Soul Evolution System

Chapter 200: Day 2 (Part 4)

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(POV Alexander)

"Why the hell are you here? !!"

"You damned brat, don't think you would get rid of me so easily after what you did to me!"

I probably should be glad to see this woman here, but oddly I didn't have any trace of happiness in me when I saw her, instead, I was just surprised... seriously, it couldn't be that this mad woman just followed me here to keep going with the quarrel we had before, right? Didn't she want to return to her world and dedicate herself to doing some criminal acts as she always does?

"Why the hell didn't you return to your world?! I don't think I did something too serious for you to follow me here to keep complaining, right? ”

"  How is that's not something serious?! You have groped every part of my body!! ”

"W-Well... that may be true, but with the blows you gave me, it should be enough for you to vent and go back to your world, right?!"

"D-Did you really touch her?  I don't know if I should praise you for having the guts to do that to a person like her, or despising you for what you did... "

"What do you mean by someone like her, little bitch?! Do you think that because you have big breasts you are more woman than me?!! ”

"Hiiii ..."

It seems that she misinterpreted Emilia's words, she must have referred to her attitude more than her appearance... although perhaps I should thank her aggressive attitude that makes Emilia not think as if I had taken advantage of her, or even worse, something like if I had tried to rape her. 

Most likely seeing the attitude of this woman, she decided not to think about it much and her affection did not diminish this time… well, certainly this woman I summoned does not look like someone a man could take advantage of.

It is a curious thing to see that even the fear of men that Emilia has is suppressed by the fear that she causes when she yells at her, when that happens, she quickly approaches me as if looking for protection.

“Tch… well, it doesn't matter. The truth is that I didn't know I could go back to my world... or rather, I wasn't sure I could. Still, that's also your fault for leaving without even explaining anything, damned brat!! ”

"Oh, right ..."

After hearing what she says, I realize that she is right and this is probably partly my fault. Due to everything that happened in the white world, I did not have time to explain things very well. Although I must say that she also shares some responsibility with me… besides, the system should also have explained things to her before coming here, right?

"…Where are we? Is this another world?

… It looks the same to me as the place I was before, I don't see anything different. ”

Probably seeing that I had calmed down, she does the same and begins to look the environment in more detail and also ask some questions. Since this is a level 1 world like hers, then she shouldn't notice any significant difference… I think all worlds on that level are very similar.

And since she is here, at least I'll make her help to us in this world... she has a bad character but if I am a little patient and try to win her trust, then she will be a very reliable ally.

"Master... who is she? She doesn't seem like someone reasonable... do you want me to take care of her? ”

"Woooh! Does this little bitch know how to do more than move her hips on a man? Hehehe I want to see how you take care of me, come on, go ahead and try it ”


"…Yes Master."

Unfortunately, my homunculus does not have the same thoughts and she seemed ready to fight now so I have to stop her… well, at least I know she is brave to fight someone 2 limits higher than her. Although I don't know if I should say that she has enough self-confidence, or if she's a bit impulsive...

"You should also calm down, the situation we are in is not very good, and the best thing would be to work among ourselves to be able to get out of this.

So it's better that we start again from the beginning, for now let's introduce ourselves to each other. I am Alexander, she is Emilia, and she is… well, she still doesn't have a name but that will change soon”



"... she doesn’t have a name? Well, whatever. I'm Rebecca Lee, but only with Revi is fine."

After 2 of us three say hello, she watches us for a short time and then relaxes a bit and tells us who she is.

Yes, the woman who was randomly summoned was none other than Revi from the Black Lagoon world... Honestly, she always seemed like a very good woman to me, at least in the anime. But the moment I saw her in the white world, at that moment I knew that it would not be easy to deal with her. Although... despite this, I have to say that I was also a little happy to meet her in person.

Also, since technically the summons had been a success, now I could see her status and therefore I understood very well that she would be of great help here...


Name: Rebecca Lee

Race: Human

Age: 26 years

Level: 78

Soul level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (30)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[ High Perception-S ] [Instinctive Reflexes- S] [ Gunslinger- A ]


[ Flexible Movement - D] [Agile Movement-E ] [Fight-D] [Rapid Fire- D] [Precise Fire-C]

Magic: None


[Acrobat- C] [Self defense : (No style)D ] [Mercenary -C] [Pirate- D] [Bounty hunter- E]

Affection: 50 (Neutral) Loyalty: 50 (Neutral) ]    

… Damn, she really just think of me like if I’m some random person. No... perhaps I should be glad that at least her loyalty and affection have those numbers and were not even lower... maybe if it had been another girl who I did that in the white world, then the numbers would probably be negative ... are there negative numbers in those values to begin with? 

