Soul Evolution System

Chapter 192 Day One (Part 2)


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" Eh? W-What do you mean with- Gueh! ”


“This will not be pleasant for you, but believe me, at least I'm giving you a chance to live… if the person you met wasn't me, then maybe now you would be a pile of smashed meat.


Well, now you will have to choose which you prefer ... lose a hand? Or your life? 
Be quick, or else I will have to make the choice for you. You have 3 seconds to think about it… 1… ”


I certainly couldn't kill someone without both of us being at odds with each other, or at least that my ability to see people's aura indicating me that a person was evil.


Of course, this didn't mean either that I would now take care of this man and help him survive here. In fact, if I didn't have to get the crystal in his hand, then I would just ignore and leave him to his own device. Unfortunately for him, I had to take that crystal... I think I'm already kind enough not to kill him and take it from his corpse.


While I was explaining that to the man, I kicked him in the chest and took the bag of bombs that he had with him before he could do anything with these.




The man was now obviously in a state of confusion and was just looking at me as if he didn’t understand what was going on. I knew this would happen, to be honest, I already knew how this would end from the beginning...


Saying the number 2, I step on the man's right hand and position my spear to do the next thing I needed to do...


“W-wait !! Why are you doing this?!


W-we must not fall into the scheme of the people who put us here!! We can do things the way we want…  w-we must try to convince the others who are in this place not to fight between all of us, I am sure that none of those who are here want to die !! ”


Probably realizing that I was not joking, and also remembering all the things that the host of this game had previously told them, he tries to move his hand that was being restraining by my foot. Then seeing that it was impossible to move it from that place, he begins to scream to convince me not to continue with this game.




"I-I know! We can ally each between the 2 of us and so- Gyaaa !! ”


Well… it looks like the knife is sharp enough to cut off his hand in one cut. Even I believed that it was kind of cruel to have to slice it multiple times to achieve this, you know? So it's nice that it was a clean and smooth cut…


But now with the amputated hand, the blood quickly begins to emerge from his wound in large quantities... if I leave it that way, in the end he will die and then my actions will be more an act of torture than benevolence.


With no other option, I immediately look for a potion in my backpack to give it to him... it was a good thing that I decided to bring many of these, although the main reason was to treat my wounds. But to be honest, it was not at all pleasant to consider that I was forced to use all of these to heal myself.


“Damn you brat!! I'll kill you!! I'll make you pay for this!! ”


Now the man had lost the appearance of a civilized person and was looking at me madly, in addition, his aura now had black threads in it... it was something understandable and I could not blame him for this, after all, I just cut his hand. It would be much weirder if he still tried to kindly discuss something between us, wouldn't it?
"Take this and apply it to your wound. This will stop the bleeding... now it will be for the best if you hide for a few days, things here will surely get worse over time.


It probably won't take long for people to freak out a bit and try to kill each other for these crystals and if they find you, then they may not even notice that you are missing a hand and try to kill you anyway.


Don't make my good deeds go in vain, old man… survive until this is over. ”


“You are the only crazy one here !! Dam it, h-hurts ... ¿W- Who cuts a man's hand and acts as if was saving him?!!”


I pick up the severed hand of man and took the crystal out of the back from this one easily... I wonder how this thing does to know when one person has died? I think it's a pretty advanced technology… well, I still think the world's guild cards are more amazing though.


As I explain things to him, I show him the crystal that was now in my hands and then throw the hand into the jungle at the same time... I don't think it will of help if I give it back to him... and he surely will don't want it as a souvenir.


"Sometimes doctors have to do extreme things to save patients, right?"


"Obviously you are not a doctor!! D-Damn bastard, why did you drop my hand?!… m-maybe I can still get a doctor to reattach it to my arm”


"I don't think that is possible on this island. If I remember correctly, the only doctor here is not as benevolent man as me. 
So follow my advice and better hide if you want to continue living "


Perhaps because of the surrealists the of events, the conversation becomes a bit strange… no, now that I think about it, it's normal for a person to think on a doctor after having his hand cut off.


