Soul Evolution System

Chapter 198: Day 2 (Part 2)

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(POV Emilia)

Certainly, this child... or Alexander-sensei as he wants me to call him, was someone quite strange... as well as being someone quite determined. From what I could see, he now has 7 crystals with him, which means he has killed 7 people...

Actually, I think I should be terrified of being with someone like him, but without knowing the reason why, instead, I just feel calmer since I met him... maybe I am also someone strange.

Despite the fact that he is a man, my dislike for him is not so high... no, it could even be said that is null. I don't know if it is because he's just a boy, and I can't totally see him as a man… or could it be because of his appearance that is very feminine? Well, anyway, I just know I can be close to him without feeling worried.

And even knowing that he is a bit of a pervert, I just find that part a bit annoying. More than the hatred I feel when I see a man looking at me with a dirty look, with him, this is more like a little discomfort and nothing more...  Due to all that, I see him more as a mischievous little boy who has just aroused his curiosity about the body of the opposite sex than someone with malicious intent.

... It must also be because in his eyes, although I can see some lust in them, they are not as aggressive as in other people... in him, it is more a feeling of contemplation that he has in his eyes when I have seen him watching me.

Also, one of the things I found most annoying of the men watching me was that when they noticed that I had discovered them, they quickly tried to pretend that they didn't or nothing had happened and then they try to behave like gentlemen...

On the other hand, when I discovered Alexander looking at my chest or my butt, he just smiled at me and didn't even look away as if he didn't care that I was seeing him doing that...this is also annoying, but at least I don't see it like a hypocrite trying to hide behind a mask with which he feigns to be a good person.

"...will we go find other participants?"

"Mmmm ... for now I have other things to do first. We will do that later"

Since he had said that we had to find more crystals and that he would also help me about worrying for my own safety more... although I honestly don't feel the need for me to do that. So, I thought we would look for other participants to do this.

The only thing that drives me to try to do it is because I don't want to die either. Furthermore, I do not want to be alone in this place... maybe if I don't do this, he will decide to leave me... for the things he told me about itself it before, I can understand that if he feels I'm of no help for him, most likely he won't kill me, but he will surely leave me to my fate in this place.

...if that happens, then someone else will end up killing me... and that is having a positive thought, since I may end up having an even worse result than that. So even if I don't like the idea very much and don't want to, I have to seriously consider having to kill other people.

When the guy who tried to [email protected] me previously used the bomb against us, I could see that the other people would not take long to do the same... At that time, the final result was in our favor, but to think that we could have been the ones who were in his place terrified me greatly.

…Without a doubt, that way of dying was very painful and unpleasant. Although how to die due to other bombs may be different depending on the type of these, I do not think there is one that can kill someone without any pain.

So having a little bit idea of what kind of game I was in, and also taking Alexander's earlier words as something to hold on to as justification or comfort to do what I had to do. With the intention of participating in this crazy game, then I asked him what we would do now.

Unexpectedly, it seems that it was not yet time to show my determination. After my question, he seems to want to do something first...

"…what is that?"

Seeing what he takes out, I can't help but ask about this. What Alexander took out of his backpack was a couple of parchments... these were similar to those seen in dramatizations shows of ancient times.

Besides, he also took out a pair of crystals... Or maybe it was some kind of jewelry? I do not know, but these were bright... and it seemed that instead of reflecting the light of the sun, it was rather that they shine by themselves.

" Well, I think it would make things easier for us if we had a few more partners... this would surely help us a lot, don't you think?”


… Do you know anyone else in this place? ”

Hearing him say this, the only thing I could think it was that before coming here or before the two of us meet in this place, most likely he could be in communication with another person through those parchments he had as a kind of letter or something like that... maybe the crystals were to try to communicate with this person using them as a flashlight to send a signal since these seemed to be able to be seen from afar...

“No, I don't know anyone here… well, I don't know them personally. Let's say that the people with whom I will now get in touch to come here, will come from a distant place…”

" C-Can you communicate with people from outside this place?!!”

What he was saying only intrigued me more and more, but hearing the last thing he said, I couldn't help that a great emotion arose inside me... if what he said was true, then perhaps we could ask someone to come to rescue us!

Unfortunately, his following words make me feel discouraged and make me even more confused...

"No, it is not that... it is somewhat complicated to explain, so perhaps the best thing is that you just observe and then you can understand what I am saying... well, you may also just get more confused..."