“Answering your previous question, we are now on an island… perhaps you are in luck since this is a vacation island with beautiful beaches, lush vegetation, where people throw fireworks all the time, and where you can notice the smell of roast beef throughout the day. ”

"Really? That doesn't sound bad! ”

"... H-He is probably joking... although maybe everything he said has some truth on it... o-or rather, that's a very positive way of seeing this place..."

" ... What do you mean, girl? ”

"T-The truth is that most of the people here were kidnapped and thrown on this island so they kill each other...

Those fireworks that Alexander says… that Alexander-senpai says, are bombs like these… I-I think you can imagine what he meant by the smell of roast meat. ”

"... W- What?

What the hell? Where the hell did you bring me, damned brat? Why the hell did you bring me to this hell?!! ”

“Well… technically, you came here on your own, so you can't blame this on only me. Also, as far as I know, your world was not a paradise either, so don't complain so much ”

" Dam it! Now I will really kill you brat!!

I certainly know that the place where I lived was also hell, but at least that was a hell that I knew very well!! And, in that place at least I had my weapons!! 

On the other hand, here are guys carrying bombs with them while I don't even have a damn bullet!! ”


After processing what Emilia told her, she runs and holds me up by my shirt … it's not so unpleasant to have her face so close, but unfortunately, I doubt very much that she wants to kiss me.

Seeing this, my new homunculus quickly stands by my side and prepares to fight with Revi so I have to stop her again so she doesn't complicate matters any further. Revi was annoyed, but I wasn't really worried about this. If she actually wanted to kill me, I don't think she can do it that easily.

After all, as she mentioned a moment ago, right now she doesn't have her weapons with her. Thanks to this, it's possible that we can solve things by talking… or I hope so, I don't want to have to go through another fight with her here in the real world… feeling her body with my hands was nice, but each blow also hurt a lot!

“Revi, you can't escape having some responsibility for your situation, so we better talk about it. You cannot return to your world now, and the way things are now, then you only have two options...

The first is to stay mad at me and go on your own... but I would not recommend that, as you have heard from Emilia-chan, things outside are not easy and if you go alone someone may end up blowing you up in the air.

The second is to stay with us and we all help each other, I think that way there are much more possibilities that we all get out of here alive.

Also... I can promise you that after this if you want, I can take you to your world... and it doesn't have to be empty-handed, I can pay you for your help here. ”

"No... I also have another option, I can kill you now. At least that way I will feel much better ”

"That wouldn't be a very good idea... and I'm not just saying it for myself. If you do that, then you will lose your only way to get out of this world... and since you agreed to be summoned here, your life may be linked to me. So if you kill me, then you would probably die the same way ”

"W-What did you say? Is my life tied to you now?!! ”

Well... that last one is just my invention, maybe if she thinks this is so, then she would be a little more docile. I have never asked what would happen to the summoned girl if I die... they may only stay in the world where they are, maybe they would return to their world, or... there is also that possibility that I said now.

Do you know what will happen to my summons if I die, Aurora?

[No, I don't really know either. Although I do know that if you die, then I will die since I am linked to you.

As for the other girls, I think the most likely thing that will happen if you were to die, it is that they would stay in the world they are… I don't think Cross will go to the trouble of returning them to their original world after all.]

Well… I'm glad that at least the girls would still be alive if something bad happened to me, I couldn't bear them sharing the same fate as me. Also, I really regret that this affects you, Aurora ...

[Don't worry Alexander. I have told you that I will still follow the purpose for which I was originally created, so if you die, I fear that I would also lose that... it could be said, that it is what drives my existence at this moment.

Besides, the concept of life and death for me still does not feel so real]

…Well, that's probably because you don't have a physical body.


" Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!

...This is complete bullshit! ”

“Okay, so what do you decide to do Revi. Actually, we have things to do and I don't have so much time to wait for you to make up your mind. ”

While I had a conversation with Aurora in my head, I was also waiting for Revi to calm down a bit and make a decision. Well, the truth is that I'm also worried that my homunculus would lose patience because of how she is holding me in the air holding my clothes... I thought Leona only acted that way because she had a militarized personality, but now I think their race has a rather overprotective attitude towards their master.

