Soul Evolution System

Chapter 193: Day One (Part 3)

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(POV Alexander)

"Well, this is my fourth crystal..."

From a man who was now lying on the ground lifelessly, and whit my spear embedded in his chest, I take the crystal that he had in his hand. I really don't know how to classify my luck today... when I wanted to meet a man who I could kill quickly, I find one that seemed to be just a normal person with bad luck.

And when I want to find a man like that again, the next 3 are the type I wanted to find in the beginning... haaa.

Well, certainly the second and the third were people whose auras had a predominantly black color, but the 4th one seemed to be more normal and so I repeat the process of interacting with him as with the first. Unfortunately when he saw me, his eyes and aura totally changed and both of those things showed lust towards me... that is why this person is now lying on the ground lifelessly.

Perhaps the only good thing is that I have not yet met an anime character. I have thought and if I can meet the protagonist of this world, then perhaps I can ally with him. From what I remember, he has a good head and abilities to survive here, plus, he also seems to have a good attitude that I can trust without fear of being betrayed.

As for the blonde girl... without a doubt, she is a visual pleasure. Although perhaps she would be more of a burden than someone I can rely on here... besides, I remember that she had some relationship with the protagonist of this world and that's why my chances with her may not be much... well, perhaps that is my main disinterest for finding her.

Although there is a high possibility for me to meet both of them together. So, if that happens, then it would be best to go with both of these thoughts. Joining his group to get the guy's help, and leaving the girl to him… after all, it wouldn't be good if there was friction in our group because we both fought for a girl.

Since I have 9 girls waiting for my return, the truth is that having to fight for one more here it's not a very sensible thing to do.

This is certainly different from the initial plan I had in my mind before coming here. I had thought about doing it alone, but since I cannot activate the bombs by myself, then there is no other option than to change it a bit...

Now I need to find someone and have him activate the bombs so then I can deactivate them after, it's probably something I can only do at the beginning of this game... being able to achieve something like that later will be more difficult since all the people will be more cautious, or would want to kill anyone they see.

[I agree with your thoughts, Alexander. So you better get as many bombs as you can right now in case you can't partner with someone else either. It is getting late and some explosions have already been heard, this will probably upset other people and they will be more likely to use the bombs against any unknown person.

Besides, it is also good that you decrease the number of participants in this game as much as possible]

You are right Aurora, it is getting late and I will also have to find a place to spend the night in a few hours. Let's proceed to find the next pack of bombs and the crystal that hides in this jungle.


I only walk for a few seconds, and then I hear the same sound as before. So, when I look up, an airplane drops some things on the island again… those must be some provisions. Well, since I had brought enough, for me, these were not very important. 

But... I bet these will attract some people.

Just like the last time, I choose one of those objects that fall on a parachute as my target and immediately start running in the jungle following it. Several minutes later I got close to the shore of the island, but unfortunately, I was the first person to get here… well, hopefully,  someone else could have also followed this briefcase that fell from the sky.

With that in mind, I stay in the shade of the trees waiting for someone to come for the case with provisions... meanwhile, I take my canteen to drink some water and also a food supplement pill to eat it.

Probably because I had thought about provisions before, it gave me some hunger. Haaa ... although this pill gives a feeling of satiety, I certainly prefer to eat real food ... well, it is probably impossible to eat a large beefsteak or Saeko-chan's dishes for some time, so I'll have to settle with this.

The good news is that my previous thoughts were correct, and ten minutes later I heard several people moving between the forest who should have also followed this briefcase...

Above a tree, I can see them clearly... they were 4 individuals, three men, and one woman. Moreover, I recognize two of them immediately, since they appeared in the anime. Well, the others probably did too, but they being not so remarkable, I don't remember them.

From those I recognize, one was a rough-looking man with a bandana on his head... I think that guy was a soldier, and looking at his level, maybe that's most likely. Of all the people I have met until now, with a level of 42, he is the strongest I have seen here on this island...

The other person I recognize was a blonde girl with big breasts... hell! How could I forget those miraculous breasts that I saw in the anime? They had practically saved that girl’s life once!

