Soul Evolution System

Chapter 199: Day 2 (Part 3 )

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(POV Alexander)

"I'm in this place again..."

" Who the hell are you and what is this place ?! ”

Since Emilia-chan seemed quite confused and disoriented when I used the [Human Transmutation Scroll(Base Level 50)] that I had brought with me, I decided to quickly use the other one of [Random Summon Scroll ( Minimum Base Level 50)] which I also thought of using in this world.

The conditions that the system had imposed on me prohibited me from bringing some magic items, but betting that these could be used here, I had brought them with me. And so far, everything had been a success... well, 50% of this since it was still missing how this would end... and, things do not look very promising seeing the person in front who was now yelling at me...

Since the scroll this time would summon a random person, I had no choice but to just pray that it was someone who could help me in the world I was in now. My only consolation was that the person would be at least level 50, so the chance of that happening was somewhat high.

But seriously... why it had to be her? 

From what I know of her, she would certainly be someone who can be very useful on the world of B-tooom ... the problem is that I do not think that she is someone so understanding and will obey someone else's orders...

"Well... what's the last thing you remember before coming here?"

" Hmn? The last thing I remember?

Hmm... I think I had gone to sleep early because we had a job the next day... oh right, then a strange voice woke me up and told me that he would take me to a place where I would have to choose if I would go to another world with someone else...

Shit! It couldn't be that I was killed while sleeping, right? ”


Well... given the place where she lived before, the fact that she thinks that she was killed in her world while sleeping is not something so abnormal... I do not want to lie to her since that would complicate things in the future, but for now, I do not see a reason to say what I know ... let's say the conclusions she reached on her own are her problem.

Now what I must do is just to move the conversation forward...

"Well, the person you would go to another world with is me... so you have to choose if you want to come with me or not"

"You? Why should I go with you? No, more importantly, who the hell are you?

…Now that I see you closely, you are a pretty attractive little girl… if I could take you with me, then some pervert would probably give me a lot of money for you…”

… Well, I knew that she was not a saint. But seriously, what she says almost makes me spit blood!! Don't... calm down Alexander, you are here to convince her to go with you and not to fight her... take a deep breath and calm down.

“I'm sorry to ruin your plans, but I'm a man… besides, you don't know if you could hold me back to get out of this place and fulfill your purposes. Who knows? I may be the one to drag you out of here and end up taking you to a brothel to serve many clients.”

Well... even trying to calm myself, it seems impossible that I did not answer her previous words... although I must say that I was still being the most polite I could be.

Hearing me, she comes closer to me as she frowns and begins to examine me in more detail… although she is quite strong since her level is 78, and also various fighting skills such as [Gunslinger] [Self Defense] [High Perception ] [Agile movement] that my evaluation is showing, I don't think I'll lose to her in a fight if we had a battle...

It is certainly possible that she has more experience fighting, but here she does not have weapons and although her level is higher than mine a bit, my skills should compensate that...

When she gets right in front of me, I put myself a little on guard for what she could do… I think we're in a state like we're souls or something like that now, so perhaps we shouldn't be able to do physical harm to ourselves… but I don't want to find out what would happen if you die in this place after all.

It was good that she did not seem bothered by my words and only dedicated to observing me. In fact, due to her aura I can tell that she wasn't trying to do something bad to me, so maybe she just has a rough way of speaking…

" Khaaa! W-what the hell are you doing!!!”

Noticing her aura, I might let my guard down a bit... then noticing this, she unexpectedly directs her hand to my crotch without doubting anything until she holds my genitals...

... I think this also happened the last time I used a convocation scroll... is there some kind of requirement that the person I am summoning has to touch my penis?!!

[No... I think that's just your luck, Alexander]

Well...if it was her just touching me, then I would have no problem, in fact, I would even show her if she wants to. The problem I had is that this woman did not do the same as Kurisu who did it in a delicate way and even being it somewhat pleasant.

Instead, she used her hand as if holding a pair of walnuts and crushing them while playing with them!! At this moment I was experiencing a woman holding me firmly by the balls in a completely literal way!!