Even with that man's screams, he still follows my instructions and applies the potion on the wound, and immediately the bleeding stops. Maybe that's why the hatred in his eyes diminishes a little and so he begins to think of other things than just being able to kill me.


Well, now, should I look for more people to cut thei… no, help them like this person? No, I hope the next one is a bad person so that I can kill him without worrying.


"W-where are you going? Are you going to leave me here like this? !!”


“Sorry, there are still more people I have to help on this island… take care, old man.


Oh! I almost forgot about it. If for some reason you try to pay my benevolence with bad actions, and you try to hurt me… Then next time I see you I will not only cut off your other hand, but I will also take your life ”


"B-Benevolence? A-Are you a demon? !! ”



As I walk in a random direction through the jungle, I give the last warning to this guy. Leaving him screaming behind, the next thing I do is examine the bag of bombs I just took from him. With these, I feel much calmer now.


"Seriously? After I do a good deed, what I get in return it is the worst bomb in this game? That is not fair!!"


This time it was my turn to scream furiously, Perhaps my luck was not that good this day. When I examine the bag, then my evaluation skill identifies them as [Homing BIM].


Well, actually these weren't that bad. The problem was that for me these were the worst I could get… I rather prefer the ones I just have to throw to make them explode, than the ones I have to first set a target and then wait for them to follow the target.


I think that from all the bombs here, these are the slowest to use… it would be better if these were ones that could coordinate with the advantage of my physique which is slightly superior to that of the normal people.


"Hmn? Don’t tell me that they are also defective?


Fuck!! When I believed that things couldn't be worse, then this happens!! ”


When trying to examine a bomb to understand how it works and get used to them, after all they were still a better weapon than a spear, I couldn’t get the bombs to activate.


[These bombs are designed so that can only be used by the user registered, Alexander.]


"D- Damn ... d-don’t tell me I can’t use the bombs from this world?”


[… Unfortunately, it seems that way.


If you could use your dimensional storage, they could be hacked by the system once they get in there and then you could use them, but sadly, this is restricted at this time ]


Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuuuuck!! ”


Hearing Aurora's answer to my question, I can only let vent my anger by hitting the first tree I see while cursing. This has undoubtedly just increased the difficulty of surviving in this world… until now I had always believed that I could take some bombs from the participants of this game, and then be able to fight with them later.


But now everything seems to indicate that I can only depend on a spear made of a stick and a knife...


[Calm down Alexander. Based on your memories of this world, you still have an alternative to use the bombs. If a person defuses a bomb before it explodes, then they must recognize it as their new owner. 
So maybe if you do that, then you could use the bombs]


Oooh, that's true! I had completely forgotten about that when I heard that I couldn't use the bombs!


So I must go back and have the man from before activating them, and immediately after I'll deactivate them...


[That probably won't work with that person anymore... now that he lost the crystal, he should have been taken out from the participants in the game]




That's very possible… well, I'll try to do that with someone else then. For now I will continue with the original plan that I had upon arriving in this world, and eliminating as many participants as possible before they start using the bombs without worrying about killing someone.


Calming down a bit after hearing Aurora's comment, I continue walking through the woods. Although the first thing she said had upset me a little, from the beginning I didn't thought about using the bombs so soon… doing that would draw to much attention after all.

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(POV 3rd person)


" Well, how's everything going?”


In a room where several men in suits were behind some screens, it could be seen what was happening with the people on the island where Alexander was now, an overweight man wearing a baseball cap comes in while asking that.


If the people who were now moving around on the island saw him, then they would immediately recognize him as the one responsible for them being in that situation now, or at least they knew he was one of the people behind it all.


He was the man who they saw previously and had explained their situation, who had virtually kidnapped them to make people fight each other using bombs and to aim to try to get together seven crystals to be able to come out from there or “Win the game”.


Also, according to what he said, people who could do that would not leave empty-handed and they would get 1 million yen. 
Perhaps for many that money was not enough to compensate them for putting their lives at risk… but surely there would also be some who would be considering this thoughtfully.


"Takanohashi-san, all the participants just arrived a few moments ago on the island... so far everything has been calm, they will probably still last for a while for them to assimilate everything that is happening."


