Soul Evolution System

Chapter 197 Day 2 (Part 1)


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Chapter 197: Day 2 (Part 1)

(POV 3rd person)
"Good morning everyone!! How were things yesterday, Did interesting things happen while I was gone? ”


"Takanohashi-san, everything seems normal, but, the number of total participants that were eliminated yesterday was a total of 16, the number of them was greatly reduced. ”


Whooh! It seems that the people we chose this time have very determined minds, isn't this the highest number so far for those who lost the game the first day? ”


In the room where several men were monitoring the participants who were preparing for another hellish day, one of the main people in charge of this game presented himself in the place with a cheerful attitude as if he had been injected with caffeine... actually, he did not seem to be talking about a hellish game where people killed each other.


Listening to the report of one of his workers, his joyful attitude changes a little and then he acts surprised... but, because of his personality, maybe other people don't know really how certain are his expressions since they changed very quickly after all.


"... the truth is, the red-haired child that I spoke about yesterday, only herself is responsible for 7 deaths... 6 deaths and 1 person who she left incapacitated to be more precise. ”


"... She already got 7 crystals? You mentioned that she seemed to know the rules of the game, right? Has this child tried to contact us to exit the island? ”


"No... after obtaining those crystals, she met with another participant. Her name is Emilia Mikogami, she was a student with the age of 15 years. "


“… So the little redhead now also wants to collect crystals to help this girl? Do they have any relationship? Or did they seem to know each other from before? ”


“I don't know, but that may be likely since they are both together now, maybe she will help that other girl to get the crystals. Also, looking at the moment when they first met, I think it is unlikely that they would have seen each other before. ”




Takanohashi had always preferred to be in control of evey, so Alexander or the "Little Redhead" as he said, was nothing but a problem for him. Honestly, he would have preferred Alexander to choose to quit the game, even if he had to pay him 1 million yen, at least that way he would no longer feel this uncertainty bothering him. Unfortunately, that was not the case and had no alternative but to continue with this little discomfort he felt.


"Takanohashi-san, there is something else I have to tell you. Yesterday that girl Emilia activated the bombs and then they were deactivated by the redhead, these now can be used by her.


There was a gap in the system… since from the beginning was only thought that the participants to use the bombs according to the rules, it was not considered that someone without a crystal would deactivate them, and therefore these ones could recognize her as the new owner after deactivating them due to that flaw in the program.


Correcting this would take time, so it would be best to disable them if you don't want that child using bombs. ”


“… No, let her use the bombs. I have introduced this little girl as a new participant to our audience, canceling her bombs would be weirder. ”




"Where are those two girls now"


"They spent the night in a cabin... after that, they haven't left that place yet "


After Takanohashi question, the man spoke typing something on a computer and then the screen in front of them shows the cabin which this man was speaking. It was a shame that apparently no surveillance camera was installed inside it, and so they could not have an interior vision.


Knowing that they only could see the vegetation around and outside the cabin, he was about to tell the man that it would be better if he passed to other participants to see them instead, but then before he could do that, the door of the cabin opened and immediately the people he wanted to see showed themselves.


“ They really are a pretty pair of girls, don't you think? No doubt they would both grow up to become very beautiful women… hey, what the hell does this mean? Didn't you say there were only two people? How are more girls getting out from there?! ”


"Y-Yesterday only the two of them entered in that cabin... I-I don't understand what is happening ."


When both men only waited to see two people leave the cabin, suddenly two more girls came out from behind them. It seemed that the people who were supposed to watch the participants did not notice this, so he could not help feeling a little annoyed at the thought that they neglected their work.


Calming down a bit and understanding that monitoring so many people on a wide field wasn't an easy task, he decided instead to focus on finding out more about the situation.


“Well… perhaps they only met at night and were not noticed due to the darkness. Who are those two girls? ”


"W-Wait a moment please, I'll see the records right now..."


While the person was looking for that information, Takanohashi decided to observe the other participants a little as he had thought before... apparently several of them were beginning to get used to the idea of having to play this game in order to return to their normal lives and so they had decided to eliminate the other people in this game.


Among the other participants, one of the ones that interested him the most was the best Japanese player in the game on which all this was based... he was one of those who had collected crystals yesterday, and at the moment he had 2 of them in addition to the one he had in his hand. Furthermore, it seemed that he had also allied himself with someone else...


