Soul Evolution System

Chapter 196: Day One (Part 6)

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“I need your help to activate these bombs. I can't use the bombs, and the problem is most likely because I am not an official participant in this game.

As far as I know, there is an option that allows a person to capture another participant's bombs and make them their own, so I want you to activate some of these to see if I can use the bombs that way. ”

As she watched me with some doubt on her face, I explain this to Emilia. Apparently, she still doesn't seem to trust me completely... in fact, her level of affection is only 65! My God, I saved her a couple of times, and even when I have some skills that help me make a good impression on one person at first, I was only able to earn 15 points for everything until now!

...I did not thought I would experience this feeling again from when I get my salary in my previous life and not feeling that was enough for the effort I made. Well, it could also be that it's just that the standards for a partner of this girl are too high...

Ignoring what I felt, I explained the things in more detail, then I took out the bags with the bombs that I had collected so far. Six of these were complete without any bombs missing, the remaining one had an empty space since the guy from before used one of his bombs.

In total, I had 69 bombs... I think I have quite a few of these... now I have practically one for each participant in this game and there would still be some of these left, of course, assuming I would only have to use one per person.

Besides I also got 7 crystals, if I was participating in this game, then I would already have enough to be able to leave here... probably the people who organized all this would not expect someone to leave this Island on the first day they put them here.

Picking up a package that had some cube-shaped bombs, I show them to Emilia as I tell her what I want her to do. My evaluation skill shows them as [Timer BIM], so I think they were the safest to test my idea.

[Timer BIM -G

Description: BIM that counts down from 10 seconds until it detonates. One can also adjust the BIM's timer to any second upon deactivation. With this BIM, timing is important in tactical usage.]

"Do you want me to activate these bombs?"

"Yes, these bombs have a timer on them so you don't have to worry that they'll explode if I can't disable them. We will have enough time for you to deactivate them again if that happens ”


Emilia come near where I was, and then does what I indicated. Once the number 10 is shown in the [Timer BIM] she gives it to me with her hands somewhat wobbly, without wasting a second,  I press the same button that she used, then the counter stops in 9. And doing the same thing again, the screen turns off...

Then I press the button again, and then the counter reappears at 10... looks like it was a success! I was a little worried that this would not work, but it seems my luck is starting to come back… now I can use bombs!

"Hahaha, great! 

Haaa... now I feel much calmer. Then let's go ahead and activate the others! ”

" OK... "

With the success of the experiment, we proceed to do the same with the other bombs. Of these, there were 20 [Cracker BIM] that explode on contact with something, 10 cross-shaped that my evaluation recognized as [1300°C Flammable Oil Splashing Flame BIM], 10 [Homing BIM], 10 [Remote control BIM]  that came along with a bracelet and detonated remotely with it, 9 like the same to which the subject that melted used, named [Blazing Gas BIM], and finally another 9 as the one that I deactivate at first.

[Cracker BIM -G

Description: The most common BIM. A simple bomb that explodes on impact.]

[1300°C Flammable Oil Splashing Flame BIM -G

Description: BIM that splits fire into four directions to corner an opponent]

[Homing BIM -G

Description: BIM that can lock-on and follow its target via a small propeller until coming into range and exploding.

Note: this BIM does not have a very high explosive capacity.]

[Remote Control BIM -G 

Description: BIM that can be detonated from a distance at a push of a button. It can be used as booby traps]

I must say that it was good that I got a great variety, although… honestly, I am a little disappointed because the BIMs that I wanted the most were the ones that generated a pyramid shield and that Emilia confused before with my grimoire skill... I have to wait quite a few hours to activate my grimoire again, so it would be nice to have a type of protection that I can use more often.

The ones that created a black hole were certainly strong, but I also didn't feel they were essential in this situation. The bombs I had now could kill a person just as easily as using one of those... in fact, I think killing a person like that was quite an exaggeration.

"A-Are you sure you want to give me these bombs?"

I think they were too many bombs for me, and so I gave a good number of these to Emilia. Certainly having bombs to spare was not a bad option, but it was even better that someone else could support me in this game.

The only bombs that I kept with me, are those that detonate remotely since they cannot be shared.

"Keep those, and be sure to use them when someone else is throwing bombs at us, don't hesitate to throw them."

"T-That is... I-I'll try "

Okay, so let's get on with the next thing to do. After putting several bags with the bombs on my waist, I take the knife I had taken from Rambo from my backpack, and also another stick similar to the previous one that I collected in the forest.