"L-Let go of me!"

" Haah !!"

This feeling was not pleasant at all, so I have to try to free myself somehow. So, my next action is to put my hands on her breasts, and right after finding her nipples, I pinch and twisting them hard. It was doing that or hitting her in the face to make her let go of me...

Since she was a little taller than me, her breasts were closer to me than her face and so I took the simpler option...

"W-What the hell are you doing little brat!!"

"That is what I should ask you !! Did you want to burst my balls? !! ”

"Well ... actually I didn't thought I would find something when touching you, so that was unexpected and my hand end up moving by reflex... seriously, I didn't thought I would find something there at first. ”

"Well, now you are clear that I am a man and that your stupid plan to take me away will not bear fruit"

"About that... maybe I'll even get more if I take you with certain types of people"

"Fuck you!!"

“ Tch… you should be grateful that I didn't do anything to you after what you did to me… my breasts are still burning, damned brat. Couldn't you be gentler if you wanted to touch my breasts? ”

“ Hmp~ I just wanted you to release me, don't think I'm so desperate to have to touch your breasts. If I wanted to do something like that, then I know other girls who have much better breasts than yours "

“D-Damn you brat… Fuck you!! Let's see if you can touch a girl's breasts after I break your hands!! ”

I can try to ignore insults or nonsense people say when they mistake me for a girl, but squeezing my balls would be my limit! So any attempt to look kind and understanding that I tried to carry out, had disappeared after this.

...but apparently, I was not the only one who was upset. After my last words, she turned to me again and this time I not even need to see her aura to understand that she did not come with good intentions.

Suddenly she lunges at me knocking me down, then in the next instant she tries to hit my face with her fist… damn! Does she really intend to hit someone with the appearance of a child?

Instinctively I put my arms in front of me covering myself and then I can feel several blows. T-This damn bitch had held me quite tightly with her legs as she positioned herself on top of me and kept me from moving.

With no other option, when I see that she retreats a bit to try to hit me again, this time I activate my [Limit-break] ability, and immediately I can see her movements as if she were in slow motion. Then moving my head to avoid her fist, I put my hands back on her breasts...

" Gyaaa!!"

Previously it is true that I had done it with force, but this time I do not contain anything and without compassion, I pinch her nipples again. Thanks to this she makes her body back trying to escape and finally I was able to move.

Without losing the opportunity, now we exchanged positions and I was the one who was on top of her... in this position I try to do what she had done before, but in the end I have to stop... I really didn't feel good by hitting a woman...

" Ouch !! Damn it! Can't you be more civilized? ”

A second after my indecision to hit her, she took my hand that I was supporting on one of her breasts, and then she bites me ... she also pulls my arm and hits me with her forehead on the face after that.

Minutes later we still continue  attacking each other... although I think it was me who was losing. Not because of the difference in strength, but because I could not hit her and so I could only play some perverted movements as pay back for her blows...

"Ha ... Ha ... Well, I must say that maybe I was wrong. Your breasts don't feel that bad as I had originally thought... Ha ... Ha ... "

"Ha ... Ha ... Damned lustful brat, you are stronger than you seem to be... how much time you will keep stroking my chest?! Let go of me now!! ”

After some time of being in this quarrel, we returned to one of the positions that we exchanged at first and I was positioning myself on top of her. But this time holding her neck with one hand to avoid her giving me another butting, while with my other hand I massaged her breast in a way more delicate than before.

... I don't know if it was because of the fight, or because of all the "caresses" between us, but now her nipples were as hard as stone... this should not count as taking advantage of her, this is compensation for all the blows she gave me!

Well... maybe I should stop doing this.

"It seems that we will not reach an agreement between us... it is a pity, now I have lost an opportunity to have another partner to help me on that island, haaa..."

I think after all this no matter what I say, I don't think I can convince her to come with me to the world of B- tooom. So, not wanting to waste any more time or prolong this fight any longer, I get up from her while expressing my thoughts out loud.

Probably seeing that I no longer wanted to continue this, she also doesn't try to hit me again and instead just watches me.

" System, get me out of here, return me with the other two girls."

