Soul Evolution System

Chapter 194: Day One (Part 4)

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Honestly, for the reasons I said before, I didn't want to go after the blonde girl… but maybe it was best or rather the only option I had right now. The guy who went with her, if I remember correctly, would ultimately try to [email protected] her, if so then can take care of him without having to worry about burdening my conscience with bad emotions.

Well... maybe you can think that circumstances pushed him in such situation, who knows, maybe many people being in his shoes would also make the same. Unfortunately for him, it is not that as if I will be thinking the reason for why he does those kind of things too much, what interested me is that I would save a girl from being [email protected] and I would be able to obtain another crystal and level from him... In the end, I think he dies anyway, so probably this is inevitable.

Besides, there was also the problem of looking for someone to activate the bombs so I could use them after... I think there is no other better option than having her take care of that, it's something fair for her to do so, I’ll saved her after all.

"Well, let's go after those two before it turns dark..."

After thinking for a moment, I immediately start walking in the same direction that those two went… looking at their physique, they probably shouldn't have gone too far.

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(POV Emilia )

Things had really gotten worse since that day... first, one of my friends tells me that along with everyone else, they have chosen me for a strange game and then I end up in this strange place.

Suddenly I was inside an airplane and then someone told us that we were the chosen ones to participate in an event based on a game...

I knew the game well since I had taken refuge there after those things happened to my friends and me. But the problem was that if we are the participants and we have to do the same thing that happens in that game, then, things will be pretty bad for us...

Well... maybe I can't complain too much about it. Even I think I deserve this a bit for having abandoned my friends in that situation before...

I have no idea what will happen to me here... they said that everyone who was here had no other choice and that we shouldn’t hope to be rescued. That some were sold by their own relatives, while others that did had relatives who worried for them would be told that we died in some kind of accident.

It seems that the people who organized all this have enough power to do something like this without having to worry about the social consequences... so I think it is true that nobody will come to rescue us...

All of them seems confused, and like me, most looked puzzled without knowing what they should do... after all, in the rules they explained to us, we needed to kill other people! So, obviously I don't think people can just accept all this so easily and then do things the way they want.

Finishing the explanation, they threw us off the plane… there were some who wanted to try to resist, but after seeing someone get electrocuted with some type of weapon and then thrown from the plane after, the rest of us decided to be more obedient and follow their instructions.

In the end after all that, I ended up with a group of 3 men, something that I really didn't like very much… I have always received strange looks from the men before, so I preferred they were not around me.

The good thing is that these people now seem more concerned with what to do now in this place, than focusing their attention on a girl like me... so at the moment, I thought I could trust them... they all seemed to be adults and so far they had not acted in some strange way towards me.

So, when we had gone after a suitcase that was thrown from an airplane just like they had done with us before, suddenly, the man who seemed most used to being in the jungle and the strongest of us, took me as a shield because the other man who had been giving us orders as if was the leader took out one of the bombs given to us by people while the discussion between them had risen to this point and becoming on a fight.

... seeing all of this and also being involved in something that could possibly result in my death, I couldn't help the fear filling up my mind.

It was good that in the end things calmed down and nothing bad happened... maybe it was just the pressure of all this that is happening to all of us now, or at least I thought that was the reason.

Unfortunately, I soon found out that this was not entirely the case and that there were also quite crazy individuals among the people who had come here.

Suddenly I heard a scream from someone, and then I looked up only to find the image of the man who had behaved as our leader holding his neck as blood stained his hands and then fell to the ground...

I  didn't quite understand what was happening at that time even if the other man had a knife stained with him and was positioned close to the other man, perhaps I couldn't imagine someone killing someone else yet...

And as if this wasn't surprising enough, in the next instant something hits the man who now had a smile on his face and was trying to say something... I-I couldn't make out that well since it was too fast and sudden, but I think it was something like a spear...

All of this happened in just a few seconds, and now two people were dead.... With my mind blank and not knowing what to do, I just feel someone pulling my hand and making my feet move away from the place.

"W- What just happened?! W-What was that all about ?! ”

It was only after several minutes that we stopped because the person who had pulled me seemed to be unable to continue running and then for the first time my brain could react, but all I can do is ask that...

"I-I don't know! T-That man suddenly killed the other guy... p-plus, it seems like there were one or more other people close to us and then they killed that guy too! ”

...seeing him acting nervous and listening to the reality the guy who pulled my hand was describing, I could only think that the situation we were now was becoming more real, and so I could not keep acting as if what was happening was something oblivious to me...