Unfortunately, after a couple of minutes I don't see Revi calm down and so I have to speak to continue our conversation.

“… Do you say that you can return me to my world, later? Also ... what do you mean with pay me? What will you pay me with? ”

“…If you want to return to your world after all this, then I promise that I will take you there when I can. And, I can pay you with gold… a lot of gold. ”

" ... Gold? Do you have gold with you? !! ”

“Do I look like a bank or a mine? This is kept in a safe place… ”

This was not something I said just to make her help me, when we leave this world I can keep my word and give her gold if she wants to go to her world. After all, in HOTD I think there must be a lot of gold abandoned in the banks... the truth is that this stopped being useful there and in Gaia, it had no value since it seems that it is different from the gold of that world... it was a big disappointment when I find out about that by the way.

So if Revi wants gold, I do not mind giving her several tons if she wants them... all I'll have to do is ask the soldiers in HOTD to gather it. Although for her to have it, we must first finish the missions of this world, and then she will have to wait until I have time to take a trip to her world.


"W-What's wrong? You are not regretting now, are you ?! ”

"No, I just wanted to give you the advice of not to fall in love with me because then you won’t want to return to your world to spend all that gol- Ghaa!

Damn that hurts! couldn't you let me go in a delicate way?”

"Master, are you alright? Do you want me to break that woman's hands? ”

Hearing me say that, she throws me to the ground... I was just giving her advice! Why is she mistreating me? Well... at least I can see that my homunculus cares a lot about me... but for now let's do the same as Revi and ignore what she says.

"Hmp~ You looked for it yourself. Also, you don't have to worry about that happening, I have no preference for women ”

"Fuck! Didn’t you squeeze my balls before and still think I'm a girl ?! ”

“… It is impossible that someone with your age and complexion has something of that size between your legs, I know that you should have put something in your underwear”

... that was a spirit world, and therefore I don't think you can do something like that, but explaining that to her would be complicated, besides... unfortunately I cannot say that her logic is wrong.

So with no alternative, I stand up, brush the dust off my clothes, and then...


"L-Lie ... really is something there... b-besides, why is it so big ?! Are you seriously a child?”

"Whoh! You are amazing, master… ”

"Kyaaaa !! W-What are you doing, Alexander? W-Why do you drop your pants? !! ”

"Well, she doubted that I was a man and since I don't want her to check it again with her hands, then this was the only way to solve her doubts"

Yes, I thought that the most direct way and by which Revy would not have more doubt about my gender was to introduce her to my life partner. As a result, she opens her eyes wide as she also seems to lose the ability to control her jaw for a while, and then she finally says something.

Furthermore, since my homunculus remained squatting even after I stood up, I could feel her breath a little when she talked about my member. She seemed to be curious enough about it since it seems she wanted to grab it with her hands… she was even putting her index finger close as if she wanted to touch my penis like it was a little animal and wanted to see how it reacted.

On the other hand, Emilia who was the one who screamed now covered her eyes with her hands and turned her body to look away. Although... she still left large holes in the hands and turned her neck in this direction... if you want to watch it, then simply do that. If you keep doing that, you may hurt your neck from having to turn so much...

Even though she is afraid of men, it seems that she still maintains curiosity like any other young woman about this... well, since it is not as if I am restricting her and forcing her to see it, I think it is normal that instead of fear, what awakens in her is only curiosity.

Well, since I had experienced a bad situation before with someone holding my buddy, I really didn't want to someone touch my genitals for now. Also, I didn't want Emilia to hurt her neck, so I put back up my pants and underwear.

"Okay, now that things have been cleared up, then try not to fall in love with me, Revi."

“Hmp~ You may be a man, but I have no interest in little ones who are barely growing hair down there. So don't worry, moreover… if that happens, then I will fulfill whatever wish you have, boy ”

"Hehehe, I hope you remember those words if that happens...

Well, then with this is fixed, let's move on to the next thing… I think I should give you your name now, right? ”

"Please, master."

Stopping looking at Revi, I immediately put my eyes on my homunculus that had remained with the hand in the air and now only looked at my pants directly where my crotch was... It even gives me the feeling that she is thinking about whether she should take it out again by herself.

"Well, then your name will be..."


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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