I hope that the blows I received here have no consequences on the other side, otherwise I’m sure I will be very sore for a few days... damn it! I'm tired of getting hit by people I should be able to dominate with my strength, the next world I choose must be one where I learn how to fight! I have to hit anyone who hits me at least 10 times in revenge.

Moreover, I thought this world was one where only our conscience or spirit was present, so how come I feel pain ?!

[Your level of consciousness is very low, so it is impossible that you now know how to cancel your pain here. It can be said that for you, your soul is very similar to your body, or this is how you understand it and that is why you feel the same as if it were your body.

In fact, being in such a place, for you, it should be very dangerous since someone could seriously damage your soul. But don't worry Alexander, what you experienced as damage here is nothing significant, rather, you did it yourself because in your mind a blow implies pain and damage and so your mind worked to create it.

The same is for that girl... although once you two get out of here, everything will look like this was just a dream and you won't have any real damage]

Well... that certainly sounds like complicated things related to the mind and spirit. Most likely, to understand more about this, I will have to raise my soul level first. 

Aurora, can you get me out of here?

[ Sure, but do you really don’t want to try to convince that woman again? ]

... no, I think that is impossible now. I better start thinking about what I'll do once I get to the other side… I still have to give my new homunculus a name too.


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(POV Summoned Woman)

While I had my eyes on the red-haired boy who suddenly turned his back on me and started walking away from where I was, I rubbed my nipples a little since they were very sore... that damned brat really had no compassion for them, even sometimes I thought he wanted to rip them off from me!

I wanted to see them to examine if these hadn't deformed or something, but with him here I couldn't do it ... who knows? Maybe he'll take advantage of the fact that I don't have my clothes on to do it directly this time!

... I really want to kill that brat! No, I will capture him and sell him to a brothel, he will have his ass drilled all day this way!


Taking my eyes on him to see what the boy intended to do, he suddenly disappears as if he had never been there. Noticing this, I couldn't help the uncertainty and a little fear appearing in me.

I certainly didn't like the boy much, but I had two big problems now! One is that I don't really know how I got here and therefore, I had no idea how to get out of here… I could only see a blank world wherever I put my eyes on. I didn't know how long I would have to be here, or if I could get out of this place ...

Having no one to ask something or to talk to in this world that seemed so empty, it was nothing pleasant...

Also, there was a chance that I would have died and this is how I got here... if this is so, then I think I have ruined my chance to reincarnate ...


[This is the last chance for you to go to another world and accompany my host.

Do you want to follow it? ]

"W-Who is it? !! Who just spoke? Show yourself and don't hide! ”

When I was starting to get worried, I heard a voice and so I quickly started looking for the person who was speaking. Unfortunately no matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find anyone… besides, somehow I felt that the voice resonated directly in my head.

Remembering that when I came to this place previously something similar happened, only that that time I was a bit sleepy, I understand that it is most likely the person who brought me here.

Immediately I try to ask him more about what is happening and who it was, but I don't get an answer and they just repeat the sentence from before as if it were a machine...

"Well... at least if I'm dead, it seems like I can still follow that boy into his world..."

For a moment I thought it would be good if that voice gives me the option to return to where I was, but... is not as if I have a great life there. Who knows? maybe in that other world I can have a better life...

"It's okay! Take me with that brat!

... besides, I still can't forgive him with just a few punches, that damned brat practically groped every inch of my body after all!! So I have to make him pay for it. "

Making a decision, I give my answer to the person or thing that had brought me here and then I feel as if my consciousness fades for a short time.

When I open my eyes again, I was in what looked like a cabin and I quickly see the boy I met in that blank world… besides, he was accompanied by two other girls near him. 

Looking at them, then I can understand why this brat said that he had better options to harass someone... these two women were quite beautiful and surely if they were in a brothel they would be the girls with the highest number of clients.

"Why the hell are you here? !! ”

“You idiot brat, don't think that you would get rid of me so easily after what you did to me!”

When he saw me, he seemed quite surprised, and while answering him, I can't help but smile a little knowing that things for the boy did not go as he thought they would.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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