But still…

“M-maybe those people just wanted to help us? That man had killed the other after all... m-maybe we should go back ... "

Without knowing why, something inside me told me that my best option to survive was to return there... even if now there were two people dead and the person who was there was responsible for one of them. For more than I thought, I could only saw that as something crazy, but this emotion did not disappear and thanks to that in the end I even managed to get those words out of my mouth as a pretext... although I do not know if it was to convince me or the guy next to me.

B-Besides, I didn’t like at all the idea that it was getting dark that I had to stay alone with a man that I don’t know...

"A-Are you crazy?! T-Those people are murderers!

I-I'm sure if we hadn't escaped, then the next to die would be us... that damn and crazy people surely now are following the rules of this game and they want the crystals we have!

I-I don't want to be killed for something like that! I-I don't want to die being a virgin... damn it! ”

The things he said were the same things I also thought and the only reason that kept me from returning to that place alone, but... with his last words, the environment around him and his expression changed... now his face had the same kind of expression as I had seen many times before.

"H- Hey, Emilia-san ...Y-you prob-probably also think the same, right? It would be a shame if we died without having experienced things like that ..

I-I'll protect you! The two of us will get out of here alive... s-so you don't have to worry... b-but in case the worst happens, maybe it is better that we also enjoy our time, right? ”

"N-No ... go-stay away!" Let me go! I-I don't want this! ”

As we had run together and were close to each other, when he starts saying all that, he holds me by my hands... his words and actions did not match at all... he was even hurting me as he was holding me tight enough to stop me from running away.

... it seems that men can only think about things like that... even after being in a situation like this where we could die at any time.

As much as I tried to free myself from him, I did not succeed. He was stronger than me, and so he finally manages to knock me down and positioned above me...

When he tries to kiss me, he only manages to put his lips on my hand that tries to push his face away while I hit him with the other. Unfortunately, with my strength, it does not seem that it will do any harm to him or make him stop ...

"S-Stop moving! I have told you that I will protect you, so it is fair that you help me with some things!! ”


Suddenly, he slaps me and makes my body shudder due to the fear that intensifies with each passing second and the burning pain on my cheek… seriously, my fate is for someone to [email protected] me? Can't I escape from this? Maybe if I just died, then I wouldn't suffer so much...

" Wooh! T-They are softer than I thought... "

When I stop moving for a second, using brute force, he causes my shirt to open and I immediately feel his hand squeeze one of my breasts. Now I not only felt fear... but also a feeling of repulsion and hatred towards this person was created in me... although I also hated my body for having characteristics that attracted men in this way.

"Are they really that soft? How much? Can you describe them!”

" Hmn? Well… maybe just like marshmallows? Gelatin seems to be more rigid than these... maybe pudding can compare with them? ”

When I was preparing to take one of the bombs that I had since I rather preferred to die than to be raped, suddenly a third voice was heard from our side and so I instinctively turned my head in that direction.

Someone was squatting there watching what was happening just as if this was some kind of show or some kind of play in some theater... e-even when our eyes meet, the only thing this person does is smile and greet me with his free hand...

T-This was something so surreal that it even makes me forget a little about my current situation… besides, I didn't realize when he had arrived next to us. No, not only me, it seems that it was the same for the guy who tried to [email protected] me...

Perhaps he was more concerned with trying to remove my clothes and lower his pants, so much that even answered his question without realizing about his presence...

"W-who are you?"

Probably the first thing I should have done was asking this person for help… although due to his appearance, maybe things won't change much even if I do that.

It was a slender and delicate looking red-haired child who could probably not be compared in strength to this man... even if his golden eyes that were calm as the water of a lake and that did not seem to care about anything contradicted this, I still found it difficult to believe that he could do something to help me.

Also, there was another thing I recognized despite maybe only having seen it for a second... it was the spear he was holding with his other hand... everything was so strange now and because of that, the only thing I could ask was this...

" Hmn? Wooh!! W- Who the hell are you?!! ”

Seeing that my attention was elsewhere, the guy above me finally notices that something was wrong and then follows my vision to be immediately surprised by what he sees.

"What wrong? Are you not going to continue?

I thought you would take longer to attack the girl, but it was faster than I imagined... you really seemed desperate for this, buddy.