Before I could ask him for more information, he started taking more things out of the backpack that caused my words to stop for the things I saw… they seemed to be vials and jars that had different things inside. Remembering my chemistry classes, these looked like minerals and substances that I observed in my school laboratory...

Great, I thought he could not be weirder, but now he is trying to do some sort of experiment here! Did he just now remember that he had to do his homework from school?!, I don't think they are taught things like this in elementary school yet... or is it that he goes to one of those private schools where they train geniuses like those seen on television?

"I think with this, everything must be ready now"

"…What do you want to do? Also, if you wanted to do some kind of experiment, isn't it dangerous to do it indoors? Maybe you better do it outside… ”

"Experiment? Well... this should definitely look something like that. But this is not an experiment, remember that I told you that I wanted to call a person... let's say you need to do this in order to do it.

And I remember that this Island is being guarded… I checked this place previously looking for things which they might be watching us with, but I did not find anything here and that's why I think it's better that I do it inside the cabin.

Don't worry, Emilia-kun. This shouldn't be a dangerous thing."

Seeing all the things he takes out, I had really forgotten that he had told me that he would communicate with someone, although... the truth is that I still did not understand how all those things can help a person to do that.

" ...Don't tell me you want to summon a demon or something like that?"

After trying to link all the things he has taken out of his backpack and thinking in my head for a way of how he would do what he said, the only thing I could think was one of those rituals seen on television... so with a slightly mocking tone I asked him this.

“ Oh, you guessed correctly… that is somewhat unexpected. It seems that you are more observant than another blonde girl with big breasts that I know… ”

Unexpectedly the answer I get from him is an affirmative... I really start to wonder if I can get out of this place alive.

"Okay, now we just need to activate it with the crystals!"

Finishing checking everything for one last time, he takes the crystal and places it on the parchment… now I was thinking that perhaps this was his way of distracting me or making me relax because of the things that we will have to do in a short time, but then, after he places the crystal and quickly withdraws, something unexpected happened.

The next thing I witness was out of everything I knew or thought I understood about this world... all the objects he placed on the parchment seem to come to life and begin to mix little by little ...

Not only that, the mass that had been created by the union of all the things that he put there also begins to take the shape of a person, and with each second that passed, this one became more and more like the body of a woman...

Things that I consider impossible or that should be just a fantasy were taking place just in front of my eyes, and so I could only see everything while my jaw almost went out of joint by how much my mouth has opened.

" W-Wh-what the hell is that? !! H- How did you make all these things form the body of a person?!! ”

“ Well… if I explain it to you, you still probably wouldn't believe it. Therefore, just accept what your eyes see and try to assimilate it."


Obviously I was very unhappy with the answers I get for my questions, but before I could complain about this, something akin to a small steam explosion happened stopping me from demanding a better explanation.

This was only a little surprising and did not seem to affect either of us who were watching what was happening... we just had to put one hand in front of our vision to avoid the discomfort.

Apparently, this indicated that whatever was happening was over. Unfortunately, now there was a thick layer of vapor that prevented the final result from being clearly seen... only a silhouette of a person was visible... quite possibly a woman given the distinctive curves on this one.

It was not until a few minutes after this steam diminished that we could finally see that there a girl in front of us, as I had supposed it would be...

This was a girl a little taller than me... but considering that I am short and that she looks like someone between 20-25 years old, then I suppose she is small too. Also, like me, she is totally blonde...

"It seems to have been a success... "

"W-Why is she naked?!!"

That was why I could know she was naturally blonde, and that she didn’t dyed her hair! She was completely naked in front of us as she moved slightly to stretch her body and we could clearly see her private parts!

A-although it seems that she does not care much about that...

“ Well… she was practically just born and it would be weird if she brought clothes with her, don't you think? ”

“H-Has she just been born? W-What do you mean? She obviously seems to be older than us! ”

“In that you are right… I always thought that she would be a little shorter… also, although they do not compare with yours, that pair is quite large too.

Well, I think that should be because the other people who were with her were taller than I thought… ”


It really seems that we both have very different thought of processes since I don't understand much of what he says. Also, this little boy doesn't really care how other people would see him! He has been looking at every detail of her body as he moves a little to and fro to get a better view of what he wants to see of that girl!

