Soul Evolution System

Chapter 195: Day One (Part 5)

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"I am... I am a rapist of blondes with big breasts!"


"Gyaaa! It hurts! Help!!"

While we had the other guy's screams in the background, I puff up my chest with pride and then I say that... what can I say? Since I came into this world, there have already been two situations in which two dark jokes appeared in my mind and I could not resist saying them anymore...

The first was when I cut off the hand of the first person I met... seriously, that time I had to resist a lot when he asked me who I was and not to tell him that "I was someone who had come to give him a hand"...

In the end, I thought that even for me that was too cruel, and so I refrained from doing it with great willpower… but seriously, I had to resist the urge to do it with great force. Even before I left, I had to grit my teeth as I was about to tell him that he didn't have to thank me for giving him a hand...

It was very hard indeed, but I managed to resist... I must be a great person.

So, seeing the situation now, it seems I had reached my limit and had to say this or I'd probably go crazy... I know it is probably the last thing she wants to hear right now, but she may also take it as what is, a joke, and then help her relax a little.

Seeing how she reacts by covering her exposed chest, although perhaps this may be due more to instinct than anything else, it is a pity that it does not seem that I achieved my goal to make her relax... well, seeing that her aura now showed no colors that indicate mistrust or fear, she probably is only surprised and confused given her expression.

“A-A  rapist of blonde girls?

…But you are a girl. ”


"Help me!!!"

… Well, there was also that, which was something I didn't want to think about. It seems that she confused me with a woman and in her thoughts, a girl can't rape another girl... I wanted to correct that, but the best thing would be for us to stop this joke to not make things worse.

“…That was a joke, I am Alexander. Also… although my appearance may confuse you, I am a man ”

"... I-I am Emilia... thanks for saving me ... huh? Wait, did you say you're a man?

…Are you still joking? ”

"You couple of bastards!! W-Why don't you do anything!!?”

Although I almost spit blood for saying that from before, I thought it was the best way to clear up her misunderstanding. Unfortunately, it seems that she still doubts about that...




[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart" ( Emilia ) 

Rank: “E”

Description: To maintain confidence in a person it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater the bound created will be. 

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100

Rewards: 15x Radar Crystal

1x Random Skill Orb -E                

1x Item Ticket -E

Current: Affection 60 (Doubt) Loyalty 50 (Neutral)]

Suddenly, the man who had the spear embedded in his stomach managed to stand up and removes the spear from his body which must have caused him considerable discomfort, and after that, he threw it on the ground and took one of the bombs he had with him...

Damn... shouldn’t this guy die already? Although I certainly didn't pierce his heart for him to die instantly, still, it is sure I damaged several major organs!

[Could that guy's body fat protect his organs? From the level of bleeding that he shows, that is most likely the reason why he still has enough strength to move…]

Seriously? The fat acted like some kind of armor?! Don't fuck with me!!

When I see the guy holding the bomb in his hand, I quickly run over to where Emilia was and pick her up putting her on my shoulder to getaway. 

...she really was soft, almost at Shisuka's level. Is that a kind of quality for being blonde?

Well, unfortunately, I couldn't focus on that to figure out the reason, right now I was just concentrating on my feet so I could get away as fast as I could. Turning sideways, I could see that man throwing the bomb at us and to our bad luck, it looks like he still had the strength to drop it a few feet from us.

...Although it was also because it was impossible for me to get so far away from him in just a couple of seconds…

With no other choice, the only thing I could do was clench my teeth and while cursing in my head I summon my grimoire... I could only hope that the energy shield had enough strength to block the explosion that would happen in a short time.

... I hope seriously that it resists because otherwise, it would be too pathetic to die because of a guy who is seriously wounded and had his pants around his ankles showing his underwear... really, I did not want that to be the last image in my mind before dying!


Unexpectedly, the explosion does not happen and instead, the bomb emanates a kind of gas... the first thing I thought was that I was lucky enough and the bomb was defective, after all, that was similar to a pyrotechnic explosive when it malfunctions.

But then in the next moment, I found out how wrong I was about this...

"Gyaaa !! Burn!! It hurts!!"

The wind was blowing in the opposite direction from the one that I was running with Emilia on my shoulder, so it directs that smoke to where the man who had dropped the bomb was, and who was not far from us either. Right away, it could be seen how that smoke seems to gnaw away at the guy's skin quickly... S-Shit! I just remembered that apart from explosive bombs, there were different types like one that generated a type of protective shield, and the one I considered most dangerous of all, one that seemed to create a black hole.