Honestly, I was going to kill you quickly, but since you said you didn't want to die as a virgin, that moved me a bit and so I decided that I would at least give you the opportunity to touch a girl before killing you. 

...Although I would appreciate it if you say your impressions of her body out loud, it is boring to wait and just be watching, so it would be nice to listen to that too to entertain me. ”

The guy is surprised to see someone standing beside him, he falls back on his back, and because of that I am free now. So, even though I was very confused now, I didn't miss the opportunity and stepped back a bit... things had now gotten so strange that I didn't know how this would end.

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(POV Alexander)

It didn't take long for me to find those two people, in fact, I think it took longer waiting for Rambo to die and collect the things from those two men from before...

Then they come to my vision and it seems that they ran up close to a river... now the guy is trying to [email protected] the girl. Ghe! I thought he would take longer to do that, but it seems like I was wrong.

Even so, thanks to the fact that both were quite entertaining in their own stuff and that my stealth ability had ranked up, I can stand next to them without them noticing me... although I really didn't think I would get that close, I guessed that I would end up having to pierce the man with my spear throwing it when he noticed me.

Well, I can't blame the girl for this, she is now probably more focused on moving away the guy trying to [email protected] her than on her surroundings.  As for the fellow... as he said, I think he's pretty desperate to lose his virginity... well, perhaps we can’t blame him much either.

When he opens her shirt with force, I can see her splendid breasts still oppressed by her bra… those seriously are quite big. But... the girl really has a great body in general... it seems like high school girls these days develop very quickly. (E/N: x2)

" Wooh! T-They are softer than I thought… ”

"Are they really that soft? How much? Can you describe it?!”

" Hmn? Well… maybe just like marshmallows? Gelatin seems to be more rigid than these... maybe pudding can compare with them? ”

When I see his hand sink into the softness of her breasts, I squeeze my spear and I can't help feeling a little envious of what he was doing now... having touched the breasts of several of the girls who stayed in HOTD, I can know that each pair had a different feeling from each other... now I'm quite curious how those feel.

Unfortunately, I think that if I ask her to let me touch them, it is almost sure that she will refuse. So my only alternative was to ask the guy and then could imagine the feeling and try to compare it with what I felt from the girls in HOTD and see if I had a familiar feeling in my memory... it's a pity that what he said was something very abstract.

…Perhaps in order to understand it, the only way is to touch them on my own after all.

As I thought about that, I notice the girl's gaze turn to me almost instantly when I spoke. Apart from the surprise, there was also some doubt in her gaze ... oh, Right! I was supposed to sneak up on them, so they wouldn't notice me… now that I think about it, that guy should have noticed me first, right? Damn it! The feeling of those breasts must be so good that he does not care what happens around him...

Well since she had seen me, then I have no choice but to greet her with a smile… I had to make a first good impression on her if I want her ever let me touch her breasts some time... and for her to help me with the bombs too. So, I try to appear as kind as I can.

"W-who are you?"

I thought she would ask me for help first, but it seems that she is more interested in solving her doubts before that. It's a shame for her that before I can answer something, the fellow who was on top of her seems finally aware of my presence.

" Hmn? Wooh!! W- Who the hell are you?!! ”

I think he isn’t going to continue now... perhaps I had broken the atmosphere between them and now he could not keep doing it... or it maybe he is someone shy and doesn’t like to do intimidate things in front of others?  Well, since I don't think he wanted to continue touching the girl a little longer, then I should proceed with what I have to do.

I think I've been pretty good to him already by give him a chance to touch a girl a little bit. I aim my spear at him, and then in the next instant it had pierced his stomach...

" Whaaa!!"

…I wanted to finish him off quickly, but because the guy was really tall and maybe I also hesitate for a second for having to kill a person in front of the girl since, after all, I didn't want her to be scared of me because it would be troublesome to complete my goal if that happens.

So, in the end, things concluded up being this way... man I'm sorry, I hope you don’t suffer much. Now he was rolling on the ground while screaming… maybe I should end his pain?

"W-Who are you? W-Why did you save me? ”

" Hmn ?"

It seems like she interpreted things that way… well, if someone is trying to [email protected] you and someone suddenly shows up and stops that, then that's the logical conclusion everyone will reach… probably even if you end up killing the assailant, the victim could only see that person as their benefactor.

"I am... I am a rapist of blondes with big breasts!"


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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