…Although perhaps, they also attracted many problems to her.

That girl was none other than the heroine of this anime. Seriously, things are not going according to how I wanted in this world... this may be a bad omen. The other people since I don't remember them, are probably not very important characters… no, wait. That fat man with glasses I think he is the one that tried to [email protected] the blonde...

Well, let's leave that for later, my main problem now is that soldier, perhaps he is the worst person I could find here... his level is certainly lower than mine, but probably I will be at a big disadvantage going against him if he chooses to use bombs!!

Furthermore, at that level, his senses should have developed a bit... I have to find a way to take care of him without him noticing me.

Aaahhh, damn it! I do not remember the plot of the anime very well, so I do not know how the following events will develop... Aurora, do you know something? Do you know of anything that might be beneficial to deal with them?

[Sorry, I only have the information that I can get from your superficial memory… and in this one, most of the memories from this world are images of how that blonde girl's breasts moved…]


Well... who would have thought that one day you would need to know the full story of an anime? At that time, I was just trying to keep in my mind the things I liked the most...

So, who can blame me for that!?

We better worry about the things of the present than the things from the past. I have to think about what to do to deal with them... mainly, that soldier.

The truth is that I don't want to have to fight that soldier without having bombs to use, perhaps the best thing to do is go and find another target. The only problem is that I don't want to lose sight of him now that I've already found him and doesn't seem to have noticed me yet...

This guy looks like a predator, and maybe if I lose sight of him, at some point he can try to hunt me down… And I really don't like being the prey, instead, I prefer to be the predator.

While looking at these four people, I begin to consider things. Not realizing I was watching them, they head straight for the briefcase that had fallen into the sea to take it out.

Right away, one of them opens it and sees what is inside, and as I had expected, inside there are bottles of water and energy bars... perhaps these taste better than the pills I have brought.

Watching them interact for a while, I can see that they are not a very close group and each of them seems to have their own priorities. For example, the fat boy with glasses seems more concerned with trying to get the blonde girl's attention.

The blonde girl, from what I see, she seems like nothing matters to her... her attitude was very similar to when I saw Kurisu for the first time in the white world. Even her aura is very similar, and she is mostly emanating a gray color...

The other man in the group seems to want to take the charge as their leader... the only problem is that the soldier, although he should be someone used to receiving orders, curiously this does not seem to be someone who does... perhaps it is that he just doesn't respect anyone in this group.

Continuing to watch them for a while, I can understand that because of all that they will surely have a problem… mainly with that soldier. It seems to me that he was a sadist, and so I am almost certain that my thoughts will come true.

And as I was expecting, a dispute begins between them... well, between the two men with a stronger character. The other two of them stayed on the sidelines... or were only able to do that at first. Suddenly the soldier takes the girl as a hostage while the other man was considering using one of his bombs against him.

Wooh! Seeing it in real life is much more interesting than seeing it through a screen. Well, it's not like I didn't do anything at the time. When I see that man taking the girl as a hostage, I can not avoid tightening the hold in my spear and stand up on the branch of the tree where I was.

No, is not that I have feelings for the girl or something like that, although she is certainly pretty, I hardly know her. My movements are rather due to remembering something I saw on another anime... I’m not sure which one, but I remember someone saying that the most vulnerable moment for a predator is at the moment that he was hunting...  maybe it was not an anime and instead was in an animal documentary?

Well, that does not matter. The important thing is that I thought it would be good to wait until that soldier could focus more on his target to attack him at that moment.

Unfortunately, that opportunity does not come... things between them seem to calm down and then they walk again in the direction of the jungle. Probably they are looking for some shade to eat and drink since it is certain that this was much better than having to do it in the blazing sun of the coast.

So, while keeping a safe distance between us, I sneak up behind them and continued to watch them in the most stealthy way to not alert them,  mainly being careful of Rambo... every time I see this guy, I find him more like the protagonist of that movie.

After walking for a while, they choose a place where all can sit and then they distribute some of the supplies.  Everything seemed normal, and you might even think that what happened a while ago was perhaps just an illusion... or surely that's what 3 of them must have thought.

