be obtained by the user or an ally by killing its owner. Crystals that allies have on their bodies will also count automatically.

The rewards will be given once the system identifies that there is no longer a hostile crystal bearer towards the user in the vicinities. The rewards are also cumulative]

Following the parachute, another mission sounds in my head. I was not expecting this, I thought that I could not collect crystals in this world, but it seems I was wrong ... furthermore, the rewards are quite generous.

... Although it is also very likely that the risk of obtaining those crystals involves fighting someone with 10 bombs that can destroy me to pieces, maybe this is why the rewards are quite generous.

But… getting the reward for collecting all 50 crystals may not be possible. If I remember well, then, to take the crystals from them it is necessary that the person is dead or at least need to cut off his hand...

So that  implies that I would have to kill all the people here… while it is true that  I have come with the idea of taking many of these people's lives, there are also some with whom it would be difficult for me to do it… I would need to be too ruthless and heartless for that, but even I have my limits, you know?

So it may be best to force myself to get the second-best reward... There should be at least 25 people here who I do not have a problem with killing, right? Having to kill people who I do not want to, would be like selling my soul for money...

With only 25 crystals the reward is still pretty good, and my mind will be at ease not having to kill people I don't want. Also, if they are stackable, then in the end I would get at least 25 times the first reward, 2 times the second, and once the third, so that should be enough.

...Although maybe I am not quite well mentally either having a calm thought about killing 25 people. The worlds I have chosen so far are pretty dark after all... perhaps for the next one I should choose one in which involves seeing less blood...

I run faster following the person on a parachute, and then not long after, I reach the place where he landed. It seems that my luck is good... he is not some character of the anime that I remember and which can cause me some problems.

It was a thin guy with glasses that when his parachute descended, got entangled in a tree and now is struggling to get down... he may also be trying to understand the situation he was in now.

"Help!! W-what the hell is this?! Why the hell did they throw me out of an airplane while using a parachute?!! More importantly, what were those stupidities from a moment ago that we were told there? ”

Since he actually had some terrifying things with him, for now I only watch him from a distance without him detecting me. Then after hearing him scream for about a minute, I tighten the spear in my hand and prepare to throw it...

I had thought about killing him quickly at first, I didn't even want to observe his aura with my ability… I didn't want to know if that guy was someone good or bad and I just wanted to do what was necessary to complete the missions in this world quickly.

… but in the end I couldn't do it, the curiosity and maybe a little awareness that seems to still try to hold on to me wouldn't let me kill him without seeing his aura, and that's just what I end up doing. So after seeing this one, I can only see him as a normal person scared by what was happening... it really seems that I can't get 50 levels killing everyone here.

Damn it!!

Well... as I said, I don't want to be a heartless killer either. There is no option, we will go with the second plan. Probably it will not be pleasant for him, but at least I will give him the opportunity to preserve his life...

While sighing, I approach this man... it would have been more easily if this guy was just some crazy person that those who created this game chose to bring here.

"I-Is anyone there?… W-who are you? ”

"That doesn't matter... wait a bit, I'll help you get down"

When he hears the sound of some branches and leaves on the ground creaking, he quickly stops what he is doing and focuses his gaze on me. In the next instant, he asks all of that with obvious unease in him.

Then without losing focus on his movements in case this guy tries to do something, I get closer and then look for a way to lower him. Minutes later, the man was now sitting on his butt after I cut the ropes that held him to the parachute and fell.

"T-Thank you, little one...

Y-you know what this is all about? Why are we here?”

"I think you had good luck asking a person who actually knew that, but unfortunately, you had bad luck that I did not want to explain it.

In fact, I think your bad luck doesn't end just there… ”


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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