Luckily, it wasn't either of the attack bombs I remembered and instead, it seemed to be a bomb with some kind of corrosive gas… thank goodness my shield was able to keep that smoke away, but I still didn't want to keep myself close to that smoke and so I resume my career to get as far away as possible since I had stopped to witness what was happening to the guy.


[Alexander level up]

[Emilia's affection: +5]

The screams of that guy stop, and some minutes later the smoke is cleared and it only revealed a disfigured body in very bad condition... it seems that the self-immolation of that subject counted as if it had killed him.

" Th-That was... H-He is dead?

E-emmm… Th-thanks for saving me again… do you have protective bombs? Is that why you used that spear? ”

"Hmn? Oh, something like that… ”

"C-Could you put me down now?" Yo-You are strong to be a child… but I don't think I'm that light ”

I put Emilia on the floor as she asks me to do and only nod to her words while I look at the surroundings... since that bomb did not generate too much noise, I do not think it has caught the attention of more people. But since the screams of the guy were very loud after all, it wasn't a bad idea to make sure if other participants of this game hadn't arrived..

... that really scared me though. I must be more careful and first of all, I must make sure that the other participants of this game do not represent a threat to me… having taken care of Rambo who was in this group before, I did not think that the others represented a great danger and I thought that I could take care of them easily.

[…The main problem is that you got distracted by that girl's breasts, Alexander ]

... W-Well, I'm a man after all Aurora. If I didn't react to that, then it would be an even stranger thing.

With the smoke cleared and my grimoire shield deactivated some time ago, I walk towards the deformed corpse while Emilia follows me closely… it seems that having rescued her a couple of times made her confidence in me increase a little.

Also, the whole time I held her body, she was shaking… most likely because it wasn't very pleasant to watch a person slowly melt, even I think that's an image that would be better not to have seen.

On the other hand, I thought that she had a serious case of misandry...

If so, in the worst-case scenario, she will most likely still think of me as a girl, or she must think I am just a little boy. Well, I shouldn't complain since maybe that's for the best.

It seems that the mission to conquer her was also activated while I carried her... as I said before, I had thought about not being romantically involved with her, but... damn, the reward is very good. Besides... looking at her closely, she is indeed a very beautiful girl.

Although what surprises me the most and also makes me consider these things more seriously, it is the first reward. I thought that the System had become very sadistic by asking me to kill everyone here, but everything indicates that there are other options to get more of those crystals than just eliminating the other people on this island...

"A-Are you are trying to collect the crystals to get out of this place?"

" Hmn?… Well I am collecting them, but not to leave this place… as you can see, I am not an official participant of this game ”

Seeing me approaching the corpse to collect the crystal, Emilia asks me that with some suspicion in her attitude. By the way, that guy had turned into a very unpleasant somewhat gelatinous mass, he was actually so gross that I even hesitated to take his crystal for a long time… I couldn't blame her for throwing up when she saw him closer, It even made my stomach churn when I tried to pull the crystal out and had to come in contact with it.

Along with my answer, I also show her the back of my hand so that she can see it, perhaps she can calm down this way and not be so worried that I could do something bad to take the crystal she has. But doing this, it seems that causes other questions to arise in her mind and then ask me for more answers.

“ I-If you are not a person they brought along with the others on that plane, then who are you? ”

"Well... do you want the irrational but true answer, or one that is logical but a lie?"

"…The truth"

“I am a person from another world who came here because I could get stronger by killing the participants of this game and also to get the crystals they have... plus, I want the technology of these bombs because it would be very useful for some things.

Although you should not worry, I am not so deranged as to kill anyone who crosses my path. ”

After listening to everything I say, which was the truth. I get a reaction similar to what I expected from her from the beginning... she stands there without making any movement looking at me with her mouth open.

It was not until after several seconds that she finally reacted and made the most logical thing about this situation, to think that I was only lying, and so she instead continued with her questioning.

" what was the logical answer?"

“… I haven’t thought about that one yet. Wait for a little, ummm... oh, I know!

I am the son of one of the people responsible for this and who does not like the idea of what they are doing here... these crystals are the proof I need to reveal to the world what is happening here, and so I came for these.

What about that? Is it more credible? ”


Well, I thought that was something that someone with a little imagination could accept, but it seems that the reaction I get for this story is not very different from the previous one… well, whatever, this game is already insane, so there is not much difference which of the two versions she ends up believing.