" should be my Master, I guess. Do I need to do any work now? ”

"Well... Looks like you're someone who goes straight to his obligations, I think you resemble Leona a bit on that... although it seems that she looks a little emotionless unlike you, who is showing more expressions ...

Well, for now just stand by us, very soon we will have work to do. Right now, I have to call someone else… ”

Perhaps because she heard us speak, she then turns her gaze to the two of us and immediately focuses on Alexander… I thought she would tell him something because of how he was looking at her, but instead, she only smiles a little and says those things.

Master? Leona? Call someone else? Seriously, now I felt like my brain would be disconnected from my body by forcing it to try to understand all of this...

The only redeemable thing was that Alexander took several pieces of women's clothing from his backpack and gave them to her... I will not ask why he had these and I will only be happy for this. For a moment, I thought he would make her be naked all the time, but it seems like he still has some decency on him.

" ... Now, what will you do? Will you make another person appear out of nowhere like before? ”

"That is precisely what I will try... although this time it is a bit different, and the result is not guaranteed that it will be a success like before... I can only hope that my luck is not so bad while doing this."

After the blonde girl finishes dressing, during which time Alexander didn't take his eyes off her, he stops looking at her and takes another scroll from his backpack along with another crystal...

Thinking that he would do the same as he did a few moments ago, I ask him that. But from his answer, I suppose things will not be the same as before. Also, this time he does not take other things apart from these two, so I guess it really is not the same...

Laying my eyes on the girl who was now standing a few steps behind him, and then on the scroll he held and also remembering what happened recently, I can't help but think of one of the first things he said to me when we met...

At that moment he said that he was a person from another world who had come for some reasons here... in that time I could only dismiss and ignore that immediately since I thought he just wanted to look like someone interesting or was just kidding, but now…

Now that possibility doesn't seem that crazy anymore… this that I just witnessed was very similar to what happens on those fantasy shows about magic and stuff like that! I couldn't relate it to anything other things than this... maybe him being someone from another world was not as impossible as I thought.

" What's going on, girl? You look like you've seen something very surprising ”

"Do not worry Emilia-kun, this time it will not be as striking as the previous one"


Suddenly the girl who had come out of nowhere talks to me while putting her hands behind her head and her eyes on me... you are responsible for this, you know? Besides, what does he mean with this won't be so striking?  In the end if he succeeds, then someone else should appear out of nowhere like this person here! How could that not be striking?!!

Although I had a lot of questions and complaints in my head, I can only keep quiet, after all this ends I can ask all the questions I want. He should answer at least some of these!

Then performing a process similar to the previous one, he uses the scroll he had. The difference this time is that what does the scroll was to emanate light and then in the next second it disappears, but now Alexander seems to be frozen in where he is standing while doing nothing.

"W-What happened? Did something go wrong? ”


No... according to the memory I have now, what master used this time was a summoning scroll. So I guess now his mind is somewhere else trying to perform the procedure that is necessary for this”

"I-Its that so? 

By the way... who are you?"


If you mean what I am, then I can tell you that I am a homunculus who was just born a few minutes ago.

If you mean who I am, then I am sorry to tell you that master has not yet given me a name and therefore I do not have an answer for that at the moment. ”

Seeing that Alexander was paralyzed without making a move, I can't help but ask that to the other person here. Furthermore, since I was intrigued about who she was, then I also try to get some information from this girl.

Unfortunately, her answers are no better than Alexander's...

" Damn it!! Why did it have to be that woman?!!

Well... it's true that she complied with the conditions about how I wanted the person who I summoned to be, but... seriously, why it had to be her?"

"Master, it seems that you came back... Did something happened?"

"...the summon failed"

" H-Hmmm… Alexander.... i-if the summon failed, then what does that mean?" ”

"I told you to call me Alexander-senpai...  why the hell are you here?!!"

"You idiot brat, don't think you would get rid of me so easily after what you did to me!"

Alexander suddenly seems to recover, but he also seemed to be quite annoyed... listening to what he said, it looks that what he wanted to do did not turn out as he wanted. So, when he was distracted talking to the blonde girl, a bright light appears in the room and then another woman comes out of there.

She seemed to be a little older than the other girl... her hair is burgundy and was wearing shorts and a black blouse with straps that showed off her belly button... plus, she had an aura something intimidating around her, and she also have a tattoo on one arm that made her look even more like a criminal.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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