Since my "Ben Dover" spear died along with the guy from before, I decided to make another... when I went to take my spear before, there was no sign of the stick and the knife was practically useless. Although it is a bit sad that the knife that had accompanied me for several months was ruined, at least it was good that I can replace it immediately.

Seriously, if I couldn't have used the bombs and also I losing my "Ben Dover", then I'd be pretty screwed up now... probably my only alternative would be to throw rocks at the other game participants!

If you ask why would I use a spear now that I have bombs, I can only say that it still has its advantages as it is much more discreet to eliminate someone. Also, this proved to be a pretty good weapon and so it's not bad to have another in my hands.

"...don't you feel different?"

"Eh? W-What do you mean? ”

As the cabin had fallen silent and Emilia just watched me create "Ben Dover-2", I decided to ask something that I noticed it some time ago.

"Don't you feel stronger or with more energy? ”

Yes, the first time I saw her, she had a level 5 on her head to the side of her ability highest that the system showed me. But now that I see her again, all that had changed a little...

[ Emilia ] [Level 15] [Luck]

She had raised a whole limit… most likely, when I saved her earlier, the system must have considered her as my ally at that time and so when the guy who tried to [email protected] her died, I wasn't the only one who raised his level.

On the other hand... at first I thought that what I saw in the anime when she was saved from being blown to pieces by a bomb was thanks to those very good pair of breasts that she has, but it seems that I drew hasty conclusions and she is herself the one who is lucky... no, it is still too early to rule out the possibility that those who are lucky are that pair of breasts...

"E-Emmm… now that you mention it, I think that I really do feel a little lighter… and I don't feel so drained even though I was walking all day… "

"I see, I see... can you jump a little?"

"J-Jump? L-Like this? ”

"...with more force... as if you wanted to touch the ceiling... Yes… yes... that is much better"

… Damn, this girl really does have great potential! This is like seeing a Shisuka 10 years younger... those magnificent objects bounced up and down almost perfectly, but at the same time, it was as if they were fighting to not lose their shape with the forces that interacted with them!

... I want to be those forces to shape them myself!!

"D-Do you think I should jump higher?


"Hmn? A-Ah! Y-You ... y-you're a pervert!! ”

[ Emilia Affection -5]

After jumping for a while and not getting an answer from me since I was now too focused that I had even stopped my hands that were creating my new spear, she stops and after realizing where my gaze was on, shouts angrily...

"Emmm... sorry, I couldn't tell how high you were jumping since those were too distracting"

"... hmp~ Fool! ”

She turns around and walks away and then sit almost to the edge of where the cabin allowed her to be. Well... it seems that she really dislikes such actions... though knowing what she just went through recently, and remembering her story in the anime a bit, I think this time I can't complain about this and I only can accept it as my fault.

With no other choice, I can only smile bitterly as I continue what I was doing while she watches me intensely.

"... Don’t you feel anything about the people you killed?"

Minutes later, probably having calmed down a bit, she asks me that. Apparently, she also had time to think things through in more detail since up to now, I think she had not considered that.

"Honestly no, I don't feel anything for the death of those people"

"... is it because if you didn't kill them, then they would kill you?"

"Hmm… that may have a bit to do with it, although mainly, I think it's because it was something necessary."

"S-Something necessary?

… Is it because they were bad people? But, I think killing them was very extreme… ”

"Hahaha, no, it's not out of a feeling of justice or something like that. Nor is it as if I considered myself a hero, you know? It is for something simpler and natural.

I did it in order to fulfill my goals and desires. That made them targets or obstacles for me, and therefore that led me to kill them. ”

"... Your goals and wishes? Is that why you killed them? 

I-If so, then would you kill me for those things too? ”

“I don't consider myself a cold-blooded killer either if that's what you're thinking, but answering your question… probably not, I wouldn't kill you. I don't think you will become an obstacle to me, and I would not gain anything from doing that either… or rather, the profits are not many ”

At the end of my words, she can't help but look at the back of her hand where she had the crystal, and then while trembling a little she tries to hide it behind her back.

"…Why? Don't you want the crystal in my hand too? ”

“ The truth is that a crystal doesn't mean much for me now. I already have 7, you know? If I were playing by the rules of this game, I could go out now.

Why I'm still here now, and also why I'll not kill you and then take the crystal is because that is not my only my goal or desire"

"…what do you desire?"

Most likely when she asks me that, she must have thought that my desire would be women or something sexual, because I can see her become more in guard against me. Maybe she is not completely mistaken with that, but for me, it 's rather something that comes included in my primary desire, so I speak a little to correct her idea.