"Well, choose one to believe. More importantly, now we must move on to the following thing”

"W-what thing?"

“As you may already know, this place is quite dangerous. A while ago, I heard some explosions so I'm sure that the others are no longer thinking too much about things and decided to use the bombs and begin to play in this game.

I do not know what you want to do, but it is getting dark and I must seek refuge for the night. So I will only say this once and it is your decision what to do afterward…

Girl ... ‘Come with me if you want to live'.”


"Turun Tun Tun Tun ♪ ... Turun Tun Tun Tun ♪ ... Tururu Tun Tun Tun ... ♫ " (E/N: Terminator reference if you don’t get it)

"A-Are you humming a song?"

"...Yes, I was going along with the moment, sorry."

It was awkward waiting for an answer while I extended my hand, so I had no alternative to break that discomfort with the tune that should belong to that phrase...

Besides, I always wanted to tell that to a girl!

“Hahaha… it really doesn't seem like anything affects you. Are you not afraid of everything that is happening? You could die, you know? ”

"Hmn? They won't kill me that easily, although fighting people with bombs can be a little more difficult than going against a horde of zombies... and more so if you don't have weapons.

It can be said that I have been through several complicated situations, so I think I can get out of these problems too”

Z-Zombies? I think you have watched too many movies, emmm… ”

" ...You can call me Alexander"

"Well... Alexander-kun... I really thank you for saving me earlier. If you hadn't appeared, then maybe that guy would have...

… C-Can I trust you? ”

It seems that she had relaxed enough, but when she begins to think about what had happened recently, then again some insecurity returns in her. Seeing her expression, that question seemed to be more of a rhetorical question to herself but I still decided to answer her.

"I can promise you that I will do my best to help you survive, but unfortunately those bombs are too dangerous and so I cannot assure this 100%...

And even though you are honestly the kind of girl I like, I only try to get closer to a girl if both sides think the same, I have no problem accepting a rejection. So I can assure you that as long as you don't want to get close to me, I will keep my distance... probably... I will try my best”

"E-eh? E-emmm ... i-it seems that you are someone quite direct...

I really don't know what I want to do in this situation, I can't think about killing someone else... although I may not have a choice since I also don't want to die.

D-Do you really want me to go with you even if I can't help you much? I may be just a burden… ”

“… I will not lie to you, I do not pretend to be anyone's babysitter. As I said, things here are quite complicated and so even I can be in trouble. So, I probably can only help you a little... even if I wanted to help you more, maybe I can't.

I will certainly try to help you if I can, but if you want to come with me, then you should at least get used to the idea of having to fend for yourself as much as you can ”

"... T-thanks"

"Hmn? Why do you thank me? The truth is that even I think that I'm being a little hard on a girl like you… ”

I try to be clear and explain to her how was the situation, this way, at least if something bad happens, my conscience will be calmer. I understood well that perhaps this is not what someone in trouble and desperate, wanted to hear, so her response after I told her all this puzzles me a bit... this was the last thing I expected to hear.

I thought she would complain, or simply reject my offer to come with me because if I was in her situation, I wouldn’t want to accompany someone who would leave me to my fate, she was just a young high school student after all. So I did not expect her to thank me for it... are the blondes masochistic by nature too?

"Actually, I have heard many sweet words from people who tried to please me to win my trust... I'm a little tired of, that you're being honest with me is more pleasant than just hearing empty words..."

"... well then, if you want to come with me, follow me"

After clarifying the reason for her words as perhaps she saw that I was a little confused, I turn around and start walking in the first direction I see. There was no place I knew on this island, so no matter what path I took, I just had to keep an eye on my domain in case it caught anything.

I don't know if this island had any use before it was used to carry out this game, but I remember that it had several constructions on it. Although it may also be that these were built to provide a better environment and make things more entertaining while people were killing each other...

We were lucky and we were able to find what it looked like a cabin not long after we started walking, after examining the surroundings of the place a little we entered.

To be honest, I had thought about continuing hunting for some other participants. With my night vision skill, the night was not a great impediment to me, and instead, it would even give me a lot of advantage.

Unfortunately, I had already promised to help Emilia... And leaving her alone here probably was not the best. Besides, I also had to do some other things now.

" Emilia, I need you to help me with something"

"…W-What is it?"

The cabin was empty and did not have any furniture inside, it seemed simply an abandoned place. So, after sitting on the ground, I spoke to Emilia who was observing the place and seemed to be looking for a place to rest too.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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