I could see the soldier's aura and this one was somewhat unstable. Previously, at being in a world where people could hide their emotions well by pretending to be someone good and instead of being someone cruel inside who wouldn't hesitate to kill another person, I understood that Rambo was going to do something soon.

So, again I tightened the hold on my spear and prepare for what is about to happen, getting as close as I can without being noticed by them...


[Ability stealth rank up]

When I hear the notification in my head, at that moment I feel like I'm integrating more with the environment. Also, knowledge about how to be more silent and how to move to avoid making noises appears in my mind at that moment.

Well, this makes things easier for me and allows me to go upon a place even closer without being noticed by those 4 people... seriously, I always felt that the skills are somewhat mysterious.

Sometimes I feel that they rise in rank because my experience in them is greater, and that is why logically their rank has to rise. Other times like this, I feel that the increase in rank makes my proficiency in these magically become better...

[Both sensations are correct, as I have mentioned before, the increase of a skill depends mainly on your experience or even a change in your mind to influence them. But with the rank increase in the ability itself, it also increases the effects it says it its description.

So maybe when the skills have a low rank, you can notice these increases more clearly]

I see…

Observing what was happening with those 4 people who were now several meters away from me while talking to Aurora, I stop the thoughts I had and focus on what I have in front of me.

Rambo was now positioned behind the guy which he was arguing earlier, then before he could be aware of that, a knife cut his jugular in a single move...


The man, either because of sudden pain or because he wants to prevent the blood from overflowing from his wound, brings his hands to his neck... although if it is for the latter, it is a useless movement since the blood continues to come out and even stains the people around.

This totally amazes the other two people who were there, probably the only ones with a clear enough mind at the moment were Rambo and me... he seems excited and even a little happy for what he did. While he was filled with satisfaction, I took my spear and prepared myself to attack in the instant I saw him slice the man's neck.

Unfortunately, at that moment something happens that makes me lose a second... when I had my eyes on Rambo, suddenly next to his level, a [+1] sign appear and distracted me a little.

"Hehehe, this guy was pretty anoy- Kaaah !!"

Well, as I said, it was only a second that I got distracted, and I quickly left what had just happened to think about it at another time. I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity, and so in the next instant after seeing that, I throw my spear while Rambo started laughing cheerfully.

Probably he was totally immersed in the emotions he felt for killing that man since he does not notice the spear until it hits him and pierces his chest... The skill [Lancer] that I got from Rei, and [Shoot] that in a certain way improve my aim, seems that both supported me well enough because the spear hit right in the center of Rambo's chest.

And since I had thrown my spear with all my strength, it not only stops the words he was trying to say, the impact was strong enough to knock him down him a few meters...

My focus was totally on Rambo, so I was waiting for the system notification that I had risen a level to confirm his death, at that moment I couldn't worry that in the next moment the fat guy with the glasses was taking the hand of the blonde girl and start running to the jungle.


Well, for me now the most important things were the 2 crystals of those 2 men who are now on the ground and were taking their last breaths...


[Alexander level up +2]

It was not until several minutes after Rambo fell to the ground that his heart finally stopped beating and the system notification finally sounds... making a big sigh, I get out of the trees where I had hidden all this time and then I approach to the corpses of the two men.

“With these, I now have 6 crystals… a good harvest for one day… I also have managed to raise 5 levels in a few hours. Leaving aside the time when I consumed the limit-break pill in Gaia, it has been a while since I was able to increase so many levels in just a short time.

...the number that my evaluation skill showed on Rambo's head, is probably the indication that he had killed a person on this island. The system had said I will go up one level for each person I kill, and if they have already killed other participants of the game, then my level will increase in the same proportion as the amount killed by them.

Since I went up 2 levels after eliminating Rambo, then that [+1] is the way the system tells me that one person has killed someone already.

Speaking to myself and drawing my own conclusions, I take the bags with the bombs and also the crystals that had come off the back of those two people's hands.

"Well... now, what do I do?

... Should I go after those 2? Or should I look for other targets? A difficult decision… ”


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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