"It is something simple, but at the same time very complicated... I want to be totally happy."

"E-Eh? B-Be happy?

… Just that? ”

She should not have expected that answer at all since after repeating my words, she is left with her mouth open and her eyes round as plates.

"Hahaha, it's not that simple, you know? That simple thing encompasses an enormous amount of other things....

Tell me, Emilia. What do you think is essential for that? "

"E-Emmm ... L-Love? ....Money?"

“Hehehe, well, I think both of those things certainly aren't a bad answer. You could also add strength, power, influence, health, and many other things. Also, depending on the person, there may be more or fewer things...

But I think that you can achieve all that with some effort, or even lose it and regain it over time. But... maybe there is only one thing that once you lose it, it is very difficult to recover. If that happens, then no matter how hard you try you won't be happy in the end”

"…What is it?"

“...A calm and peaceful mind. Practically having no regrets about wishing hadn't done things you did, or not doing things you wish you had done but can't do anymore.

So that's why I can't kill you. Since I think if I do it, then I might regret that in the future… looking at you now, I can say you are not a bad girl… and I'm not just talking about your physique. I can see that you are certainly someone with a good nature, so I really think it is a shame that you were involved in all this.

Yes! I finished. Now I have my spear again! Hello Ben Dover 2!”

[ Emilia Affection +10 ]

Woh! Damn, I was not expecting this... her affection reached 70 (moved). Also since I had been concentrating on making my spear while talking to her, I did not notice, but now she had her eyes a little wet.

"...I'm not that good, you know? Maybe I deserve to be in this game...

Actually I…"

With that as a prelude, she begins to tell me her story that I vaguely remembered from the anime. It seems that not only on this island, before this, someone had also almost [email protected] her... besides, she was not the only one, her friends who did not run as lucky as her, were in that place too and ended up experiencing bad things.

So, for that reason those friends of hers had selected her to be a member of this game... seriously, that was something very screwed up.

“As you can hear, I abandoned my friends and they were [email protected] because of me… so, I don't think I am as good as you think.”

"... no, how you feel about what happened, it rather confirms what I say. The fact that you didn't help your friends may not be something you can be proud of, but I don't think you can be blamed for that either...

Besides, from my point of view, even though you probably don't want to hear it, what you did shows that they just weren't important enough to you. I think if a person really cares about something or someone, then that person can give his life for that... you may even have reacted before if you want to know. "

Those were not only words of comfort to make her feel better, but also my true thoughts. In fact, I think there were many other things that could justify her actions, such as when a person grows up in a peaceful environment and suddenly a violent situation happens, it would be normal for that person to simply not know how to react. He has no experience with it, so it stands to reason that he can only be surprised by what he sees.

Or also freezing with fear and even fleeing from the place is not abnormal, they are simply instinctive and natural reactions of all living beings and that are only overcome if another higher instinct acts.

"Honestly, I don't think you need to think about being a better person or the like. If you ask me, what you need is to be more selfish. ”

"M-More selfish?"

"Yes, like your friends who decided to choose you for this game. If you think about it, the only bastards and who should die are the guys who did that to you and the other girls, but instead they took the easier option and simply decided to blame you.

It is also not unreasonable, for them, those guys surely cause terror on them and so, if they could not take revenge on them, then they only can chose someone who did not cause them fear to take revenge. ”

“… So you think what they did is right?”

"No, I don't think it's right. But for them, that was probably the only option they could choose…”

" ... Would you choose that same option if you were in their place?"

“… No, I would choose to kill those guys… besides, probably in a very painful way. That is the only way that my mind could be calm, the other alternatives would lead me to repent over time and as I said, that is what I want the last.

That aside, it seems like you misunderstood me when I told you that you should be selfish. I don't mean to say that you do despicable or evil things, I just meant that you cared more about yourself.

Hehehe, I am very good in that sense. Maybe I can teach you something, Emilia -chan ~ ”

" E-Emilia -chan ? Well... maybe you're right, also, in this place, I probably have no alternative...

T-Thank you for listening to me… ”

“Don't worry, we should rest now. Tomorrow we have many things to do...  you will have to experience your first lesson ‘Kill someone if he wants to kill you'”.

… If you fail, then you may suspend the course forever, so you will have to try hard~ "


While Emilia- chan watched me closely as she loudly swallowed the saliva in her mouth, I approach one of the walls of the cabin so I can lie down on it. So with the spear in my hand and activating my domain, I close my eyes to rest...

Tomorrow I'll have to make our group of two become bigger... I wonder how she will react to that?


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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