“Well, until now that has always been the case in the beginning, but I'm sure things will change soon and they will end up following our rules. ”


"Sir... I 'm sorry to have to inform you that there is an abnormality with something.”


"...An abnormality? Was there a failure with the cameras of a sector? Or is it that the bombs failed? ”


"No, all surveillance devices are working properly. Also, the bombs have not been used yet, but everything seems to be going well with them.


The problem is that an unknown person showed up on the island... the system does not identify it as a participant. Chances are that this person shouldn't have a crystal in their hand, so we can only track her position by looking at her. ”


As the man spoke, the person he addressed as Takanohashi approached so that he could see  better the scene that was unfolding on the screen and in which a red-haired child was shown moving through the jungle. Seeing her, he couldn't help but frown, that child really seemed to stand out from the rest, so he certainly would not forget if he had seen her among the information documents of the participants from who he had recruited... or rather, kidnapped.


"How did this little girl get to this island?"


" I do not know... it just seems like just suddenly appear on the island"


The truth was, he didn't care much about a child getting involved in this game, in fact, this one wouldn't be the only one who was there. Among the participants, there were several with the same age of that red-haired child, or even a little younger. So, his reaction was not due to his moral values coming out when he saw her.


What was in his mind is if that child could cause some problem in his game that could affect him, in his mind he thought that if she was there, then more people could appear after. Or even this game that should be known only by few people, would no longer be as a secret event as he wanted it to be...


" ... What has this child done so far?"


“… When we detected her, she was following a man in a parachute, and then when she found him, the child cut off his hand where the crystal was… after that, she took that man's bombs and continued walking in the jungle.


She seems to be looking for other participants, and if I'm not mistaken, she should have been following the game's rules of collecting crystals from other participants so far. So I must suppose that she knows the things that were explained to the others.


…she was even quite surprised when trying to activate the bombs but ended up failing because she was not registered to use them.


Takanohashi-san, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to send any of our men to catch her?


Or is it someone who joined this project at the last minute? If so, then do you want me to activate her BIMs? ”


“… No, don't send someone after that child. I don't want those who watch this show to think that something went wrong so quickly, everything should continue as planned.


As for activating her bombs… for now don't do it, let's just watch. Perhaps the best thing would be for her to be eliminated by another participant and save us troubles.


Well then everyone, keep up the good work !! I have some things to do ”


After giving a last look at Alexander who now seemed to have found another participant and headed toward him, the man with the name Takanohashi, this time directed a few words to all the men monitoring everything happening on the island.


In his head, various things he had to do now arose. Mainly because of this new participant who suddenly appeared, now, he leave that room and then head to another place.


Not long after, he was in front of another large screen, but now, instead of it showing what was happening on the island, what was seen on it were several faces of many people dividing the screen.


“Gentlemen, you probably already realized this… we have a new participant in this game. Don’t worry, it was just a surprise that we had for all of you "


"She was not among the participants that we saw earlier in the information that you gave us, Takanohashi... 
Well, I don't think a little lad will change many things either."


"But that little girl seems quite attractive... the truth is that it is a waste to let her die in that place"


"That doesn't matter, the problem is that this changes the bets we had..."


After Takanohashi's words, several of those men and women that could be seen on the screen begin to speak to each other. They were viewers who had paid to watch this show for simple fun… for them, this was just another game where they could spend a little of their money and have fun with something a little different than normal show on TV.


There was a wide variety of people among them, but they all had something in common. For them, the lives of other people did not mean much, and besides, all of them were individuals with a cruel mentality.


So even though Takanohashi was concerned that they might have some complaints about the recent events, he had to make up an excuse for this making them think it was something that they had planned for the entertainment of these people, the truth was that maybe he had worried too much because there was no great reaction from them about it.




“Well, I hope you all have a good time! I’m sure this game will be very entertaining for all of you since there are very interesting participants this time”


With a big smile on his face, as if he were a conductor and what he presented was only a normal show, Takanohashi ends the dialogue with these people in a very cheerful way.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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