Well, he and Alexander weren't the only ones who did this. In the other monitors you could see that people began to move in groups... some did it probably because they felt more secure that way, while others were already trying to think of them as allies to eliminate other participants.


"Why are you taking so long? Can't you find just two people? ”


The man at the computer seemed to go through the files over and over again, but as time passed, sweat began to trickle down his forehead. Aside from searching the records over and over again, he was now also cursing having been lucky enough to be the person that Takanohashi had approached for information…


With no other choice after having seen all the participant's records more than 3 times and noticing that their boss was beginning to become impatient, he had no alternative to report what he found... or rather, what he did not find.


"S-Sir... the two of them don't appear in the participants records either... "


“ … What do you mean? They don't appear among the participants records? Damn it, did someone decide to turn this island into a resort without informing me?!


How the hell is it that people who shouldn't be there keep popping up one after another?!!”


At first he had not recognized those two girls either, but since it was not that he remembered the faces of all the participants who had been "recruited", he did not pay much attention to it and only waited for his subordinate to look for them among the participants.


Takanohashi started to lose his temper right now, Alexander was already an abnormality in, and now he had also two more people messing with his plans. That really bothered him, therefore, it was impossible for him to stay in the same joyful atmosphere that he normally showed.


"Bring the man in charge of the island security now!!"


Hearing Takanohashi's words, the man on the monitor let out a big sigh inside, he truly feared that his boss would hold him responsible for this. So hearing that the one who would pay for the broken plates would be someone else, this relaxed him a lot and immediately ordered another man to do what he asked.


"Sir, did you want to see me?"


" Tell me, what the hell are you and your men doing?! Do you think you came to this place just to hang out and have fun?!”


"W-what do you mean, sir? Of course not, each one of us has been watching the island, and no one should have interfered with the game… ”


Not long after, the person Takanohashi had requested to see was in front of him and he begins to vent his fury on this man. He was a tall black man with a rude and muscular appearance, but none of this seemed to intimidate him, and instead, it was the other man who seemed intimidated once he started yelling at him.


It looked as if their appearance was reversed and he was not the short overweight man… certainly something a little curious to watch.


"It is nothing like that! The problem is that 3 people who shouldn't be on the island, are there now! ”


His first thought about the security of the island was that one of his men had made a stupid mistake to interfere with the game somehow, or rather, he thought that was the only mistake they could have made to upset Takanohashi this much and because of that, he was yelling at him now.


But with the following words Takanohashi said while pointing to a screen where 4 girls of various ages could be observed, it seemed that one of the things that he considered very unlikely and even somewhat impossible to happen, had actually happened.


"Th-That is impossible..."


"Oh? So they are illusions? Tell me, do you think they are little angels who came down from heaven to visit us?! ”


"I-I don't think so, sir ..."


"Of course not, you idiot! They are people who came from somewhere outside the island! ”


"Th-that's... I understand sir, what do you want me to do?"




The island's security officer had not seen any air or sea transportation other than their own, so it was impossible for those girls to arrive using any means other than their own.


Furthermore, seeing the appearance of those girls on the screen, they did not seem like soldiers, mercenaries, spies, journalists, police, or any other organization that might be interested in what was happening on this island. So, for him, the perpetrators were those who were responsible for these transports... they were probably girls who some idiot decided to hide in this place or something like that.


Unfortunately, he and his men still had some responsibility for not being vigilant about it, so instead of making an excuse to his boss which would surely only make the situation worse, he decided instead to ask how he wanted the problem to be solved, or even accept the punishment for this...


Then it was Takanohashi's turn to be quiet for a moment, his anger had not let him think clearly and he still did not consider what he should do now with these two new girls he saw... or with all that group of girls.


He had already accepted the redhead joining this game, but two other unknown girls joined her now... he could not be calm with doing the same procedure as before. Also, the thought that he still had to deal with those who were watching this show too, it was making him have a headache.


"Well, Murall...


You have to accept responsibility for this, and as you must understand, our company will not forgive your mistakes with just a layoff...


You will choose 4 others in your group to share this responsibility, and you all will present immediately with our physicians to be implanted with the radar crystal, after that, you 5 shall enter into the game.


I will be good to you 5 and I will give you the same treatment as the other participants, if you all could collect 7 crystals per person, then you can get out of there with the same benefits... also, if you manage to capture those 4 girls and obtain information from them, I will double the reward and all this inconvenience will be forgotten”


"…I get it. Just to confirm… we won't be able to carry our weapons, right? ”


" Do not be silly, as I said, you all will have the same treatment than the other participants and the only weapons that can be used there will be 10 BIMs that will be delivered to you"


"...I understand, then I will retire now..."


Unlike most of the participants who were now on the island, upon learning of the conditions Takanohashi gave him, it did not seem to upset this man named Murall who was the island's security officer. Why was this? it was because before he took this job, he was a mercenary who made his workplace in countries with zones in conflict.


He had watched for a while the game these people were playing, and in fact, for Murall, instead of taking this as a punishment, it was as if they were giving him a 2 million yen bonus...


He thought that it should not be difficult to fight against people who until recently had peaceful lives. Certainly among the participants, there were some that probably others would consider as evil, but these were not many, and the definition of “evil” can vary from person to person, so he was not too concerned about this.


Furthermore, he was not a good person either, and perhaps he had killed an equal number of the total participants on the island...


Now he only had to choose 4 of his men to accompany him and do the job. This shouldn't pose a problem either since they weren't much different than him, and so, instead of praying that he doesn't choose them, they would surely fight each other to get those 2 million yen.


After making a slight nod to Takanohashi, he withdraws to prepare to do what have been said to him.


As for Takanohashi, he was now trying to think of how to accomplish the following things… his game was getting out of his initial script and that just bothered him more and more.


Thinking of a way to punish Murall, he considered one that was also something that could solve his first problem and finally opted for what he said. Takanohashi didn't think he was against his words, not only because he knew the personality of this man, but also because he would probably prefer this than the alternative...


While he was a former mercenary who was now in charge of island security, he was sure that even though he did not cause him fear, the people behind him would make him pee in his pants just by receiving a strong glare from them. So that's why he wasn't afraid this man would do something silly that would put him at risk, and also why he could talk to him as if he were an adult scolding a child.


...but the truth is that he was not in a better position, and he also feared to earn the anger of the people behind him. So after Murall left the room, he began to think about what he would say to the people behind him and those who watched the show.


Then, having an idea of what he would do, after taking one last look at the monitor where Alexander and the three girls who now accompanied him were, he went out to inform the other people of the events on the Island.

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(POV Emilia)

Early in the morning, the sound of the creak of the cabin floor wood wakes me up. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the little boy I had met the day before who had stood up to stretch and thus remove the numbness from his body from sleeping… he seemed as calm as ever. As if we were only on an outdoor camp, and we came here to observe nature and no people were trying to kill each other.


…On the other hand, I had barely been able to rest a bit. Unlike him, I couldn't stop thinking about the situation we were in... 3 people died in front of me yesterday!! How am I suppose to act as if nothing had happened?!


… Maybe I should follow the advice he gave me before, and take care about myself more. I had previously considered that if a man assaulted me again to try to [email protected] me or do something perverse to me, then it would be better if I was blown to pieces with one of the bombs I own.


But after thinking about everything he told me yesterday, the truth is that I do not find it very reasonable that I am the one who dies for that...  indeed, the only one that is doing something wrong and who should pay for that is the aggressor and not me.


...I understand that, but even though it shouldn't be this way, I honestly find the idea of dying somewhat easier than having to kill someone else….


"Well Emilia-chan, now we will carry out your lessons!"


" H-Hey, could you please not call me that? I'm older than you, you know? That is a strange thing… you are only a child after all.”


"What are you talking about? It is normal that I call you that way if I am your senpai or your teacher who teaches you to be more selfish. On the other hand, you should not call me ‘child'”. 
I'm Alexander and you should choose to call me Alexander-sensei or Alexander senpai… I honestly don't care which one you choose, both ways sound good to me.


Come on, try calling me that way! ”


"... A-Alexander-s-senpai"




After asking me that, he had been intensely watching me as if he would not allow me to reject this. So, without any other option, I choose that way to call him. 
I-I think this form is a little less embarrassing than the alternative ... seriously, it seems like I met with a very strange person on this island.


Written By: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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